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Savannah Slater Useful Websites Cells Alive

htm This website has interactive cells where the student can click on each organelle and see its function and what it looks like in a cell. PBS Learning Material Anything from PBS will be good quality and be very informative. It has videos covering a wide range of materials from evidence for evolution to biomes of the world. The Heart and the Circulatory System Accessexcellence explains the circulatory system very in depth and has activities at the end the students can do. Plus on another page there was things for lab assignments BioMan This website has interactive games and would be a great tool for students to have "fun" while learning science. It is an actual game instead of interactive text. Inside a Leaf It explains the leaf parts in depth. Honestly, it is kind of boring but explains the concept well. DNA Replication GREAT WEBSITE! It is very interactive and supplements a book so it will be very straightforward. Explains the difficult concept of DNA replication with all the correct terminology Vision Learning Although it is not interactive, this website explain the properties of water. Very organized. Khan Academy I would not actually teach with this website, it would be a resource for the students who did not grasp the concepts in class. Khan Academy is very good at explaining concepts to their viewers.

Mendel This website explains the concept of Mendel's Genetics, Mendel is planting the pea plants and explains the concepts, Interactive. Science: Human Body and Mind This website is an interactive way to learn about the human body and the mind. Very good for learning the systems of the human body. There is alot you can learn from the site. A Guided Tour of A Visible Human This website offers a view of all the internal structures of a human. It shows mucles, bones, and important organ systems. The Human Genome Project This website maps out all of the human genome. Students would be able to see what makes us different from other similar life. The Talking Glossary of Genetic Terms This website provides students a study tool, while also teaching them the correct way to pronounce genetic related words. Animal Diversity Web This website would be beneficial when show the different phylum of life. It would also help keep students organized in their thinking. BioInteractive Shows different things. Is an interactive website providing students with the tools to learn Kids Biology Although it is a kids site, this website provides a basic example of how biology works and functions Teaching Chi-squared Analysis This is a difficult concept to teach and this website does a good job of explaining it.

Missbakesbiologyclass This blog is a great study tool to help students learn the material. Biology in Motion This website is centered more towards the life sciences and is interactive in the fact that the games students play will teach them about life Biology Resource This website is a great study tool and goes into an in-depth explanation of all the course material we would cover.

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