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Los indgenas descubrieron el chocolate de forma accidental

hola mi nombre es alejandro cantor y yo les contar todo sobre el chocolate
el chocolate es el alimento que se obtiene mezclando azcar con dos productos derivados de
la manipulacin de las semillas del cacao la pasta de cacao y la manteca de cacao.El rbol del
cacao es originario de Mesoamrica, lugar donde se comenz a domesticar. el chocolate se
volvio muy popular desde que se creo cada chocolate tiene diferentes formas de crearse cada
chocolate tiene ingridientes diferentes como el mani,el relleno y algunos chocolates no tienen
nada mas, desde diferentes paises se empezo a comercializar este producto.
hello my name is alejandro cantor and I'll tell you all about chocolate
Chocolate is the food that is made by mixing sugar with two products derived from handling
cocoa beans cocoa paste and butter cacao.El cacao tree is native to Mesoamerica, where he
began to domesticate. chocolate became very popular since I think each has different forms of
chocolate each chocolate has created different ingridients as peanuts, padding, and some have
nothing more chocolates from different countries are started to market this product.

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