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Explanation of Problem 12 in Sheet #5

a) We will use the well known equation of the SNR

Which is (SNR)
= 1.76 +20 log L where L is the number of quantization levels
Using the Bound that (SNR)
= 45 dB
Will give L = 145 which is not a power 2 number and the nearest power 2 value is 256
So we will use L = 256 which give n= 8 bits /sample for the coding
And we know that signaling (bit) rate = nXf
= 8X10MHz = 80 Mb/sec
b) The signal BW =4.5 MHz so the Nyquist sampling frequency = 2X4.5 = 9 MHz
And L is given to be 1024 so n = 10 bits for the code
And we use 1.2 sampling frequency which = 10.8 MHz instead of 9 MHz
So the bit rate = 10X 10.8 MHz = 108 Mb/sec.

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