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Daily Lesson Plan

NCSS Themes: 2, 3, 5, 6, 10
Daily Objectives:
1. Outline how the Communists defeated their opponents in Russias civil war. (DOK 2)
2. Analyze how the Communist state developed under Lenin. (DOK 4)
1. Power Points and Smart Board
2. MacBook
3. Textbook
4. Notebook
5. Paper
6. Pencil
7. White Board
Opening Set: Good morning students, we will start today by completing the bell ringer on the
board and discussing it as a class. Once we finish the bell ringer we will begin our notes for the
day. These notes will focus on the causes of the March Revolution and the goals of Lenin and the
Bolsheviks in the November revolution. After we discuss our notes and power points as a class,
we will watch a short video on the Romanov family. Once we have had a brief discussion on the
video, you will complete learning task number five. The instructions for this activity can be
found under Learning Tasks in this lesson plan. Ask the student if they have any questions, if
there are no questions, begin the lesson.
Learning Tasks (Procedures):
1. Students will complete a bell ringer covering material from the previous lesson. A class
discussion on the bell ringer will follow.
2. Students will take notes on how the Communists defeated their opponents in Russias
civil war and how the Communist state developed under Lenin.
3. The students will take their notes by following the power point presentation and by
classroom discussion.
4. Students will use the Infographic on page 480 of their book to discuss how the events of
World War I influenced the events in Russia. The students will do this in their groups.
5. The students will create a power point slide based off the information they find, one
group at a time will share their power point with the class.
6. In their groups the students will finish sections assessments for Chapter 14 section four
and five. This is a group activity, but each group member should have their own copy of
the work. This will be taken up at the end of class for a minor grade.
Assessment/Evaluation: Walk the room and listen to discussion on the material covered. Ask
the students questions about the material covered by the power points. Discuss the power points
and notes with the class. Monitor the groups while they are completing their group work. Look
for teamwork and full group participation. Take up learning task six for a minor grade.
Closure: Last five minutes of class, review what was covered in the lesson and ask the students
questions about the material. If the students do not have any questions, preview what will be
covered in tomorrows lesson. If the students did not finish learning task six, explain to them that
it is due at the beginning of class tomorrow. When the bell rings tell the students to have a great
day and thank them for their attentiveness.
Intervention: Struggling learners will be provided with the materials needed to succeed in the
classroom. If there is a struggling writer, notes will be provided and when it comes time for
group work, peer mentors will be assigned to help the student with his/her work.

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