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TeeZone - 5

June Main activity planned + timings (e)
(a) Activity description
appropriate to curriculum
Doughnut making - Making mixture for doughnut maker, cooking
& decorating.
urriculum aims ! follo"ing instructions, numeracy skills,
kitchen#cooking skills, creativity
Availa$le throughout the session.
($) %ustification of resources
Doughnut maker, ingredients, recipe, cleaning materials, spoons,
$o"ls, scales, measure spoons, plates. 'he ingredients are easy and
cheap to ac&uire, "ith a fairly straightfor"ard recipe to follo",
making it possi$le for () "ith little cooking experience to have a
successful outcome. Doughnut maker is safe to use and avoids
having to fry "ith hot oil.
(c) *ationale for curriculum )romote cooking skills in a fun approacha$le "ay+ measuring skills,
follo"ing recipe, food safety. ,ho" () that cooking from scratch
can $e more economical and re"arding than -ust $uying ready made
products. Doughnuts easy to make "ith many () "ithin time frame
(d) .ey personnel re&uired / ,taff to oversee () and ensure safe and healthy "orking practice
in the kitchen area.
(f) 0ink to () consultation 1 have done cooking "ith the () $efore, "hich they have en-oyed.
'hey have specifically asked if they can do more. 2or e.g. 3,43 said
56hat are "e cooking tonight7 as soon as he "alked in on 88#9#/:
(h) ;enue # location 1n the coffee $ar area. 'here is a small kitchen area here, "ith
everything "e need, "ithout having to use the 3industrial3 kitchen
upstairs, "hich is also a $it isolated. 1t is easier and safer to monitor
this area. () can "ork in small groups "hilst still $eing part of the
rest of the session.
(i) 2inances # costs All e&uipment needed o"ned $y A0,. 1ngredients approx <9
availa$le from petty cash.
(-) Appropriate resource
0aminated A: recipe card
All $o"ls, measuring e&uip etc made from plastic, to guard against
$reakages & in-ury. ,afe operation of the doughnut maker clearly
explained and monitored $y staff.
(k) Any additional needs '0 likes things to al"ays $e clean and ordered and is very confident
in the kitchen. ,he "ill "ant to take charge of keeping the kitchen
area clean, $ut could $e a little o$sessive a$out it during the activity.
1t "ill $e important to make sure she does not dominate the area too
much and stifle any of the efforts of the less kitchen confident ().
(l) Monitoring & evaluation =ngoing progress of () "ill $e monitored & evaluated "ith use of
attendance register and reflective diary

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