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CEP Lesson Plan Template

Teacher/s: ___Youngsoo and Jasmin_________________________________________

Level: ______I1_____ Date/Time: _____Feb 13
, !1" #$%&m____
Objectives (SWBAT):
Students Will Be Able To'
1( Learn ho) to s*im and scan in reading +dig ,or general ideas vs details-
( Learn ho) to do macro and micro listening +analogous to s*im/scan, but ,or listening-
Theme: ________T. guide and /one0 on YouTube_____
12tensions: ___reading tv guide, listening to ho)$to$ma*e$hone0 on YouTube______
Aim/Skill/ic!oskill Activit"/P!oce#$!e/Sta%e &nte!action Time
Review or Preview (if
3rainstorm activit0: 4et students
together and have them )rite )ords,
&hrases, sentences, &ronunciation rules
grammar rules' an0thing that )e
covered last class on a large sheet or on
blac*board( 1ncourage students to tal*
to each other to brainstorm(
5uic*l0 go over the content )ritten b0
students and su&&lement )hatever is
missing +according to 0esterda06s
Linking & Transitioning to rest of
lesson: simple present tense,
pronunciation rules, es/s rule, and
frequency vocabs will be covered
throughout the entire unit.
T!, !
3 min
Activity 1: Young
"." #re!tage: $ive them the handout
of %" pg& and pg"', but ask them to
flip the pages. tart ppt presentation
on the ( scenarios of reading.
".(. )uring tage: *sk students to read
T!, !
Transition to +( or ,rap!
up:-skim and scan for
pg& and answer the questions on ppt.
/ove onto the ne0t one, pg"'.
*s students to get in pairs, * and 1,
and have *2s tell 12s about pg& and
12s tell *2s about pg"'. 3eep it short.
".4 #ost!tage:
$o over the concept of skimming and
scanning 5ppt6, such as when it is used.
*sk 2s if they have questions
regarding this.
Tangible 7utcome & T. feedback/peer
feedback: They have written notes and
underlines from the handouts. They
will write their own feedback after
going over the activity.
Activity 2(Young)
Transition to
(." #re!tage: 9ontinue with the ppt
but move to the listening part of
skim/scan 5macro/micro6.:0plain the
concept of micro and macro listening.
(.(. )uring tage: #lay ;how is honey
made- from youtube and have students
watch/listen for /*9<7. *sk students
to take notes.
(.4 #ost!tage: 4et in &airs +9 and 3-
and discuss ho) hone0 is made( Then
collaborativel0 )rite a &aragra&h on
ho) hone0 is made +encourage them to
use their notes-(
*sk for a volunteer pair to present
their ;how is honey made-, and have
other pairs =ump in to fill in the gaps.
Tangible 7utcome & T. feedback/peer
feedback: They are taking notes and
writing about how honey is made.

Activity 3: (co-)
Transition to +> or ,rap!
4." #re!tage:
4.( )uring tage:
up:8888888888888888888 4.4. #ost!tage:
Activity 4:
Transition to +? or ,rap!
>." #re!tage:
>.(. )uring tage:
>.4 #ost!tage:
Tangible 7utcome & T. feedback/peer
Activity 5:
Transition to ,rap!%p:
>." #re!tage:
>.(. )uring tage:
>.4 #ost!tage:.
Tangible 7utcome & T. feedback/peer
rap-up Lesson :valuation #rocedures:
*sk students what they learned today:
,hat did you learn about skimming
and scanning. /acro and micro
$ive homework: ;$rammar :0ercises
@simple present 5review6-,
Tell class that ne0t week2s /onday
class will be review of %nit " for
,ednesday2s %nit test.
Talk about classroom website:
At will be ready by end of this week.
how them one entry made on the
website on simple present tense. 5A will send
them an email with the link6
T$:, :$:
;aterials :
$<rintout o, &g% on T. guide, and &g1! on <aragra&h 9
$<o)er&oint o, s*im/scan and micro/macro listening
9ntici&ated <roblems = :uggested :olutions:
The hone0 &roduction video ma0 be di,,icult and cognitivel0 and linguisticall0 di,,icult( I
ma0 have to &ause and e2&lain or move to something else i, students are com&letel0 lost(
I can as* students to go home and 4oogle ho) hone0 is made in 1nglish or in their o)n
native language( Then I can as* them to )atch the cli& again +it )ill be on the class
)ebsite- and tr0 again( The to&ical *no)ledge should lessen their cognitive burden(
>ontingenc0 <lans +)hat 0ou )ill do i, 0ou ,inish earl0, etc(-:
?e )ill cover )hat6s going to be done ne2t class@unit test revie)( I can have another
reca&/revie) o, )hat )e6ve learned since not all students have a ,ull gras& o, e/es, sim&le
&resent tense and other grammar &arts(
<ost$Lesson Ae,lections:

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