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Grade 10 Advanced Math Course Outline

First Quarter
S.Y. 2014 2015

Teacher: Ms. Ma. Glenda P. Ong
I. Objectives
At the end of the quarter, the student should be able to
1. recognize, select, and use appropriate mathematical facts, concepts, properties, and procedures in practical
and theoretical problems;
2. recognize the usefulness of mathematics and appreciate its application and connection to the different
branches and other disciplines;
3. represent objects, quantities and relationships, and situations using different visual and mathematical
representations and models;
4. apply the use of linear and quadratic functions and inequalities to determine the maximum and minimum
values of a given function.
5. select the appropriate tools/technology, and use these in mathematical inquiries, investigations, problem
solving, mathematical modeling and other mathematical tasks and applications;

II. Content
Unit Title/Topics No. of Sessions
I. Quadratic Equations:
Review of Solutions to Quadratic Equations by Factoring, by
Completing the Square, and by using the Quadratic Formula
Problems Involving Quadratic Equations

5 sessions

II. Quadratic Equations and Functions
Properties of the Solutions (Sum and Product) of a Quadratic
The Discriminant of a Quadratic Equation
Maximum and Minimum Values of Quadratic Functions
Problems Involving Optimization of Quadratic Functions
Graphs and Properties (Vertex, axes intercepts, axis of symmetry,
etc.) of Graphs of Quadratic Functions in Different Forms
Maximum and Minimum Values of Quadratic Functions and Problems
Involving Optimization
Positive Definite and Negative Definite Quadratic

15 sessions

III. Systems of Linear Inequalities
Graphs of linear inequalities in two variables
Solutions of systems of linear inequalities
Applications of systems of linear inequalities

4 sessions

IV. Linear and Quadratic Equations and Inequalities
Intersection of a Line and a Curve
Solving Linear Inequalities and Quadratic Inequalities
Problem Solving Involving Inequalities

5 sessions

III. List of Assessments

Graded Assessments Percentage
1. Long Test on Quadratic Equations 10%
2. Long Test on Quadratic Equations and Functions 20%
3. Long Test on Linear & Quadratic Equations and Inequalities 20%
4. Performance Task on Quadratic Equations 10%
5. Quarterly Summative Test 40%

Non-graded Assessments in the form of practice tests, drills, and journal writing will also be given.

IV. On Non-graded Assessments
A practice test is a set of exercises accomplished by the students in class under test conditions. Although they
are not graded, practice tests, drills and journal writing are considered essential in providing the student, his
parents and the teacher feedback to better prepare the student for the unit test, quarterly summative test and
other forms of graded assessments.

V. Required Materials
Teh, Keng Seng, and Loh, Cheng Yee. New Syllabus Mathematics 3, 6
Edition. Singapore: Shinglee
Publishers PTE LTD, 2007.

Teh, Keng Seng, et al. New Syllabus Mathematics 2, 6
Edition. Singapore: Shinglee Publishers PTE
LTD, 2008.

Other Materials:
Math notebook
Black (or blue) ball pens
Red ball pen
Pencil and eraser
Short bond papers (8.5 x 11)
Graphing papers
index card

Long folder with fastener (GREEN) for
Whiteboard marker
Ipad (with the ff. apps: Geogebra, Sketchpad
Explorer, Desmos)
Scientific Calculator

VI. References
The student may use any Algebra 2, Coordinate Geometry, Trigonometry and Introduction to Statistics books
as extra reference materials.
The following websites may also be consulted for enrichment or for reinforcement:

Coolmath, Inc. (1997). Coolmath. Retrieved from

Freedman, E. (1997). Professor Freedmans Math Help. Retrieved from

Khamsi, M., Knaust, H. & Marcus, N. (1999). S.O.S Mathematics. Retrieved from

Seward, K. (2001). West Texas A&M University Virtual Math Lab College Algebra. Retrieved from

Seward, K. & Puckett, J. (2001). West Texas A&M University Virtual Math Lab Intermediate Algebra.
Retrieved from

Stapel, E. (1999). Purplemath. Retrieved from

(Kindly return the reply slip to your math teacher on or before June 23, 2014.)

Reply Slip

We have received the First Quarter Advanced Math Course Outline SY 2014-2015 and have been made aware of the
requirements of the course. We take responsibility for monitoring and following up our son in this regard.

_______________________________ ________________________________ _________________________
Students PRINTED Name Fathers PRINTED Name Fathers Signature

_____ ______________ ________________________________ __________________________
CN Year & Section Mothers PRINTED Name Mothers Signature

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