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Mathematical Operations

lists mathematical functions, which allow you to perform many mathematical

operations in formulas:
Table 50 List of Mathematical Functions
Function Operation
@ABS Return the absolute value of an expression
@A! Return the avera"e value of the values in the specifie# member list
@$%& Return the value of e 'the base of natural lo"arithms( raise# to po)er of the specifie# expression
@FA*TOR+AL Return the factorial of an expression
@+,T Return the next-lo)est inte"er value of a member or expression
@L, Return the natural lo"arithm of a specifie# expression
@LO! Return the lo"arithm to a specifie# base of a specifie# expression
@LO!.0 Return the base-.0 lo"arithm of a specifie# expression
@MA% Return the maximum value amon" the expressions in the specifie# member list
@MA%S Return the maximum value amon" the expressions in the specifie# member list/ )ith the abilit0 to s1ip 2ero an# 3M+SS+,!
@M+, Return the minimum value amon" the expressions in the specifie# member list
@M+,S Return the minimum value amon" the expressions in the specifie# member list/ )ith the abilit0 to s1ip 2ero an# 3M+SS+,!
@MO4 Return the mo#ulus pro#uce# b0 the #ivision of t)o specifie# members
560 4evelopin" Formulas for Bloc1 Stora"e 4atabases
Function Operation
@&O7$R Return the value of the specifie# member raise# to the specifie# po)er
@R$MA+,4$R Return the remain#er value of an expression
@RO8,4 Return the member or expression roun#e# to the specifie# number of #ecimal places
@S8M Return the summation of values of all specifie# members
@TR8,*AT$ Return the truncate# value of an expression
@AR Return the variance '#ifference( bet)een t)o specifie# members9
@AR&$R Return the percenta"e variance '#ifference( bet)een t)o specifie# members9

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