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9th Grade Honors Biology Newsletter

Newsletter Date Jan 30, 2014 Volume 1, Issue 1 Miss Savannah M. Slater

Onion Root Tip Cells

Contents Welcome Projects Upcoming Events Rules Consequences Rewards 1 1 1 2 2 2

Welcome to 9th grade honors biology! This class will cover the basics of biology going from the smallest units of life, cells, to multicellular organisms of animals and plants. This will be a rigorous and intense class with a focus on getting you the student prepared for the world of AP and the world of collegiate biology. There will be a few projects throughout the year. Some will be in class, others in groups, some by yourself.

This year I plan to have a few hands on projects to help you understand the importance of biology. One is a book report (GASP) on the Book "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks" by Rebekah Skloot. This women died back in the 1950's yet her cells still live on to this day. The next project is a animal cell diagram. I will want you to have a three dimensional representation of an animal cell with the major organelles labeled. Another project is going to be to see if you are a super taster. It will test your ability to see what your taste buds can recognize compared to your peers. The last project of the year will be a frog dissection. In groups of two, you and your partner will dissect the frog and be able to figure out if it was male for female and be able to recognize major organs. As of right now there is no set due date for these projects they will be assigned at the beginning of the unit and will be due at the end of the unit unless it's an in class project.

Upcoming Projects

Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks Animal Cell Diagram Are you a super taster? Frog Disection

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Grade Level News

School Newsletter


These rules are in place to keep you and the other students safe while we use lab equipment. By following these rules we are sure to have a great year!
1. Be respectful of lab equipment and of fellow students. 2. Do not play around in lab. Any horsing around during labs will result in an immediate referral to the office and a thousand-word paper on the importance of lab safety. 3. Use respectful language in class. No cursing or name calling 4. Be seated and have all materials ready by the time the bell rings. 5. Do not eat in class.

The structure of DNA

"No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experimentation can prove me wrong." -Albert Einstein (1879-1955) All I ask of you is to follow the rules. If you break a rule there is a consequence. At the end of every week the count starts over but I do keep my eye on misbehaving students. If the crime deems a further warning one will be given.
First offence: Warning Second offence: 15 minute detention Third Offence: 30 minute detention and 500 word essay about the importance of rules Fourth Offense: A phone call home and an hour detention Fifth Offence: A disciplinary referral to the front office

1. 2. 3. 4. Homework pass 2 Homework passes and Quiz pass 10 bonus points to any grade of your choice

They are given out as I deem fit.

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