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In this lab, the participating scientist tested the effect of environment on the rate of transpiration.
To do this it was necessary to set up several different stations that resembled different
environmental conditions. The different environmental variables were air circulation, high
intensity light, high humidity and adequate light (control). The date showed that the
environments with high air circulation and high intensity light has lost a greater percentage of
their mass then the control. The environment with high humidity however, showed an initial
increase in mass and ended up with a much smaller percentage of mass lost.
Knowing that no other variables affected the plant, we can assume the lost mass was due
to transpiration, the evaporation of water through the stomata of the leaves. Therefore in
conclusion, with reference to our data, the rate of transpiration was greatest in an environment of
great air circulation, followed by an environment of high intensity light. The rate of transpiration
was least, in reference to our data, in an environment of high humidity.

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