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The idea of cycling has been around since the 1400s.

A man named Giovanni Fontana made a human powered vehicle. The bicycle! he had designed had changed from 4 wheels to two wheels in 1"1#. $n the 1"%0s bicycles started to become more popular because they were mass produced. The wor&ing men generally had bicycles and would use it as a form of transportation and commuting. 4 years later the first messenger service is created. The service not only enables good health but also delivering items in a certain amount of time. The messenger is still used today and there are many companies around the 'ay area that provide this service. (ostmates is a great e)ample of a messenger service. They have cyclist that get paid on the amount of orders that they deliver. There are many people in the world that have weight problems and are trying out different ways of losing weight and being healthy. There are also many people that commute to wor& with a car or a bus. The more cars that are used* the more damage is done to the environment. The perfect way to solve these two issues is to cycle. +ycling to wor& provides people with a better health and a ,uic& way to commute to wor&-school. 'i&ing ma&es the world a better place. .ost manufactured items in the world use up materials that are harmful to the environment. All manufactured goods have environmental impact* but bicycles can be produced for a fraction of the materials* energy and shipping costs of a car!1. Funding for a car is also fairly e)pensive compared to a bi&e. $n /an Francisco* a functioning bi&e will cost no more than 100 dollars. +ommuting in the car is also e)pensive. 0ou have to pay for gas* insurance* par&ing spaces* and part replacements. For a bi&e you don1t have to worry about any of that* e)cept maybe 2ust a durable bi&e loc&. $f youre headed to anything important* li&e wor&* bi&ing is a completely green form of transportation thats free 3so long as you have a bi&e4 and provides some great e)ercise to boot. As +lar&e puts it* $nstead of slouching in front of the steering wheel cursing rush hour traffic* bi&ing to wor& adds an additional calorie burn to your daily or occasional routine.! 5ith +ommute /olutions estimating the cost of a 106mile roundtrip to wor& at 710 3including gas* insurance* maintenance* initial costs and indirect fees4* its definitely a good idea to consider ta&ing your bi&e instead.!8 A bicycle does not burn gas or leave carbon footprints. A bicycle also will ma&e the road last longer. The reasoning behind that is because a car is e)tremely heavy compared to a bi&e and the more cars that go over the road the ,uic&er it will degrade. 9astly* employers li&e wor&ers that commute to wor&. (eople that ride to wor& are generally healthier than people that drive cars and the healthier the wor&ers are the less wor& that they will miss and they are most li&ely to perform better.
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/an Franciscos bi&ing community has grown bigger and bigger. /an Francisco too& a big step by providing bi&es that a rentable and affordable. Around the city there are rac&s of blue bi&es that people can rent. /an Francisco is somewhat new to this idea in comparison to the world. There are several places in :urope that cycling are peoples main form of transportation. /ome cities 3such as ;ome and Athens4 are not yet set up well for bi&ers* but ,uite a few 3particularly /toc&holm* Amsterdam* +openhagen* 9ucca* Florence* /al<burg* .unich* and 'ruges4 are a delight on two wheels* offering an e)tensive networ& of well6 mar&ed bi&e lanes.!= .y brother has personally been to +openhagen and has described it as a city where bi&ing is the main type of transportation. The blue bi&es are e)panding around the bay area too. >p north in marin* there are bi&es that people can rent* and down south in redwood city people can also rent bi&es. This covers a lot of the bay area but not enough. The more rac&s that there are in the city the higher chance a person will rent and ride a bi&e. There are also many organi<ations that provide people with bi&es that are unable to pay the steep prices a normal bi&e shop. 9abor can also be done by the certain organi<ations. $n /an Francisco there are organi<ations called the 'i&e ?itchen and (ro2ect 0ellow 'i&e. (ro2ect 0ellow bi&e recently opened up in the Tenderloin and they sell used parts-bi&es for a very affordable price. 9abor at the (ro2ect 0ellow 'i&e is also very cheap. ;egularly shops will charge up to 100 dollars to get your bi&e fi)ed. At (ro2ect 0ellow 'i&e it cost 80 dollars ma)imum. The 'i&e ?itchen is also very similar. The price is roughly @ buc&s to use the tools that the shop has to offer. The funding part is also important part for cycling. 0ou need to have funds for a bi&e* and the government needs funds for ma&ing bi&e lanes. The bi&e &itchen and (ro2ect yellow bi&e already ma&e bi&es very cheap* and there are organi<ations li&e the 'i&e +oalition group that always as& for donations to improve cycling in the bay area* but specifically /an Francisco. (ro2ect yellow bi&e says that Aolunteers refurbish bi&es. Then we sell them to the community to reduce landfill and raise funds for outreach programs.!4 The bi&e lanes may seem easy to ma&e* but the government has to pay the wor&ers and purchase the materials. They also have to ma&e if for miles and not 2ust for a couple of bloc&s* ma&ing it very e)pensive. Bverall* The creation of groups li&e the bi&e &itchen and (ro2ect 0ellow bi&e promotes people to bi&e more and bi&es are getting easier and easier to access. 5hat /an Francisco is doing now is big and will get people to start bi&ing more. The fitness of a person is important and could really e)pand there life time. 5hen
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people start commuting on their bi&es more often* they will start to be faster than a car or a bus. 9ast but not least* bi&ing really helps the environment. The more cars that run* the hotter the environment gets and it 2ust causes a huge chain affect. 'i&ing is beneficial for not only yourself but everything around you. 'ibliographyC De Eartog* Feroen Fohan* et al. GDo the health benefits of cycling outweigh the ris&sH.G Environmental health perspectives 11"." 380104C 110%. B2a* (.* et al. GEealth benefits of cyclingC a systematic review.G Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports 81.4 380114C 4%I6@0%. ;o2as6;ueda* David* et al. GThe health ris&s and benefits of cycling in urban environments compared with car useC health impact assessment study.G BMJ=4= 380114. (ucher* Fohn* and 9ewis Di2&stra. G.a&ing wal&ing and cycling saferC lessons from :urope.G Transportation Quarterly @4.= 380004C 8@6@0. 'assett Fr* David ;.* et al. G5al&ing* cycling* and obesity rates in :urope* Jorth America* and Australia.G Journal of physical activity & health @.I 3800"4. 'uehler* ;alph* and Fohn (ucher. G'ig +ity +ycling in :urope* Jorth America* and Australia.G Pucher, J, Buehler, R eds 380184C 8"#6=1". /ourcesC
Name of Source Bikenomics: How bicycling can save the economy v=KgZjbDHxRKI

Type of Soruce Books Film/Documentary Interview Quality internet sites

Justification for your choice funding for biking Video on place Im interning at. Interview city cyclist If your looking for extreme health benefits, race

Local cyclist
http://www.usacycling.o g/

Name of Source
!hy"cycling"is"a"healthy"option" $%&'()$* http://www.bette bhcv*/bhca ticles.ns+/pages/,ycling -health-bene+its?open

Type of Soruce Peer review articles

Justification for your choice health benefits

Quality internet sites

benefits of cycling

City Cycling In the city of bikes: The story of the Amsterdam cyclist

Books Books

health/enviromental benefits cycling globaly

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