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Sharing the Planet assessment/observations of childrens play

The needs of living things (function)
Identify the needs
of a specific living
Demonstrate that they are aware of the needs of
living things.
What do living things need? How can we help?
Child A
Not every living thing
needs sun

Most living things need water, we need to give them
Child B
I dont need the sun
to grow

I need water to grow, food to grow. I dont need the sun
Child C
The flower needs seed
and water

Not all living things need soil, but they need water
Child D
The flowers need the
sun and water most

We shouldnt pick it or dig it from the soil
Child E
The cow needs milk to

I can feed the cow with milk and let them sleep
Child F
The plants need soil
most to help them

We can put water in the soil to help them grow
Child G
The flower needs
water, sun and seed to

We water them once a month to help them grow
Additional notes:
This group of children were exploring an area of the classroom where we had previously set up our own
experiments after reading Do you know which ones will grow? This area had various living and non-living
things for the children to observe and explore. The children had set up experiments such as: socks in water,
sticks in soil and flowers in water to see if they would grow.

These children were investigating the area, using magnifying glasses and talking about their ideas.

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