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..Leonard J. Fassler" To: Iki ng@sonato.stale.ny.

< > Subjec!: 4·17·02 Agenda and Attendees
04/09/02 04:34 PM

April 9, 2002

Ms. Lesl i e King

Office of Hon o r a b l e Joseph L. Br un o
Se na t e Offi c e Building
Al b a ny , NY

Dea r Le s l i e :

Wo u ld you be kind enough \: 0 pa ss che at t a ched ag e nda and at/'t e ndee l i s t J t o

Se na t o r Bru no with refer e n c e to the schedu l ed mee t i ng for Apri l 1 7 , 2 002 ,
at 2 p . m.

Th a n k you for your courtesy and cooperacion .

Very truly yours,

Leonard J. Fassler

(See at t ached file : 4-17-02 Agenda. doc)

(See a tt a c h e d file ; 4-17-02 Attendees .doc)

W ~_:.~:
4·1 ].02 Agenda.doc 4-17·02 Attendees.doc


April L7, 2002

Motorola Team Briefing

To~ic Presenter Time

1 - -'

Overview of Statewide Wireless Project Motorola 5 Minutes

Motorola Capabilities Overview Motorola 4 Minutes

· Role on team
· Capabilities

Motorola Team Concept Motorola 3 Minutes

Alliance Partner Profiles

Harris Corporation Harris 4 Minutes

• Role on team
· Capabilities

liM IBM 4 Minutes

· Role on team
· Capabilities

TRW TRW 4 Minutes

• Role on team
· Capabilities

Vytek Vytek 4 Minutes

· Role on team
· Capabilities

Closing Comments Motorola 2 Minutes

QuestionslDiscussion Group 5 Minutes
April 17,2002

Briefing Attendees


John McFadden - Vice President , Large Projects Northern Division

Martin Long - Area Sales Manager, Large Projects Team New YorkJNew England

Paul Murray - Sales Team Manager, Large Projects New York State

J;fYl Adair! - 5 n iD I Auo unf- ( vl/<t7 £?r ·r- CL. + rVI{) I7J I() /{~
Harris Corporation
Michael Riksen - Director, Government Relations

Jayne Leighton - Vice President of Sales, North America

Fran Bouchard - Client Servi ces Principal

Steve Baborakas - State Government Team

Peter West - Business Development Director, Statewide

Brian Fitzpatrick - Business Development Director

Gerald LeBow CoChainnan Vytek Wireless, Inc
Leonard Fassler CoChairman Vytek Wireless. Inc

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