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A 10-Day Virtual Retreat

Ascension through Realization
It is my firm belief that in order to understand the reality of one's self, or self-realize, it is necessary to
grasp the true essence of the reality within which one exists. This belief fuels my determination to gain a
clearer understanding of the nature and essence of the world around me. any times I ha!e heard the
terms physical illusion or holographic uni!erse used to describe the reality we experience. "o I
wanted to explore the implications of these mysterious references. I am beginning to understand the
basics# all mass and energy has a !ibratory nature, e!erything is made up of atoms, and it all exists within
a medium, or field. I ha!e a sense that the magic $ey to unra!eling the mystery lies within this one
crucial element %the force of gra!ity. &ra!ity directs how the atoms in this field beha!e. Then the critical
'uestion becomes# (ho directs the gra!ity) There is no doubt in my mind that there is a definite
intelligence, or cosmic mind, directing the acti!ity of the atoms. The photons and subatomic particles that
ma$e up the atom are responsible for the appearance of all things. The photons pro!ide the magnificent
spectrum of colorful light that gi!e shape and form to the ob*ects we see. The light and color that
illuminate and define them appear to be the result of a brilliant and creati!e artist. +nd what about the
mass - the dense material of the form) +ll you ha!e to do is obser!e the beautiful creations in nature, ,and
oursel!es-. to determine that there is a definite intelligence directing the acti!ity of these atoms- /ot only
are they beautifully sculpted but they are also incredibly complex-

0et1s ta$e a closer loo$ at these photons and subatomic particles in the atoms to see if they re!eal the
illusory, or holographic, nature of the reality we obser!e. 2lease forgi!e the elementary nature of my
insight as I am not a 'uantum physicist and can only speculate. 3owe!er, my basic $nowledge may be
easier for the a!erage reader to relate to and I do belie!e it is fairly accurate. +toms are made up of a core
nucleus surrounded by electrons. These electrons display fascinating properties. It turns out that the way
in which they beha!e depends solely on whether we are obser!ing them or not- 4ssentially, the ob*ects
that we see only become real the moment we percei!e or experience them. The electrons swirling around
the core nucleus represent pure potential and only become something 5real5, or set into place, when they
are obser!ed. 6nobser!ed, or not percei!ed, they are e!erywhere at once and ha!e the possibility or
potential of becoming anything that the obser!er chooses or expects to see. Therefore, the reality that we
percei!e is purely within our own determination of it by the choices we ma$e or expectations we ha!e.
(e choose our perception of reality. (e choose the experiences that we percei!e. (e are directing the
photons, or color spectrum, that define the ob*ects in our reality and by doing so, transforming the
electrons from pure potential to actual ob*ect. The photons and the atoms that ma$e up the energy and
mass are controlled by an intelligent source. (e, as li!ing breathing and intelligent human beings, ha!e
access to the uni!ersal mind. The source is the creati!e intelligence wor$ing through us. (e are in
constant communication with this field of intelligence. 7ur brains are simply transmitters and recei!ers of
the information within the mind or field of intelligence. (ithin that field, is all of the intelligence from
the beginning of time and space. 6nfortunately, at our current le!el of existence ,within the third
dimension. we are able to access only a limited bandwidth of that $nowledge. (e can howe!er increase
our bandwidth in three important ways. 8irst, we can access all of the information that man has
disco!ered through the endless resources a!ailable to us. "econdly, we can expand our consciousness
during meditation and contemplation by stilling our mind and accessing our 5inner wisdom5. 9oth of
these practices increase our awareness of the world around us and our ability to access a greater portion of
the uni!ersal field within which we exist. The third way is to heighten our sense awareness and thereby
increase our sensiti!ity to the world around us. This is !ery effecti!e.
(e tend to li!e in this narrow field of awareness -in our 5own little world5 - if you will. 9ut we can
choose to step out of that world and loo$ beyond it. +ll you ha!e to do is sha$e off all of the whirling
thoughts that ha!e to do with your world - all the thoughts about you - and loo$ beyond yourself out into
the horizon around you. (hen you do this you will notice how far you can actually see. The farther you
loo$ into the horizon beyond, especially when you loo$ at the stars, you are loo$ing into the past. :ou can
see things close-up that exist more in your immediate present moment and far away at things that are
literally in the past both at the same time. :ou can also hear sounds occurring right next to you and
sounds emanating from far away at the same time. In both of these instances, you are experiencing
!ibrational wa!es that are tra!eling through space. :ou are also !ibrating and tra!eling in space so you
are interacting and participating in this rhythmic performance of wa!e acti!ity. This rhythmic wa!e
acti!ity can be harmonious within your reality or it can be chaotic % it's your choice since your
determining and directing your reality. (a!es beha!e more coherently as they resemble each other in a
harmonious en!ironment. ;oherent wa!es ha!e more power and more strength when they are directed
intentionally. This is the mechanism behind laser beams and also behind remote healing. ;onsciously
directed coherent wa!e patterns are created by an intelligent director who has increased awareness of his
innate ability. These are choices that you can also ma$e and when you do, you will be exponentially
increasing your human potential. (hat do you choose) <o you choose to let your reality control you in a
chaotic and dysfunctional way with incoherent wa!es that ha!e much less power when left unconsciously
directed) 7r do you choose to consciously participate in your reality intentionally directing harmonious
wa!e acti!ity in a coherent fashion) :ou ha!e many choices here and it's up to you how you wish to
experience your reality. 9ut *ust $nowing that you can dramatically increase your potential in these three
important ways# first, by $nowing as much as you possibly can about yourself and the world around you.
"econdly, by expanding your consciousness through contemplation and meditation and thereby increasing
your bandwidth. ,9oth of these acti!ities will gi!e you much greater access to all of the information in
both the collecti!e and uni!ersal fields of consciousness.. +nd then thirdly, *ust by increasing your le!el
of awareness of e!erything in your reality % truly experiencing the essence of it by intensely obser!ing the
sights, the sounds, the smells, the tastes and textures to the greatest of your ability which, by the way, has
infinite potential.
"o you can see that we as human beings ha!e a much greater potential to control the reality that we are
experiencing than we typically ac$nowledge or use to our greatest ad!antage. 7ur greater understanding
of the reality we li!e in allows us to consciously direct it. 3owe!er, there is one and only one $ey that will
unloc$ this potential within you. +nd that is lo!e. The creati!e intelligence is a pure expression of lo!e.
&ra!ity wa!es unite e!erything holding it together in its lo!ing and undulating embrace. This is the
;reator's way of expressing his infinite lo!e for all of his creation. The point of origin of all of creation is
the heart of the ;reator and it is from his heart that all of existence came into being in a tremendous
outpouring of pure lo!e. The ;reator is always drawing e!erything bac$ into his heart at the center of
;reation through the force of lo!e. This is expressed uni!ersally as gra!itational pull. The core of the
nucleus of the atom symbolizes this heart center and is responsible only to the gra!ity pull of pure lo!e.
Therefore all of creation is responsi!e to this pull of lo!e at its core. It is symbolized in the core of the sun
as all of its children, the planets, are attracted to it and orbit around it. It is symbolized in our heart center
as we gra!itationally attract those people and things that we lo!e. 0o!e is the $ey to attracting through the
laws of gra!itation and the laws of the uni!erse, those things which we most desire. (e can only attract
with lo!e. (e can only direct the laws of the uni!erse in the reality which we experience if we use the
power of lo!e.
7ur thoughts and our feelings are !ery powerful at directing our reality. If they reflect the positi!e
emotions of lo!e they can be !ery powerful in creating a harmonious perception of our reality. If these
thoughts and feelings reflect negati!e emotions of fear and anger they will create a chaotic and discordant
perception of our reality. "o then what it comes down to is taming our mind and controlling our thoughts
so that they represent the highest attributes of lo!e, gratitude, compassion and $indness. 7nly in this
higher consciousness, can we consciously direct the harmonious perception of a beautiful and
synchronistic reality unfolding before our eyes. These three important ways of dramatically increasing the
'uality of our li!es and expressing our highest potential are the focus of this boo$. 9ecause I $now many
of you are limited by the constraints of time, and I am blessed to ha!e an abundance of it, I ha!e chosen
to share what I ha!e spent many, many hours researching and contemplating. This 'uest for $nowledge
and potential within the physical and spiritual realms of reality has brought me great *oy, inner peace and
a much greater appreciation for the omnipresent lo!e of the creator. It is my strongest desire that you too
will experience these exhilarating emotions by ta$ing this ad!enture with me.

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