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Once upon a time a skilled carpenter named Geppetto , which

manufactured wooden dolls . gave the last touches to the just ended was
called Pinocchio ... I would like it to be true . diji because Geppetto had
no children , the tired old left the doll on the table and went to sleep .
slept that night as Geppetto , the good fairy came carpenter's workshop
and seeing Pinocchio so nice , wanted to reward the good artist and with
a flick of his wand magic gave life to the doll.
Q joy Geppetto took the next day , when I enter the shop , Pinocchio was
moving , walked, talked and laughed with all children.
Pinocchio went to school and accompanied by his friend Pepito , a
cricket bonachon . D e metio jumped on stage and dazzled the audience .
The grateful owner gift you gold coins as a reward for his performance
and continued his way , happy Pinocchio , on his way home , he
stumbled upon a fox and a cat.
They were a couple of rascals who invited him to share his dinner to
steal your coins.
inadvertently these two rascals tied to a tree and left him alone . The
blue fairy forest rescued him , Pinocchio that he would return to study
rometio and headed home.
On the way I heard of a place called Juguetilandia where there are no
schools and candies hanging from the trees. Suddenly he left some big
ears and a tail on donkey .
Jiminy Cricket came to her rescue and told her that Geppetto had gone
to look for in a sailing boat and swallow a whale.
Pinocchio went to his rescue, facing the whale swallow too. finally met
with Pinocchio Geppetto, Pinocchio in its interior. with his long donkey
ears tickled her belly making her sneeze and both darted safely returned
home. reward for his kindness the fairy became a real boy


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