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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

Plan of unit
Author of the unit Name High School location High School date Description of the unit Tittle of the unit Melvin A. Morales L. Centro Bsico General de Cerro Puerco. Distrito de Muna, Comarca nove ugle. Cerro !uerco "#ace oo$%

Resume of the unit

This unit is related with our environment, and the topic is the flora and species of wild animal in endanger to disappear in our land. An activity like a natural speech using charts, plants pictures and the
grammar structure. The students have to answer some questions about the topic when they finish the conservation presentation.

Correlated subjects

English and sciense

Year and level

7 level 2 !"
Time of class

#eriods of class $ periods to " minutes, $ weeks. base of the unit

%onceptual procedure Attitude (howing awareness of #ananma)s Ecology importance. (howing an interest for the planting trees and take caring the animals. Achievement indicator E*plains orally the poster about how to protect our environment. #resent orally the importance of the flora and fauna of #anama.

The conservation

&aking a written #ro'ect about a local conservation in our community

+lora, and endanger species or causes and effect.

,bserving and writing a report about plants and animals using demonstrations.

bjetivos del aprendi!aje

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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

+denti-. the /ild li-e in our Panamanian0s -orest that are endanger to disa!!ear toda.. Distinguish the /ild animals to live in !lant ours /oods in Panama.
Advicer "uestions of the unite Esensial "uestions

-hy the flora is important in important in our country.

#nite "uestions

-hat do you know about the wild animals endanger to disappear. -hat kinds of trees you know. -hat are fruit trees. And wood trees. -hat wild animals are endangering to disappear in #anama. /o you know plants and trees and taking care the wild animals.

$uestions of contents

Plan of evaluation

Cronogram of evaluations
before to begin the project Development of the project project completed

0rainstorming 1nterchange imformation E*ploratory 2uestions

&aking a writing #ro'ect related with the actual situation with ours nature resources and the wild life. &aking vocabulary. an animal vocabulary and plants

At the end 1 am going to evaluate the following aspects like3 4 #ronunciation 4 5rammar 4 Tone of voice 4 correct position 4 safe

Resume of evaluations -ell in this #ro'ect 1 Evaluated different things like3 formulating some questions to the students related with the topic where they interchanged information to identify the causes where they will make a written pro'ect to see what are the benefits and difficulties to have our environment doing a vocabulary knowing strange words which they will use in the chart in the final e*position. +inally, the grammar, the pronunciation, and other aspects which will be important in these evaluations.
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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

#nite details Previous abilities The students have to be a previous knowledge very important before to begin the pro'ect listening in the class, and participating actively answering the questions related with the topic. Procceding

There are 2 activities to evaluate here3 1 A writing pro'ect where they have to look for information in the science book about the flora and endanger wild animals. (econd, they have to use a white page to write the composition. (econd, they have to prepare a written chart with illustration to present the Ecology e*position. +inally, at the end of the e*position they have to answer 2 questions according to the topic. 1 A vocabulary where they have to look for !6 words related with the science topic in the English dictionary with a short definition. (econd, they have to illustrate each word with a picture can be plant or animal according to the word.
curriculum adaptations

%tudents &ith special needs

1 don)t have students with special need, but if 1 had a case 1 would try to look for a special teacher in the 7igh (chool to evaluate the student)s situation, and in this way we can identify immediately the matter. 1n addition, 1 am going to mention some problems to suffer the young people, and some special class to adequate them for e*ample3 if a student doesn)t speak all the material has to be written and using pictures where he cans write sentences related with the topic. 1f a student doesn)t hear all the activities have to be with pictures, watching videos, and sometimes we use movement where they can write without matters the assessments in the classroom. (ometime, in the (chool there is a volunteer from 8(A which is a great help to the students to live in the community. (he give them some English class to increase the skills in English where they can apply these knowledges into or out of the village with a good base teaching as they can do essays, compositions, traslations ,pronunciation class, but all this supervised by the English Teacher in a specific day. 1n the classroom if there are good students in anybody topic, and they have an active participation will have the opportunity to practice the cooperative learning with other students helping anothers.

'ot spanish spea(er

)ood students

*aterials and resourses in the unit Tecnolog+, -ard&are .e"uipment necesar+/ Cmera Com!utadore"s% digital camera D2D video enternet conection Tecnolog+ , %oft&are "necesar.%
& '(() Cor!oraci*n +ntel. ,odos los derechos reservados. Pgina

Laser dis$ +m!resor Sistema de !ro.ecci*n Scner ,2

2C3 video camera 45uiment con-erence video other

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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

Base o- dates6calculation !age Diagramer o- !u licher mail !rogram CD137M

Impress materials materials Enternet resourses ther resourses

!ictures 8e Multimedia

/e !age develo!ment Proceser o- test other

English test book, English dictionaries, maga9ines, pictures, etc. %harts,markets.

(tudents, teacher, and entre pares instructor.

Los !rogramas de +ntel: 4ducaci*n son -inanciados !or la #undaci*n +ntel . la Cor!oraci*n +ntel. Derechos reservados &'((), Cor!oraci*n +ntel. ,odos los derechos reservados. +ntel, el logo de +ntel, la iniciativa de +ntel 4ducaci*n . el Programa +ntel 4ducar son marcas registradas de +ntel Cor!oration o de sus su sidiarias en los 4stados ;nidos . otros !a<ses. =7tros nom res . marcas !ueden ser reclamadas como la !ro!iedad de terceras !artes.

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