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Fishbowl Notes


4. We have been talking a great deal about Newspeak and power of language to change the way people
think. Consider how language is used by Ravi in this story. How does his choice of words and phrases
expose his thinking? Has texting and social networking limited or expanded our ability to think and
1984 Quotes/Ideas Clementi Quotes/Ideas
Don't you see that the whole aim of
Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought?
-Newspeak lessens the range of knowledge
and thinking
-Encourages people not to waste time
thinking while writing/speaking by
diminishing its role in society
-Turns communication into a mundane yet
necessary activity

Ravi told Tam, and something else pertaining
to violins. If, with pertaining, Ravi was
aiming for sly disdain
Im such a thug compared to him.
-exposes Ravis superiority/ need to be
-shows his ignorance and lack of exposure
to homosexuality and poverty
-shows Ravis insecurity

-Texting is very similar to newspeak as it abbreviates and diminishes the meaning of words
-Because you spend less time writing/talking when you use them, you think less about the
meaning of your words- the same thing happens in newspeak
5. Parker notes that Ravi was influenced by the reputational value of gossip that he could gain by
researching Clementis past posts on the internet. Unlike 1984 where the past is rewritten under party rule,
in America the past now lives online and can haunt a person forever. Consider how the past affects the
present and future when it comes to social media and the internet.
1984 Quotes/Ideas Clementi Quotes/Ideas
Late that night, according to instant-message
communications released by attorneys into the
public record,
Ravi had found some of Keybowvios posts on
a Yahoo forum[and] He had found
Keybowvios name on Justusboys, a gay-
pornography site that also has discussion area
-Idea that what you write is here forever
applies to both Ravi and Clementi
-online history can provide first
impressions for others (colleges,
roommates, job interviewers)
Winston could not definitely remember a
time when his country had not been at war
He did not remember the raid itself
He who controls the past controls the
future. He who controls the present controls
the past.

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