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Reportagem tirada do site - Outubro 2002


Epiparasitic plants specialized on arb sc lar !"corr#izal $ n%i

MARTIN I. BIDARTONDO* ! DIR" R#D#$"#R %! I&AB#''# (I)RI%! ANDR#& *I#M"#N%! T(OMA& D. BR+N&*! 'A+RA DOM,N-+#./! A'I$IA &0R&I$/! )ONAT(AN R. '#A"# 1 DA2ID ). R#AD Department o3 45ant 1 Microbia5 Bio5og6! +ni7ersit6 o3 $a5i3ornia! Ber8e5e6! $a5i3ornia 9:;20<=02! +&A % Institute o3 Botan6! +ni7ersit6 o3 Base5! (ebe5strasse =! :0>? Base5! &wit@er5and / Instituto Mu5tidiscip5inario de Bio5ogAa 2egeta5! $.$. :9>! $Brdoba >000! Argentina Department o3 Anima5 1 45ant &ciences! +ni7ersit6 o3 &Ce33ie5d! &Ce33ie5d &=0 2TN! +" TCese autCors contributed eDua556 to tCis wor8 $orrespondence and reDuests 3or materia5s sCou5d be addressed to M.I.B. Ee-mai5F martinbGnature.ber8e5e6.eduH. O7er :00 non-pCotos6ntCetic species 3rom =0 3ami5ies o3 7ascu5ar p5ants obtain tCeir carbon 3rom 3ungi and are tCus de3ined as m6co-CeterotropCs. Man6 o3 tCese p5ants are epiparasitic on green p5ants 3rom wCicC tCe6 obtain carbon b6 IcCeatingI sCared m6corrCi@a5 3ungi. #piparasitic p5ants eJamined to date depend on ectom6corrCi@a5 3ungi 3or carbon trans3er and eJCibit eJceptiona5 speci3icit6 3or tCese 3ungi! but 3or most m6co-CeterotropCs neitCer tCe identit6 o3 tCe 3ungi nor tCe sources o3 tCeir carbon are 8nown. Because man6 m6co-CeterotropCs grow in 3orests dominated b6 p5ants associated witC arbuscu5ar m6corrCi@a5 3ungi EAMKL pC65um -5omerom6cotaH! we proposed tCat epiparasitism wou5d occur a5so between p5ants 5in8ed b6 AMK. On a g5oba5 sca5e AMK 3orm tCe most widespread m6corrCi@ae! tCus tCe abi5it6 o3 p5ants to cCeat tCis s6mbiosis wou5d be CigC56 signi3icant. *e ana56sed m6corrCi@ae 3rom tCree popu5ations o3 Arachnitis uniflora E$orsiaceae! Monocot65edonaeH! 3i7e Voyria species and one Voyriella species E-entianaceae! Dicot65edonaeH! and neigCbouring green p5ants. (ere we sCow tCat non-pCotos6ntCetic p5ants associate witC AMK and can disp5a6 tCe cCaracteristic speci3icit6 o3 epiparasites. TCis suggests tCat AMK mediate signi3icant inter-p5ant carbon trans3er in nature. Nature M Macmi55an 4ub5isCers 'td 2002 Registered No. ;N>99N #ng5and.

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