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Content Standards-

FPPS.01.01.b- Explain the importance of food

FPPS.02.01-Understand nutrition and food pyramid.
02.01.a-Identify food groups and importance of nutrition.
.02.01.b- Determine impact of food groups on nutrition.
.02.01.c-Describe a balanced nutritional plan.
FPPS.05.02- Apply the science of taste and palatability.
FPPS.05.02.a- Describe sensory methods humans use to determine food flavor.
FPPS.05.02.b-Evaluate factors that impact food taste and palatability.
FPPS.05.02.c- Describe methods used to evaluate taste and palatability.

CCSS- Reading- CC 1, 4, 7, 8
Writing-CC 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
1. Food is important to sustaining human life.
2.The quality of taste and palatability can be assessed before consumption
3.Five senses can be tools to choose produce and meat that are high
4. External and internal factors cause to food to diminish in palatability and
quality of taste.
5. Food comes in different food groups, and each group has an impact on

1. I can use my five senses to analyze produce and meat for quality.
2. I can choose produce that is of high quality to make a well-rounded
3. I can identify factors that diminish the quality of produce.
4. I can share how to choose the best product on the shelf from my
knowledge about taste and palatability.
5. I can identify the different food groups and how those affect my body.

Which produce and meat in the
grocery store are going to give
me the best eating experience?
-sight -freezing -food plate
-smell -cooking -grocery store
-touch -packaging
-taste -air tight packaging
-sound - zip lock: bags and containers
-palatability -produce
-fruits -nutrition
-vegetables - food groups
-meat -protein
-flavor -starch
-storage -carbohydrates
-refrigeration -dairy
Stage 1- (Desired Results)
Established Goals (standards):
Knowledge (students will know/ key vocabulary):
Big ideas:
Essential Question:
Understandings (students will understand):
Students will know: Students will be able to:
The five standard food groups and
how each benefits the body.
Identify the five food groups. Create a
meal based on food groups.
Their five senses and how those
help in selecting produce and meat.
Separate high quality and low
quality produce and meat.
The factors that diminish produce
and meat quality.
Investigate three different factors
that reduce quality.
The best quality produce and meat
in the grocery store
Prove which produce and meat is of
best quality through taste and
palatability tests.
Stage 2- (Desired Results- How do you know they know? Collecting Data)
1. FPPS.01.01.b-
Explain the importance
of food.
2. .02.01.a-Identify food
groups and importance
of nutrition.
3. .02.01.b- Determine
impact of food groups
on nutrition.
4. .02.01.c- Describe a
balanced nutritional
5. FPPS.05.02.a-
Describe sensory
methods humans use
to determine food
6. FPPS.05.02.b-
Evaluate factors that
impact food taste and
7. FPPS.05.02.c-
Describe methods used
to evaluate taste and

1. Deconstruct student understandings and essential questions.
2. Define food and food groups
5. Define five senses and explain how they relate to food
3. Explain how each food group affects the body
4. Use food plate for a meal planning situation
5. Evaluate different produce and meat to find best quality
6. Identify factors that negatively impact food taste and
7. Create a news report or newspaper article to share the
methods of evaluating taste and palatability of produce and

2. TOD about an
example of each of
the five food groups.
1. Chart paper and
discussion about
essential question and
understandings, and
vocabulary (Do Now
is pre-testing
1. TOD explain what
taste and palatability
5. Show and Tell: One
object that each
student needs to use
their five senses to
describe (chart paper
with discussion).
3. Graphic organizer
for food group affects
on body.
4. My Plate template
to create balanced
meal for chapter FFA
meeting with family
6. Think. Pair. Share.
Each pair receives a
factor that will impact
food quality. They will
research how and
why and share in a 3
minute presentation
5. Produce judging
event in grocery
Standard Concepts and Skills Data
Template Task/
Performance Task
Goal- Inform public consumers about how to choose the best quality produce and meat in the grocery store through a news clip or
newspaper story.
Role- Newscaster or Newspaper Reporter
Audience- The American Consumer
Situation- Consumers do not know how to select the best produce and meat, and they need to be informed, so they can experience the
best quality products in their area.
Product- News clip or Newspaper Story
Standard for success- See attached rubric

* Same prompt. Students can choose which Product they want to complete.
Date Day 1
I can define taste and palatability.
I can discuss why food is important.
FPPS.01.01.b- Explain the importance of food
CC Reading- 1
CC Writing- 10

Do Now
In your ag notebook in the Food Products and Processing tab, please answer the following questions:
1.What is your favorite fruit or vegetable? What makes it your favorite?
2.Why is food important to you?

What I am doing? What the students are doing? What data am I collecting?
Hooking the students into the content by showing the
video How Animals Eat Their Food. I am also
walking around and checking to see that they are
writing down which animal they eat most like.
Watching the video How Animals Eat Their Food and
writing down which animal they eat most like when
eating their favorite fruit or vegetable.
I am collecting data about what students know about
produce (fruits and vegetables) as well as what
interests them about food.
Rotating around the room and checking in with
students as they write on wall chart paper about
vocabulary and essential questions and concepts.
Poster Rotation and describing what each word on the
poster means to them in one word. The poster titles
are: taste, palatability, food, produce, nutrition, and
flavor (which are the components of what gives the
best eating experience).
I am collecting data about what they already know and
what we need to cover more in depth to go onto the
next section of this unit.
Handing out two readings from my plate from the
USDA.Writing down thoughts about why food is so
important in our lives as well as asking questions to
guide and facilitate conversation.
After reading a short article about fruits and articles
from USDA my plate, students are having whole class
discussion about why food is important to them, their
class, their community, and the world.
I am collecting data by writing down what triggers and
inspires students about food and nutrition. I will use
this in other days hooks and focuses throughout the
next few weeks.
Key Vocabulary Taste, palatability, produce, fruit, vegetables, nutrition, and flavor.
Ticket out the
In their ag notebooks, under the Food, Products, and Processing tab, define taste and palatability.
Texts used: and
Video Clips: How animals eat their food.
Stage 3- (Daily Instruction)

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