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Career Research Rubric

Naviance Career Survey o Completed and checked off by teacher Amended your plan o Taking classes that relate to your career of choice Professional Email Draft o Send email for professional to teacher first to be checked off o Teacher will need to send you back an email stating you may send the email Final Draft o Email the professional with your questions o CC the teacher to the email Thank you Letter o Send the professional a thank you email for taking the time to answer the questions o CC the teacher to the email Career/College Research Presentation (upload to Research folder on Google Drive) Method o Used one of the following to put the information together Microsoft PowerPoint Google Slides Prezi Glogster o Format Spelling and grammar Creative Pictures used Information is accurate Career Research o Description of career o Education/Experience required o Salary information o Pictures of appropriate dress for career College Research o Identify one college that leads to chosen career o Requirements to get in o Basic info about college Location Cost Major that leads to career Two unique things about the college Pictures of college, location, website, etc. Presentation o Professional o Speaks clearly o 2-3 minutes Job Application (upload to Research folder on Google Drive) Job Listing o Attach job listing you are applying for inside of your Career Research Google Folder Resume o Personal Information Name Street address City, state, zip code Phone Number Professional Email address o Job Objective One sentence stating what job you are applying for and where Uses a strong verb o Education School Address Graduation date GPA o Work Experience Place of Employment Dates worked at place of employment Job title (use italics) Describe your position using bullets and strong verbs o Community Activities Activity (in bold) 100 points 50 points 50 points 150 points 50 points

50 points

50 points

350 points 50 points

50 points

100 points

100 points

100 points

300 points 100 points 100 points

Describe what you did using a strong verb Dates involved o Awards Title of award Month, year o Skills Bullet point any skills you have Use strong verbs o References Three adults who are not your relatives or friends Name Position Complete address City, State, Zip Code Area Code/Phone Number Cover Letter o Personal Information Name Bold 16 point font Street Address City, State, Zip Code Phone Number Professional Email Address o Date o Salutation To whom it may concern Dear (name of person) o Opening Paragraph State where you found the job What job you are applying for o Middle Paragraph Summary of your background and critical skills Persuasive paragraph with a few soft skills o Last Paragraph Leave your contact information Thank the person for considering Reflection (upload to Research folder on Google) Two complete paragraphs reflecting on: 1. What did you learn? 2. How will this help you in the future?

100 points

100 points 50 points 50 points


_____ /1000 points

Points 1000-950 949-900 899-850 849-800 799-750 749-700 699-650 649-600 599-550 549-500 499-450 449-400 399-350 349-300 299-250 249-200 199-150 149-100 99-50 49-0

Grade 95-100 94-90 89-85 84-80 79-75 74-70 69-65 64-60 59-55 54-50 49-45 44-40 39-35 34-30 29-25 24-20 19-15 14-10 9-5 4-0

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