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According to the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia
Commissions (MCMC) Hand Phone Users Survey 2005 (Malaysian
Communications and MultimediaCommission, 2005), as of 31 May there were
16.2 million hand phone subscriptions on the five digital networks operating in
Malaysia. In the first quarter of 2006, the number had increased to 20.5
million, a 5.3 percent growth rate and 77.7 per cent penetration rate
nationwide (Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission, 2006).

This shows that there has been an increase in the usage of Malaysian
mobile technologies, especially, hand phones. More than two million hand
phone users in Malaysia last year were 19 years old or younger. Adults
between 20 and 49 years of age make up 12.7 million or 78 per cent of users,
but this group has shrunk by 0.6 percent since 2004, while the numbers of
senior users (aged 50 and above) also dropped 0.3 percent to 1.4 million (Lee,
2006). This shows that teenagers and adults dominate the Malaysian mobile
technologies market. According to Khalid (2006): Similarly the disparity
between male and female users was slightly reduced, from 61.1 percent in
2004 to 57.4 percent in 2005. The latest survey also confirmed the previous
years findings that the typical cell phone user in Malaysia is a working adult,
living in Selangor, Johor or Kuala Lumpur, and earning up to RM 3000 a
month typically, they use a prepaid phone account rather than a post paid one.
service (SMS) maintained as the most popular mobile data application, with 65
percent of the users sending text messages Mobile usage for m-learning 357.



A questionnaire had been prepared to determine the effect of hand
phones usage during lectures. The research samples are based on 35
respondent who also students at IPG Kampus Perempuan Melayu.
Respondents were selected in different cohort and unit in this college. It
consisted of a two-section questionnaire. Section A contained objective
questions while Section B ia a subjective question.Thus, based on the survey,
we had analyzed the questionnaire by each question stated as graf below.
(Graf 1 below show the survey on Hand Phones Usage During Lecture)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

Analysis for the first question is about the the uses of handphones in
class. The first survey item is about the uses of phones in class are for
essential bussiness. Thus, the survey was carried out shows out of 35
respondent, most of them said that they use hand phones for essential
bussines during lecture but the rest of it admit that they do not use
handphones for essential bussines during lecture time.

Question two refers on how focused are the student on learning when
they are using phones during lecture time. Almost 15 respondent said that
they can focus on their learning even they are using phone during lecture time.
But then, in other side, most of the respondent said they cant focus on their
learning while using the phone during lecture time.

The next question is about the uses of phones in class where it should
be allowed or not. Thus, based on the survey, we found out that 20
respondent had agreed that phones in class should be allowed. It may due to
other reasons where phone can helps student from being sleepy and bored in
class. 15 of it says that phone should not be allowed in class, same as in
school situation where hand phones are banned from being used in school
compound. It similarly as we know before that goverment, the Minister of
Education,Dato seri Najib Bin Tun Razak had banned the uses of hand
phones among students in school on 13 Mei 1997.

Next question will be question four where it is about the advantages of
handphones usage during lecture time. 20 respondent agree that using
handphones during lecture helps them to get rid of boredem and sleepiness. It
may due to the accessories that fully equip in tha handphones nowadays such
as camera, any varieties of exciting games, bluetooth services, plus touch
screen which is more exciting and interesting to play and use it. Its is due to
the growth of mobile technologies which nowadays become more rise and
develop. A 2005 International Data Corporation survey across seven key

markets including Australia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, China, Singapore, South
Korea and Taiwan recorded an increase in mobile phone owners to 90.2 per
cent from 80.2 per cent the previous year (Star InTech, 2006). The statistics
show that mobile technologies today are pervasive as a new medium for
communication. Smith et al. (1999) outlined four promising characteristics of
hand held devices, namely small size and high portability, instant access with
no waiting for boot-up, flexibility to support a wide range of learning activities,
and the cost of the technology is relatively cheap. Out of 20, 15 respondent
respond where they disagree about the statement handphones helps to cure
boredem and sleepiness in class. They may have any other releven reasons
and ways to cure that problem.

The next question show about lecturer always gives warnings to not use
the phone during lecturers. Its is one of the way to control the class and to
take students attention to study properly without any disruption while lecture
begin. Only 16 students agree that their lecturer will give them warning to not
use the phone during lecture time. Then, the balance were said that lecturers
never remind or warning them to not use handphones during lectures time. It
may due to the concerness of the lecturer either they care or not in their
lesson. But most of the lecturer maybe assume their student should act wisely
that they should concentrate on their studies and respect who teach infront.

Survey on the sixth question is about the uses on hand phones during
lectures very important in anemergency. It is because, we can get through the
information in a few minute without wasting time. Besides that, if there are any
emergency at owr hometown, we can immediately know the news and plan
what should be done at that time. Almost all of the respondent respond that
handphones really important during lectures when there are emergency
happen but just a few respondent who do not agree with it.


The next survey was on the careness of the lecturer on phone usage
during lectures which is on question seven. Survey shows that most of the
lectures care and did not ignore the use of mobile phones in the classroom
during the learning process. This is due to the needed of the learning process
where students should pay attention in class while lecture are begin and to
archive the success of the learning. But maybe its because of the other work
makes the lecture busy or less concern about the students during lecture or
learning process begin.

The next question survey show that 20 respondents respons that
mobile phones did not helps learning in class interaction, while 15 balance
respondents responds that mobile phones helps them in class interaction in
the class. The importance of hand phones helps interaction in class either with
the students or lecturer. It may discuss about class at that time as well as any
type of learning can be use by hand phone. But most of them did not agree
with it, it maybe they assume hand phones did not help them in the interaction
of learning in class.

The next question is question 9 where the item states that mobile
phones use in the class can interupted or interfere with my concentration. It
shows that it not interupt students while study. It may due to the above item
where it may helps them to interact each other either with students and
lecturer during classes. 20 respondent did not agree that mobile phones or
hand phones use in class interfere with my concentration to study, but the rest
15 respondent agree that mobile phone use in class interfere with my


Besides that question, the tenth question is about handphones that had
been use for lecturer. 25 students agree that their studies were distrupted
when lecturers use the phones during lectures conducted. 10 respondent
disagree that when lecturers using handphones wont distrupted their
education in class. It may because lecturer are still on call where they also
have their own commitment out of class. Thus, students should understands
their lecturers job as well as lecturers also, who should realise that they have
to pay attention more to their students rather than their others job.

For question 11, we get feedback from respondent that their lecturer not
encourages them to use hand phone during lectures. According to the graph
above, major student ticks no to lecturers encourage the use of mobile
phone. We can see that IPG Kampus Perempuan Melayu lecturer want their
students to be more concentrate during lecture hour.

Furthermore, we also get result from respondent question 12 that IPG
KPMs students always bring mobile phone during lectures. The graph above
proves the major IPG KPMs students tick no to do not bring mobile phones
to lectures. There are reasons behind this matter. Students choose to bring
their phones during lecture to ensure they can get any important or emergency

In addition, respondent in question 13 show that IPG KPMs students
use the hand phone to help learning relationships with the student of different
campuses. This can be proving by the graph above that major student ticks
yes for the answer on question 13. The reason why they do that because
they can share any information, learning input and others from different


Besides that, the feedback from respondent of question 14 that IPG
KPMs students think hand phone usage during lectures to be more interfere
with other partners. Based on the graph above, 21 respondent tick yes for
the answer on question 14. One of reason is the usage of hand phone might
bother other members while discussion is on.

For question 15, we can get the result that IPG KPMs students use the
silent mode while lecture sessions so as not interfere with their friends. .
According to the graph above, major respondent say yes to use the silent
mode hand phone during lectures. We can see that the students want to be
more focus, interfere and respect each other friend during lectures.

Meanwhile, response for question 16 shows IPG KPMs students not
always use the hand phone in front of the class during the lecturers. This can
also be proving by the graph above that major student ticks no for the answer
on question 16. The reason is they respect their lecturer and it is not proper
manner to being rude while lecture.

Moreover, we get feedback from the respondent of question 17 that IPG
KPMs student are encouraged to bring hand phones to lectures. According to
the graph above, 22 respondent say yes to encourage student brings hand
phone during lectures. The reason is student want to ensure they can get any
important or emergency information.

For question 18, we can get the result that IPG KPMs students use the
phone in front of the lecture. The graph above shows, 21 respondent say yes
to use the phone in front of the lecture than they never use it. One of the
reason is they use it in front of lecturer for their essential business.


After make survey on students Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Perempuan
Melayu about topic using mobile phone during lectures, we have got many
opinion to discuss about it. Our survey depends on students who are in 18
years old until 23 years old in the campus.

In survey, we have survey opinion students about needing using mobile
phone during lecture. Based on it, almost all the students agree to use the
phone during the lecture. However, there are many opinions not for
entertainment but using phone only in emergency case only. Example like
case member of family death or sick, or to communicate with others lectures
about changing or info interaction of class. Other than that, there are also
students who are using mobile phone during lecture to avoid feel sleepy or
bored during the lecture. This way at least will make the student will not sleep
in the class and stay will give chance to the student to learn and study.
However, although there are many students are using phone during lecture,
they still on the phone in silent mode because it will make the other student
will not disturb during the class and only involve that person.

Although many students from survey had agreed to use the phone
during lecture, there are also students who are not agreeing with statement.
This is because using phone during lecture make the students will not focus to
study and will not respect to lecturer who are in the class. There are many
students had use phone during the lecture but there are not using the phone in
every or always in the class. They are use for certain time only. As we know
that we all in the moment development of technology and this situation are
challenging the lecturer during lecture.


Apart from that, we also had make survey to know how to appropriate
for students to use mobile phone while they were in study. Base on data that
we have got from 35 respondent, there 31 respondent are agree to use mobile
phone while they in study. This is important to communicate with other people
in important things. Respondents also have used the phone to separate
information among their classmate quickly in case all of member class not in
class anymore. Moreover, by using phone it will make life become easier. This
is because we can communicate with other in short time and easy to inform
something important. Apart from that, using mobile phone will help students to
avoid become pressure of stress in the class and free of using mobile phone
also will make students enjoy in life to use phone. Lecturers still can give
chance for student to use mobile phone as long as they are can control the
usage of the phone. There are also respondent give opinion that they will be
miss many important or current issues without phone and also people
nowadays are open about development of technology and using phone are
appropriate for students while they are still in study.

However, there are also from respondent who are do not agree with this
statement because they feel using mobile phone only make waste money and
time. For people who are cannot control usage of phone, these phenomena
always be in their life and the ways to save them are gave the mobile phone
only for important thing usage only. Besides, there are also respondents do
not agree because they will not focus in studies when using the mobile phone
in study. This is because when use the mobile phone while the studies, they
will use the phone for something which does not have benefit for them and it
only to help them enjoy their life.


Using mobile phone while studies are common thing among students
especially in this moment and we could not stop them to use it but still able to
control students in using of mobile phone. Students also have to think back
about using phone in studies, they will able to use the phone as long as it will
not disturb their attitude in the class because it will make their marks in the
semester will get affect from that. Every student have to be responsible on
their attitude have done.

In conclusion, it shows that hand phones is actually important in certain
situation such as uses during emergency and helps interaction with lecturers
and friends. Thus, what can be conclude is, it depends on the individu to
manage themselves by using hand phones during lecture time. It may turs
harmful if it does not manage carefully and also can turn meaningful if it had
been manage smoothly.


I/C NO : 911121 10- 5050

I would like to thank to Madam Fauziah binti Abdul Rashid for briefing
me on the coursework and guiding me to finish up my assignment in her
subject. I had completed my task successfully which I had done it with my
group members in the given time.

When the lecturer gave the assignment, I actually never had any
experience on the topic of the assignment. After the lecturer explained about
the task, I started searching for the materials required. Sometimes, the task
given challenges on my understanding to the topic which require me to put up
some readings and referring to the lecturer. Besides that, I have to research
the student with analysis data from questionnaire form.

One of my strength while finishing this task is the teamwork and
cooperation with my group. We had arranged the schedule to complete this
task. We gave a full commitment to finish up the assignment even though we
had many tasks to be done in the same time. Furthermore, the guidance by
the lecturer encourages me to work on my task. Whenever there are confusion
and uncertainty while doing the task, the lecturer will help me to answer the


My limited knowledge about the topic became a difficulty for me to find
information in the internet, books and other sources. Sometimes, I had to type
in a few key words to find the details on the subject. When I found the
information, I quite surprised to found out the facts related to the using the
hand phone during lectures. Besides that, I surfed the internet how to make
good types of questionnaire form. Finding the sources of references also
troubled me on finishing the task. I need to find extra time to find materials
from different sources to fulfill the task.

Besides, the time constrain become an obstacle for me as I had to
adjusted myself between my routine and my assignments. Many activities
involved caused me to struggle between my studies.

I had gained a lot of experiences and knowledge while doing this task. I
learned to acknowledge the information that can be shocking for the others. I
hope the lessons learned also can improve my way of thinking toward people
and my life.

In addition, my group and I had discussed how to create an accurate
questionnaire form based on the topic. Actually, I think to create a simple
questionnaire is big challenges in my life.

After my group and I had finished our questionnaire together, we
divided the plans to research the student by distributed questionnaire. After
that, my group members and I together analysis the data to create a graph,
analysis and conclusion based on the graph. Actually, it teach me how to
patient, and improve my knowledge as good teacher.



I.C NUMBER :910825-01-5964


Alhamdulillah, Praise and Thank You to God as He allow me and my friends
to complete our assignment based on the specification given before. Based on
our survey, discussion as well as our findings, we hope, it will give better
marks for us from lecturer.

The first difficulties that I have to face is to find the jurnal regarding my
topic. My topic is quiet tough because the scope is too small where it just
happen during lecture time as well as it stick to hand phone usage only. Thus,
its hard for me to find the jurnal. It may also due to the fewer of jurnal
regarding the topic plus the language that had been used is too difficult for me
and my friends. I realize that I comes from my weakness also. My friends also
had to faced the same situation and problem.

The strength that I can trace when I do this coursework is this
coursework really helps me to practice writing a good jurnal. It have a good
synchronized of jurnal. Its really needed when Im in the last year of education
at IPG KPM where we have to write a thesis and also built a survey in
education. Then, it helps me to increase my vocabulary by reading the variety
of jurnal and others academic article. It also helps me to write a good sentence
by using a good and bombastic words in my academic essay. Next, by
exploring the jurnal and academic essay, it helps me to improve my English in

tenses aspect where Ill try to discover the tenses use in the jurnal and the
article. It automatically renew my memory in grammar aspect as well as it
helps to reduce my grammatical error.

In addition, what can I say that, if I and my friend had the chance to
redo this coursework, I will widen the aspect about the topic to be more
interesting and easy to be understand by the respondent. I also will use the
variety of demographic model question, so it will easy to analyze as well as the
graph that will be shown also a smooth graphs. Lastly, I also will relate it with
my jurnal and the article as better as I can with my friends.

Based on all the weakness and the strength that I can feel and reflect
myself, all people in the world have their weakness and strength themselves.
This is because human are not proper. But in order than that, people must
have their own responsibilities to overcome the weaknesses in order to
complete their life. We must not give up with what we have. From this
coursework also I learn to cooperate with other members where we do this
coursework together, and try to give and take with each other in order to make
the work run smoothly. This noble value is needed in every grouping work.

Consequently, I and my friend hope that we deserve to get the best
marks based on the coursework that we had done. We hope, we already do all
the item specification that had needed as in coursework task. Thank you.


I/C : 91062403-5942

Praised to God because of His permission my friends and I able to finish and
settle down about this assignment. At 12 August 2011 I had given one new
coursework in subject English Language Proficiency . All of us had given
briefing about this assignment after a few day we got this assignment because
we do not have any time to get explanation about it. All of us must do the
assignment in a group of three. At first time I got this task, I feel very blurred
and not really understand about the assignment. However I took my time to
understand the task and I asked my friends while we got the coursework and
they explain very well. From the explanation, I feel so burden because this
assignment will be a big work.
While doing this assignment, there are some problem exist. One of
them is we have problem to discuss about this task because at same time
there another assignment have to done and also we could not give the
questionnaire to all student as soon as possible because many students have
go out from this campus to join national day programme. Besides, my class
also do not exist in the campus along two week because have celebration of
Aidilfitri and make school base experience (SBE) at the own village. So we
had gave the questionnaire a little late than others. Therefore, our group have
to struggle more for settle down to get response from campus students.
From this assignment, I had learned that everyone have their own stand
each other and we could not change their stand. We have to respect their
own opinion. In everything we done, we also must get another person opinion
so that what we have done will be in the right way.
Thank you



- http: ///F://2006_01_01_archive.html dimuat turun pada 12 September
2011, jam 9 malam.
- http:///F:/ %20/2969.html dimuat turun pada 12 September 2011, jam
10 malam .
- http:///F:/%20/Answer-a-Cell-Phone-in-Class.html dimuat turun pada 14
September 2011, jam 11 malam .

- Mobile Phone Usage For M-Learning : Comparing Heavy And Light
Mobile Phone Users, Norbayah Mohd Suki & Norazah Mohd Suki

- Mobile-Mediated Home-School Partnership:
Attitudes And Expectations Of Teachers, Parents And Students
Stefano Castelli & Michelle Pieri

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