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Multiple choice Inf3705

Chapter 2
1: Which of the following are recognized process flow types?
a. Concurrent process flow
b. Iterative process flow
c. Linear process flow
d. Spiral process flow
e.both a &c
2: Software processes can be constructed out of pre-existing software patterns to best meet the needs of a
software proect.
a. True
b. False
!: Which of these are standards for assessing software processes?
a. SEI
c. ISO 9
d. ISO 9!
E.both b &d
": #he waterfall model of software de$elopment is
a. " reasonable approach when re#uire$ents are well defined.
b. " %ood approach when a wor&in% pro%ra$ is re#uired #uic&l'.
c. The best approach to use for pro(ects with lar%e develop$ent tea$s.
d. "n old fashioned $odel that is rarel' used an' $ore.
%: #he incremental model of software de$elopment is
a. " reasonable approach when re#uire$ents are well defined.
b. " %ood approach when a wor&in% core product is re#uired #uic&l'.
c. The best approach to use for pro(ects with lar%e develop$ent tea$s.
d. " revolutionar' $odel that is not used for co$$ercial products.
&: '$olutionary software process models
a. "re iterative in nature
b. Can easil' acco$$odate product re#uire$ents chan%es
c. )o not %enerall' produce throwawa' s'ste$s
d. "ll of the above
(: #he prototyping model of software de$elopment is
a. " reasonable approach when re#uire$ents are well defined.
b. " useful approach when a custo$er cannot define re#uire$ents clearl'.
c. The best approach to use for pro(ects with lar%e develop$ent tea$s.
d. " ris&' $odel that rarel' produces a $eanin%ful product.
): #he spiral model of software de$elopment
a. Ends with the deliver' of the software product
b. Is $ore chaotic than the incre$ental $odel
c. Includes pro(ect ris&s evaluation durin% each iteration
d. "ll of the above
*: #he concurrent de$elopment model is
a. "nother na$e for concurrent en%ineerin%.
b. )efines events that tri%%er en%ineerin% activit' state transitions.
c. Onl' used for develop$ent of parallel or distributed s'ste$s.
d. *sed whenever a lar%e nu$ber of chan%e re#uests are anticipated.
1+: #he component-based de$elopment model is
a. Onl' appropriate for co$puter hardware desi%n.
b. +ot able to support the develop$ent of reusable co$ponents.
c. )ependent on ob(ect technolo%ies for support.
d. +ot cost effective b' &nown #uantifiable software $etrics.
11: #he formal methods model of software de$elopment ma,es use of mathematical methods to
a. )efine the specification for co$puter,based s'ste$s
b. )evelop defect free co$puter,based s'ste$s
c. -erif' the correctness of co$puter,based s'ste$s
d. "ll of the above
12: Which of these is not one of the phase names defined by the -nified .rocess model for software
a. Inception phase
b. Elaboration phase
c. Construction phase
d. -alidation phase
1!: Which of these is not a characteristic of .ersonal Software .rocess?
a. E$ personal $easure$ent of wor& product
b. Practitioner re#uires careful supervision b' the pro(ect $ana%er
c. Individual practitioner is responsible for esti$atin% and schedulin%
d. Practitioner is e$powered to control #ualit' of software wor& products
1": Which of these are obecti$es of #eam Software .rocess?
a. "ccelerate software process i$prove$ent
b. "llow better ti$e $ana%e$ent b' hi%hl' trained professionals
c. /uild self,directed software tea$s
d. Show $ana%ers how to reduce costs and sustain #ualit'
e. /oth b c
1%: .rocess technology tools allow software organizations to compress schedules by s,ipping unimportant
a. True
b. False
1&: /t is generally accepted that one cannot ha$e wea, software processes and create high 0uality end
a. True
b. False
1hapter !
1: 2gility is nothing more than the ability of a proect team to respond rapidly to change.
a. True
b. False
2: Which of the following is not necessary to apply agility to a software process?
a. Eli$inate the use of pro(ect plannin% and testin%
b. Onl' essential wor& products are produced
c. Process allows tea$ to strea$line tas&s
d. *ses incre$ental product deliver' strate%'
!: 3ow do you create agile processes to manage unpredictability?
a. 0e#uire$ents %atherin% $ust be conducted ver' carefull'
b. 0is& anal'sis $ust be conducted before plannin% ta&es place
c. Software incre$ents $ust be delivered in short ti$e periods
d. Software processes $ust adapt to chan%es incre$entall'
e. /oth e and d
": /n agile software processes the highest priorities is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous
deli$ery of $aluable software.
a. True
b. False
%: Which of the following traits need to exist among the members of an agile software team?
a. Co$petence
b. )ecision,$a&in% abilit'
c. 1utual trust and respect
d. "ll of the above
&: /n agile de$elopment it is more important to build software that meets the customers45!*6 needs today
than worry about features that might be needed in the future.
a. True
b. False
(: What are the four framewor, acti$ities found in the 'xtreme .rogramming 78.9 process model?
a. anal'sis2 desi%n2 codin%2 testin%
b. plannin%2 anal'sis2 desi%n2 codin%
c. plannin%2 anal'sis2 codin%2 testin%
d. plannin%2 desi%n2 codin%2 testin%
): 2ll agile process models conform to a greater or lesser degree to the principles stated in the :;anifesto for
2gile Software <e$elopment:.
a. True
b. False
*: What are the three framewor, acti$ities for the 2dapti$e Software <e$elopment 72S<9 process model?
a. anal'sis2 desi%n2 codin%
b. feasibilit' stud'2 functional $odel iteration2 i$ple$entation
c. re#uire$ents %atherin%2 adaptive c'cle plannin%2 iterative develop$ent
d. speculation2 collaboration2 learnin%
1+: Which is not one of the ,ey 0uestions that is answered by each team member at each daily Scrum
a. 3hat did 'ou do since the last $eetin%4
b. 3hat obstacles are 'ou encounterin%4
c. 3hat is the cause of the proble$s 'ou are encounterin%4
d. 3hat do 'ou plan to acco$plish be the ne5t tea$ $eetin%4
11: #he <ynamic Systems <e$elopment ;ethod 7<S<;9 suggests a philosophy that is based on the .areto
principle 7)+= of the application can be deli$ered in 2+= of the time re0uired to build the complete
a. True
b. False
!67 In Feature )riven )evelop$ent 8F))9 a client,valued feature is a client,valued function that can be delivered in
two wee&s or less.
a. True
b. False
1!: 2gile ;odeling 72;9 pro$ides guidance to practitioner during which of these software tas,s?
a. "nal'sis
b. )esi%n
c. Codin%
d. Testin%
e. both a and b
1": 2gile -nified .rocess uses the classic -. phased acti$ities 7inception> elaboration> construction>
transition9 to help the team $isualize the o$erall process flow.
a. True
b. False
1hapter "
1: Software engineering principles ha$e about a three year half-life.
a. True
b. False
2: Which of the following is not one of core principles of software engineering practice?
a. "ll desi%n should be as si$ple as possible2 but no si$pler
b. " software s'ste$ e5ists onl' to provide value to its users.
c. Pareto principle 86: of an' product re#uires ;: of the effort9
d. 0e$e$ber that 'ou produce others will consu$e
!: '$ery communication acti$ity should ha$e a facilitator to ma,e sure that the customer is not allowed to
dominate the proceedings.
a. True
b. False
": #he agile $iew of iterati$e customer communication and collaboration is applicable to all software
engineering practice.
a. True
b. False
%: ?ne reason to in$ol$e e$eryone on the software team in the planning acti$ity is to
a. ad(ust the %ranularit' of the plan
b. control feature creep
c. %et all tea$ $e$bers to <si%n up< to the plan
d. understand the proble$ scope
&: .roect plans should not be changed once they are adopted by a team.
a. True
b. False
(: @e0uirements models depict software in which three domains?
a. architecture2 interface2 co$ponent
b. cost2 ris&2 schedule
c. infor$ation2 function2 behavior
d. +one of the above
): #he design model should be traceable to the re0uirements model?
a. True
b. False
*: #eams using agile software practices do not generally create models.
a. True
b. False
1+: Which of the following is not one of the principles of good coding?
a. Create unit tests before 'ou be%in codin%
b. Create a visual la'out that aids understandin%
c. 0efractor the code after 'ou co$plete the first codin% pass
d. 3rite self,docu$entin% code2 not pro%ra$ docu$entation
11: 2 successful test / ones that disco$ers at least one as-yet undisco$ered error.
a. True
b. False
12: Which of the following are $alid reasons for collecting customer feedbac, concerning deli$ered software?
a. "llows developers to $a&e chan%es to the delivered incre$ent
b. )eliver' schedule can be revised to reflect chan%es
c. )evelopers can identif' chan%es to incorporate into ne5t incre$ent
d. "ll of the above
1hapter %
1: @e0uirements engineering is a generic process that does not $ary from one software proect to another.
a. True
b. False
2: <uring proect inception the intent of the of the tas,s are to determine
a. basic proble$ understandin%
b. nature of the solution needed
c. people who want a solution
d. none of the above
e. a2 b and c
!: #hree things that ma,e re0uirements elicitation difficult are problems of
a. bud%etin%
b. scope
c. understandin%
d. volatilit'
e. b2 c and d
": 2 sta,eholder is anyone who will purchase the completed software system under de$elopment.
a. True
b. False
%: /t is relati$ely common for different customers to propose conflicting re0uirements> each arguing that his or
her $ersion is the right one.
a. True
b. False
&: Which of the following is not one of the context-free 0uestions that would be used during proect
a. 3hat will be the econo$ic benefit fro$ a %ood solution4
b. 3ho is behind the re#uest for wor&4
c. 3ho will pa' for the wor&4
d. 3ho will use the solution4
(: /n collaborati$e re0uirements gathering the facilitator
a. arran%es the $eetin% place
b. can not be a custo$er
c. controls the $eetin%
d. $ust be an outsider
): Which of the following is not one of the re0uirement classifications used in Auality Bunction <eployment
a. e5citin%
b. e5pected
c. $andator'
d. nor$al
*: #he wor, products produced during re0uirement elicitation will $ary depending on the
a. si.e of the bud%et
b. si.e of the product bein% built
c. software process bein% used
d. sta&eholders needs
1+: <e$elopers and customers create use-cases to help the software team understand how different classes
of end-users will use functions.
a. True
b. False
11: -se-case actors are always people> ne$er system de$ices.
a. True
b. False
12: #he result of the re0uirements engineering tas, is an analysis model that defines which of the following
problem domain7s9?
a. infor$ation
b. functional
c. behavioral
d. all of the above
1!: 2nalysis patterns facilitate the transformation of the analysis model into a design model by suggesting
reliable solutions to common problems.
a. True
b. False
1": /n win-win negotiation> the customer45!*6s needs are met e$en though the de$eloper45!*6s need may not
a. True
b. False
1%: /n re0uirements $alidation the re0uirements model is re$iewed to ensure its technical feasibility.
a. True
b. False
1hapter )
1: Which of the following are areas of concern in the design model?
a. architecture
b. data
c. interfaces
d. pro(ect scope
e. a2b and c
2: #he importance of software design can be summarized in a single word
a. accurac'
b. co$ple5it'
c. efficienc'
d. #ualit'
!: Which of these are characteristics of a good design?
a. e5hibits stron% couplin% between its $odules
b. i$ple$ents all re#uire$ents in the anal'sis $odel
c. includes test cases for all co$ponents
d. provides a co$plete picture of the software
e. both b and d
": Which of the following is not a characteristic common to all design methods?
a. confi%uration $ana%e$ent
b. functional co$ponent representation
c. #ualit' assess$ent %uidelines
d. refine$ent heuristics
%: What types of abstraction are used in software design?
a. control
b. data
c. environ$ental
d. procedural
e. a2 b2 and d
&: Which of the following can be used to represent the architectural design of a piece of software?
a. )'na$ic $odels
b. Functional $odels
c. Structural $odels
d. "ll of the above
(: <esign patterns are not applicable to the design of obect-oriented software?
a. True
b. False
): Since modularity is an important design goal it is not possible to ha$e too many modules in a proposed
a. True
b. False
*: /nformation hiding ma,es program maintenance easier by hiding data and procedure from unaffected parts
of the program.
a. True
b. False
1+: 1ohesion is a 0ualitati$e indication of the degree to which a module
a. can be written $ore co$pactl'.
b. focuses on (ust one thin%.
c. is able to co$plete its function in a ti$el' $anner.
d. is connected to other $odules and the outside world.
11: 1oupling is a 0ualitati$e indication of the degree to which a module
a. can be written $ore co$pactl'.
b. focuses on (ust one thin%.
c. is able to co$plete its function in a ti$el' $anner.
d. is connected to other $odules and the outside world.
12: When using structured design methodologies the process of stepwise refinement is unnecessary.
a. True
b. False
1!: Software designs are refactored to allow the creation of software that is easier to integrate> easier to test>
and easier to maintain.
a. True
b. False
1": Which of the following is not one of the fi$e design class types
a. /usiness do$ain classes
b. Entit' classes
c. Process classes
d. User interface classes
1%: Which design model elements are used to depict a model of information represented from the user45!*6s
a. "rchitectural desi%n ele$ents
b. Co$ponent,level desi%n ele$ents
c. )ata desi%n ele$ents
d. Interface desi%n ele$ents
1&: Which design is e0ui$alent to the floor plan of a house?
a. "rchitectural desi%n
b. Co$ponent,level desi%n
c. )ata desi%n
d. Interface desi%n
1(: Which design model is e0ui$alent to the detailed drawings of the access points and external utilities for a
a. "rchitectural desi%n
b. Co$ponent,level desi%n
c. )ata desi%n
d. Interface desi%n
1): Which design model is e0ui$alent to a set of detailed drawings for each room in a house?
a. "rchitectural desi%n
b. Co$ponent,level desi%n
c. )ata desi%n
d. Interface desi%n
1*: #he deployment design elements specify the build order for the software components.
a. True
b. False
1hapter 1+
1: /n the most general sense a component is a modular building bloc, for computer software.
a. True
b. False
2: /n the context of obect-oriented software engineering a component contains
a. attributes and operations
b. instances of each class
c. roles for each actor 8device or user9
d. set of collaboratin% classes
!: /n traditional software engineering modules must ser$e in which of the following roles?
a. Control co$ponent
b. Infrastructure co$ponent
c. Proble$ do$ain co$ponent
d. "ll of the above
": Software engineers always need to cerate components from scratch in order to meet customer
expectations fully.
a. True
b. False
%: Which of the following is not one of the four principles used to guide component-le$el design?
a. )ependenc' Inversion Principle
b. Interface Se%re%ation Principle
c. Open,Closed Principle
d. Parsi$onious Co$ple5it' Principle
&: #he use of stereotypes can help identify the nature of components at the detailed design le$el.
a. True
b. False
(: 1lasses and components that exhibit functional> layer> or communicational cohesion are relati$ely easy to
implement> test> and maintain.
a. True
b. False
): Software coupling is a sign of poor architectural design and can always be a$oided in e$ery system.
a. True
b. False
*: /n component design elaboration re0uires which of the following elements to be describe in detail?
a. "l%orith$s
b. "ttributes
c. Interfaces
d. Operations
e. b2 c and d
1+: /n component-le$el design persistent data sources refer to
a. Co$ponent libraries
b. )atabases
c. Files
d. "ll of the above
e. both b and c
11: Web2pp content design at the component le$el focuses on content obects and the manner in which they
a. True
b. False
12: 2 Web2pp functional architecture describes the ,ey functional components and how they interact with
each other.
a. True
b. False
1!: Which of these constructs is used in structured programming?
a. branchin%
b. condition
c. repetition
d. se#uence
e. b2 c and d
1": Which of these is a graphical notation for depicting procedural detail?
a. bo5 dia%ra$
b. decision table
c. E0 dia%ra$
d. flowchart
1%: 2 decision table should be used
a. to docu$ent all conditional state$ents
b. to %uide the develop$ent of the pro(ect $ana%e$ent plan
c. onl' when buildin% an e5pert s'ste$
d. when a co$ple5 set of conditions and actions appears in a co$ponent
1&: 2 program design language 7.<C9 is often a
a. co$bination of pro%ra$$in% constructs and narrative te5t
b. le%iti$ate pro%ra$$in% lan%ua%e in its own ri%ht
c. $achine readable software develop$ent lan%ua%e
d. useful wa' to represent software architecture
1(: /n component-based software engineering> the de$elopment team examines the re0uirements to see which
are amenable to composition> rather than construction> before beginning detailed design tas,s.
a. True
b. False
1): Which of the following is not one of the maor acti$ities of domain engineering?
a. anal'sis
b. construction
c. disse$ination
d. validation
1*: Which of the following factors would not be considered during component 0ualification?
a. application pro%ra$$in% interface 8"PI9
b. develop$ent and inte%ration tools re#uired
c. e5ception handlin%
d. testin% e#uip$ent re#uired
2+: Which is the following is a techni0ue used for component wrapping?
a. blac&,bo5 wrappin%
b. clear,bo5 wrappin%
c. %ra',bo5 wrappin%
d. white,bo5 wrappin%
21: Which of the following is not one of the issues that form a basis for design for reuse?
a. ob(ect,oriented pro%ra$$in%
b. pro%ra$ te$plates
c. standard data
d. standard interface protocols
22: /n a reuse en$ironment> library 0ueries are often characterized using the DDDDDDDD element of the !1
a. concept
b. content
c. conte5t
d. all of the above
1hapter 1(
1: /n software 0uality assurance wor, there is no difference between software $erification and software
a. True
b. False
2: #he best reason for using /ndependent software test teams is that
a. software developers do not need to do an' testin%
b. stran%ers will test the software $ercilessl'
c. testers do not %et involved with the pro(ect until testin% be%ins
d. the conflicts of interest between developers and testers is reduced
!: What is the normal order of acti$ities in which traditional software testing is organized?
a. inte%ration testin%
b. s'ste$ testin%
c. unit testin%
d. validation testin%
e. c2 a2 d and b
": Ey collecting software metrics and ma,ing use of existing software reliability models it is possible to
de$elop meaningful guidelines for determining when software testing is done.
a. True
b. False
%: Which of the following strategic issues needs to be addressed in a successful software testing process?
a. conduct for$al technical reviewsprior to testin%
b. specif' re#uire$ents in a #uantifiable $anner
c. use independent test tea$s
d. wait till code is written prior to writin% the test plan
e. both a and b
&: Which of the following need to be assessed during unit testing?
a. al%orith$ic perfor$ance
b. code stabilit'
c. error handlin%
d. e5ecution paths
e. both a and b
(: -nits and stubs are not needed for unit testing because the modules are tested independently of one
a. True
b. False
): #op-down integration testing has as it45!*6s maor ad$antage7s9 that
a. low level $odules never need testin%
b. $a(or decision points are tested earl'
c. no drivers need to be written
d. no stubs need to be written
e. both b and c
*: Eottom-up integration testing has as it45!*6s maor ad$antage7s9 that
a. $a(or decision points are tested earl'
b. no drivers need to be written
c. no stubs need to be written
d. re%ression testin% is not re#uired
1+: @egression testing should be a normal part of integration testing because as a new module is added to the
system new
a. control lo%ic is invo&ed
b. data flow paths are established
c. drivers re#uire testin%
d. all of the above
e. both and a and b
11: Smo,e testing might best be described as
a. bulletproofin% shrin&,wrapped software
b. rollin% inte%ration testin%
c. testin% that hides i$ple$entation errors
d. unit testin% for s$all pro%ra$s
12: When testing obect-oriented software it is important to test each class operation separately as part of the
unit testing process.
a. True
b. False
1!: #he ?? testing integration strategy in$ol$es testing
a. %roups of classes that collaborate or co$$unicate in so$e wa'
b. sin%le operations as the' are added to the evolvin% class i$ple$entation
c. operator pro%ra$s derived fro$ use,case scenarios
d. none of the above

1": Since many Web2pps e$ol$e continuously> the testing process must be ongoing as well.
a. True
b. False
1%: #he focus of $alidation testing is to unco$er places that s user will be able to obser$e failure of the
software to conform to its re0uirements.
a. True
b. False
1&: Software $alidation is achie$ed through a series of tests performed by the user once the software is deployed
in his or her wor, en$ironment.
a. True
b. False
1(: 1onfiguration re$iews are not needed if regression testing has been rigorously applied during software
a. True
b. False
1): 2cceptance tests are normally conducted by the
a. developer
b. end users
c. test tea$
d. s'ste$s en%ineers
1*: @eco$ery testing is a system test that forces the software to fail in a $ariety of ways and $erifies that
software is able to continue execution without interruption.
a. True
b. False
2+: Security testing attempts to $erify that protection mechanisms built into a system protect it from improper
a. True
b. False
21: Stress testing examines the pressures placed on the user during system use in extreme en$ironments.
a. True
b. False
22: .erformance testing is only important for real-time or embedded systems.
a. True
b. False
2!: <ebugging is not testing> but always occurs as a conse0uence of testing.
a. True
b. False
2": Which of the following is an approach to debugging?
a. bac&trac&in%
b. brute force
c. cause eli$ination
d. code restructurin%
e. a2 b2 and c
1hapter 1)
1: With thorough testing it is possible to remo$e all defects from a program prior to deli$ery to the customer.
a. True
b. False
2: Which of the following are characteristics of testable software?
a. observabilit'
b. si$plicit'
c. stabilit'
d. all of the above
!: #he testing techni0ue that re0uires de$ising test cases to demonstrate that each program function is
operational is called
a. blac&,bo5 testin%
b. %lass,bo5 testin%
c. %re',bo5 testin%
d. white,bo5 testin%
": #he testing techni0ue that re0uires de$ising test cases to exercise the internal logic of a software module is
a. behavioral testin%
b. blac&,bo5 testin%
c. %re',bo5 testin%
d. white,bo5 testin%
%: What types of errors are missed by blac,-box testing and can be unco$ered by white-box testing?
a. behavioral errors
b. lo%ic errors
c. perfor$ance errors
d. t'po%raphical errors
e. both b and d
&: .rogram flow graphs are identical to program flowcharts.
a. True
b. False
(: #he cyclomatic complexity metric pro$ides the designer with information regarding the number of
a. c'cles in the pro%ra$
b. errors in the pro%ra$
c. independent lo%ic paths in the pro%ra$
d. state$ents in the pro%ra$
): #he cyclomatic complexity of a program can be computed directly from a .<C representation of an
algorithm without drawing a program flow graph.
a. True
b. False
*: 1ondition testing is a control structure testing techni0ue where the criteria used to design test cases is that
a. rel' on basis path testin%
b. e5ercise the lo%ical conditions in a pro%ra$ $odule
c. select test paths based on the locations and uses of variables
d. focus on testin% the validit' of loop constructs
1+: <ata flow testing is a control structure testing techni0ue where the criteria used to design test cases is
that they
a. rel' on basis path testin%
b. e5ercise the lo%ical conditions in a pro%ra$ $odule
c. select test paths based on the locations and uses of variables
d. focus on testin% the validit' of loop constructs
11: Coop testing is a control structure testing techni0ue where the criteria used to design test cases is that
a. rel' basis path testin%
b. e5ercise the lo%ical conditions in a pro%ra$ $odule
c. select test paths based on the locations and uses of variables
d. focus on testin% the validit' of loop constructs
12: Elac,-box testing attempts to find errors in which of the following categories
a. incorrect or $issin% functions
b. interface errors
c. perfor$ance errors
d. none of the above
e. a2 b and c
1!: Fraph-based testing methods can only be used for obect-oriented systems
a. True
b. False
1": '0ui$alence testing di$ides the input domain into classes of data from which test cases can be deri$ed to
reduce the total number of test cases that must be de$eloped.
a. True
b. False
1%: Eoundary $alue analysis can only be used to do white-box testing.
a. True
b. False
1&: ?rthogonal array testing enables the test designer to maximize the co$erage of the test cases de$ised for
relati$ely small input domains.
a. True
b. False
1(: #est deri$ed from beha$ioral class models should be based on the
a. data flow dia%ra$
b. ob(ect,relation dia%ra$
c. state transition dia%ra$
d. use,case dia%ra$
1): 1lientGser$er architectures cannot be properly tested because networ, load is highly $ariable.
a. True
b. False
1*: @eal-time applications add a new and potentially difficult element to the testing mix
a. perfor$ance
b. reliabilit'
c. securit'
d. ti$e
1hapter 1*
1: /t is not possible to test obect-oriented software without including error disco$ery techni0ues applied to
the system ??2 and ??< models..
a. True
b. False
2: #he correctness of the ??2 and ??< model is accomplished using formal technical re$iews by the
software 0uality assurance team.
a. True
b. False
!: #he consistency of obect-oriented models may be udged by re$iewing the 1@1 card model.
a. True
b. False
": #est case design for ?? software is dri$en by the algorithmic detail of the indi$idual operations.
a. True
b. False
%: /ntegration testing of obect-oriented software can be accomplished by which of the following testing
a. Cluster testin%
b. =lass,bo5 testin%
c. Thread,based testin%
d. *se,based testin%
e. a, c, and d
&: Halidation of obect-oriented software focuses on user $isible actions and outputs from the system.
a. True
b. False
(: 'ncapsulation of attributes and operations inside obects ma,es it easyto obtain obect state information
during testing.
a. True
b. False
): -se-cases can pro$ide useful input into the design of blac,-box and state-based tests of ?? software.
a. True
b. False
*: Bault-based testing is best reser$ed for
a. conventional software testin%
b. operations and classes that are critical or suspect
c. use,case validation
d. white,bo5 testin% of operator al%orith$s
1+: #esting ?? class operations is made more difficult by
a. encapsulation
b. inheritance
c. pol'$orphis$
d. both b and c
11: Scenario-based testing
a. concentrates on actor and software interaction
b. $isses errors in specifications
c. $isses errors in subs'ste$ interactions
d. both a and b
12: <eep structure testing is not design to
a. ob(ect behaviors
b. co$$unication $echanis$s
c. e5ercise ob(ect dependencies
d. e5ercise structure observable b' the user
1!: @andom order tests are conducted to exercise different class instance life histories.
a. True
b. False
1": Which of these techni0ues is not useful for partition testing at the class le$el
a. attribute,based partitionin%
b. cate%or',based partitionin%
c. e#uivalence class partitionin%
d. state,based partitionin%
1%: ;ultiple class testing is too complex to be tested using random test cases.
a. True
b. False

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