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Mathematics for Grade 3 Teachers


A. Read each number, i!e the "#ace !a#ue and then the !a#ue of the under#ined diit.
a b c d e f
$. %&' ((' )*' *,*** &(,'&+ 3)+ %*&
,. (,&%3 %&,('& ',&%+ (',&*+ (,*)+ &&,+'* &),
B. -rite the numbers in s.mbo#s.

$. four hundred fifteen /////////////
,. se!en hundred t0ent.1fi!e /////////////
3. & thousand, se!en hundred fift. /////////////
%. fort.1nine thousand, fi!e hundred se!ent.1fi!e //////////////
&. t0ent.1one thousand, eiht hundred se!ent.1fi!e ///////////////
2. 3i## in the b#an4s 0ith the correct numbers to ma4e each sentence true.
$. )*+ 5 //////// 6 '+ ,. )'& 5 )++ 6 ////// 6 $&
3. (++ 6 *+ 6 ( 5 /////// 6 3*+ 6 ( %. )'* 5 ////// 6 ,', 6 ///////
&. ,,)'& 5 /////// 6 (++ 6 '& (. *,3%* 5 ',+++6////// 63++6///////
'. ,,,+++ 6 3,+++ 6 '&+ 6 * 5 ///////// 6 '&+ 6 ///////
*. %&,+++ 6 &,&++ 6 3&+ 6 ) 5 ////////// 6 $,*++ 6 //////// 6 )
D. Use the i!en diits to 0rite the 7EAST and the GREATEST number "ossib#e.
$. &, &, 3 /////////// /////////// ,. +,), * //////////// ////////////
3. ), 3, + /////////// /////////// %. 3, %, $ //////////// ////////////
&. ,, &, ),$ /////////// /////////// (. ', ), ,, % //////////// ////////////
E. -rite the number bet0een or mid0a. the i!en numbers.
$. ,3& /////// ,3' ,. %&% ////////%&* 3. '3$ /////// '3'
%. 3,%&+ /////// 3,%(+ &. %,'%, //////// %,'%* (. *,,33 /////// *,,%&
'. (,'&% /////// (,''% *. 3,3%$ //////// 3,3*$ ). ),%&+ /////// ),&$+
3. 3ind the sma##est8#arest diit .ou can "ut in the b#an4 to ma4e the sentence true.
$. 3&////3 9 3&'3 %. ,3////3' : ,3 %3' '. ////,( &() : &,( &()
,. ,////%3 : ,3%3 &. ////( ),$ 9 %( ),$ *. ,////3 %&' : ,(3 %&'
3. ////$&3 : %$&3 (. 3( %////) : 3( %$) ). &,3 '////$ 9 &,3 ',$
G. Ans0er each of the fo##o0in ;uestions.
$. <o0 man. tens are in &(+= /////////////
,. <o0 man. &1"eso coins are e;ua# to &+.++= ////////////
3. <o0 man. $++1bi##s are e;ua# to a $+++1bi##= //////////////
%. >anessa has 3 ,+1bi##s and ten $1"eso coins. Mi#a has t0o ,+1bi##s one $+1bi## and one &1coin.
-ho has more mone.= //////////////
&. <o0 man. ten thousands are there in *,,%&(= ////////////
(. <o0 man. thousands are there in '&,+++= /////////////
'. -hich 0i## .ou choose, three $++1bi##s or se!en &+1bi##s= -h.= /////////////
*. -hat is the #arest %1diit number 0ith no diits the same= //////////////
). -hat is the sma##est8#arest %1diit odd number= //////////////
$+. -hat is the number sma##er than but c#osest to (,+++= ///////////////
<. -rite the fo##o0in in <indu Arabic.
$. 2???I ///////// %. D2D7?7 ////////// '. 2D>III /////////
,. D27 ///////// &. 7??I? ////////// *. 2D?2I> /////////
3. 27I? ///////// (. 2?I> ////////// ). 227?III /////////
I. -rite the fo##o0in in Roman Numera#s.
$. ,( /////////// 3. &) /////////// &. *3 ////////////
,. $+$ /////////// %. 3(' /////////// (. ')) ////////////
@. 3ind the neAt three numbers in each "attern.
$. $, %, ', $+, $3, //////, ///////, ///////
,. ,%, ,*, 3,, 3(, %+, //////, //////, ///////
3. $,, ,%, $,, 3(, $,, %*, //////, ///////, ///////
%. $'3, $'*, $*3, $**, $)3, $)*, ///////, ///////, ///////
&. )$', *$&, )$3, *$$, )+), ///////, ///////, ///////
(. )*', *'', '(', (&', &%', ///////, ///////, ///////
Read each number carefu##., ana#.Ce then ans0er.
$. I am a three1diit number. M. ones is three times m. tens and m. hundreds is four more than m. tens.
M. tens diit is ,.
,. I am an e!en %1diit number. M. tens is one itse#f. As for m. other diits, each is at #east three of m.
ones diit. -hat numbers can I be=
3. <o0 man. diits corres"onds to one hundred thousand=
%. I am bier 0hen turned u"side do0n than 0hen riht side u". -hat number am I=
&. Susan accidenta##. entered $,3 instead of $3, in her ca#cu#ator. <o0 much reater is , in the first
number than in the second number=
(. -hat is the reatest e!en number before the number & %++=
'. EAc#udin $&3%, 0hat is the sma##est e!en numbers 0e can find bet0een $&3+ and $&%+=
*. If .ou 0ere i!en the diits (, ', *, and ), 0hat is the reatest number that .ou can form=
). <o0 man. e!en numbers are there bet0een the numbers ,3% and ,%+=
$+. The tota# cost of a b#ouse and s4irt is %*&. The s4irt cost )& more than the b#ouse. <o0 much did
each cost=
A. 3ind the sums. Tr. to do each ora##..
$. ,* ,. %% 3. '3 %. *) &. $)( (. ( 6 $' 6 3 5
6 ( 6 ) 6 ,' 6 $$ 6 $)) '. ,* 6 & 6 ' 5
*. ,& ). %( $+. *3 $$. *'( $,. )'$ $3. ')$ $%. *)&
6 *' 6 (% 6 )* 6 $3, 6 ,%$ 6 (%, 6 '')
B. Gi!e the difference. Tr. to do each ora##..
$. $) ,. 3( 3. %( %. (, &. '$ (. *) '. *&
1 * 1 $' 1 ,' 1 3) 1 &' 1 () 1 '(

*. *( ). )( $+. )$ $$. &(% $,. ,)+ $3. '33 $%. &*,
1 (' 1 $3 1 &% 1 ), 1 $$, 1 %&( 1 &(,
2. Stud. the ca#endar for the month of Ma., ,+$$
$. 2onnect (, ', $% and $3 to form Sun Mon Tues -ed Thurs 3ri Sat
a s;uare. Add the corner numbers. $ , 3 % & ( '
-hat is the sum= * ) $+ $$ $, $3 $%
$& $( $' $* $) ,+ ,$
,. Dra0 the s;uare 0ith (, ,+, $*, ,, ,3 ,% ,& ,( ,' ,*
E % as corners. 3ind the sum ,) 3+ 3$
of the numbers in the o""osite corners. -hat do .ou find= -hat is the number in the center of the
s;uare= <o0 is it re#ated to the sum of the corner numbers= Tr. the same 0ith another 3A3 s;uares.
Do .ou et the same resu#ts=
3. a. 7oo4 at the numbers under the same da.. -hat is the difference=
b. -hat da. is Ma. ,= -hat da. is Ma. )= Ma. 3+=
%. a. If @u#. ( is a -ednesda., 0hat da. is @u#. $3= -h.=
b. If Ma. ,$ is a Saturda., 0hat da.s are FiG Ma. $3= FiiG Ma. $,= 2an .ou eA"#ain .our ans0er=
&. -hat is the difference bet0een FiG an. date and the date one 0ee4 before it= FiiG an. date and an. date
t0o 0ee4s after it=
(. Dra0 a #ine from one number to another to form a rectan#e and et the sum of the numbers in the
o""osite corners. 2om"are resu#ts and obser!ations.
'. If toda. is Se"tember 3+, 0hat date 0as it three da.s before .esterda.=
*. If toda. is Se"tember $&, 0hat date 0i## it be four da.s from tomorro0=
D. 3ind the !a#ue of R in each of the fo##o0in.
1 $' 6 $& 1 * 6 $+
$. H R I 119 H I 119 H I 119 H I 119 H 3+ I
6 ( 1 $3 1 $' 6 $*
,. H R I 119 H I 119 H I 119 H I 119 H %( I
6 ) 1$( 6 ,' 1 &+
3. H R I 119 H I 119 H I 119 H I 119 H %& I
E. Do as to#d.
$. Subtract * from the sum of $, and $(.
,. Add ) to the difference of ,3 and $*.
3. Add 3& to ,' and subtract the sum from )&.
%. Add t0ice $, to the difference of (& and $).
&. Subtract $' from (& and add the difference to ,&.
(. I am thin4in of a number. If I add ,& to it and then subtract $,, I et ,%. 3ind m. number.
3. Ana#.Ce and so#!e each of the fo##o0in "rob#ems.
$. So"hia had ,*J Mother a!e her $3 and 3ather a!e her $). <o0 much mone. has she no0=
,. The three sides of a trian#e are $3 cm, $% cm and $) cm. 3ind its "erimeter.
3. Anna made %+ sam"auita ar#ands in the mornin and 3& in the afternoon. She so#d (' in the e!enin.
<o0 man. ar#ands remained=
%. Rose "ic4ed $,& roses. She so#d %8& and a!e the rest for their home a#tar. <o0 man. roses did Rose
i!e for their a#tar.
&. As a ift, I a!e m. sister Marie a $3%1"ae boo4 of stories. If she read $& "aes a da., ho0 man.
"aes remained after % da.s=
2ha##eneBBB A. Stud. the "art of the addition tab#e be#o0.
$. 2an .ou te## ho0 each number in the tab#e is obtained= 7oo4 at the circ#ed *. <o0 0as it obtained=
,. -hat can .ou sa. about the numbers in each ro0= <o0 can .ou describe them= 2an .ou eA"#ain 0h.=
H<intK <o0 do the. differ= -h.= 0hat 4ind of se;uence do the. form=I
3. No0, #oo4 at the numbers in each co#umn= -hat can .ou sa. about them= -h. is this true=
%. 3ind the sum of the numbers in each ro0. +6$6,636%6&6(6'6*6)5 %& for the first ro0. 3ind the sum
of the four other ro0s. -hat are the sums= H<intK There is a short 0a. to et the sum.I

&. No0, et the difference bet0een the sums. -hat is it= 2an .ou eA"#ain 0h. it is the same= H7oo4 at
the tab#e and discuss 0ith .our "artner.I
B. $. G#en, <arr. and Lim each has a fa!orite s"ort amon tennis, soccer and baseba##. G#en does not #i4e
baseba## and soccer. <arr. does not #i4e baseba##. Name the fa!orite s"ort of each "erson.
,. Arrane the diits $, $, ,, ,, 3, 3 as a (1diit number so that the $s are se"arated b. $ diit, the ,s are
se"arated b. t0o diits and the 3s b. 3 diits. There are , ans0ers. 3ind one.

A. <o0 man. of the fo##o0in can .ou do ora##.=
a b c d e f h i N
$. 3, ,3 ,% ,& ,' 3% 3( %& &% &(
A 3 A % A 3 A % A & A , A 3 A ( A & A (
,. '& '( '* ), '% &' (% *, )& *&
A * A ' A ) A & A * A * A ( A ) A & A '
B. Do as to#d. <o0 man. can .ou do ora##.=
$. Subtract $& from the "roduct of a. ' and *, b. ) and $,.
$ + & % 6 , 3 ' ( ) *
$ + & % + , 3 ' ( ) *
, $ ( & $ 3 % * ' $++
, , 3 % & ( ' ) $+ $$
3 3 % & ( ' * ) $+ $$ $,
% % & ( ' * ) $+ $$ $, $3
,. Mu#ti"#. the difference of 3' and $$ b. a. ' b. ).
3. Add t0ice a. $3 b. ,' to the sum of ,& and ').
%. If I add $& to a number I am thin4in and then mu#ti"#. the sum b. 3, I et $$'. 3ind the number I am
thin4in of.
&. Subtract the "roduct of ) and ' from a. $++, b. ,++.
(. Mu#ti"#. the sum of ,' and 3* b. a. ' b. ).
'. Add ) to *J mu#ti"#. the resu#t b. & and then subtract $$ from the "roduct.
*. Subtract the sum of ,& and 3( from the "roduct of $, and '.

). Mu#ti"#. $& and 'J add the "roduct to
$,& and then subtract the sum from &++.
$+. If I subtract $, from the number I
am thin4in of and then mu#ti"#. the
difference b. ,+, I et '++. -hat is
m. number=

2. 2ross1number "uCC#e.


a. Subtract $' from %& Do0n
c. % times the sum of $, and $% a. % times &3
e. Add 3( to % times ,& b. & times $(+ added to 3$
. 3our #ess than ,$( d. 3our times $,$
h. The s;uare of * f. Subtract ,( from (&+
i. Add $$, to 3+( h. Mu#ti"#. '( b. )
4. Mu#ti"#. ' and ( N. Subtract %& from (+
m. Add %& to t0ice ,&+ 4. Mu#ti"#. * b. (
o. T0ice 3$) added to ,3( #. Add $, to $&
n. Subtract %, from $++
D. Ana#.Ce each "rob#em and then so#!e it.
$. @ohn "ic4ed % bas4ets of chicos. Each bas4et contained 3 doCen chicos. <o0 man. doCen chicos did he
"ic4= <o0 man. chicos did he "ic4=
,. In O$, @ohn so#d $+ doCen chicos at 3+.++ a doCen. a. <o0 man. chicos did he not se##= b. <o0 much
mone. did he et=
3. 2atherine co##ects stam"s. She "uts $& stam"s on each "ae of her a#bum. If $& "aes of her a#bum are
fu## and there are ( on the $(th "ae, ho0 man. stam"s has she=
%. 2aesar bouht , ba##"ens at (.'& each, and a "enci# case for 3,.&+. <o0 much chane did he et
from a &+1bi##=
E. Stud. the "art of the mu#ti"#ication tab#e i!en be#o0. 2an .ou eA"#ain ho0 each entr. in the tab#e is
4 # AAA m n
a b AAA c d
$( $, *
, 3 % & ( ' * )
+ + + + + + + +
, 3 % & ( ' * )
( *
( ) $,
$* $+ $, $% $(
,' ,% ,$ $* $&
3+ 3& %+ %&
3( 3, ,* ,% ,+
$+ $& ,+ ,&
A + $
+ + +
+ &
+ $
7et us ca## the ro0s the +1ro0, $1ro0, etc. and the co#umns as +1co#umn, $1co#umn, ,1
co#umn, etc.
Stud. the ro0s and co#umns.
$. -hat do the +1ro0 and +1co#umn te## .ou about mu#ti"#ication b. +=
,. -hat do the $1co#umn and the $1ro0 te## .ou about mu#ti"#ication b. $=
3. 7oo4 at the numbers in the ,1ro0. <o0 do the. differ= -hat about those in the ,1co#umn= -hat name
do 0e i!e to numbers in the ,1ro0 and the ,1co#umn= H<intK there are t0o "ossib#e names .ou can
%. -hat do 0e ca## the numbers in the &1ro0= <o0 do those numbers end=
&. 7oo4 at the numbers on the diaona# #ine. -hat 4ind of numbers are the.=

(. Dbser!e the "roducts. -hich diit, aside from +, is used the reatest number of times= the #east number
of times=

$. M.ra and Mer.## are " a number ame. M.ra i!es a number and then Mer.## i!es another
accordin to a "attern. Stud. the numbers the. ha!e i!en and see if .ou can com"#ete the tab#es.

3. A c#oc4 stri4es once for the first ;uarter of an hourJ t0ice for the ha#f hour, thrice for the 3rd ;uarter
and it stri4es as man. times as the hour. <o0 man. stri4es 0i## .ou hear from the time it stri4es $$K++
unti# it stri4es $,K++= <o0 man. stri4es from )K++ to $,K++=
%. Go to the mu#ti"#ication tab#e aain. 3ind the sum of a## the numbers in each ro0. In the $1ro0,
+6$6,6...6*6) 5 %&. 3ind sums of the other four ro0s. 2om"are them. -hat is the difference of
consecuti!e sums= 2an .ou eA"#ain the resu#ts= Get the sum of the numbers in each co#umn from the
$1co#umn. <o0 do the. differ= 2an .ou eA"#ain the resu#t=
&. 7ita, Ro. and Gina 0ent sho""in. 7ita s"ent $%&.&+, Gina s"ent ,& #ess than t0ice as much as 7ita
and Ro., s"ent 3& #ess than Gina. <o0 much did Gina and Ro. s"end= <o0 much in a## did the
three s"end=
A. 3ind the ;uotients of the fo##o0in. <o0 man. can .ou do ora##.=
a b c d e f h
/// /// /// /// /// /// /// ///
$. ,G)) ,G(* 3G3( %G*% 3G%* %G', &G(& %G&(
/// /// /// /// /// /// /// ////
,. 3G(( 'G)$ (G*% *G)( 'G*% &G)& (G)( %G$++
//// //// //// //// //// //// //// ////
3. *G$$, )G$$' 'G$&% (G$%% *G$3( )G$)* (G$), %G$,*
B. Masterin mu#ti"#ication. 3ind the "roducts a#on the i!en arro0s. -rite the ans0ers in the boAes.
$. ,. 3.
2. Do as to#d.
M.ra ' $+ $& $' ,$ ,'
Mer.## $$ $% $) ,$ %$ &3
M.ra , 3 % & ( ' $+
Mer.## ' ) $$ $3 ,& ,)
$* ,%
,& 3,
' $3
$* $(
( $'
) *
$. Mu#ti"#. the ;uotient of %* di!ided b. ( b. the sum of ' and $%.
,. Subtract (+ di!ided b. & from the "roduct of * and $,.
3. Di!ide &( b. % and add the resu#t to the ;uotient of '* di!ided b. (.
%. Mu#ti"#. $, b. $* and di!ide the "roduct b. (. 2an .ou find a 0a. to et the ans0er menta##.=
&. Add $3& to ,%) and di!ide the sum b. $,.
(. 3ind the remainder 0hen ,3%) is di!ided b. $'=
'. -hat are a## the "ossib#e remainders 0hen the di!isor is *=
*. I am thin4in of a number. If I add ,( to it and di!ide the sum b. & the resu#t is ,%. -hat is m.
). Mu#ti"#. the sum of ,3 and 3( b. %.
$+. Subtract $,( di!ided b. ( from the "roduct of * and $,.
D. Mu#ti" b. mu#ti"#es and "o0ers of $+. <o0 man. can .ou do ora##.= EA. Since % A 3 5 $,, % A 3+
5 % A 3 A $+ 5 $, A $+ 5 $,+
$. & A %+ 5 //////// ,. * A &+ 5 //////// 3. & A (+ 5 ////////
%. ' A &++ 5 //////// &. ) A 3++ 5 /////// (. ) A (++ 5 ///////
'. * A '++ 5 //////// *. ( A ,,+ 5 /////// ). % A %,+ 5 ///////
$+. & A 3++ 5 //////// $$. 3 A ,$+ 5 /////// $,. ' A 3%+ 5 ///////

$3. If ) A (, 5 &&*, 0hat is )+ A (,=
$%. If $% A (' 5 )3*, 0hat is $%+ A ('+=
$&. If 3& A *3 5 ,,)+&, 0hat is 3&+ A *3++=
D. 3ind N.
% 6 $+ A 3 1 $+
$. H N I 119 H I 119 H I 119 H I 119 H &$ I
A 3 1 ( $$ 6 ,'
,. H N I 119 H I 119 H I 119 H I 119 H 33 I

& 6 & A % 1 $,
3. H N I 119 H I 119 H I 119 H I 119 H (+ I
6 $( 3 1 $, A &
%. H N I 119 H I 119 H I 119 H I 119 H $++ I
E. Ana#.Ce each "rob#em and so#!e.
$. So"hia can t."e &3 0ords a minute. <o0 #on 0i## it ta4e her to t."e a term "a"er containin $,3'&
0ords if she s"ends an additiona# $& minutes for chanin and "uttin in the "a"er in the "rintin=
,. Timoth. athered $3) santo#s from one tree and t0ice as man. from another tree. <o0 man. santo#s in
a## did he ather=
3. A sma## #ibrar. had )3( boo4s. This 0ee4, ,3& 0ere donated b. the raduatin c#ass and ,3+ ne0
boo4s 0ere i!en b. the #oca# o!ernment. If &$% 0ere borro0ed b. students, ho0 man. boo4s are
no0 in the #ibrar.=
%. 2it. A and 2it. B are )+ 4m a"art. 2it. 2 is bet0een A and B. Its distance from A is t0ice its distance
from B. <o0 far is 2 from A= H<intK Ma4e a s4etch of ho0 the three to0ns are a#on the road.I
&. A rou" of ' hi4ers 0a#4ed a tota# of ,*) 4i#ometers. Dne 0a#4ed t0o 4m more than the others. The
other ( 0a#4ed the same distance. <o0 man. 4i#ometers did each hi4er 0a#4=
(. Mete is thin4in of , factors of (3 0hose sum is ,%. -hat are the.=
'. There are %* cans of mi#4 in a boA. The Grade 3 "u"i#s of St. @ohnPs Schoo# bouht % boAes. The. "ut 3
cans in each 2hristmas "ac4ae. <o0 man. "ac4aes 0ere the. ab#e to ma4e=
*. Dranes cost *.&+ each. <o0 man. can .ou bu. 0ith $++.++=
). A test has three sections. >erena ot &+ out of (+ in the first section, (& out of '+ in the second section
and (+ out of '+ in the third section. <o0 man. items of the test did >erena et correct#.= <o0 man.
items did she not et=
G. 2ha##eneBBB
$. Mut an. % coins of different denominations on .our des4. In ho0 man. 0a.s can .ou arrane them=
<o0 0i## .ou 4ee" trac4 of the different arranements=
,. -ith .our "artner, dra0 ,3 sma## circ#es. Toss a coin to see 0ho 0i## "#a. first. Martners 0i## ta4e turns
crossin $, , or 3 circ#es. The " 0ho crosses the #ast circ#e is the #oser.

3. Usin on#. the #etters in the s;uare, .ou can
form arithmetic 0ords. <o0 man. can .ou form=
Qou ma. use each #etter man. times.
are Numb#ed arithmetic 0ords. <o0 man. can .ou unscramb#e=
&. A B 2 D E 3 G < I @ L 7 M N D M S R S T U > -
,% ,3 ,, ,$ ,+ $) $* $' $( $& $% $3 $, $$ $+ ) * ' ( & % 3 ,
If the #etters ha!e the !a#ues abo!e, 0hat is the !a#ue of .our name=
EA. ANN 1 ,% 6 $$ 6 $$ 5 %( -hat is the !a#ue of .our name= -hat can .ou find 0ith the chea"est
!a#ue= more eA"ensi!e !a#ue=
A. 2irc#e the correct number of obNects to sho0 the indicated fraction.
o o o o o o o T T T T T U U U U U U 6 6 6 6 6 6 + + + + + +
o o o o o o T T T T U U U U U 6 6 6 6 6 6 + + + + +
o o o o o o T T T T U U U U U U 6 6 6 6 6 6 + + + +
o o o o o 38* ,8& T T U U U U %8' 6 6 6 6 6 6 + + +
&8( &8(
B. -rite the fo##o0in in s.mbo#s.
$. four1fifths ///////// (. three and fi!e1siAths /////////
,. one1thirds ////////// '. eiht and se!en1ninths /////////
3. t0e#!e1t0e#fths ///////// *. t0o and three1tenths /////////
%. se!en1e#e!enths ///////// ). siA and nine1thirteenths /////////
&. t0o1se!enteenths ////////// $+. fourteen and fi!e1t0ent.1first /////////
2. So#!e.
$. $8, of $% 5 ////// &. ,8& of 3+ 5 ////// ). %8) of 3( 5 /////
,. ,83 of $* 5 ////// (. &8( of %, 5 ////// $+. ,8' of &( 5 //////
3. 38% of $( 5 ////// '. 38' of ,$ 5 ////// $$. '8$+ of (+ 5 //////
%. 38& of ,& 5 ////// *. 38* of 3, 5 ////// $,. *8$$ of '' 5 //////
D. Mrob#em So#!in. Ana#.Ce each "rob#em and then so#!e it.
S ? T Q
3 D M E
< D R N
$. Do#ores bouht some ca4es and cut each into ( e;ua# "arts to se##. She had ', "ieces after cuttin the
ca4es. In the afternoon, she had & "ieces #eft. a. <o0 man. ca4es did she bu. in a##= b. <o0 man.
ca4es did she se##= Fuse a miAed numberG
,. Mother ba4ed 3( cu"ca4es. She a!e $+ to her neihbors and ser!ed $* to her chi#dren. -hat fraction
of the cu"ca4es did she a. i!e a0a.= b. ser!e=
c. -hat fraction remained=
3. Anthon. has ,& b#ue marb#es, $* red marb#es, 3, b#ac4 and %+ 0hite marb#es. a. -hat fraction of his
marb#es are the b#ue marb#es= b. -hat fraction of his marb#es are not b#ue=
%. There are &% "u"i#s in a Grade 3 c#ass. Dne1third of them are ir#s and $83 of the ir#s 0ear e.e1#asses.
<o0 man. ir#s 0ear #asses=
&. In a store, the storeo0ner found out that $8( of his stoc4 of ice cream had me#ted. If on#. $& a##ons
0ere unharmed, ho0 man. a##ons of ice cream me#ted= <o0 man. a##ons 0ere in stoc4=
E. To he#" .ourse#f 0ith the fo##o0in ;uestions, dra0 a #ine and di!ide it, first into ) e;ua# "arts and then
di!ide each ninth into , "arts. Use .our dra0in to 0rite in the missin numbers.
1. a.
$* ( ,
= = e.
$+ 5 //
5 5 5
$* (
5 N.
$* ( ,
5 5 .
$* (
5 4.

$* ) (

5 5 5 h.



,. Dra0 another #ine as #on as the one in O$ and di!ide it into ( e;ua# "arts and then each siAth into 3
e;ua# "arts. -rite the missin numbers.
$* ( ,
5 5 d.
$* (
5 .
$* )

$* ) ( 3
5 5 5 e.
$* )
5 h.
$* )
$* ) ( 3
5 5 5 f.
$* (
5 i.
$* )
3. Usin the #ine .ou ha!e constructed and the ans0ers abo!e, 0rite V:, 5 or 9 V in each H I .









A. $. 7ucia had , $8, a""#es. She di!ided them so she had Nust enouh fourths of an a""#e for each friend
and herse#f. <o0 man. of them 0ere there=
,. 3ather bouht 3 4i#os of oranes and , 4i#os of ra"es. <e a!e $ $8, 4i#os of the fruits to Grandmother
at the hos"ita#. <o0 man. 4i#os remained=
3. 2hris has a ro"e '83 meters #on. 7ind#e. has one $)8( meters #on. -ho has a #oner ro"e= <o0 much
#oner is it= If the. Noin their ro"es, 0hat 0i## be the resu#tin #enth=
%. Mr. "#anted $ ,83 hectares to rice, $ ,83 hectares to suar1cane and ,83 hectares to !eetab#es.
<o0 man. hectares of #and in a## had "#ants=
&. Marianne 0as i!en a , $83 meters of 0hite c#oth and $ $8, meters of b#ac4 c#oth. She used '83 meters
for a costume "art. dress. <o0 much c#oth is #eft=
(. 3i!e oranes and an a""#e cost *'J fi!e a""#es and an orane cost )). <o0 much do , oranes and ,
a""#es cost=
'. Gi!en a number of es, distribute the es so that .ou ha!e a different number of es in each bas4et.
a.$8, doCen es, 3 bas4ets b. $ doCen es, % bas4ets c. 3 doCen es, ) bas4ets d. ,
doCen es, ( bas4ets
B. 7et us o sho""in in a cand. store. The candies 0e can bu. areK
.e##o0 candies orane candies red candies
&+ each (+ each %& each
reen candies choco#ate candies
&& each '+ each
$. Qou ha!e ,.++. -hat % candies can .ou bu. 0ithout chane= 0ith chane=
,. Qou bouht ,.3& 0orth of candies. -hat did .ou bu.= 2an .ou bu. more than one set of candies=
3. Qou bouht , candies and ot $+ chane. -hat did .ou bu.= 2ou#d the. be of the same co#or=
Different co#or=
%. Qou bouht ( candies of one co#or. -hat is the #east mone. .ou cou#d ha!e s"ent= -hat is the most
mone. .ou cou#d ha!e "aid=
&. Qou are & friends toether and .ou ha!e &.++. 2an .ou bu. each of .ou a reen cand. and a choco#ate
cand.= If no, ho0 much more do .ou need= If .es, do .ou ha!e an. chane=
A. Gettin more ac;uainted 0ith fiures
$. 7oo4 around in .our c#assroom. <o0 man. of the fo##o0in can .ou name= 2an .ou s4etch each of
a. horiConta# #ines b. !ertica# #ines c. ob#i;ue #ines
d. "ara##e# #ines e. "er"endicu#ar #ines f. circ#es . s;uares
h. rectan#es i. "ara##e#orams N. tra"eCoids 4. an#es
,. Ta4e an. "iece of "a"er. 3o#d it into t0oJ "ress the fo#d 0e##. 3o#d it aain into t0o ma4in sure that
"art of the first fo#d is com"#ete#. o!er the other "art. Mress the fo#d 0e##. D"en the "a"er. -hat do
the t0o creased #ines form= 7oo4 at the an#esJ 0hat 4ind are the.=
A B 2 D
3. 7oo4 at #ine m. :++++9 m
a. <o0 man. "oints are sho0n on it= Name them.
b. Usin its "oints, ho0 is #ine m named=
c. <o0 man. sements on it can be named= -h. is sement AB the same as sement BA=
d. If .ou use B as oriin, 0hich ra.s can .ou name=
e. -hat if .ou use A, 2 or D as oriin= <o0 man. ra.s in a## can be named=
f. Is ra. AB the same as ra. BA= 2an .ou eA"#ain .our ans0er=

%. <o0 man. sements and ra.s can .ou name from the fiure=
A B 2 D E 3 G <
&. In ho0 man. 0a.s can .ou name the an#e at the riht=
-hich is the !erteA= the sides=
(. a. <o0 man. ra.s are in the fiure= <o0 man. ra.s are
needed to form an an#e=
b. <o0 man. an#es can .ou name from the fiure=
'. 7ines #i4e AB and 2D that ha!e one "oint in common are ca##ed
intersectin #ines. a. <o0 man. an#es do intersectin #ines
form= D""osite an#es formed b. intersectin #ines, #i4e $ and
, are ca##ed !ertica# an#es. b. 2an .ou name another "air of
!ertica# an#es in the fiure=
*. Ta4e a "iece of "a"er. 3o#d it into t0oJ "ress the fo#d 0e##. D"en the
fo#dJ then fo#d it aain to cross the first one. The t0o creases
shou#d be t0o intersectin #ines. 2an .ou see the t0o "airs of
!ertica# an#es= B. fo#din, ma4e AD fa## on D2 and DD on DB.
' ( & %
-hat ha""ens to one "air of !ertica# an#es= NeAt, ma4e AD fa##
on DD and D2 on DB. -hat ha""ens to the other "air of !ertica#
B. $. Linds of an#es
a. Name the acute an#es in the fiure.
b. -hat are the obtuse an#es in the fiure.
c. Name the riht an#es in the fiure.
,. In the fiure, $ 5 &&
and , 5 3&
. An#es #i4e the
t0o an#es such that $ 6 , 5 )+
, are ca##ed
com"#ementar. an#es. $ and , are com"#ementar..
a. If $ 5 %,
, 0hat is ,=
b. If , is t0ice $, find $ and ,.
c. If $ is $+
more than ,, find the t0o an#es.
3. The sum of A and . in the fiure is $*+
. -hen the sum of t0o an#es is $*+
, the. are ca##ed
su""#ementar. an#es. A and . are su""#ementar..
a. If A 5 ',
, 0hat is .=
b. If . is three times A, find A and ..
c. If . is $*
more than A, find A and ..

2.$. Accordin to an#es8sides, 0hat 4ind of trian#e is each of the fo##o0in=

,. Tear out t0o an#es of .our cut1out trian#e and "ut them beside the third one a#on one #ine of .our
"a"er8noteboo4. -hat do the three an#es form= -hat is the sum of the an#es of a trian#e=
a. In AB2, A 5 &+
and B 5 (&
. -hat is 2=
b. The an#es of a trian#e are in the ratio 3K%K&. 3ind the an#es of the trian#e.
A. Measure o""osite sides of one "ae of .our handout. -hat do .ou find= Use 0hat .ou disco!ered to
ans0er the first three "rob#ems.
$. Mario has a rectanu#ar arden $( meters #on and $, meters 0ide. -hat is the "erimeter of MarioPs
arden= b. Mario 0ants to fence it. The fence 0i## cost '& "er meter. <o0 much 0i## Mario s"end
for the fence= Mario 0i## use "osts , m a"art. <o0 man. 0i## he need=
,. 7uci#a is ma4in a tab#e c#oth. Its #enth is , meters and its 0idth is $ $8% m. <o0 man. meters of #ace
does 7uci#a need to "ut around the edes=
3. The Botanica# arden in Bauio 2it. is $3+ m #on and *& m 0ide. If .ou No around it & times, ho0
man. meters 0i## that be=
%. Train stations are ,& 4i#ometers a"art. -hi#e @err. 0as ridin a fast train, he counted ( stations in one
hour, one at the beinnin and the (th at the end. <o0 man. 4i#ometers did the train co!er in one
&. In an e re#a. race, & es are "#aced , meters a"art 0ith the first e 3 meters from the start #ine.
Each contestant has a bi meta# s"oon. <e ta4es the first e in the s"oon and brins it bac4 to the
start #ine. <e then oes to the second e, ta4es the e in the s"oon and brins it bac4 to the finish
#ine. The 0inner is the one 0ho brins in a## & es to the finish #ine first. SuestionK In a##, ho0 man.
meters does the 0inner run= Ma4e a diaram to he#" .ou. Remember that the first e is 3 m from the
start #ine.
E 3
2 D
< I
B. EA"#orin 0ith coins
-ith .our "artner, "ut one & coin, one ,& coin, one $ coin, and one &1coin. Arrane them in a
$. In ho0 man. 0a.s can .ou arrane the % coins in a ro0=
,. In ho0 man. other 0a.s can .ou arrane them if .ou need not "ut them in one #ine=
3. <o0 man. different amounts of mone. can .ou "a. 0ith one, t0o, three or a## the coins=
%. If .ou ha!e 3 of each 4ind of coin, ho0 man. other different amounts can .ou "a. for=
A. Do .ou 4no0 .our units of measurement= 2on!ert the fo##o0in into 0hat is re;uired.
$. 3 m 5 ////// dm &. ' dm 5 ///// cm ). * $8, dm 5 //// cm
,. &+ cm 5 ///// dm (. 3 $8, m 5 //// dm $+. $3+ cm 5 ///// m
3. ,++ cm 5 ///// m '. $(+ cm 5 //// dm $$. , $8& m 5 //// cm
%. &++ m 5 ///// 4m *. $ $8, 4m 5 //// m $,. 3& dm 5 //// m
,. -hat unit 0i## .ou use to measureK
a. the #enth of the b#ac4board= //////////////
b. the #enth of the schoo# corridor=//////////////
c. the heiht of a f#a"o#e= ///////////////
d. the distance bet0een .our house and .our schoo#= ///////////////
e. the #enth of a ba##"en= //////////////
f. the thic4ness of a te#e"hone director.= //////////////
3. A "iece of "ad "a"er is rectanu#ar. a. <o0 #on is it= ///////// cm
b. <o0 0ide is it= /////// cm c. -hat is its "erimeter= //////// cm
2. 3ind the "erimeter and area i!en the fo##o0in dimensions. Ma4e .our o0n fiure.
$. Rectan#e 0ith a #enth of 3+ cm and a 0idth of $( cm
,. S;uare 0ith a side of a. $* cm b. ,, dm
3. Riht trian#e 0ith a base of $' cm and a heiht of 33 cm
%. S;uare 0ith a side of a. $( cm b. ,' cm c. ,& m
&. Rectan#e 0ith a #enth of &.( m and a 0idth of 3.% m
D. Ana#.Ce each "rob#em and then so#!e it.
$. Nena bouht $8, 4i#o of brocco#i and $ 4i#o of cau#if#o0er. In a##, ho0 man. rams of !eetab#es did
Nena bu.=
,. A rectanu#ar schoo# .ard is $$+ m #on and )+ m 0ide.
a. -hat is its "erimeter=
b. <o0 man. times do .ou need to 0a#4 around it to be ab#e to 0a#4 $ 4i#ometer=
3. Rem. made a tab#e co!er $ 38% m #on= <o0 #on is the tab#e co!er in centimeters= If the co!er is $ m
0ide, 0hat is the "erimeter of the tab#e co!er= -hat is its area=
%. An <.E. c#ass is ma4in dusters 0hich are %, cm #on and 3, cm 0ide. The teacher cut them from a
c#oth that is )( cm 0ide. To ma4e %& dusters for her c#ass, 0hat is the tota# #enth of the c#oth that the
teacher needs=
&. Geore bouht a rectanu#ar farm 0hich is ,,% m #on and )( m 0ide. <e di!ided it into sma##er
s;uare "#ots 0hich are 3, m on each side to "#ant different 4inds of !eetab#es. <o0 man. s;uare
"#ots 0i## he be ab#e to ma4e=
(. A rass #a0n is &( m #on and %* m 0ide. There is a % f#o0er "#ot near each of the % corners of the
#a0n. Each is * m b. & m. -hat is the area of one "#ot= -hat is the area of the % "#ots= -hat is the
area of the rass #a0n=
A. $. Mario has a rectanu#ar arden $& meters #on and $, meters 0ide. -hat is the "erimeter of
MarioPs arden= b. Mario 0ants to fence it. The fence 0i## cost '& "er meter. <o0 much 0i## Mario
s"end for the fence= Mario 0i## use "osts 3 m a"art. <o0 man. 0i## he need=
,. 7uci#a is ma4in a round tab#e c#oth. Its diameter is , meters. <o0 man. meters of #ace does 7uci#a
need to "ut around the edes=
3. Train stations are ,& 4i#ometers a"art. -hi#e @err. 0as ridin a fast train, he counted * stations in one
hour, one at the beinnin and the eihth at the end. <o0 man. 4i#ometers did the train co!er in one
%. The Botanica# arden in Bauio 2it. is $3+ meters #on and *& meters 0ide. If .ou 0a#4 around it,
ho0 man. meters 0i## that be=
&. In an e re#a. race, & es are "#aced , meters a"art 0ith the first e 3 meters from the start #ine.
Each contestant has a bi meta# s"oon. <e ta4es the first e in the s"oon and brins it bac4 to the
start #ine. <e then oes to the second e, ta4es the e in the s"oon and brins it bac4 to the finish
#ine. The 0inner is the one 0ho brins in a## & es to the finish #ine first. SuestionK In a##, ho0 man.
meters does the 0inner run= HThe diaram sho0s the first and second es.I
(. 3ather has a arden 0ith an area of %* s;uare meters. -hat cou#d be the #enth and 0idth of 3atherPs
arden if both are 0ho#e numbers and at #east , m=
'. @ohn 0ants to ma4e a arden. <e has %* meters of fencin materia#s. If the arden he 0ants to ma4e
must ha!e a #enth and a 0idth 0hich are 0ho#e numbers of at #east % m, ho0 man. different ardens
can @ohn ma4e. -hich 0i## ha!e the biest area=
B. $. DeAter started at 'K$& ".m. <e finished at *K3' ".m. <o0 man. minutes did he stud.=
,. Anastasia and >ictoria 0ent to see a "#a.. The. arri!ed at *K%& ".m. and the doors 0ere c#osed. The
uard to#d them the. 0ere 3+ minutes #ate. -hat time did the "#a. start=
3. A fi#m is %& minutes #on. It 0as sho0n to Grades 3 to ( "u"i#s. Because the room is not bi enouh,
one rade at a time sa0 it. The sho0in bean at $K++ ".m. -hat time did it end if $+ minutes is
needed bet0een each sho0in for re0indin the fi#m and chanin the audience=
%. Su""ose .ou 0ant to coo4 an e for & minutes. Qou ha!e no 0atch but .ou ha!e t0o sand1fi##ed
timers, one for , minutes and the other for ) minutes. <o0 0i## .ou use them to et & minutes=
&. Usin a 31minute and a '1minute timers ho0 can .ou measure an. number of minutes from $ to $+=
(. If .ou toss a coin ,+ times, ho0 man. times do .ou thin4 it 0i## fa## head u"= Record .our uess and
that of .our "artner. Ta4e an. coin and toss it ,+ times. -rite < and T on .our "a"er. Use ta##ies to
record each resu#t. <o0 c#ose 0as .our uess=
'. A ce## of a certain bacterium di!ides in t0o e!er. 3+ minutes. In 3 hours, ho0 man. ce##s 0i## a sin#e
ce## "roduce.
*. 2ar#a made a doCen hand4erchiefs each of side ,% cm. <o0 much #ace does she need to "ut around a##
of them if $ cm is needed for each hand4erchief for turnin at the corners=

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