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Part 3: Critical Thinking Item Authors Response

In what ways did your knowledge about child development help you describe the child, identify family influences, and address the concept and importance of racial identity?

The knowledge about child development helped me describe the child, identify family influences and address the concept and importance of racial identity. The knowledge is my base. It helps me understand and conduct reliable, relevant research. Research that informs my judgment about the child and methods/strategies, lesson planning, and child educating.

What concepts from this course most helped guide the development of your communication plan? Of those concepts, which were new to you?

Communication, collaboration, and respect are the basis for the development of my communication plan. The concept was not new, but the execution of supporting all kinds of families was very detailed and facilitated ideas on how to conduct it successfully. The method of inclusion was the same result. It was not a new concept, but the thought and examples of resources and possibilities was extremely important and beneficial. What was new and made a real impression was the R.E.R.U.N. (Reflect, Explain, Reason, Understand, and Negotiate) method. I believe it supports the best way to keep communication and your mind open and resolving conflicts with thought and compromise.

List 5 concepts you learned in this class and explain how you will use them in working with children and families

Concepts: 1. R.E.R.U.N. (Reflect, Explain, Reason, Understand, and Negotiate) method 2. Communicating across cultures

How you will use them 1. To work with people to resolve conflicts. 2. To communicate sincerely and effectively - by being mindful of cultural nuances. 3. To embrace all classes to accept one another. Its just one of our many differences. 4. Establish a holiday plan in the beginning of the session so everyone is aware and agreed for the benefit of the class. 5. To inform parents/caregivers of the issues and work with them for the benefit of the child even if they just consider them buzz words.

3. Foster nonclassist interactions

4. Developing a holiday plan

5. Separation and attachment issues

Identify and properly cite at least 5 resources used in the development of this artifact.


Arizona Department of Economic Security (Ed.). (2013). Child Care Administration Child Care Professional Training Curriculum (Module VI: A: Child Care Licensing, pp. 12, 19, 21 & 28), Arizona: press not listed 2. Derman-Sparks, L. & Olsen Edwards, J. (2010). Anti-Bias Education for Young Children and Ourselves, Washington, D.C.: National Association for the Education of Young Children (pp. 31-41, 4762) 3. Gonzalez-Mena, Janet (2008). Diversity in Early Care and Education: Honoring Differences (5th edition), Washington, D.C.: National Association for the Education of Young Children (pp. 11-19, 32, 63-71, 83-87, 106-120, 131-134, 138-148) 4. Koster, J.B. (2012). Growing Artists Teaching the Arts to Young Children (5th edition), Wadsworth Belmont, CA: Cengage Learning (pp. 70 & 80) 5. Miller, D.F. (2013). Positive Child Guidance (7th edition), Wadsworth Belmont, CA: Cengage Learning (pp. 5, 8, 119-131) 6. Peterson, S.H., Puckett, M.B. & Wittmer, D.S. (2013). The Young Child: Development from Prebirth through Age Eight (6th edition), Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. (pp. 14, 24, 27-29, 116 316, 318, 343 & 354)

Checklist of Developmentally Appropriate Milestones For Preschoolers (ages 4 5 years old)

Physical Development
Large Motor Moves with control (Walking, running, skipping, etc) Moves with balance Coordinates movements to perform tasks (Throw/catch ball, climbing playground equipment, etc)


Small Motor Use hands to manipulate objects X

(Ties shoes, use of eating utensils, controls learning tools, construction, puzzles, writing utensils, etc) Use hand-eye coordination X

Cognitive Development
Takes turns Can count up to 10 objects Can sort objects by two attributes (shape & color) Can follow three instructions given at the same time X X X X

(I.e. put the toys away, wash your hands, and take a seat at the snack table.) Can place objects in a line from largest to smallest X

Language & Literacy Development Speaks with over 4 words per sentence Understands that letters form words Tries to write own name Uses good grammar when speaking Asks direct questions Acts out elaborate events which tell a story Pronunciation Dictates thoughts & ideas to adults Sustains or expands conversation X X X X X X emerging X emerging

Social/Emotional Development
Expresses personal feelings Shows empathy for others Interacts positively with others Asks for help Cleans up after self Shares supplies/ toys Engages in fantasy or dramatic play Additional Notes: M displays speech impediment - stutter Referrals Recommended: Speech pathologist More one on one conversations with M Encourage pairs/small group discussions Incorporating singing and read along activities X X X X X X X

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