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Discourse Community of Business
Rodolfo Sanchez
University of Texas at El Paso

Author Note
Rodolfo Sanchez, undergraduate student, double majoring in International Business
and Finance, expecting to graduate in year 2017 in the University of Texas at El Paso.


The purpose of the paper is to explain and describe the meaning of a discourse
community to the audience and define clearly the description of the business community
with the information gathered by me (Rodolfo Sanchez). With this information, get better
ideas of what business is, how the people involved in the business college are described
within themselves and how business people behave, talk, and coexist.


Discourse Community of Business
Through this paper, we are going to discuss the meaning and research of a discourse
community specific to my major, for this is what I will be involved in throughout my
college life. In this case we are going to be talking about the business community, mainly
focused on the international business area, but first lets discuss and analyze on what a
discourse community is. A discourse community is a group of people consisting of several
similarities and similitudes that describe their behavior in characteristics and traces.
Meaning that a discourse community describes how a certain group behaves, talks,
communicates, share, and have as an intended goal.
Business, the world of networking and communications, as a current student
enrolled in the college, and involved within many of the student organizations of the
college of business, networking is probably the most popular word mentioned inside out
the business college. The business people share that one goal, it doesnt matter if they are in
marketing, finance, business management or accounting, they need to network, and by that
we refer to the act of know people, socialize, connect with more people out there and get to
know more important contacts. Most of the business people also share the greed of money,
in a positive way; they tend to put money first no matter what, since they are probably
running a business or a balance sheet. In the world of business the formality and look of a
person defines their intents, for example you will never see a financial analyst wearing
shorts to work or an international business man making a deal with a dirty shirt or dirty
shoes, it all means a deal to them, and the more formal they look the more interest and
effort they have put in.

The classes of business students are big, since they are focused to many areas, in
many cases a finance class is required for marketing or for business management, and
because they are some basic things they need to learn in order to be more familiarized in
the business area, they also learn a lot of professional development within their classes, the
teachers besides the main purpose of the class, they also want to enforce the professional
development in the students, and they might include some tips for the future as well or even
networking with some important people, for they know that their students need to make
their connections as soon as possible.
One of the classes I took notes on was the Global Business course, taught by Mr.
Laird R. Smith, current professor of Global Business and advisor of Global Engagement
and Exchange Organization, which is a student organization I will talk about later on. Mr.
Smith expects from his students many objectives, which are: Introduce to students and
review with them the issues that businesses face in the global economy, impart and improve
student written communication skills. Mr. Smith emphasizes a phrase every class, and that
is, be friendly out there, coming back to the importance of networking. He intends the
students to learn about the political economy, cultural and ethical system, international
trade theories, regional economic integration, international monetary systems, global
strategy and more topics involving the international business cycle.

Mr. Smith and many business professors encourage the students to write on a really
professional way, there is for formal writing as well, because they will be negotiating via

email, message or letters eventually. All of their intercommunications are formal as well,
when talking about professional deals or business, formality is the only way. Usually the
students taking the global business class are focused on international relations, human
resources of business or international business, but are open to all majors in the business
college. The business students according to Porter (1986) questions based on their writing,
they are intercommunicating mostly on e-mail basis, fax, letters and phone calls as well.
They stereotype and difference from others is notable and obvious, since the way they
communicate their persona is quite unique.
Concluding this paper, we note certain differences from other type of communities
in the business community, since we all might belong to one or maybe two different
communities, each and every single one of them has its own spark that identifies them
and keeps them unique in a certain matter. English, business, arts, medics, every single one
of them has its own difference and strategic organization perhaps. Question in what
community you are, and note the changes and uniqueness it has comparing it with another


Porter. J. (1986) Intertextuality and the discourse community. Rhetoric review, 5(1), 34-37.

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