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STUDENT No: 28574886

Checklist on determining the quality of objective test item

A. True-False item.
B. Matching item.
C. Multiple-Choice item.
D. Completion item.

a. If your choice is True-False item, then go to Section A Checklist.
b. If your choice is Matching item, then go to Section B Checklist.
c. If your choice is Multiple-Choice item, then go to Section C Checklist.
d. If your choice is Completion item, then go to Section D Checklist.

SECTION A: True –False Item.

No Item Yes No
1. Is the statement definitely true?
2. Is the statement definitely false?
3. Are double negative statements avoided?
4. Are verbal clues avoided?
5. Are complex sentences used?
6. Are statements denoting indefinite degree used?
7. Are statements placed in a systematic order?
8. Are statements presented out of context?

SECTION B: Matching Item.

No Items Yes No
1. Is the list of description fairly short?
2. Is the list of descriptions homogeneous?
3. Is the list of options fairly short?
4. Is the list of options homogeneous?
5. Are all the options plausible distracters?
6. Are all the descriptions in the list numbered?
7. Are the options in list identified by a letter?

8. Are options more than descriptions?

SECTION C: Multiple-Choice Item.

No Items Yes No
1. Is the stem of the item clearly formulated?
2. Is there only one correct answer?
3. Are wrong answer choices plausible?
4. Are grammatical clues in the stem avoided?
5. Do items include from three to five options?
6. Are the options without “none of the above”?
7. Are the options without “all of the above”?

SECTION D: Completion item.

No Items Yes No
1. Do items require a single-word answer?
2. Is the language used precise?
3. Is the language used accurate?
4. Is the blank near the end of the statement?
5. Does the statement require a numerical answer?
6. Are the units in which a numerical answer should be
expressed indicated?

Conclusion: If you answered all the answers “Yes” then the quality of objective
of test item is high.

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