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Marie Tenzinger

Unit 4

As I refer back to my syllabus, I did not plan on giving any tests, however, with this assignment I am re-
thinking this perhaps more in the context of quizzes with an emphasis on the terminology that is used in
Psychology and specifically Educational Psychology. As with any higher level of course work, I am a firm
believer that students need to build on their vocabulary in their subject matter. The additional
assessment tools will be either an essay, reflective paper or and initial scholarly term paper. I also
realize that my initial syllabus is in the process of being revised and Ive posted the first one in my
eportfolio as Draft One and will post the Final draft of the syllabus by the conclusion of this course.

Last but not least, I anticipate editing this section based on feedback from classmates and instructor.

Quiz One - Chapters 1 4 (Points earned to be determined later)

1.) In Chapter One, you read about learning and elaboration. In this context, elaboration is:
a.) Repeating something over and over until you have it memorized.
b.) Embellish on new information based on what you already know.
c.) Try to prove that it is evidenced based.

2.) What is self-efficacy?
a.) Belief that one is capable of executing certain behaviors or reaching certain goals.
b.) Belief in yourself.
c.) Knowledge about effective methods of teaching.

3.) What are Piagets four stages of Cognitive Development?
a.)Constructivism, scheme, assimilation and accommodation
b.)Conservation, pendulum swing, disequilibrium, hands-on experience
c.)Sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operations, formal operations

4.) How is self-talk in children best described?
a.) When thought and language first merge, children often talk to themselves as a way of
guiding oneself through a task.
b.) Developing a sentence with the guidance of another child.
c.) The process of talking to and guiding oneself mentally, rather than aloud.

5.) Many contemporary theorists use this term(s) to describe the guidance or structure provided by
more competent individuals to help children perform tasks in their zone of proximal
a.) Mediated learning
b.) Scaffolding
c.) Apprenticeship

6.) In Chapter Three, we read about personal and social development. How is personal
development defined in that chapter?
a.) Characteristic ways in which an individual behaves and thinks in a wide range of
b.) Development, with age, of distinctive behavioral styles and increasingly complex, self-
c.) Strong, affectionate bond formed between a child and a caregiver.

7.) How is subculture best defined?
a.) Large, close-knit social group that shares certain common interests and behaviors.
b.) Cohesive social group characterized by initiation rites, distinctive colors and symbols.
c.) Group that resists the ways of the dominant culture and adopts its own norms for behavior.

8.) What is prosocial behavior?
a.) Ones general standards about right and wrong behavior.
b.) Behavior directed toward promoting the well-being of people other than oneself.
c.) Uncritical acceptance of societys conventions regarding right and wrong.

9.) In Chapter four, group differences are discussed. One of the terms used is stereotype, how is
that best defined?
a.) Rigid, simplistic, and erroneous view of a particular group of people.
b.) An intentional use of instructional strategies consistent with students culture.
c.) Self-constructed, organized body of beliefs about a certain age group.

10.) What is gender schema?
a.) Self-constructed, organized body of beliefs about the traits and behaviors of males or
b.) A general social and economic standing in society.
c.) A schema that encompasses family income, occupation and education level.

Quiz Two Chapters 7 10
1.) In Chapter 7 about knowledge construction, how is social constructivism defined?
a.) Theoretical perspective that focuses on peoples collective efforts to impose meaning on
the world.
b.) Theoretical perspective that focuses on how individuals construct meaning from their
c.) A constructive group of objects or events that have something in common.

2.) How is schema best defined:
a.) Something that involves a predictable sequence of events related to a common activity.
b.) Tightly organized set of facts about a specific topic.
c.) An overall view of a theme

3.) What is epistemic belief?
a.) Process of asking oneself questions as a way of checking the understanding of a topic.
b.) Belief about the nature of knowledge or knowledge acquisition.
c.) Belief in thinking that one knows something that one actually does not know.

4.) Which statement best describes critical thinking?
a.) The process of thinking real long and hard about something critical
b.) The process of evaluating the accuracy, credibility and worth of information and lines of
c.) The process of higher-level thinking and the development of thinking critically.

5.) The theoretical perspective known as behaviorism is best described as:
a.) A theoretical perspective that is the occurrence of two or more events at approximately the
same time.
b.) A theoretical perspective that is a specific behavior is exhibited by a response
c.) A theoretical perspective in which learning and behavior are described and explained in
terms or stimulus-response relationships.

6.) Chapter 9 discusses and reviews strategies for encouraging productive behaviors. The
differences between gratification and punishment are explained at length. What is
psychological punishment?
a.) Consequence that seriously threatens self-esteem and general psychological well-being and
is not recommended.
b.) Consequence that seriously threatens self-esteem and general psychological well-being and
is recommended.
c.) A consequence where a student that is misbehaving is given a time out.

7.) Students are more likely to behave appropriately when they are given reminders. These
reminders or prompts are also called:
a.) Explanations
b.) Stimuli
c.) Cues

8.) In Chapter 10 on Social Cognitive Views of Learning the focus on how people learn by observing
others and how they eventually assume control over their own behaviors is explained. One of
the terms used in that chapter is reciprocal causation. How is that best defined?
a.) The reciprocal of cause and effect when a person demonstrates a behavior for someone
b.) Interdependence of environmental, behavioral and personal variables in influencing learning
and development.
c.) Interdependence of an environmental, phenomenon in which reciprocal responses increase
with frequency.
9.) According to cognitive theorist, Bandura, what are the four conditions that are necessary for
successful modeled behavior?
a.) Successful appraisal, successful symbolism, successful reinforcement, successful regulation
b.) Attention, retention, motor reproduction, motivation
c.) Collective self-efficacy, collective self-reflection, collective self-regulation, collective self-

10.) How can you best describe co-regulated learning?
a.) The use of self-directed strategies to address complex problems between an adult and child.
b.) The ability to use effortful control to dominate responses in favor of another between an
adult and child.
c.) The process through which an adult and child share responsibility for directing various
aspects of the childs learning.

Additional Assessment Tools:
3.) Write a 3 5 page essay paper distinguishing among Positive Reinforcement, Negative
Reinforcement and Punishment. Compare and contract between consequence and effect and give
4.) Write a 2 3 page reflective paper on one of Educational Theorists in your textbook Educational
Psychology. To name a few: Jean Piaget, Albert Bandura, Lev Vygotsky, John Dewey.
5.) Weekly Chapter Assignments as referred to in the syllabus which is still a work in progress.

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