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Maths Pythagoras theorem

In any right triangle, the area of the square whose side is the
hypotenuse (the side opposite the right angle) is equal to the sum
of the areas of the squares whose sides are the two legs (the two
sides that meet at a right angle).
The theorem an !e written as an equation relating the lengths of
the sides a, b and c, often alled the Pythagorean equation"
where c represents the length of the hypotenuse, and a and b
represent the lengths of the other two sides.
Proof #3
&ow we start with four opies of the same triangle. Three of these
ha'e !een rotated ()*, $+)*, and ,-)*, respeti'ely. .ah has area
ab/,. 0et1s put them together without additional rotations so that
they form a square with side c.
The square has a square hole with the side (a - b). 2umming up its
area (a - b)3 and ,ab, the area of the four triangles (45ab/,), we get
c = (a - b) + 2ab
= a - 2ab + b + 2ab
= a + b
0et 789 !e right angled at 9. Produe 89 ma:ing 8D ; 78. <oin
7D. =rom ., the midpoint of 9D, draw a perpendiular meeting
7D at =. <oin 8=. 7D9 is similar to 8=.. >ene.
79/8. ; 9D/.=.
8ut 9D ; 8D ? 89 ; 78 ? 89. @sing this
8. ; 89 A 9D/,
8. ; 89 A (78 ? 89)/,
; (78 A 89)/,
and .= ; 79/,. 2o that
79579/, ; (78 ? 89)5(78 A 89)/,,
whih of ourse leads to 783 ; 793 A 893.
Mathematical uses
Pythagorean triplets
The eBistene of irrational num!ers
Distane in artesian oordinate
0aw of onsines
Triretangular Tetrahedron
Diagonal of retangular !lo:
Uses In our ail! life
In modern times, there are few diret uses for the Theorem, !ut it is
fundamental to the ad'aned mathematis used in engineering, arhiteture,
sur'eying and so on.
7 pratial appliation of the rule was to he: that !uildings and plots
of land were 1square1 ? that is that they had right angles (() degrees)
It was years !efore, Pythagoras(C+, 89) is said to ha'e diso'ered
Pythagorean Theorem. 2trangely, C enturies after Pythagoras li'ed, the
theorem Pythagorean was attri!uted to him.
The diso'ery of the theorm Pythagorean ame when Pythagoras was
waiting for the tyrannial ruler, Polyrates. 7n interesting idea had flashed
Pythagoras mind" 7 diagonal line an !e used to ut or di'ide the square and
two right triangles would !e produed from the ut sides.
7fter eBamining it further, Pythagoras formulated the idea in mind.

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