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University of Phoenix Material

Part I: Vital Information

Author Patricia Hammock
Instructional Topic Taking effective meeting minutes
Instructional Module/Training Plan Title Taking Minutes That Matter
Learning Setting Human Resources Department Training Room. This is a
large room ith mova!le ta!les an" chairs. The room is
e#uippe" ith all mounte" hite !oar"s$ a pro%ector an"
large all&mounte" plasma screen. 'or the purpose of this
training$ the room ill !e set up in a ( shape ith the
facilitator in the center near the controls for the )*V
e#uipment. 'lip charts an" fat markers ill also !e
provi"e" for an+ group ork.
Audience The au"ience is comprise" of a"ministrative support
personnel at a private aca"emic health center in the
southeastern (nite" ,tates. The participants range in age
from -- to ./. )ll are college&e"ucate". ,ome have
o!taine" master0s "egrees. There are a variet+ of learning
st+les represente"$ ith the ma%orit+ !eing visual learners.
The group is 1// percent female.
Delivery Modality 2online$ h+!ri"$ face&to&face$
an" so forth3
Total Time Allotment - hours
Instructional Module/Training Plan Goal Participants ill un"erstan" the role of a minute&taker an"
the !est techni#ues for pro"ucing minutes that inclu"e all
necessar+ essential information.
Two Performance!ased "#$ectives )t the en" of this orkshop$ participants ill !e a!le to:
4e an efficient minute&taker in an+ t+pe of meeting.
5rite minutes that are suita!le for formal meetings$
semiformal meetings an" action minutes.
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Instructional Mo"ule*Training Plan Template
A%T/&'( )ersion *
Summative Assessment Description Participants ill take a pre&test comprise" of true*false an"
multiple&choice #uestions to measure prior knole"ge. The
results ill allo me to focus training on the areas most
nee"e". The pre&test ill also inform the participants of their
areas of eakness. Participants ill take a post&test
folloing the instruction comprise" of true*false an" multiple&
choice #uestions7 the results of hich can !e use" to
"etermine the effectiveness of the training7 improve future
instruction$ an"*or i"entif+ areas for further stu"+ !+ the
participants. Participants ill also complete a likert&scale
evaluation$ hich also contains open&en"e" #uestions
2encouraging short anser responses3.
Instructional Module/Training Plan Template
Part II: Development
Attention Getter
'amous 8uote & I ill not onl+ use all the !rains I have$ !ut
all I can !orro.9 & 5oo"ro 5ilson$ 'ormer (.,. Presi"ent.
In this course$ +ou ill use +our !rain to think criticall+
through the role of a minute&taker an" !orro knole"ge
from me$ +our fello learners an" this orkshop to !ecome
a highl+&effective minute&taker.
Mi:ing (p the Mo"ifiers & Ice!reaker )ctivit+
)s participants arrive for the session$ an" !efore I rite their
names on a name car" or name tag$ I ill ask them to tell
me their favorite animal an" three a"%ectives to "escri!e the
5rite the a"%ectives on the name tag in front of their name.
Do not rite the name of the animal on the tag. 'or
e:ample$ a la!el coul" sa+ 9arm$ pla+ful$ loving$ Te".9
This ill lea" to some great la!els$ so I ill make sure as the
facilitator$ I ill also have one for m+self. I ill ask the
learners to mingle ith other participants$ sharing h+ these
a"%ectives !est "escri!e their on personalit+. 5hile the
learners are mingling$ I ill tape the pre&pare" sheets of flip
chart paper 2) ;oo" <istener$ ) ,oun" =ritical Thinker$ an"
an >:cellent ?rgani@er3 in "ifferent areas of the room.
)fter a!out eight minutes$ I ask ever+one to have a seat an"
"iscuss the e:ercise. Talking points can inclu"e:
& Di" +ou learn some things a!out people that ere
& Do +ou think that people are "ran to animals that are a
reflection of their on personalit+A
& If so$ hoA
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Instructional Mo"ule*Training Plan Template
A%T/&'( )ersion *
Detailed Input of ,ontent 1. Intro"uctions & Intro"uce m+self. >sta!lish cre"i!ilit+ !+
giving e:amples of training e:perience$ an" m+ on
e:perience ith the topic$ inclu"ing some ar stories.
-. >sta!lish groun" rules & I ill ask participants for some
groun" rules that shoul" !e folloe" "uring the course. I
ill recor" the i"eas on flip chart paper. )fter the
activit+$ create a final version an" post here visi!le !+
B. Housekeeping Items& 5ill "iscuss hen the orkshop
ill en"7 hen !reaks ill !e7 restroom facilities7 fire
e:its7 smoking polic+7 cell phone management7 foo" an"
"rink polic+.
C. )gen"a Revie & I ill present the agen"a as a
han"out$ PoerPoint sli"e or flip chart. Revie topics
an" timeline.
.. <earning ?!%ectives & Provi"e course overvie an"
"iscuss the learning o!%ectives.
D. )ction Plans an" >valuations & Distri!ute course
evaluation an" action plans. )sk participants to
complete "uring the course of the orkshop. )llo a
fe minutes at the en" of the session to finali@e i"eas.
E. )!out the Minute&Taker & 5hat is a minute&takerA 5hat
opportunities !eing a minute&taker affor"s participants.
6. ?ther Fames for the Minute&Taker & Discuss other
names for the minute taker$ such as recor"ing
secretar+$ secretar+$ note taker$ recor"er.
G. The Purpose of Minutes & Discuss the purpose of
minutes an" the ke+ components of effective minutes:
Ho issues ere "iscusse" an" finall+ resolve"7 The
names of in"ivi"uals ho ere assigne" specific tasks
an" the "ates these tasks are to !e complete"7
Resolutions7 Motions.
1/. Pro!lems an" ,olutions )ctivit+ H Divi"e participants
into to groups. ;ive them flip chart paper an" markers.
)sk them to "iscuss pro!lems encountere" hen tr+ing
to take minutes an" to suggest some solutions. ,ome
of the pro!lems the+ ma+ i"entif+ are: a eak chair ho
"oes not keep the meeting on track7 speakers ho
mum!le$ ram!le or speak too fast7 speakers ho are
"isorgani@e"7 chairs an" speakers ho give vague
"irections7 speakers ho ask the minute&take to create
motions aroun" their %um!le" comments7 too man+
people talking at once7 !eing sent out of the meeting to
make copies or get coffee$ etc.
11. De!rief & )sk participants to put their solutions on flip
chart paper an" present them to the rest of the group.
;ive ever+one an opportunit+ to contri!ute suggestions.
Discuss solutions to the pro!lems i"entifie".
1-. Putting +our !est foot forar" & )ppearance counts for
a large part of peopleIs impressions of +ou. This
inclu"es !o"+ language$ as ell as +our clothes.
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Instructional Mo"ule*Training Plan Template
A%T/&'( )ersion *
Detailed Input of ,ontent 13. Key Skills - Good listener; sound critical thinker; an
excellent organizer. Discuss each in detail. Conduct
listening and critical thinking exercises.
14. Provide organizational tips - develop a template before
the meeting; Color code your notes or use margins of
the page to note what part of the meeting you are
recording; use a tape recorder (if allowed.)
15. Choose a style for your minutes. Formal minutes support
a meeting which is governed by a chair according to
parliamentary code or procedure. Semiformal or Action
Minutes. Semiformal or action minutes are used by
small groups who do not have a clearly defined
operating structure. Informal minutes support meetings
that operate on a modified version of parliamentary
procedure and are generally written in narrative form.
Action minutes are best for those meetings that operate
in a purely conversational manner. They can be written
in bullet-point form.
16. Discuss each style in detail. Provide examples via
17. What do you record? Motions, Resolutions, Pros/Cons;
New Information, All motions passed and defeated;
Results of motions, expected action.
18. Top Techniques - Understand company jargon; have a
background knowledge of the topics being discussed;
Know meeting participants (spellings of names); be
familiar with past minutes; Have good communication
19. Before the meeting - Questions to ask before the
meeting: Are you taking notes for someone else to
transcribe or will you do it yourself?; Are there previous
minutes to examine?; When are you expected to have
the first draft prepared?; What is the purpose of the
meeting?; What is the parliamentary authority used by
the organization; Has an agenda been sent out to all the
participants?; Are you supposed to call the participants
and remind them of the meeting?; Are your responsible
for booking the room and room set up?.
20. During the meeting: Sit to the left of the chair; Reading
of past meeting minutes; Make sure you have a system
of correcting past minutes; Have all necessary
equipment available if recording minutes via a computer.
21. After the meeting: Re-read your meeting notes, if you
do not type them immediately. Complete and distribute a
rough draft. Double-check all facts and figures, names,
dates, spellings. Keep your meeting notes until the
formal minutes have been accepted and approved.
22. Post-Test - Distribute post-test. Discuss correct
23. Evaluation - Ask participants to complete a workshop
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Part III: Implementation
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Instructional Mo"ule*Training Plan Template
A%T/&'( )ersion *
Instructional Strategies Delivery-
The content ill !e "elivere" via face&to&face classroom
setting. =ontent ill !e "elivere" through "i"actic lecture
offering fre#uent response opportunities for all learners.
>ach learner ill have the opportunit+ to engage the content
through han"s&on e:perience gaine" through a mock
!usiness meeting an" the pro"uction an" evaluation of
meeting minutes.
Direct Instructions-
J'acilitatorK ill offer "etaile" e:planations of course content7
hat is a minute&taker7 purpose of minutes7 pro!lems an"
solutions hen taking minutes7 ke+ skills of minute takers7
offer templates for each t+pe of minutes7 revie elements of
each st+le of minutes.
SelfDirected. e/periential Activities-
)ctivit+ I & <earners ill !e provi"e" ith han"outs$ each
"epicting a form of minutes 2formal$ semiformal an" action3.
>ach learner ill !e aske" to i"entif+ the t+pe of minutes
"epicte" on each han"out.
)ctivit+ II H <earners ill !e provi"e" han"outs "epicting
form of minutes 2formal$ semiformal an" action3 that contain
formatting errors. <earners ill !e aske" to i"entif+ the error
containe" in each set of minutes.
,olla#orative Learning- 2in groups of four3
'acilitator ill ask participants to count off 1 to C an" group
the 10s$ -0s$ B0s an" C0s together. ;roup 1 ill !e provi"e" a
script "enoting a !usiness meeting. >ach mem!er of the
group ill assume the role of a participant in the !usiness
meeting. )""itionall+$ each mem!er of group 1 ill !e aske"
to present a pro!lem to the minute takers 2i.e. mum!le$ fail
to intro"uce themselves or the topic$ etc3. ;roup - ill !e
aske" to construct ,emiformal Minutes from the mock
meeting. ;roup B ill !e aske" to construct 'ormal Minutes
from the mock meeting. ;roup C ill !e aske" to construct
)ction Minutes from the mock meeting. 'olloing the mock
meeting$ the entire class ill evaluate the minutes pro"uce"
!+ groups 1$ - an" B for content$ format an" accurac+.
;roups -$ B an" C ill evaluate group 1 as the mock
meeting participants 2i.e. i"entif+ the pro!lem presente" to
minute takers3.
Learner %ngagement Strategies-
)ll learners ill !e engage" through han"s&on e:perience
via a mock !usiness meeting here role&pla+ ill !e
emplo+e" as a learner engagement strateg+. The session
ill involve in"ivi"ual an" group learning activities that
provi"e opportunities to appl+ hat has !een learne".
,hallenge %/ercise-
If time allos$ learners ill participate in a #uick fire
e:ercise here the facilitator revies course content !+
offering #uestions a!out meeting minutes an" learners
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Instructional Mo"ule*Training Plan Template
A%T/&'( )ersion *
0ormative Assessment 13 "#servation: The facilitator ill !e a!le to o!serve
learner0s un"erstan"ing as the+ complete to
in"ivi"ual activities 2correctl+ i"entif+ing formal$
semiformal an" action minutes3 an" 2i"entif+ing
errors3 in each t+pe of minutes.
-3 Peer/SelfAssessment: <earners ill evaluate
themselves an" their classmates through the
in"ivi"ual an" colla!orative learning activities.
B3 0our ,orners: The post&test can !e mo!ili@e" into
a kinesthetic activit+ !+ asking learners to in"icate
their responses !+ going to the ,trongl+ )gree
corner of the room7 )gree corner of the room7
Disagree corner or ,trongl+ Disagree corner of
the room. >ach participant ill !e e:pecte" to !e
a!le to e:plain their reasons for selecting the corner
the+ "i" for each #uestion.
,losure 1eflective 2uestions-
Fo that +ou have ha" this in&class e:perience of
con"ucting a mock !usiness meeting$ an" creating
semiformal$ formal an" action minutes$ "o +ou feel that +ou
have augmente" +our minute taking skillsA Do +ou see
+ourself as more of an asset to +our organi@ation having
hone" +our minute taking skillsA =an +ou see using the
skills o!taine" through this orkshop outsi"e of this courseA
0inal 3rap4p-
J'acilitatorK I hope that +ou have en%o+e" learning a!out
!ecoming an effective minute taker an" ho important a role
+ou serve hen recor"ing the actions of a !usiness
)ll organi@ations re#uire a means of recor"ing an" folloing
up on the actions of !usiness meetings. Lou are no
e#uippe" ith the skills an" organi@ational tools that ill
assist +ou in e:celling in this important role for +our
4e min"ful that approve" minutes are official$ legal
"ocuments that can help or hurt +our organi@ation. Take
+our responsi!ilit+ seriousl+.
'or those ho oul" like to take formal$ semiformal an"
action minutes templates ith +ou$ please "o so.
Materials and 1esources 1esources-
5orkshop )gen"a
<earning ?!%ectives
Me+ Templates
Mock 4usiness Meeting ,cript
=ourse >valuation
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A%T/&'( )ersion *
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Instructional Mo"ule*Training Plan Template
A%T/&'( )ersion *

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