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Forming reflexive verbs

With reflexive verbs, the action is done to oneself, that's why the verb has sein front of it
in the infinitive. Just look up laver in a French-English dictionary to get the difference in
meaning between se laver (to get washed).
Reflexive verbs follow the normal conjugation and many are regular -er verbs. They just
have an extra pronoun:
je me lave
tu te laves
il/elle/on se lave
nous nous lavons
vous vous lavez
ils/elles se lavent
Just remember that me, te, se become m', t', s' before a vowel or silent h:
je m'appelle
tu t'appelles
il/elle/on s'appelle
nous nous appelons
vous vous appelez
ils/elles s'appellent

Reflexive verbs and the perfect tense
Reflexive verbs form the perfect tense with tre and the past participle agrees with the
je me suis lav(e)
tu t'es lav(e)
il s'est lav
elle s'est lave
on s'est lav(e)(s)
nous nous sommes lav(e)s
vous vous tes lav(e)(s)
ils se sont lavs
elles se sont laves

Questions and the reflexive pronoun
In questions, the reflexive pronoun goes before the verb:
Comment t'appelles-tu? (What's your name?)
quelle heure vous tes-vous couchs? (What time did you go to bed?)
Est-ce qu'elle se lve 7h? (Does she get up at seven?)

Common reflexive verbs
Here are some useful reflexive verbs:
s'amuser (to enjoy oneself)
s'appeler (to be called)
se baigner (to bathe)
se brosser (to brush)
se coucher (to go to bed)
se dpcher (to be in a hurry)
s'entendre (to get on)
se faire mal (to hurt oneself)
s'habiller (to get dressed)
se laver (to get washed)
se lever (to get up)
se rveiller (to wake up)

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