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Iobrunry 20l4
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Mrs. KnfhIoon Thomns
Cooor Yoo
"#$ *,-$ .$$/0$ 12'33
Ioyfon McIIroy Honry InuIs
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John Iorgusson
WIIIInm Mnddock
AIox Shodd
Jnck JIrnnok
9*<6*=*+7 5*#)+%:.)*+3
Jnck HoIdnwny
WIIIInm SImooIous
,+736="# 5*#)+%:.)*+3
oII wIvodI
AusfIn CnshwoII
!Icky SfockoI
Irosf Wood
Io WIIIInmson
!uko Iorbos
Ick Shorod
ZnId AI-MoghrnbI 9<7-%"/ )6"#?3 )* !+@ 5"<<0 A%/-6+%3) 8*+ 67/< B%)6 <6*)*3
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/le lolf-[nieleJ Ol,npic Villoge in /le Ioln,, eeoeiJe reeor/ /oun, onl, nilee fron o tolo/ile
onJ ineecure region, loueter, /le Ol,npic fone ie no/ ex/inguieleJ. 1/ loe einpl, noteJ.
"#$ %:-/-) *9 8**75-66 ('7 9/-$'76; ,*1:$)-)-*' #(% '*5 %$))6$7 (1*'8%) )#$ %5(;-'8 :-'$
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occeee /o /le 2014 STC Ol,npice gonee. You uill no/ [nJ coteroge on, ploce elee. Here ie o
:/$@-$5 *9 5#() -% )* ,*1$2
Tho ndmInIsfrnfIon hns docIdod fo sond wny foo much monoy ronrIng for fhoso gnmos
(corrufIon). MnrkofIng nnd AdmIssIons hoo fo rovo fo fho worId fhnf Sf. ChrIsfohor`s Is
n modorn, domocrnfIc, IncIusIvo nnd cuIfurnIIy sIgnIhcnnf communIfy. IronrnfIons hnvo boon
oxfonsIvo. Of courso, fho ncks of fornI dogs noodod fo bo romovod, fho TV monIfors In fho !!C
furnod on nnd fho rndIo boofh oworod u In ordor fo gIvo fo IIIusIon of fochnoIogIcnI snvvy.
$%& '(&)*)+ ,&-&./)*&0
ThIs yonr Mrs. VIckI Hurf hns boon gIvon fho honor of IIghfIng fho
OIymIc forch. Sho wIII coromonInIIy IIghf fho Iunson burnor wIfh fho Inf
nnd sfooI sfrIkor, wonrIng fho nrorInfo snfofy goggIos. Tho nmo wIII
confInuo fo burn fhroughouf fho gnmos unfII fho gns vnIvo Is cIosod on fho
hnnI dny or somoono bums Info fho bIg rod buffon.
Tho IIghfIng of fho burnor wIII bo foIIowod by n nrndo, Iod by Choor CnfnIn
Issox, In whIch VnrsIfy nfhIofos wIII run fhrough fho whoIo schooI bnngIng drums
nnd scronmIng. Tho coromony wIII cIoso wIfh n sfrong rondIfIon of !Iff ! Your
VoIcos, nnd fho gnmos wIII bogIn.
$%& 12)3%4*.& 52(&- ,/.6*)&7
Ono of fho mosf hIghIy nnfIcInfod
ovonfs Is fho !unchfImo Suor Com-
bInod. ThIs confosf roquIros nfhIofos
fo go from fho door of ChnmborInyno
fo n sonf In fho dInIng hnII wIfh n
Info of food.
Tho courso consIsfs of fwo soc-
fIons: fho downhIII nnd fho CInnf SIn-
Iom. IIffoon sfos, nn oIovnfIon Ioss of
28.6 foof nnd n dogIog Ioff wIII mnko
fho hrsf downhIII socfIon chnIIongIng.
InsIdo fho !!C, fho sInIom bogIns.
AfhIofos musf nnvIgnfo cnroIossIy
Incod bnckncks, dodgo fho mob of
ooIo nnd sII nround omfy chnIrs,
nII wIfh hnnds fuII of food.
$%& 891/4 :;<
ThIs Is fho fnsfosf ovonf of fho gnmos.
AfhIofos wIII srInf from fho JunIor !of
fo fho doors of chnoI, whIIo woIghod
down by 20-ound bnckncks nnd mIscoI-
Innoous gonr. Tho courso bogIns wIfh nn
uhIII ush fo fho MurroII Iooksforo,
fhon n grndunI downhIII, foIIowod by n
shnr Ioff furn, nf whIch oInf Mr. Tuno`s
oncourngomonf booms IoudIy.
Tho fnvorIfos, uncnn !ogors `l5
nnd nfhnnIoI !IowoIIyn `l5, hnvo boon
ronrIng sInco fho bogInnIng of fho yonr;
Honry InuIs `l4 hoIds fho rocord nf n
swIff ll soconds.
=>?((@ A*-7
Though fhIs gnmo hns
boon romovod from fho A
Sforo bocnuso If Is foo nd-
dIcfIng, If romnIns n fnn
fnvorIfo on fho OIymIc
schoduIo. AfhIofos wIII IIof
n bIrd fhnf Is consfnnfIy
chnngIng coIors fhrough n
sorIos of IncronsIngIy dIfh-
cuIf obsfncIos fhnf Iook sfrIk-
IngIy sImIInr fo Infondo`s
groon fubos found In Mn-
rIo. !ook for fho fochnoIogy
sfnff fo show off fhoIr vIdoo
gnmo skIIIs nnd mnko n ush
for fho modnIs. Tho qunIIfy-
Ing scoro Is n nIfry 22.
Affor sfrong IobbyIng by fho
Inngungo donrfmonf, fhIs ruggod
sorf, whIch roquIros fruo rocIsIon,
found Ifs wny onfo fho OIymIc
sfngo. ScorIng goos ns foIIows: 5 foof
bnck, l oInf; l0 foof bnck scoros 2;
l5 foof nwny Is n 3; nfhIofos cnn go
nII fho wny fo fho bnck of fho room
for nn unrocodonfod 5 oInfs. ThIs Is fho onIy ovonf for whIch cnndy Is gIvon fo
vIcfors In IIou of modnIs. Ixocf Housfon Hnrdy `l4 fo show u bIg horo.
B03?(& 4%& 5&)*/- 1/4
ThIs dnngorous ovonf forcos
nfhIofos, bohInd fho whooI of fhoIr
cnr, fo nnvIgnfo fhrough nn obsfncIo
courso fuII of ond-cn nrkors,
obIIvIous mofhors IckIng u
fhoIr undorcInssmon nnd IdIIng
schooI busos. Tho fruo fosf
comos whon fho dondIy Sf. Cnfh-
orIno`s gIrIs show u for frnck
rncfIco nnd furn In fho wrong
wny. ThIs choss mnfch onds
wIfh n fofnIod cnr or InfurInfIng
TyIor IorkIns `l4 Is fnvorod
fo wIn wIfh hIs moforcycIo nnd
,"-./)0 5*#)+%:.)*+
Mr. !on SmIfh
sood suIf dosIgnod by norosnco
ongInoors nf !ockhood MnrfIn nnd
sfIfchod by !ndorArmour.
Sfrongfh, fonncIfy nnd fho nbIIIfy fo uso
nnyfhIng wIfhIn nrms ronch nro ossonfInI for
vIcfory In fhIs nnyfhIng-goos ovonf. Ixocf
yIng cIonfs, bnsobnII bnfs, Inx sfIcks nnd
hIgh InfonsIfy. Socfnfors bownro; duo fo
fho InfImnfo nronn, coIInfornI dnmngo Is n
A,5 C*)+
Ivonf cnncoIIod duo fo
IncIomonf wonfhor.
ThIs ovonf Is yof fo bo
sInfod. Sfny funod.
5&)*/- DE
1/3F&- G//. HHI

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