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This is LIFE! This is LIFE they tell you!

This masochistic attempt to find enlightenment in pain

and sorrow in love. To shed tears for the thousands that die unnoticed while your own son cuts
him self at night because his father is dying inside. They tell you love hurts because life sucks
and lets just give up and cut someone. Listen to death metal to suffocate the tears so monsters
under your bed can't hear you crying.

They laugh at you at school because your pants are wal-mart brand husky 42s while the young
kids in pollos wear young mens 28s and get kissed by cute girls. Your supposed to be 125lbs for
a kid your height but your sixty pounds over weight and your gut infuriates you into slamming
your fist into the mirror. Your the dark kid on campus, you bah like sheep in the crowd mocking
the cliques around you for their lack of integrity. You find something beautiful in Poe's beating
heart and all the kids laugh when you tell them death is your friend. Sex creeps in with the drugs
and rock and roll takes new meaning on ecstacy.

So young and so stoned and pot is just not enough any more. Discontent sets in like fog and soon
you can't see past your hands but the bong still burns and there's another movie playing in the
background...sounds like pulp fiction again. Just close your eyes and swallow this, take a puff my
friend and relax.

Life flies by and the drugs have gotten weaker but prices went up and as you look over this red
brick ledge on the 38th floor of a motel six off 5th ave and MLK blvd you realize that your son
isn't going to have the opportunity to see his father at his graduation so you crouch down and hug
your knees and for the first time in eight years a single tear falls from your left eye and the whole
world spins around you. A waterfall of pain and suffering and chaos spills from behind your
closed eyes as you shake and weep and shake and weep and soon the sun come ups from the east
and you see orange sherburt ice cream swallow the black sky and somber sobriety sets in with
serenity and you fall back precariously onto the welcoming concrete behind you.

Your arms spread out in a cross as you take a deep breath of a new life.

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