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Response Summary:

Michele Hill


Regency on The Lake

James King, LMSW

Kim Sheppard




Total Hours

1) What is the student's role at the agency? (Include population with which student works )
Social Service Intern, Older adult

2) What are the tasks the student performs at the agency?
assessments re-assessments interviewing residents psycho social evals social service HX Care planning
Learned computer system Interact with aged population Learning the organizational structure Planning
and implementing discharge processes. Processing the death and dying process with resident and

3) What are the areas (i.e. tasks, skills) in which the student is excelling at the agency?
Michele has learned quickly most of the above items. She excels at communication with the resident
and families, who all love her tender ways.

4) What are the areas (i.e. tasks, skills) in which the student requires additional knowledge?
Death and dying, grief and loss.

Practice Behavior: Professional Role/Demeanor and Use of supervision
1. Displays appropriate behavior with staff and clients
Exceeds Competency (4)
2. Demonstrates the importance of appearance and appropriateness in dress
Exceeds Competency (4)
3. Is beginning to consistently display effective communication
Exceeds Competency (4)
4. Is beginning to consistently demonstrate effective record - keeping and writing skills
Meets Competency (3)
5. Is beginning to consistently demonstrate the need to accept and/or initiate projects beyond basic
academic requirements
Meets Competency (3)
6. Is beginning to recognize the expectations of the field instructor
Meets Competency (3)
7. Is beginning to prepare for and use supervisory sessions to reflect on practice
Meets Competency (3)

Practice Behavior: Client Access to Service
8. Is beginning to consistently familiarize self with client's and/or target population needs
Exceeds Competency (4)
9. Is beginning to consistently recognize client's and/or target population concerns related to receiving
Meets Competency (3)
10. Is beginning to consistently demonstrate ability to access services for clients
Meets Competency (3)
11. Is punctual and adheres to agreed upon attendance schedule
Exceeds Competency (4)

Practice Behavior: Personal Values
12. Is beginning to consistently display awareness of personal values and opinions related to the client
Exceeds Competency (4)
13. Is beginning to consistently recognize the need to manage personal values and opinions in order to
assist clients or client systems
Exceeds Competency (4)
14. Is beginning to consistently acknowledges and accept that all individuals have personal values and
opinions that need to be recognized and processed in order to practice effectively
Exceeds Competency (4)

If any item within a section has been rated either Exceeds, Does not meet or Marginally meets Expec...
Michele is doing great. She is eager to learn. Jumps right in with the issues at hand. Has faced head on
grief and loss at facility. She is proficient at paperwork and timeliness. She adjusted to a population that
is different than she has ever worked with before with ease. She is very pleasant and polite with a
population that can test the patience of Job. Her attendance has been great and we have had a very
snowy winter.

Practice Behavior: Ethical Decisions
1. Is beginning to consistently be able to describe the concept of professional codes, such as the NASW
codes of ethics, in guiding ethical decisions
Meets Competency (3)
2. Is beginning to consistently accept and discuss why professional codes, such as the NASW code of
ethics, are needed
Meets Competency (3)
3. Is beginning to consistently acknowledge the ethical obligations of the professional social worker in
fulfilling his/her service roles and responsibilities with clients, other professional, and the community
Meets Competency (3)

Practice Behavior: Roles, Boundaries, and Values
4. Is beginning to consistently interact in a professional manner while at the agency
Meets Competency (3)
5. Is becoming aware of and consistently demonstrates the need for professional boundaries
Meets Competency (3)
6. Is beginning to consistently recognize the concept and importance of self reflection, self monitoring,
and self correction
Meets Competency (3)
7. Is beginning to consistently display ability to distinguish differences among self reflection, self
monitoring, and self correction
Meets Competency (3)
8. Is beginning to consistently recognize times when self reflection, self monitoring, and self correction
are needed
Meets Competency (3)

Practice Behavior: Ethical Reasoning
9. Is beginning to consistently recognize the importance of considering ethical behavior in decision
Meets Competency (3)
10. Is beginning to consistently discuss ethical dilemmas with appropriate staff
Meets Competency (3)

If any item within a section has been rated either Exceeds, Does not meet or Marginally meets Expec...
doing well no issues

Practice Behavior: Organizing Knowledge
1. Is beginning to consistently display ability to organize information in an appropriate format
Meets Competency (3)
2. Is beginning to consistently demonstrate an ability to express creative ideas
Not Applicable/No Opportunity (0)

Practice Behavior: Assessment and Intervention
3. Is beginning to consistently identify and distinguish different assesment tools
Meets Competency (3)
4. Is beginning to consistently identify and distinguish different intervention models
Meets Competency (3)
5. Is beginning to consistently recognize the importance of analyzing data
Meets Competency (3)

Practice Behavior: Knowledge Integration
6. Is beginning to consistently demonstrate awareness of the importance of using different sources of
Meets Competency (3)
7. Is beginning to consistently demonstrate familiarity with how research-based knowledge affects the
client or target population
Meets Competency (3)
8. Is beginning to consistently demonstrate familiarity with how to evaluate personal experience when
working with the client or target population
Meets Competency (3)

Practice Behavior: Oral and Written Communication
9. Is beginning to consistently demonstrate effective oral and writing skills when working with
different populations
Meets Competency (3)
10. Is beginning to consistently demonstrate ability to work with groups
Not Applicable/No Opportunity (0)
11. Is beginning to consistently recognize that practice styles need to change when working with
different populations
Meets Competency (3)
12. Is beginning to consistently demonstrate effective writing skills
Meets Competency (3)

If any item within a section has been rated either Exceeds, Does not meet or Marginally meets Expec...
Doing well.

Practice Behavior: Cultural Awareness/Diversity
1. Is beginning to consistently demonstrate awareness of the extent to which mainstream culture
structures and values may oppress others
Meets Competency (3)
2. Is beginning to consistently demonstrate awareness of the manner in which the oppressed
recognize and perceive mainstream culture, structures and values
Meets Competency (3)

Practice Behavior: Values and Biases
3. Is beginning to consistently demostrate awareness of the importance of knowing personal biases
and values related to different groups
Meets Competency (3)
4. Is beginning to consistently recognize why acknowledging personal biases and values is helpful
Meets Competency (3)
5. Is beginning to consistently recognize the importance of fostering a respect for diversity
Meets Competency (3)

Practice Behavior: Recognize and Communicate Life Experiences
6. Is beginning to consistently recognize and discuss the impact(s) of different life experiences with
Meets Competency (3)
7. Is beginning to consistently demonstrate awareness of appropriate life experiences to share with
clients, groups and other individuals
Meets Competency (3)
8. Is beginning to consistently acknowledge the importance that life experiences play in regards to
behaviors and opinions.
Meets Competency (3)

Practice Behavior: Engaged Learner
9. Is beginning to consistently view self as a learner who requires guidance
Meets Competency (3)
10. Is beginning to consistently view and utilize staff as helpful sources of information
Meets Competency (3)
11. Is beginning to consistently recognize that the profession requires all social workers to be lifelong
Meets Competency (3)

If any item within a section has been rated either Exceeds, Does not meet or Marginally meets Expec...
No issues

Practice Behavior: Oppression and Discrimination
1. Is beginning to consistently recognize and understand different forms of oppression and
Meets Competency (3)
2. Is beginning to consistently distinguish the difference between oppression and discrimination
Meets Competency (3)
3. Is beginning to consistently display comfort in detecting factors related to oppression and
Meets Competency (3)

Practice Behavior: Human Rights and Social and Economic Justice
4. Is beginning to consistently recognize the need for advocacy related to human rights and social
economic justice
Meets Competency (3)
5. Is beginning to discuss and understand the terms human rights and social economic justice
Meets Competency (3)
6. Is beginning to consistently describe how human rights violations and social economic injustices
have affected others
Meets Competency (3)
7. Is beginning to consistently describe the need for supporting activities which advance social and
economic justice
Meets Competency (3)
8. Is beginning to consistently demonstrate how they may do effective work to advance social and
economic justice
Meets Competency (3)

If any item within a section has been rated either Exceeds, Does not meet or Marginally meets Expec...
no concerns

Practice Behavior: Practice Experience and Scientific Inquiry
1. Is beginning to consistently recognize why research evidence is used
Not Applicable/No Opportunity (0)
2. Is beginning to consistently acknowledge how research affects the tasks performed at the agency
Not Applicable/No Opportunity (0)

Practice Behavior: Research Evidence
3. Is beginning to consistently recognize the need for ongoing and existing or evidence-based research
and evidence related to the field
Not Applicable/No Opportunity (0)
4. Is beginning to consistently recognize the importance of practice experience
Meets Competency (3)

If any item within a section has been rated either Exceeds, Does not meet or Marginally meets Expec...
no concerns

Practice Behavior: Environment/Assessment
1. Is beginning to consistently demonstrate familiarity with the processes of assessment, intervention,
and evaluation
Meets Competency (3)
2. Is beginning to consistently recognize the importance of understanding others in their own
Meets Competency (3)
3. Is beginning to consistently demonstrate familiarity with how to gain information about others in
their own environment
Meets Competency (3)

If any item within a section has been rated either Exceeds, Does not meet or Marginally meets Expec...
meets the resident where they are.

Practice Behavior: Policies and Societal Well-Being
1. Is beginning to consistently recognize the need to be aware of policies that advance societal well-
Not Applicable/No Opportunity (0)
2. Is beginning to consistently demonstrate familiarity with policies affecting client systems at the
Meets Competency (3)
3. Is beginning to consistently display the ability to discuss the impact of collaborations in order to
foster change
Not Applicable/No Opportunity (0)
4. Is beginning to consistently acknowledge ways to advocate for effective policy change
Not Applicable/No Opportunity (0)

If any item within a section has been rated either Exceeds, Does not meet or Marginally meets Expec...

Practice Behaviors: Social Trends and Related Services/Leadership Roles
1. Is beginning to consistently recognize the need to make changes to service delivery to provide
effective services (i.e. different location, different population, etc.)
Not Applicable/No Opportunity (0)
2. Is beginning to consistently recognize how societal trends affect personal biases towards certain
Not Applicable/No Opportunity (0)
3. Is beginning to consistently acknowledge the importance and effects of societal trends
Not Applicable/No Opportunity (0)
4. Is beginning to consistently recognize the role of social workers in providing leadership to support
effective changes
Not Applicable/No Opportunity (0)
5. Is beginning to consistently demonstrate awareness of the profession's history and commitment to
improving the lives of those served or their communities
Meets Competency (3)

If any item within a section has been rated either Exceeds, Does not meet or Marginally meets Expec...

Engagement Practice Behavior: Engagement with Systems
1. Is beginning to consistently recognize the need to actively prepare for clients and work with systems
of change
Meets Competency (3)
2. Is beginning to consistently recognize the role he/she plays with
Meets Competency (3)
3. Is beginning to consistently acknowledge that all participants enter the agency/organization at
different stages and with different needs
Meets Competency (3)

Practice Behavior: Interpersonal Skills
4. Is beginning to consistently recognize and employ the appropriate uses of empathy
Meets Competency (3)
5. Is beginning to consistently recognize and demonstrate other interpersonal skills needed when
working with clients
Meets Competency (3)

Engagement Practice Behavior: Focus and Outcome with Field Instructor
6. Is beginning to consistently recognize and understand the importance of developing a learning plan
with the field instructor
Meets Competency (3)
7. Is beginning to consistently recognize the importance of supervision and is prepared at meetings
Meets Competency (3)
8. Is beginning to consistently acknowledge why work goals and desired outcomes are created and
used during field work
Meets Competency (3)

If any item within a section has been rated either Exceeds, Does not meet or Marginally meets Expec...
no concerns or issues

This is the FIASC for Michelle Hill.Assessm...
9. Is beginning to consistently recognize and understand methods for collecting, organizing, and
interpreting client data
Not Applicable/No Opportunity (0)
10. Is beginning to consistently recognize the importance of collecting accurate client data
Meets Competency (3)
11. Is beginning to consistently recognize the importance of recording and organizing accurate client
Meets Competency (3)
12. Is beginning to consistently acknowledge how other service providers interpret client data in order
to authorize services
Not Applicable/No Opportunity (0)
13. Is beginning to consistently demonstrate the ability to access and utilize client data
Not Applicable/No Opportunity (0)

Practice Behavior: Assessing Clients
14. Is beginning to consistently recognize and demonstrates methods for assessing client strengths and
Meets Competency (3)
15. Is beginning to consistently recognize and can interpret why client systems present with different
strengths and limitations
Meets Competency (3)

Practice Behavior: Intervention Goals and Objectives
16. Is beginning to consistently acknowledge the importance of goals and objectives
Meets Competency (3)
17. Is beginning to consistently demonstrate knowledge of how to create effective goals and objectives
Meets Competency (3)

Assessment Practice Behavior: Selecting Intervention Strategies
18. Is beginning to consistently recognize and employ the different types of intervention strategies
Meets Competency (3)
19. Is beginning to consistently recognize and know when to use intervention strategies
Meets Competency (3)

If any item within a section has been rated either Exceeds, Does not meet or Marginally meets Expec...
a natural

This is the FIASC for Michelle Hill. Interv...
20. Is beginning to consistently recognize and demonstrates intervention strategies that promote best
interest of client's
Meets Competency (3)
21. Is beginning to consistently acknowledge how to gauge client capacities
Meets Competency (3)
22. Is beginning to consistently recognize and demonstrate how to assist clients in resolving problems
Meets Competency (3)
23. Is beginning to consistently recognize the reasons for client concerns
Meets Competency (3)
24. Is beginning to consistently recognize and knows when to negotiation, mediation, and advocation
for clients
Meets Competency (3)
25. Is beginning to consistently distinguish the differences among negotiate, mediate, and advocate
Meets Competency (3)
26. Is beginning to consistently recognize and demonstrate the skills needed to negotiate, mediate,
and advocate for clients
Meets Competency (3)

Practice Behavior: Transition and Endings
27. Is beginning to consistently recognize the importance of transitions and endings
Not Applicable/No Opportunity (0)
28. Is beginning to consistently recognize personal feelings related to transitions and endings
Marginally Meets Competency (2)
29. Is beginning to consistently recognize client feelings related to transitions and endings
Not Applicable/No Opportunity (0)

Evaluation Practice Behavior: Evaluation of Work and Services
30. Is beginning to consistently recognize the need to evaluate work and services provided
Meets Competency (3)
31. Is beginning to consistently demonstrate the skills needed to evaluate work and services provided
Meets Competency (3)
32. Is beginning to consistently recognize personal feelings related to the evaluation of work and
services provided
Meets Competency (3)
33. Is beginning to consistently recognize the need to critically examine interventions
Meets Competency (3)
34. Is beginning to consistently display the skills needed to critically examine interventions
Meets Competency (3)
35. Is beginning to consistently acknowledge why and how intervention processes are created
Meets Competency (3)

If any item within a section has been rated either Exceeds, Does not meet or Marginally meets Expec...
doing well

Practice Behavior: Urban Context and Social Work
1. Is beginning to consistently recognize the challenges within an urban environment and the impact of
these on client systems
Meets Competency (3)
2. Is beginning to consistently recognize characteristics of the urban context and the need to develop
effective programs, interventions and services for client systems
Not Applicable/No Opportunity (0)

If any item within a section has been rated either Exceeds, Does not meet or Marginally meets Expec...

Embedded Data
RecipientFirstName James
RecipientLastName King

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