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TWS 6 Analysis of Student Learning Data on Whole Class The tables below shows the data I collected before,

during, and after my Showcase Lesson. My Objective for this is lesson was for students to learn what an adjective was and how to recognize it in a sentence.

Pre Assessment Checklist Student 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Absent X X X X X Absent X Not Participating/ (Resource) X Absent X Not participating/ (Resource) X Absent X Absent Not participating/ (Resource) Absent Absent X Raised Hands Y Correct Answers

During Assessment Student 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Absent X X X X X X Absent Raised Hands Y Y Y Y Correct Answers

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

X Not participating/ (Resource) X Absent X Not Participating/ (Resource) X Absent X Absent Not Participating / (Resource) Absent Absent X



Post Assessment Student 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Worksheet Completed Absent X X X X X X Absent X Not participating/out of class (Resource) X Absent X Not Participating/out of class (Resource) X Absent X Absent Not Participating / out of class (Resource) Absent Absent X All Answers Correct Y Y Y y Y Y Y


KEY X: Participated Y: Called on and had correct answer Not participating: Student was not in class for lesson Blank: Not called on

To summarize, my data showed that students knew what a noun, verb, and parts of a sentence were. That was my pre-assessment. The during assessment was for students to give me the adjective in the sentence that was either on the board or stated aloud. All students who were in class raised their hands because they understood the concept of the lesson. Every student that was called on answered the question correctly. The post assessment consisted of a worksheet, every student, but two had all of the answers on the worksheet correct. Results of Three Individual Students When I examined the data for my low-achieving student, the pre-assessment showed that they were unaware of what I was talking about when answering the question. The student did not raise their hand. During the lesson, the student was more engaged and participated in all activities and when called on was able to answer the question correctly. The post assessment showed that the student understood the objective and was able to correctly answer all of the questions on the worksheet. When I examined the data for my middle-level student, the pre- assessment showed that they knew the answer to all the questions that were being asked. During the lesson, the student was able to answer the questions correctly and elaborate on the objective. The post- assessment showed that the student understood the objective fully and was to correctly answer all of the questions on the worksheet. When examined the data for my high- achieving student had an idea of what an adjective could be. During the lesson, the student was able to elaborate on the objective and give sentences with multiple adjectives in it. The student was also helping other students to understand. The post-assessment showed that the student knew and understood the objective. The student was able to finish the worksheet front and back in less than 10 minutes. It is important to understand the learning of these particular students, because as a teacher you should know what they can and cannot do. You want to challenge the high achiever and help the help the low achiever to try their best and keep them interested, the lesson. Each student has to be approached differently, that is why it is important to know you students on this level. Attached, you will find example of these three students post assessments.

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