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Applications of Microsoft

Office 2007

Name: Sherry Shady
Class: 7C
Subject: Computer
Teacher: Mr. Pula

Applications of Microsoft
Office 2007

Word: It has a new style sheets (quick styles) and ability to
switch easily among them, default Font now 'Calibri' instead
of 'Times New Roman', as featured in previous versions of
Microsoft Office and word count listed by default in the
status bar. The word count dynamically updates as you type.
Outlook: It has Search folders, which are saved searches,
have been updated to include RSS feeds as well. Search
folders can be created with specific search criteria, specifying
the subject, type and other attributes of the information being
searched. When a search folder is opened, all matching items
for the search are automatically retrieved and grouped up.
Excel: It has Icon sets, which precede the text in a cell with
an icon that represent some aspect of the value of the cell
with respect to other values in a group of cells, can also be
applied. Icons can be conditionally applied to show up only
when certain criteria are met, such as a cross showing up on
an invalid value, where the condition for invalidity can be
specified by the user.
PowerPoint: It added support for widescreen slides, Allows
for duplication of a slide through right-clicking it without
having to go through Copy and Paste, Support for tables and
enhanced support for table pasting from Excel

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