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Do you like animals?

My senior paper is on how bad animal abuse really

is, and what we can do to help our furry friends,
To me, animals are my world. I dont know what Id do without them. It
kills me inside, knowing that people take enjoyment out of beating the pulp
out of a helpless animal Or just not simply taking care of them. Animal can
feel too, They can feel pain, abandonment, hunger, loss and depression.
Animal cruelty is a big problem in the USA. Nearly 1 million animals are
abused and killed every year. Neglect and abandonment are the most common
from of animal cruelty, but its not the worst form of animal abouse
compared to what your about to read. My hope is that when you are done
reading this I hope you will have learned something new about animal abuse
and cruelty in the united states.

Did you know pit bull fighting is illegal in all 50 states? Unfortunately, that
does not stop it from happening. In the fights the dogs are badly wounded,
suffering heavy bleeding, ruptured lungs, broken bones, and other life
threatening injuries. Dog fights can last up to several hours until one of the
animals quits or dies. The loser gets tortured, killed, starves to death or
bleeds to death. The winner does not receive veterinary attention and faces
possible death as well. If an animal shelter picks up a dog that has a history
of dog fighting, they will humanely euthanize the dog because its easier on
the dog. Otherwise it takes years for training and relearning to maybe get
adopted and yet some times after years of therapy the dog still might strike
I think people perspective on pit bulls is all wrong its not the breed,
any dog can be mean. Its the owner; its how you raise them. To be honest, I
hope to one day own a mine tar pit bull because I think there a good dog and
a great companion if theyre raised the right way. These poor dogs are
getting starved and beat just to encourage aggressive behavior.

Ways you can help!

o Visit the ASPCA ADVOCACY CENTER keep up on dog fighting in
your state.
o Adopt a pit bull, set a good example for others.
o Volunteer sometime, walk a dog, or donate to your local animal
shelter they can always use supplys and all around help
o Keep your eyes and eras open
o Protect your pets; pit bull fighters dont care what kind of bait
dog the put in front of the aggressive dog.
o Alert the media, your local newspaper is always looking for
o Educate others, teach your children, set a good example for
others to fallow
Pit bull adoption tips
Non kill and kill animal shelters
The decision to end an animals life is an extremely serious one, and
should always be treated as such. No matter how Many animals a shelter
kills, every animal is an individual, and each deserves individual consideration.
Two decades ago, non kill shelters were a little more than a dream.
Today, its nationwide and growing to save lives.
Animals at non-kill shelters who have been deemed unadoptable may
be, warehoused in cages for years This further decreases and worsens
their chances of adoption and finding a forever home is very slim because
they start to get mean or get depressed (1) One PETA staffer who used to
manage a non-kill shelters
Had a change of heart after seeing a pit who had lived in a
Cage for 12 years he had gone mad from confinement and would
Spend his day slamming his body ageist the sides of his cage
Becoming so encaged that the workers were afraid to handle
Him after witnessing this miserable life she realized that
Some fates are truly worse then death.
Although warehoused, non-kill shelters find themselves too full to
take any more animals. Which means animals will end up back on the streets
and where they will face their untimely deaths.
Most will be dumped on the roadside to die from more gruesome and
horrible deaths. There's just simply not enough good homes or even enough
cages, for all of them.

Ways you can help
Discover how animal products you eat are made.
Let your money talk. Boy cot anything without the labels animal
welfare certifications
Take action in your community join a group in your area working
against factory farms if there isnt one, gather your friends and
neighbors to form a citizens action group these groups can help stop
factory farms from taking root in a community
Meat farm animals this will help you better understand how horribly
inhumane their treated
Join the ASPCA advocacy brigade
Ask your local grocers and restaurants of offer foods that are more
humanely raised
A puppy mill is a large-scale operation that houses puppys in small
cages packed with other dogs. There are almost never cleaned, layers of
urine and feces pile up, They have no bedding for them to lay on in these
rough metal, wire cages. They are never let out of their cages and there is
little no to protection from the sun or shelter for the winter. Veterinary
care is not an option even when they're ill with crusty oozing eye or raging
ear infections. Most of the puppies are sold to pet stores. As long as people
buy from pet stores, animals in shelters will continue to be euthanizing
because of the lack of good homes. The emotional toll is hard for the animals
living in a cage all their lives; To be in a kept in cages never let out its
inhumane. you should adopted an animal from a shelter instead of supporting
puppy mills because at least if you adopt a dog/puppy it will already be
tagged had its shots and ready to be

Ways you can help!

adopt you next pet, adopted from an animal shelter not online or from
a pet store otherwise youll be supporting puppy mills.
Tack action against pet stores supplied by puppy mills ask pet stores
to consider switching to a humane business model.
Know the existing laws, become an expert on the subject.
Ask government officials to pass stricter laws for pet stores and dog
breeders, write the city, country, state ask them to take it into
consideration for a serious matter.
Speak out in your community.
Report bad puppy stores. If you bought a puppy from a puppy store
and the puppy is sick read what to do if youve bought a sick puppy @
Raise awareness and spread the word.
Most importantly never give up as long as someone is doing something
about it, it will continue to happen

I honestly believe that hoarders have the best intentions, but
over time, 1 cat becomes 2, and it starts to be an addiction or an
object that becomes a part of a hoarders collection. The animals kept
in hoarding conditions often suffer extreme neglect. With lack of
food, water, and insects and rodent infestations ate also common in a
hoarders house one. Often finds that the floors and furniture are
destroyed because of the amount of thick feces and urine. In
extreme cases, decaying animal carcasses and found among the living
animals. Usually the health department deems the house unlivable and
they must condemn the house that belongs to the hoarder. In tragic
cases children may be involved. Animals are sent to animal shelters
which lack the space or resources to deal with an influx of hundreds
of animals who need dire medical attention. According to the humane
society, in a situation where hoarders are unwilling to accept their
condition, the fire department can cite the hoarders house with fire
code violations. These charges may be necessary to help the hoarder
understand the gravity of their situation. Animal control is called in to
take away the animals due to the five code violation and animal

Ways you can help
Start a non-profit organization.
Intervene, dont just sit their and watch it happen those animal
could be dying
Intervention, this might be a difficult step to take if you know
the hoarder personally but its often the only way to ensure the
animals safety and set the hoarder on path to getting the help
he or she needs
Keep in touch, like alcoholics hoarders may hoard again so its
good to help keep them on the right track
Volunteer or ask to foster an animal for a little.
Educate, according to the HARC, every state has laws against
animal cruelty.

Do you eat meat? 97% of all Americans eat meat. Where do you think it
comes from? To me the worst cruelty out there is animal farming. Animals
farming is the mass production of meat, eggs, milk, skin and leather. In large
beef farms. 250 cows are killed about every hour because the worker are in
a rush to keep on schedule and need to kill a large number of animal in a
short amount of time. The animals are often treated rather cruelly. Dairy
cows have their own milking machines which cuts the cows. Dairy cows are
expected to produce 10 times more milk then they would produce in nature.
Cows normally live up to 25 years or even more, dairy cows are slaughtered
when theyre about 3 or 5 years of age, mostly for meet for fast food
hamburgers. When Farmed fish reach a slaughter weight they are taken to a
kill plant then poured into a large metal mesh cage, those who hove survived
the transport die of suffocation. With pigs they use a stun gun it sometimes
doesnt work effectively, leaving lots of animals fully conscious throughout
the agonizing slaughter house process. When the stun gun is used right the
animal cant feel a thing but considering around 40% do not get killed and
feel every moment of the agonizing torture. Animals that are sick, injured,
or cant walk are dragged or pushed with a tractor or forklifts to the

Ways you can help

Go vegan! Stop eating animals and animal products
Ask restaurants to serve more vegan food and to remove veal
from their menus.
Ask supermarkets to carry more vegan products.
Support downed animal protection legislation and legislation
that abolishes battery cages, veal crater, force feeding, and
intensive-confinement systems.
Educate others about the cruelty involved in factory farming

Animals are skinned alive for their fur. They are fully conscious and in
unimaginable agony. This horrific torture needs to be stopped. These animals
dont deserve to be mutilated and tortured to death. China is the leader in
fur production. Many countries import fur from china only because its
cheaper there. The animals skin is called a pelt and these pelts are sold fr
different prices depending n the animal. 2,000,000 animals suffer a horrific
death skinned alive for their pelts per year.
They hold the animal by its arms then they slam the animal back down
so they receive a blow to the head. The animal is still alive and conscious,
because it is believed that its easier to skin the animal while the animal is
still warm and blood still runs through the veins. Its horrific, completely
unjustified torture. These animals are innocent and defenseless the need to
be heard their silently asking to be saved. The animals can say alive up to 10
minute after being skinned trying to muster up any strength the can find to
desperately crawl away. We need to speak up for the animals and do
whatever it takes to put a stop to this. No more animals should meet this
same fate that millions of other already have.

Ways you can help!

Give Animals a voice because they cant speak for them selves.
Make living animal skinning illegal worldwide
Boycott all fur, if no one buys the coats then they will have no choice
to stop skinning animals.
Educate others

Thank you for taking the time to read my senior paper. It my hope is
that you have learned something new and one day when you go to add an
additional member to your family, you will choose adoption. Dont support
companies who utilize inhumane practices towards animals, or go vegan.
Dont wear fur, and never forget to donate to your local animal shelter.

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