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52 Weekly Monday

Motivating Mindset's
Improve Your Questions, Improve Your Life
By: Russ Small
Your Imagination Coach
Ean e!ponential ewads "om "iends "amily and even stanges.
#ive a moe pupose"ul li"e.
#ive with less stess$ have moe "un and geneally "eel %ette a%out yousel".
&ain the powe o" claity and contol.
&ain powe and con"idence in dealing with any "eas that hold you li"e %ack.
'ut an end to the sping cleaning "eve and welcome in "un unde the summe sun.
Sky(ocket you con"idence and success.
&et moe seious a%out having "un in the game o" li"e.
#ive with moe "ocus$ )oy and gatitude.
#ive with moe "un$ appeciation$ and a %ette oveall attitude.
*ppeciate yousel" moe$ attact healthie elationships$ and %e an oveall %ette peson.
Revolutioni+e the way you see$ act and "eel a%out you day.
Make you look at yousel" in a new light.
*dd enegy and happiness to you li"e as ,uickly as you can apply the ,uestion.
-ans"om yousel" into the peson that you always knew you would %e.
.ind moe enegy and "eel moe alive.
See a whole new outlook on li"e.
'ut a new spin on the way you think long(tem a%out you li"e.
.eel moe gate"ul "o you li"e and act with moe appeciation o" you li"e.
/nspie you to suound yousel" with the kind o" company you can %e con"ident a%out keeping.
0elp you live a "ull and ewading li"e.
0elp you to not take people$ situations and cicumstances so pesonally.
Stengthen the cuency o" you ceations$ that o" couse %eing you thoughts.
.ame the ongoing in"omation in you li"e into a conte!t "om which you can %e success"ul.
1nveil the tuth %ehind you %ehaviou.
Reveal the tue path to you inne )oy and happiness.
2ut though the con"usion$ push past pocastination and popel you to peak pe"omance.
#i"t %udens$ clea clutte and "eel lighte.
3vecome limiting %elie"s and %uild unstoppa%le con"idence.
.ind stillness and inne peace.
Make you "eel love and gatitude.
'ump up you po%lem(solving muscles.
-un you into a lean mean achievement machine.
#ive guilt and eget "ee.
0elp you weld the powe o" you mind.
Empowe you eveyday living.
#ive with moe pupose and integity.
#ive with moe peace and love in you li"e.
#ive with moe "un and "eedom.
Reclaim the con"idence to move "owad in you li"e.
Ensue you ae using you imagination the way it is supposed to %e used.
#ead you %ack to a %alanced li"estyle.
*lte the wold you see and how you see it.
0elp you stop woying and stat living.
4avigate towads a moe "ul"illing li"e.
1se you imagination the way it was intended to %e used.
See things moe clealy and live with moe claity.
See the hidden tuth %ehind you e!istence.
&et out o" you own way in ode to open up the "loodgates and let you wildest deams ush in.
&et to the %ottom o" any unwanted %ehavio.
"ee#ly $in%set & '
5y applying today's Motivating Mindset you will ean e!ponential ewads "om "iends "amily and even stanges.
-he Mindset challenge / am poposing this week is getting yousel" in the ha%it o" asking yousel" the "ollowing ,uestion:
+Ho, can I serve-+ o said di""eently$ +Ho, may I serve-+
*sk yousel" this seemingly simple sentence as many times as you can on a daily %asis.
6o this evey day "o this week and / pomise you will powe(up you positive "eelings and %oost you sel"(esteem %ig time7
Seving e,uies to %e %eside you own emotions and a%ove no one.
8ou might think that you know what is %est "o someone %ut %e cae"ul not to yousel" onto othes.
'actice e"aining "om giving input and "eed%ack that is not e!plicitly e,uested.
When you ae in sevice you ae consciously appeciating something a%out the situation.
Wheneve you appeciate something you 9add woth9 to it's value.
Seving is a%out "inding value in any situation whethe it %e seemingly good %ad o ugly.
Seving thee"oe is eally a%out consciously adding value to a situation.
8ou patience$ e!citement$ )oy$ enthusiasm ae geat places to seve "om.
-he %est place to seve othes is when you ae pesent and "ully in the moment.
When you ae in the moment you pesence /S the gi"t.
-hee"oe the secet to seving is in keeping you mind open and you heat "ull with love.
"ee#ly $in%set & /
5y taking the application o" today's Motivating Mindset you will live a li"e that is moe pupose"ul.
-he Mindset challenge / am poposing this week is getting yousel" in the ha%it o" asking yousel" the "ollowing ,uestion:
+Ho, many %ays left-+ o asked di""eently... +Coul% to%ay 0e my last-+
6o this evey day "o this week and the pomise is that you will make giant stides towads living with less eget and moe
-oday's ,uestion e"es to the num%e o" days you have emaining in you li"e.
6o you know how many days le"t on this Eath you have le"t:
1n"otunately while no calculato o peson can eve give you the e!act answe$ the answe could come today$ a week "om today$ o
many many yeas "om today.
Regadless o" whethe you accept it o not$ the "act is that we all must etun to sende one day.
-he soone that you accept and deal with the "agility o" li"e the soone you will %e on you way to impoving you li"e.
/t may seem like a gim outlook to stat you Monday %ut don't %e mistaken$ only those who have undestood and accept this "ully
can take contol and powe %ack into thei lives.
/n "act$ undestanding and accepting this ,uestion allows you to immediately ceate moe pupose and passion in you li"e.
-he moe you "ully accept that you time hee is "inite the moe that you will stive to live you li"e to the ma!imum.
8ou live to the ma!imum when you pusue you heats desies.
8ou live with heat%eak when you don't "ully live you li"e.
-y asking yousel" this ,uestion at the %eginning and end o" the day.
;eep asking this ,uestion when you "ind yousel" in con"lict with othe people.
*e you communicating with othes the way you would spend you time and enegy i" you knew it was you last day:
0ow can you teat people you come acoss today as i" this was the last time you wee eve going to spend time with them:
0ow would you like you "iends$ "amily and loved to emem%e thei last moments with you:
8ou have the a%ility to teat each day as i" it wee you last. What is stopping you "om doing this:
"ee#ly $in%set &1
5y applying today's Motivating Mindset you will live with less stess$ have moe "un$ and geneally "eel %ette a%out yousel".
-he Mindset challenge / am poposing this week is getting in the ha%it o" asking yousel":
+"ho (m I )o,-+ o asked di""eently... +Ho, 2oes This Buil% $e-+
6o this evey day "o this week and the pomise is that you will %uild a peson who is poud to look %ack at themsel" in the mio.
*sking the ,uestion 9Who *m / 4ow:9 o 90ow 6oes -his 5uild Me:9 is a ,uestion that can %e asked wheneve you %ecome awae
o" a situation.
5ecoming awae o" a situation occus wheneve you notice you %ehaviou o thoughts.
-he goal is to %ing awaeness to the choices that you have in you li"e$ eveyday and in evey moment.
5e"oe you eat you "avoite caloie "illed %eak"ast o %e"oe you decide to skip %eak"ast ask yousel" 9Who *m / 4ow:9
5e"oe you pull out anothe cigaette "om you pack$ ask yousel" 90ow 6oes -his 5uild Me:9
-he moe you pactice asking yousel" these tough ,uestions the moe you will %egin to give yousel" pemission to "ind the had
.inding the had answes will inevita%ly %uild you up.
Skipping the had answes will eventually tea you down.
8ou have a choice to decide which answe you will settle "o.
2hoose the easy path and you ae destined to live a had li"e$ one that only %ecomes noticea%le the "uthe you tavel along.
2hoose the seemingly had path and you will "ind that li"e %ecomes easie as you go along.
-he path is only seemingly had %ecause it is an illusion.
See past this illusion enough to act with %lind "aith and you payes$ desies and deams will %e answeed.
Seeing past this illusion e,uies you to %avely and couageously espond to situations athe than eact.
When you eact to a situation you ae not "ully pesent in the moment.
When you espond to a situation it is %ecause you ae opeating "om the moment.
5e"oe you eact to a situation that has you emotionally chaged$ take a moment to ask yousel"
9Who *m / 4ow9 o asked di""eently... 90ow 6oes -his 5uild Me9
-y asking yousel" this ,uestion duing evey thought o eactive %ehaviou you %ecome awae o".
*t the end o" the day i" you have asked yousel" the ,uestion moe than twice give yousel" a %ig hug$ high "ive and pat on the %ack.
5e happy to ask yousel" the ,uestion. -he answes$ eal concete answes$ will come in time. 5e patient.
/" you wee %ave enough to "ind the answe that has ena%led you esponse in a situation$ congatulations send us you stoy to
"ee#ly $in%set &3
*pply today's Motivating Mindset and you will gain the powe o" claity and contol.
-he Mindset challenge / am poposing this week is getting in the ha%it o" asking yousel":
+"ho am I-+ as well as... +"hat %o I ,ant-+
*sk yousel" these two ,uestions evey day "o this week and the pomise is that li"e will move you close to you answes.
*sking the ,uestion 9Who *m /:9 and 9What 6o / Want:9 ae two "undamental ,uestions that eveyone should ask themselves yet
most people avoid.
-he %iggest oad%lock in(%etween people and thei desies in li"e is thei ina%ility to ask "o it.
Wayne &et+ky said 9you always miss <==> o" the shots you don't take9 and when it comes to you wants$ you neve get what you
don't ask "o.
When it comes to asking what you want in li"e$ ty not to ove(complicate it.
5egin %y asking yousel"$ 9what makes me happy:9 and 9out o" all my stengths what do / en)oy most:9.
-hese ae meely clues to what you want in li"e$ it is you )o% to "ully investigate whee the answes lead you.
-he only way you can investigate the )ouney o" you happiness is to know who is tavelling with you.
-he only way to know who is tavelling with you is to ask yousel" the thee woded ,uestion: 9Who *m /:9
8et the ma)oity o" people in the wold neglect to answe this ,uestion until it is no longe possi%le to ignoe it.
-he eason most people "ail to ask themselves this ,uestion is %ecause they "ea the answe.
Some "ea that the answe they "ind will cause them to "eel like weak$ inade,uate$ misundestood o may%e even like a mistake.
So they avoid asking themselves this ,uestion and petend to live in %alance and hamony without it.
Which paado!ically %egs the ,uestion$ 9how can anyone %e in hamony and %alance i" they ae not getting what they want:9
-his is e,ually ponde(some when people say they ae getting what they want and yet they don't cae to know who they ae.
5elieving you know what you want in li"e without "ist knowing who you ae seems a little %ackwads don't you think:
/t's like a 6og tying to Meow %ecause he thinks it would make it happy$ yet can't pe"om to it's level o" desie %ecause the
e!pession o" such is not pogammed into its genes.
When the dog eali+es that it is a dog it will stop tying to make itsel" happy tying to con"om to it's pevious peception o" itsel".
-his is why it is impotant to undestand what you want most in li"e as well as knowing who wants it.
-he ,uestion 9Who *m /:9 %ings pespective into you li"e and the ,uestion 9What do / Want:9 will %ing contol.
2ontol gives you con"idence.
-he moe contol that you "eel in you li"e means the moe con"idence you will act with day(to(day.
'espective is having vision.
&aining pespective is like a ising plane %ecause o" the a%ility to see things in a %igge scope and anticipate "utue po%lems.
Without contol you will neve gain pespective.
Without pespective you will soon lose contol.
/t is )ust as impotant that you get pespective as it is to gain contol.
*sk yousel" these two ,uestions and give yousel" pemission not to know the answes ight away.
5elieve and know that )ust %y asking the ,uestions the "omulation o" the answe will inevita%ly aive with pesistence.
Remem%e to keep an open mind a%out the delivey o" you answes$ they neve come typed up in an addess envelope with you
name on it.
*nswes ae "ound in synchonicity$ coincidences$ chance occuences and what some e"e to as %lessed events.
8ou answes ae out thee$ all you must do now is seek and thou shall "ind.
"ee#ly $in%set &4
*pply today's Motivating Mindset and you will gain powe and con"idence in dealing with any "eas that hold you li"e %ack.
-he Mindset challenge / am poposing this week is getting in the ha%it o" asking yousel":
+Is It True-+
*sk yousel" this ,uestion evey chance you get evey day this week and the pomise is that you will gain couage and gow geatly
in the aeas o" easoning and emotional contol.
-he seeds o" "ea$ woy and dou%t gow to poduce pain$ dain and an!iety.
-he good news is that "ea$ woy and dou%t ae %elie"s... and you can still choose you %elie"s.
/" you can choose you %elie"s then you can change them.
* %elie" is %asically an evaluation o" in"omation elating to a peson$ place o thing.
8ou can always change you evaluation o" something %y consideing new in"omation.
-he %est way to gain new insight when "eeling the same "ea$ woy o dou%t is to ask yousel":
9/s /t -ue:9
Re"lect "uthe with ,uestions such as:
/s this situation tue: /s this the only way o" adding up the "acts: What ae all o" the "acts:
.eas$ woy and dou%t ae o"ten evaluations o" in"omation that ae incomplete$ inaccuate and incoect.
What %elie"s have you accepted that pehaps aen't tue:
1n"otunately thee is no easy way to detemine what in"omation that we accept as pat o" ou lives and use to make decisions with
has %een completely misintepeted.
&ently laugh at yousel" "o "osteing you limiting(%elie"s and give yousel" the pesent o" pesence when consciously choosing not
to continue "eeding "alse "a%ications.
?uestions to "ollow up with ae: 90ow do / know this is tue:9 and 92ould / %e making any "alse assumptions:9
-he ,uestions ae only as good as the answes that you come up with.
8ou must %e willing to gain new in"omation i" you want to move past old thought pocesses.
8ou "ea$ you woy and you dou%t all eside in %elie" systems that you can e%uild and enovate to ule.
9-hee is nothing to "ea e!cept the pesistent e"usal to "ind out the tuth$ the pesistent e"usal to analy+e the causes o"
happenings.9 ((( 6oothy -hompson
*ll you need to do is change the way you evaluate something$ %ecause then you also change the way you "eel a%out it.
When you change the way you "eel a%out something$ even )ust a little %it$ you %elie" a%out it has also changed.
Remem%e to cele%ate the small wins in you %elie" %eakthoughs.
8ou ae stonge and moe powe"ul than you can %elieve.
Seek the tuth.
*sk and thou shall "ind.
"ee#ly $in%set &5
-his weeks Motivating Mindset will help put an end to the sping cleaning "eve and welcome in "un unde the summe sun.
-he Mindset challenge / am poposing this week is getting in the ha%it o" asking yousel":
+2o I love this-+ o asked di""eently$ +2oes this 66666 support me right no, in feeling great-+
*sk yousel" this ,uestion evey chance you get evey day this week and the pomise is that you will live moe "eely with less
headaches and hassles$ and %e ipe and eady "o oppotunity.
/" you want to ceate a new ha%it$ a new li"e o a new %elie" a geat tool to assist that change is to "ist change you suoundings and
8ou don't need to thow away eveything and stat ove again$ the idea is to use this weeks ,uestions 96o / love this:9 and 96oes
this @@@@@@ suppot me ight now in "eeling geat:9 as you check and dou%le check "o any 9clutte9 in you envionment that can %e
2lutte epesents items on the still(to(do list$ toleances and unconscious ageements we have made with ou sel".
2lutte +aps ou emotional enegy$ ou ceative )uices and takes up needed space.
When you clea the space "o new things the univese woks like a vacuum to "ill it.
2leaing clutte will help make new oom "o new elationships with wok$ money and can even help you attact a deam mate i" you
so desie.
5e sue to check the %athoom$ kitchen and you o""ice "o clutte as well.
When you look in the envionments whee you spend you time evey day$ do they e"lect what is most impotant:
/" it doesn't e!cite you anymoe$ o you don't adoe it like you used to then pehaps it is time to have this move on "om you li"e.
-his could mean a new )o% o elationship$ %ut / am poposing a smalle stat to you de(clutteing days.
2heck you closet$ the num%e one culpit o" clutte and con"usion.
'ovide people that would love you wado%e a chance to get some "ee demos %e"oe sending them to the consignment shop$ o
povide a donation to you thi"t stoe.
2leaing out the pove%ial closet will make you "eel good.
Making good use o" you clutte will make you "eel even %ette.
-he new clothes$ elationships$ money that will come into you li"e as a esult will make you "eel the %est7
0ave you de(clutteed you %edoom:
-he %edoom is one o" the most powe"ul in"luences on you su%conscious and a""ects you sleep moe than you po%a%ly eali+e.
Make sue you %edoom helps %ing you mind to a peace"ul$ ela!ing$ o )oy"ul state.
*void ca+y colos that play on you emotions evey time you e!peience them.
2heck "o sym%ols o" what you ae 43- seeking$ %e sue they ae 43- epesented anywhee.
/mmediately emove any sym%ols o" low woth$ dis(ogani+ation and toleation you have aound.
Suound yousel" with sym%ols o" what you most want moe o".
Seeking "iends: -y hanging pictues o" the ones you ae aleady thank"ul "o.
Seeking love$ suound yousel" with items "om you imagination that you adoe.
"ee#ly $in%set &7
-his weeks Motivating Mindset will help sky(ocket you con"idence and success.
-he Mindset challenge / am poposing this week is getting in the ha%it o" asking yousel":
+"hat %i% I learn-+ o said di""eently$ +Ho, %i% I gro,-+
*sk yousel" this ,uestion a"te evey activity o challenge you do evey day this week and the pomise is that you will gain insight$
%uild sel"(esteem and cele%ate moe wins in the game o" li"e7
Sel"(talk is the name "o the dialogue that all o" us hea talking inside o" ou heads.
-he voices can sometimes %e encouaging in natue$ howeve "o most people thei sel"(talk seems to %e a negative chatte.
Some people call this negative chatte the 9mono loco9 o ca+y monkey inside thei head. 3the people have used the analogy o" an
9*ngel9 and a 96evil9 on you shoulde$ whispeing 9good9 o 9%ad9 things into you ea.
0ow o"ten do you ecall heaing these voices: .o most o" us it is all o" the time.
8ou will usually hea the voice ty and stop you %e"oe you stat a )o%$ while you ae woking on the task and even when you have
completed the wok.
-he voice will sound like "ea$ dou%t and uncetainty which i" listened to will leave you "eeling weak$ a"aid and poweless.
-he voice tends to take away ou pesonal powe "om the situation$ it will tell you what is missing and what you could have done
di""eently instead to make it %ette.
-he ca+y monkey is neve satis"ied and it usually looks "o pe"ection.
Winning "ist place$ %eaking new gound$ shatteing new pesonal ecods and undetaking new adventues do not matte to the
ca+y monkey. -he mono(loco wants you to "ail so it can emain sa"e and unchanged inside o" you.
#istening to the monkey's sel"(talk will leave you weak$ tied$ "ustated and "eeling like a "ailue no matte i" you )ust "inished winning
a &old in the 3lympics.
4e!t time when the monkey comes to chat egading you e!peiences$ ask yousel" today's ,uestion... 9What did / lean:9 o 90ow
did / gow:9 and it will help you "ind the 9wins9 in you wold.
.inding and cele%ating the small victoies helps ensue you ae "ocused on the elements o" an e!peience that will allow you to
Even i" the only thing you "igue you have "ound out is a new way o" doing something 9wong9 then asking yousel" today's ,uestion
will help "ind a way to e"ame the situation so that you "eel good a%out it.
-he moe you ask yousel" these ,uestions the moe you will develop a mental data%ase o" memoies in which you ae a winne.
-he moe instances and e!amples you have in the %ack o" you mind whee you leaned something the moe you will "eel like you
ae gowing with each new e!peience.
Sel"(esteem is %asically how you like$ tust and espect yousel"$ and in li"e the moe you %uild a %ase o" leaning and gowth the
moe you "eel con"ident to handle new situations.
-he secet to instilling today's ha%it to %uild a li"e o" con"idence and adventue is %y keeping tack o" you pogess.
8ou can keep tack o" you pogess many di""eent ways such as:
Witing it online such as a we% %log o video %log. ;eeping tack %y e(mailing yousel" o ecoding a video to you %log wheneve
you come acoss a win.
6o you cay a cell phone with you most o" the time: Why not ty to te!t message yousel" notes as they happen: 8ou could also
use the 9notes9 "eatue that is "ound in most mo%iles.
8ou can also use good old "ashion sticky notes o can ceate a special 9winnes9 )ounal "o yousel" to ecod all you victoies.
.eel "ee to e!peiment to "ind the method and com%ination o" tools that wok %est "o you.
8ou )o% is to log all instances o" winning and answes to the ,uestions so that you will have a diay o ecod o" you achievements.
/" you eve "eel like a lose all you need to do is evisit you )ounal "o a whole histoy o" wins.
*"te asking yousel" the ,uestions and ecoding the answes you "inal )o% is to paty7
2ele%ate you gowth along evey step o" the way %ecause you gowing should %e the adventue o" you li"etime not the
"ee#ly $in%set &8
-his weeks Motivating Mindset will get moe seious a%out having "un in the game o" li"e.
-he Mindset challenge / am poposing this week is getting in the ha%it o" asking yousel":
+"hat ,oul% you tra%e for 94:,:::-+
*sk yousel" this ,uestion a"te evey activity o challenge you do evey day this week and the pomise is that you will %e well on the
way to discoveing you pupose and living you passion.
When you wake up tomoow$ ask yousel" the A5=$=== dolla ,uestion: 9What would / tade "o A5=$===:9 and see what kind o"
answes you mind comes up with.
.ist o"" you mind will typically ty to detemine the value o" the o""e in ,uestion... /n this case how much is A5=$=== woth to you:
8ou mind may o may not think that A5=$=== is a lot o" money depending on you %ackgound and how much money you ean a
.o e!ample$ i" you eaned a million dollas a yea then A5=$=== may seem like a little less money than to a peson who eaned
A2=$=== a yea.
0oweve$ when detemining what to tade "o the A5=$=== you mind will come up with logical answes$ such as you ae willing to
tade any monetay amount unde ABC$C==.
Why not tade ABC$C== "o A5=$=== i" you can make a po"it o"" A<== ight:
/n "act it makes dollas and sense to tade money "o money as long as you make money ight:
5ut what a%out when it comes to tading A5=$=== in e!change "o non(monetay items:
What pesonal %elongings o" yous would you tade "o A5=$===:
Would you tade you eye(sight in "o A5=$===: What a%out an am o a leg:
0ow a%out )ust a thum% o you %ig toe:
/" you ae like most people you po%a%ly eali+e that it doesn't make much sense to tade *48-0/4& o" yous "o A5=$===$
especially a %ody pat that you use o"ten.
/" you wouldn't tade A5=$=== "o any %ody pat o" yous then ask yousel" this ,uestion...
9What would you tade "o you li"e:9
8ou may agee that what you li"e is woth cannot %e eplaced in monetay tems$ in "act thee is no amount o" money that can
eplace the value o" you li"e %ecause it is piceless.
So why have you %een asking yousel" this seemingly staight"owad ,uestion:
5ecause what you have done with you yestedays and what you plan to do tomoow is e!actly what you have %een tading you li"e
Since you %egan you "ist )o%$ enteed you "ist elationship and accepted you "ist ageement you have %een tading you time in
"o the wages and emotional etuns that you have eceived.
0ave you %een tading you li"e in "o A5=$=== pe yea: A5==$=== pe yea: 0ow a%out a "ew million dollas evey yea:
/t isn't you yealy evenue that is impotant %ut the e"lection o" happiness$ )oy$ e!citement and wonde that the way you spend you
time %ings %ack to you.
/t is senseless to tade the piceless emotions o" you li"e "o any amount o" money which is why it is so impotant to align you heat
with you mind and "ollow you passion's in li"e.
-o gain moe instant insight into you attitudes$ %ehavious and ha%its ask yousel"...
9What am / tading "o li"e ight now:9
#ook at you esults$ you li"estyle$ you %ehaviou$ you elationships$ you "inances$ you investments and you isks.
5e honest with yousel"... is this how you pictued li"e could %e: *e you e!cited to tade you time in today "o e!actly what you ae
doing with it:
/" you had one day to live$ would you continue to do what you wee going to do today: Would you continue to do the same thing you
plan to do this week$ this month o this yea:
When you eali+e what you have %een tading "o you li"e ne!t ask yousel"$ 9is it woth it:9
/" it is woth it keep doing what you ae doing and know you can now act with added con"idence that you ae doing what you en)oy
and love.
/" it is not woth it$ stop and ask yousel"$ 9what would / athe %e doing with my li"e:9 and then immediately esolve to wok towads
making that the guiding "oce in you li"e.
We may not get to choose how long we get to stay as touists on this shiny %lue planet %ut we have evey say as to how we choose
to en)oy ou visit.
"ee#ly $in%set &;
-his weeks Motivating Mindset will help you live with moe "ocus$ )oy and gatitude.
-he Mindset challenge / am poposing this week is getting in the ha%it o" asking yousel":
+In this moment, ,hat is most important for my success-+
*sk yousel" this ,uestion %e"oe evey activity o challenge you come acoss this week and the pomise is that you will %e cleae
a%out you actions and inspied to do moe with you li"e.
5e"oe you get out o" %ed tomoow$ lay thee awake and ask yousel" 9/n this moment$ what is most impotant "o my success:9
-hee is no 9ight9 o 9wong9 answe to this ,uestion$ only an answe that will eithe move you close towad o "uthe away "om
you goals and deams.
/" you want to supechage you successes and activate the #aw o" *ttaction to %ing you moe positive esults then the de"ault
answe to this ,uestion could %e...9"eeling gatitude9.
5eing in a state o" gatitude is always the %est action in evey moment %ecause the "eeling o" %eing appeciative "o you li"e will
automatically attact moe to %e thank"ul "o.
What can you %e thank"ul "o as you ask yousel" this ,uestion:
Regadless o" whateve it is that you ae gate"ul "o make sue that the est o" you daily actions ae also guided %y that ,uestion
and aligned with that "eeling.
*"te you have gounded you day in gatitude then ask yousel" the same ,uestion as you make you way out o" %ed$ 99/n this
moment$ what is most impotant "o my success:9
;eep asking yousel" the ,uestion as o"ten as you can to guide you close towad you deams and to make sue that those deams
come tue$ %e sue to %ook some pesonal 9you9 time.
-he "ist hou o" you day is an ideal time to give yousel" some ,uality time alone.
9/n this moment$ what is most impotant "o my success:9
Some ideas that you can utili+e this hou with ae: visuali+e the goals and deams that ae impotant to you$ look at a vision %oad$
a""im positive intentions$ ead a %ook$ meditate in stillness$ o ,uietly eview you long(tem goals.
-ake this time to set the tone o" you day$ ensue that you ae "ocused on you goals and to help ampli"y the #aw o" *ttaction to
%ing you what you do desie.
/deally the ealie in you day you make time "o yousel" the %ette$ howeve you ae not limited to speci"ically utili+ing the moning.
E!peiment making ,uality time "o yousel" in the a"tenoon o duing the evening %e"oe you go to %ed. .ind out the %est time to
activate you peak mental and physical state.
-o speed up the time lag %etween you deams and you esults you should "ind the time to do this e!ecise twice a day.
*lso$ i" D= minutes seems too long o you don't "eel that you have time in you day then ty stating with pesonal time o" <5 minutes.
&adually incease you time to E= minutes$ B5 minutes and then to an hou.
-hinking that you do not have time to slow down and "ind out what is most impotant "o you in each moment is admitting that you
would athe continue to %e %linded %y you %ehaviou then to %e motivated %y you mindset.
/t is only an illusion that you can continue to do what you ae doing and get what you want.
-o get what you want you must do what you've neve done$ othewise i" you have aleady done it you would have aleady had it.
Most people do not develop the ha%it o" putting thei deams and goals in "ont o" them and then they wonde why nothing eve
Skipping you pesonal ,uality time is like skipping %eak"ast and wondeing why you don't have any enegy. /t seems silly to wonde
why i" you haven't had any "ood ight:
Similaly it doesn't make sense to think it is stange o mysteious that you don't have the esults you desie in li"e without "ist "inding
the time to make the impotant goals an impotant pat o" you evey day.
*sk yousel" the ,uestion 9/n this moment$ what is most impotant "o my success:9 to help keep you on tack.
"ee#ly $in%set &':
-his weeks Motivating Mindset will help you live with moe "un$ appeciation$ and a %ette oveall attitude.
-he Mindset challenge / am poposing this week is getting in the ha%it o" asking yousel":
+"hat three people have contri0ute% most to my success-+
*sk yousel" this ,uestion and you will uncove impotant li"e lessons$ discove new oppotunities and attact e!citing people into
you li"e.
5e"oe you %egin you day today ask 9What thee people have conti%uted most to my success:9
-he "ollow up ,uestions could %e 9What speci"ically did they teach me:9 and 90ow as thei teaching %ene"ited my li"e:9
-hink %ack to you teaches$ you paents and you "amily. What a%out the people you have woked with$ the new "iends you've met$
old "iends you've econnected with: 0ow a%out a spouse o a loved one: * wok mento$ manage o colleague:
* good test to detemine whethe the peson you ae thinking o" is in you top thee$ ask yousel" 9Whee would / %e today i" / did not
lean @@@@@@ "om this peson:9
/" you would still %e essentially the same peson$ then pehaps seach "o someone who possi%ly has made a moe meaning"ul o
signi"icant conti%ution to you li"e.
/" you would not %e whee you ae today o who you ae today as a diect esult o" dealing with this peson then thee's a good
chance that they ank in you top thee.
-y and come up with at least thee people$ even i" this e!ecise takes a couple days to eally think though. 8ou may howeve have
many moe than thee top teaches$ in "act$ this is going to %e moe likely as you get moe and moe success"ul.
'eople who ae a success %ecome success"ul %y walking on the shouldes o" giants. What that means is that success"ul people$
%e"oe %ecoming a success eali+e the impotance o" standing on the shouldes o" the people that they espect and admie.
/n "act$ hee is a %ie" list o" "amous mento ( mentee elationships that you might ecogni+e:
0uey #ewis mento to 5uce 0ons%y
6on 0enley mento to Sheyl 2ow
Mel &i%son mento to late 0eath #edge
Maya *ngelou mento to 3pah Win"ey
Stevie Wonde mento to /ndia.*ie
Eal 4ightingale mento to 5o% 'octo
Socates mento to 'lato
Mak 3'Meaa and 5utch 0amon mentos to -ige Woods
6id a couple o" those names you )ust ead supise you: 8es$ mentoing has %een aound since %e"oe Socates and 'lato and
some o" the most success"ul people in the wold have mentos.
Why does the geatest gol" playe in the histoy o" the spot e,uie mentos and coaches:
-he wold's most success"ul people have long eali+ed that the moe people that they lean "om the %ette and "aste that they will
gow. /t is impossi%le to make all the mistakes you need to lean all in you own li"etime so leveage the lessons o" othes to
skyocket you success.
-hee is no 9ight9 o 9wong9 answe %ecause the peson and pemise is completely decided upon %y you. /" you don't "eel someone
is wothy o" mention$ then simply don't mention them.
-he tuth is that we *## have something to lean "om one anothe. Evey peson that comes into you li"e$ whethe yesteday$ today
o tomoow has something to teach you.
-y and get in the ha%it o" "inding a 9Sensei o" the 6ay9. Sensei is a Fapanese wod meaning teache$ so Sensei o" the day is simply
a -eache o" the 6ay.
Evey elationship that we hold with ou sel" e"lects an ageement a%out the natue o" the elationship that we have made with
#ean "om the people that ae in you li"e whethe you peceive them to %e a positive o negative in"luence.
/" you "eel that they ae a positive in"luence ty to identi"y one o two aeas that they do well in and implement a simila stategy into
you li"e. 6on't %e a"aid to appoach someone that you admie and ask them "o some ,uick wods o" advice. *ll success"ul people
had help along the way$ the moe you ask "o it the moe you can eceive.
/" you "eel that they ae a negative in"luence ty to identi"y one o two easons why you think they ae %ehaving o acting out in this
manne and gain undestanding as to what speci"ically %othes you a%out thei actions. -his is a contast to what you do like$ %ut
sometimes we need to know what we don't like in ode to help detemine what we do. -he ne!t time you "ind someone
demonstating a %ehaviou you don't like$ silently thank them "o the gi"t o" awaeness o" contast and endeavou neve to act like
When you %ecome thank"ul "o the people that ae in you li"e you natually stat to attact moe o" them to %e thank"ul "o. *ppeciate
the lessons o" li"e and the teaches they come "om and you will %e ipe and eady "o elationship iches7
"ee#ly $in%set &''
-his weeks Motivating Mindset will help you appeciate yousel" moe$ attact healthie elationships and %e an oveall %ette peson.
8ou mindset challenge this week is getting in the ha%it o" asking yousel": +"oul% you %ate yourself-+
*sk yousel" this ,uestion and you will gain a moe accuate e"lection o" yousel" and a %ette undestanding o" you "eas.
4e!t time that you have a "ew minutes alone to think ask yousel" 9Would / date mysel":9
8ou might %e wondeing the elevance o" this ,uestion i" you aleady have a signi"icant othe %ut$ egadless o" elationship status$ a
cae"ul consideation o" this ,uestion can povide insight into what you conti%ute to you elationships.
/" you answeed 98es9 that you would date yousel"$ then the ne!t ,uestion is why: What kind o" easons came to mind that make
yousel" a wothy pi+e:
When taking a pesonal inventoy the answes you lean might even supise you7
2ould you "all in love with yousel": What taits o" yous ae you most poud: *e you a constant souce o" suppot: What a%out
you communication skills: *e you always "inding good things to comment a%out you signi"icant othe:
6o you "ind yousel" thinking 9/ wish my patne...9 o 9/" only my signi"icant othe....9: /" so$ these might %e the %est signs that you
need to look in the mio "ist.
9What would you change/impove i" you wee dating yousel":9 9What speci"ically do you love a%out yousel":9 /" you aen't e!cited
a%out dating yousel" then how do you e!pect any%ody else to %e:
/t is impotant to note that you patne o signi"icant othe must also agee with you sel"(assessment. /" you think you ae the wolds
%est communicato and you patne thinks othewise$ then any ad)ustments made would %e %ased on a "alse assessment and thus
likely pove counte(poductive.
* elationship should "o the most pat %e 5=/5= in tems o" conti%ution. What stengths do you conti%ute: 6o they e,ual you shae
o" the 5=>: 0ow do the stengths that you identi"ied help make the elationship stong in you patnes opinion:
1se what you've leaned "om this e!ecise to %uild on you stengths and identi"y any aeas whee you might have the oppotunity to
povide moe value in you elationships.
#ooking at yousel" though an open and honest mio e,uies couage and willingness to see yousel" o%)ectively in a new way.
/t is the mak o" a tue leade to %e a%le to acknowledge thei shotcomings and %uild upon the stengths that they ecogni+ed "o.
/" "o some eason you cannot uncove any aeas o" impovement "o yousel" then look at the aeas o" esistance$ "iction and
con"lict in you elationships.
/n what situations do you "eel most uncom"ota%le: 'ay attention to you discom"ot %ecause thee is always a hidden gi"t within.
8ou discom"ot o"ten shows you the aeas in you li"e that you should eview and evise any %elie" systems that no longe continue
to seve you.
9What do you need to impove within yousel" so that you %ecome a moe e""ective attacto o" you desied esults:9
'ut yousel" in the othe pesons shoes$ see things "om thei pespective and appeciate the gi"t o" awaeness as an oppotunity to
%e the change you want to see in the wold.
"ee#ly $in%set &'/
-his weeks Motivating Mindset will evolutioni+e the way you see$ act and "eel a%out you day.
8ou mindset challenge this week is getting in the ha%it o" asking yousel": +(m I feeling <oy-+
*sk yousel" this ,uestion and you will uncove the oots o" the po%lems that have %een plaguing you and discove answes that will
lead you to a li"e o" pue %liss.
Wheneve you aive at a "ok in the oad a geat ,uestion to ask yousel" is 9*m / "eeling )oy:9
* "ok in the oad could %e epesented in you li"e as: making a decision$ taking a couse o" action o choosing to %e$ think o "eel a
cetain way.
Wheneve you notice that you ae at a cossoads ask yousel" 9*m / "eeling )oy9 and then listen cae"ully "o an answe.
E!citement and nevous enegy ae %oth e!cellent clues that you ae "ollowing you )oy.
/" you aen't "eeling enthusiastic$ e!cited o even nevous a%out something than chances ae likely that you won't put yousel" "ully
into whateve situation demands you attention.
/t is impotant to put you "ull attention into a situation %ecause whee you attention goes you enegy "lows and the esults will
8ou eap what you sow and you get out what you put in$ so i" you wee not happy enough to "ully put yousel" into a situation than
why does it make sense that you would e!pect to %e happy when you ae "inished:
/" you put in an oange$ a %anana and an apple into a %lende you wouldn't e!pect a chocolate milkshake would you:
/t doesn't make sense to %e upset at the "uit "o not tuning into chocolate ight: 8et that is what we do when we go into a situation
gumpy and ungate"ul and e!pect it somehow to %e magically tans"omed into an adventue o" pue %liss.
Some people might "eel ovewhelmed at the eali+ation that the same emotions that you put into a situation ae pimaily esponsi%le
"o the type o" enegy and "eeling you will get out o" the situation. /" this is you then you may take a while longe to deal with you
new "ound esponsi%ility.
5ut you don't need to make things unnecessaily ovecomplicated "o yousel" %y tying to look "o$ identi"y and manage a do+en
emotions. -he "eeling you ae looking "o can %e answeed in one ,uestion: 9*m / "eeling )oy:9
/" you ae not "eeling )oy in this moment then thee is not a po%lem with the cicumstance %ecause cicumstances ae neutal$ athe
thee is likely a po%lem with you intenal )oy mete.
* cicumstance like someone %eaking thei am seems to %e a '%ad' scenaio i" you ae the one who %oke it$ howeve$ i" you ae the
6octo's o""ice that is employed when cicumstances like this happen$ then the event would %e viewed as 'good'.
Since this is the same event it cannot have %oth mutually e!clusive "eelings attached$ unless the emotions that ae geneated ae
only su%)ective$ meaning that only the peson e!peiencing$ not the actual e!peience$ poduces the "eeling.
0ow can you change you %elie"s a%out a situation in a way that allows you to %e happy:
* maste o" thei emotions allows them sel" to em%ace evey situation and "ind a way to accommodate the change o cicumstance
athe than esist the cuent.
*ccepting and allowing )oy in any situation is a sign that someone didn't get caught up in the cuent o" emotion and is capa%le o"
going with the "low.
8ou )oy mete is the automatic "eeling o" e!hilaation when you ae doing something you love.
3the ,uestions to stimulate you thinking could %e 90ow could / %e "eeling )oy in this moment:9 and additionally$ 9/n what ways
could / %e "eeling moe )oy:9
/" you aen't ,uite sue how to tell i" you ae doing something that you love you can always lean to "ollow you "ea o chase you
-he goose%umps that can stand up on you skin even when you ae meely discussing a idea that has you "ull attention is a geat
indicato that you ae "ollowing a passion.
*ltenatively$ while most people associate "ea as a %ad thing$ it can also %e used in a moe positive and poductive way %y
indicating you "eelings a%out a situation.
Fust %ecause you ae nevous and an!ious doesn't mean that you will "ail and ae not meant to succeed. .ea is )ust a way o" telling
us that the cicumstances in "ont o" us ae impotant.
Success"ul people "eel the same "ea that unsuccess"ul people do$ sometimes even stonge and yet they still manage to go though
with it anyway.
When you ae en)oying yousel" you ae living "ully and completely in the moment$ you "ace is lit up with a )u%ilant smile and$ you
ae likely to lose tack o" time. /" moe people lived this li"estyle we would not have the mental pollution and povety that plagues us
"ee#ly $in%set &'1
-his weeks Motivating Mindset will make you look at yousel" in a new light.
-he Mindset challenge / am poposing this week is getting in the ha%it o" asking yousel":
+"hat ,oul% the ne, me %o-+
*sk yousel" this ,uestion duing evey pesonal challenge this week and the pomise is that you will laugh moe$ love yousel" moe
and lean to ela! moe.
/" you ae ,uitting a ha%it o %uilding a new li"estyle ask yousel" 9What would the new me do:9 in ode to see yousel" in a new light.
Seeing yousel" in a new light is impotant$ especially i" you ae inteested in pesonal development and sel"(impovement %ecause
you ae most likely sel"(citical.
-his means that you ae constantly citi,uing you own actions$ %ehavious and esults against a standad that you've set "o
Whethe you ae conscious o" it o not$ you have a cetain standad o" pe"omance that you measue yousel" against in all aeas o"
you li"e.
.o e!ample you elationships$ health$ "inances and caee ae only some o" the aeas that you hold yousel" accounta%le in an
e""ot to impove yousel".
We ty to impove ou sel" %ecause deep down we ae all good people that )ust want to %e loved$ to love and to conti%ute to
something %ette.
8et "o a howeve many possi%le easons ou lo"ty goal doesn't get eali+ed and we somehow end up "eeling scaed$ alone and
a"aid to live.
Somehow we ae not a%le to "ind the sel"(discipline$ the stategy "o success o the willpowe to stay the couse.
5ut what e!actly happens to ou %est intentions that have us ending up in sel"(sa%otage:
What happens is we tend to think a%out all the mistakes$ the "ailues the missed oppotunities o" ou past$ pesent and "utue.
We tend to think a%out things that don't empowe us$ and think a%out ou sel" in ways that don't empowe us.
Even in %and new situations we tend to associate ou old negative sense o" sel".
.o e!ample someone might not think they ae good at talking to people$ %ased on yeas o" thei old negative sense o" sel"
eminding them o" all thei "ailues.
4o matte how many new people this peson meets they essentially pe(detemine thei "utue %y imagining a negative outcome.
Even in a situation whee the "eed%ack was positive this peson would tend to dis(associate any "eed%ack that doesn't esonate with
this negative sel"(vision.
-his likely applies to many situations in you li"e$ and i" this is you$ today's ,uestion will help you %uild a new data%ase o" positive
*ll you have to do is look "o the good in eveyone and in evey situation and you will attact moe o" that to you.
.o evey situation you'e in this week Gincluding those that ae "ustating o seem completely negative7H wite down what is good
a%out that situation.
When you do this notice how it immediately changes you pespective and opens up you mind to new possi%ilities.
-oday is a new day$ and instead o" allowing yousel" to think negatively think a%out you highe sel"$ you ideal sel".
3nce you have a pictue o" the ideal peson you want to %e then ask yousel" 9What would the new me do:9
/" you ae ,uitting smoking$ %e pesent with the caving to smoke and ask yousel"$ with this caving... 9what would the new me do:9
and then make a decision "om the peson who has I amount o" days smoke("ee.
8ou ae powe"ul and you can change any ha%it you want to$ instantly i" you have a stong enough desie.
/t is in the moment and "om each moment(to(moment that ou destinies ae shaped %y ou choices.
Wheneve you encounte a situation that you ae emotional a%out o "ind yousel" eacting to$ ty and think a%out you ideal vision o"
'ictue you in all you "utue gloy and geatness and "om that state ask yousel" 9What would this new me do:9
2an you pictue yousel" in the "utue$ one month "om now$ one yea "om now$ "ive yeas "om now:
0ow a%out when you ae pictuing yousel" in the past$ yesteday$ last yea$ when you wee young:
*e you a%le to appeciate and accept all o" you memoies:
*e you passionately ceating new and e!citing memoies:
When you pictue you past o "utue sel" ae you eceiving attention$ a""ection and adoation:
3 do you tend to citici+e yousel"$ %eat yousel" up$ o think that you should have done something di""eent$ i" only...
Regadless o" whethe it is you past you ae thinking a%out o you "utue you must lean to think a%out it positively.
-he %est ,uestion to get yousel" in this new mindset is: 9What would the new me do:9 and then think "om that state.
3ne o" you geatest challenges in li"e is to %e a%le to uncove the wisdom in evey situation and apply the new "ound lesson to help
you gow.
Whee we go in the mind we "ollow in the %ody and whee we cannot go in the mind we aely go in eality.
.o e!ample$ i" you cannot pictue yousel" in a elationship with a cetain peson you po%a%ly wouldn't %e in one with them ight:
8et on the opposite spectum o" visuali+ation you got dessed this moning didn't you:
Well chances ae you pictued the out"it you ae weaing at least once %e"oe physically dessing yousel" in it.
-he visuali+ation o" you "utue sel" in a positive light is citical and impotant.
When we pictue a happy$ )oy"ul and play"ull "utue we put ouselves in a positive state.
-hen$ %y vitue o" -he #aw o" *ttaction$ we attact the same situations as we wee visuali+ing ou "utue.
Remem%e you ae a mastepiece in the making and you "utue is constantly un"olding something new... i" you only allow it7
*pply these ideas immediately to you thought pocess this week and instantly watch you new "ound "utue un"old7
"ee#ly $in%set &'3
-his weeks Motivating Mindset will add enegy and happiness to you li"e as ,uickly as you can apply it.
-he Mindset challenge / am poposing this week is getting in the ha%it o" asking yousel":
+"hat am I tolerating-+
*sk yousel" this ,uestion thoughout the days o" this week and the pomise is that you will mani"est what you do want "aste$ attact
%ette situations and "avoed oppotunities will aive moe "eely.
/" you ae eady to clean and clea out old stagnant enegy that is holding you %ack and eady to move in "esh new enegy to
suppot you then you will want to ead on cae"ully.
-oday's tip is all a%out identi"ying and %ecoming awae o" the things in you li"e that steal you enegy.
-he only way to %uild you own enegy up is to "ist lean how to eseve and gow you own enegy.
/" eveytime you encounte a situation you automatically eact athe than espond than the situation is a toleation.
-ake a moment to e"lect ove all ma)o aspects o" you li"e$ aeas such as you caee J )o%$ pesonal J spiitual "ul"illment$ "amily J
elationships$ health and wealth.
#ook ove these di""eent pats o" you li"e and emem%e to ask yousel" the ,uestion$ 9What am / toleating:9
*s you "ind answes to this ,uestion you will likely %egin to geneate eithe "eelings$ %e with the "eelings and wite you e!peience
down in as much detail as possi%le.
-y to %e kind to yousel" and avoid the tendency to immediately place )udgement on you situation.
#ooking ove sometimes sensitive aeas o" you li"e can make you "eel %oth positive and negative$ mi!ed "eelings ae common.
/denti"ying mi!ed "eelings will also help you uncove aeas o" you li"e that you ae toleating.
Simply put$ a toleation is the %ig and little things you put up with in you li"e without eali+ing how much they ae costing you.
*n e!ample o" a toleation could %e the numeous sticky notes that might %e plasteed on you desk$ in you day(time o on you
Eveytime you look at one o" those post(it notes$ whethe you speci"ically ead a message o not$ you have e!pended some mental
3ne might not think it's a %ig deal$ %ut thoughout the day this su%liminal sign language steals you pecious enegy acting like a
pepetual to(do time.
Each time you walk %y it inteupts the moment you wee in to signal to you su%conscious$ hee is a 9to(do9$ and 9look(at(this9$ 9this
could %e impotant97
8ou then have a choice to eithe e(ead the message again "o the ! num%e o" time$ o choose to ignoe the note until it catches
you attention ne!t.
1naddessed post it notes$ un"inished po)ects$ unwanted inteactions and even unspoken wods can emain hidden in %ackgound
o" toleations.
-hen out o" no whee they seem to %eak up the moment you wee in pio %y taking you time and attention to e(addess something
you continue to not addess.
Wheneve a toleations allows you to lose the moment you also lose enegy and cannot gain 9momentum9.
/" you want to %uild yousel" up and %ecome the peson you know you ae capa%le o" then stop the vicious cycle o" enegy and
attention spent unnecessaily.
0onestly$ openly and seiously ask yousel" 9What am / toleating:9 and then %e pepaed to do some ha%it enovations.
4ot sue how to uncove you toleations:
-ake note o" all you thoughts and "eelings and %e sue to ecod any ideas that come up "o you duing this e!ecise.
When you think a%out how you spend you time and what you day composes o" whee does you enegy seem to soa skywad and
whee does you enegy sink down:
.o e!ample an aea o" )oy in my li"e is my love "o long %aths and hot moning showes$ thee"oe )ust thinking a%out a %ath o a
showe could potentially add e!citement to my day.
0oweve$ /'ve ecently noticed that my enegy can also sink down when thinking a%out showes when / ecall the details o" a
paticula wate test / viewed.
-his test demonstated how the chloine$ a chemical used to teat the wate$ is pumped into the wate system o" the city / live in and
is immediately su%se,uently sucked up %y human skin.
3" couse this demonstation didn't make me "eel e!cited a%out showeing anymoe$ in "act$ / sometimes shudde at the thought o"
how much chemicals /'ve a%so%ed.
5om%ading chemicals into my %ody is not a positive "eeling$ yet it is a choice / must consciously make eveytime / daw a %ath o
take a showe.
So "o me a ma)o aea o" )oy in my li"e has now somehow %ecome a dangeous deal and to solve the po%lem / must puchase a
special wate "ilte "o my showe head.
Easy ight: Easy minus the "act that cleaning and cleaing toleations can only %e paid with the cuency o" time$ attention$ and wok.
-he only po%lem that most people "ind with putting in time$ attention and wok is actually putting in the time$ attention and wok.
0ence the eason toleations e!ist in the "ist place$ %ecause they conveniently wouldn't coect o go away themselves.
6o you get caught up in simulia situations that despeately e,uie you time$ attention and wok:
*sk yousel" 9What am / toleating:9 and ecod all you answes in a maste )ounal.
6ay(%y(day and one(%y(one is the way to take time to tackle you toleations$ so %e patient with yousel" and positive with you
Most impotantly$ emem%e to cele%ate as you stike each one o"" you list7
*e you committed to %ecoming even incementally %ette: /" so$ %y taking you toleations into "ull consideation you will ,uickly
%ecome e!ponentially %ette.
"ee#ly $in%set &'4
-his weeks Motivating Mindset will help you tans"om yousel" into the peson that you always knew you would %e.
8ou Mindset challenge this week is getting in the ha%it o" asking yousel":
+"ho am I 0ecoming-+
*sk yousel" this ,uestion as many oppotunities you have this week and the pomise is you will instill moe pide$ passion and
pupose into you eveyday living.
.ist thing when you get up tomoow moning ask yousel" the ,uestion$ 9Who am / %ecoming:9
Rela! and allow you mind to wonde "eely while taking a "ew moments to ponde you answe.
When you pictue you "utue sel" ae you happy$ poud o e!cited a%out the peson that you ae %ecoming:
*s you e"lect this ,uestion "o some o" you it may "eel uncom"ota%le$ you may "eel the uge to pass )udgement$ o simply "eel this is
a ,uestion that doesn't seem to make any sense.
Some o" you may not %e a%le to answe the ,uestion$ which is ok too$ and i" this is the case "o you then it is impotant to eali+e that
the asking the ,uestion itsel" is o"ten moe impotant than the answe.
9/t's the ,uestion that dives us9 ((( -inity G-he Mati!$ <CCCH
We ae all uni,ue and the answes that each and evey one o" us comes up with will %e di""eent$ howeve$ as individuals thee ae a
"ew things that we all shae in common.
3ne such e!ample is that egadless o" what you ace$ height$ weight$ /?$ E?$ caee$ education$ elationship o socio(economic
status is we all have the same set amount o" hous in a day to wok with.
We each get 2B hous in a day$ D= minutes in an hou$ D= seconds in a minute and each second passes %y at a constant ate o" one
second pe second$ no matte what7
-hee"oe the peson you ae %ecoming is %ecoming so at a ate o" one second pe second evey day.
8ou might %e tempted to dismiss the powe o" each second$ a"te all you might think to yousel" 9what good could possi%ly happen in
one second9:
#ike "o instance who would want a one(second massage$ one(second maiage o one(second shopping spee ight:
0oweve when you stop to eally think a%out it$ this second ight now$ not the second that )ust past$ o the second "om now$ is eally
the 34#8 second we EKER have.
Evey second that passes is pat o" yesteday$ the second that has 9yet(to(come9 will always %elong to tomoow.
-he second known as 9now9 %ings the gi"t o" choice$ and with it the powe "o any pesonal o li"e tans"omation.
-his etenal second is shaed %y all$ a gi"t$ a pesent$ the gi"t o" the pesent moment.
When you ask yousel" 9Who am / %ecoming9 do you notice that you ae %ecoming someone who is inceasingly "iendly with$ and
passionate a%out the pesent moment:
*nything that you can eve do o anything that will eve %e done to you will happen in the pesent moment.
-he %est way to give yousel" the %est chance o" %ecoming a %ette you is to "ist lean how to stop looking at the old you as a
e"eence point.
8ou esults today indicate you pevious ha%its and you ha%its ae a esult o" the accumulation o" yesteday's choices.
-he old you is a esult o" you old choices and decisions$ and cannot %e the esult o" the new choices and decisions that ae
availa%le to you in this moment.
Even though you can see it with you own eyes$ the old you is )ust an illusion$ a "ictional identity that only e!ists in ou imagination.
/t is "ictional %ecause we have the a%ility to change who we ae$ make ou identities completely up$ and stat all ove again i" we want
4o matte what type o" peson you think you wee$ no matte what you weight o age$ and no matte what esults you've gotten in
the past you can use the moment that aives in this second to %ecome %ette.
Evey second you have the oppotunity to lean something a%out yousel"$ a%out othe people and a%out li"e in geneal that can
make the )ouney inteesting and entetaining.
5y choosing to lean a%out yousel"$ othes and li"e you will inevita%ly %ecome a %ette and %ighte peson.
-he peson who you want to %e in the "utue can only %ecome so i" you choose to %e that peson now.
Evey moment "om now until you vey last second you have the a%ility to choose to %uild a %igge "utue.
/" you choose to do something new in the moment you set yousel" up "o something new and %ette in the ne!t moment.
/" you choose to do something that you've always done %e"oe$ you will continue to get the same esults you've gotten %e"oe.
*l%et Einstein said 9-he de"inition o" insanity is doing the same thing ove and ove and e!pecting a di""eent esult9
5ecome the new you %y deciding today to invite the new you inside you head "o a chat.
-hen ask the new you the ,uestion 9Who am / %ecoming:9 and allow you ideal sel" to imagine what it would %e like to tiumphantly
live you deam li"estyle.
6o you pictue yousel" as con"ident$ competent and cool. 2an you imagine how it "eels to %e a %old and %ave adventue:
Make it a goal to incease the amount o" times you 9visit9 with the new you$ even go as "a as to wite down the convesations you
have with you highe sel".
6elegate the new you to make the impotant choices in you li"e$ decisions like whethe o not to go to the gym$ smoke a cigaette o
invest in some new education.
Remem%e to cele%ate any and all decisions made %y the new you$ egadless o" the outcome.
When it comes time to make an impotant decision again$ allow the new you to choose.
#et the new peson with the e!peience o" holding o"" even )ust that one cigaette answe the ,uestion 9Who am / %ecoming:9
#i"e is constantly un"olding second(%y(second$ moment(%y(moment and with it you ae %ecoming the peson o" you choice$ so
emem%e to choose wisely.
Even though you woth is piceless you must still poactively and pesistently %uild yousel" to incease you value.
What ae you consciously ceating that is helping to gow yousel"$ you valued skills and you sevice to othes:
What ae you doing on pupose ight now that will cultivate you towads %eing the peson you aspie to %e:
-ake a moment to ask yousel" what you ae deli%eately doing today that is inceasing you value:
3ne way to acceleate you success is to ceate an intention "o the day$ a conscious daily intention.
2hoose eithe an a""imation that inspies and e!cites you o pick a pesonal declaation that you "eel passionate a%out "ul"illing.
*n e!ample o" such an a""imation might %e: 9/ am a stong communicato9
*n e!ample o" a simila declaation could %e: 9/ choose today to %ecome the vey %est listene in all o" my convesations9
6o you aleady keep a success )ounal to ecod all the things you ae gate"ul "o$ and all the easons you have to cele%ate:
/" so$ a )ounal would %e a geat spot to also ecod you a""imations and you declaations.
.eel "ee to e"ine$ evolve and tweak you a""imation and declaation statements until they accuately e"lect the powe %ehind you
pesonal intentions.
0ow will you know when you ae eading the 9ight9 a""imation o declaation:
While thee is no ight o wong answe$ a good indication you ae on to something is you "eel a suge o" enegy$ a ush o"
e!hilaation$ o even a nevous "ea o" e!citement )ust "om eading it.
8ou )o% ne!t is to take that powe"ul pesonal statement and ead it ove and ove as many times as possi%le with the enthusiasm.
Read it "ist thing in the moning when you wake up. Read it last thing at night %e"oe you go to %ed.
-y this assignment "o at least one whole week and at the end o" the week ask yousel" 9Who am / %ecoming:9
8ou have the powe to %ecome the peson you always deamed$ "igue out "ist who e!actly that is and then put in the e""ot %y
choosing to %e like that peson now.
-ake today's tip to heat and the total e""ot e,uied will %e less than you imagined and the ewad you eceive will %e %eyond you
wildest deams7
"ee#ly $in%set &'5
-his weeks Motivating Mindset will help you "ind moe enegy and "eel moe alive.
8ou Mindset challenge this week is getting in the ha%it o" asking yousel":
+"hat=s one ,ay to get more energy into my life-+
*sk yousel" this ,uestion duing evey oppotunity duing the week and the pomise is that you will "ind moe enegy to enew
yousel" and "eel moe e"eshed oveall.
.ist thing when you get up tomoow moning ask yousel" the ,uestion$ 9What's one way to get moe enegy into my li"e:9
Said di""eently$ 9what is one aea o" my li"e that / can change today that will immediately esult in me having moe enegy and
Whethe compaing a molecule$ a mountain o a mole we all have one chaacteistic in common$ we ae all made up o" enegy.
Enegy is the %uilding %lock o" li"e$ it is the %attey powe "o living and yet many o" us ae unning on less than hal"(capacity.
Reseaches ae discoveing that the saying 9you ae what you eat9 is moe and moe tue and less and less )ust a cliche.
8ou've po%a%ly head that enegy is always changing "om$ moving in and out o" "om and can neve %e ceated o destoyed.
So when you eally stop to think a%out that$ it means that i" you put in "attening "ood with high caloies and low(nutitional value into
you system what do you e!pect to get out:
0ave you eve put in a do+en oystes into you %lende and e!pected to get out oange )uice:
0ope"ully not$ %ecause you'd po%a%ly %e consideed ca+y ight: -hat is %ecause in li"e$ you can only get out what you put in.
8et many o" us still %uy into this illusion when we consume )unk "ood and e!pect ou enegy levels to %e opeating at optimal.
0ow was you enegy this moning when you woke up: 6id you get out o" %ed "eeling ama+ing: *e you "eeling echaged and
eady to tackle a new day:
-ake a moment and think a%out whee you got the enegy that you have "o today...
/" you guessed it ight you said "om the choices and decisions that wee made in past yestedays.
/" you had a healthy meal peviously you would have moe enegy than i" you had to "ace the conse,uences o" poo past choices.
-he good news is that eveyday %ings the gi"t to stat making healthie choices.
-hee"oe$ today is the most impotant oppotunity you have in tems o" putting in the %est ,uality enegy that will help you achieve
tomoow's goals.
-o %e in the %est position to achieve tomoows goals you need to maintain good physical shape %y egulating the "ood that's put into
you %ody.
When you ae shopping ne!t at the gocey stoe$ thinking a%out what to make "o you ne!t meal emem%e to ask yousel" the
,uestion 9What's one way to get moe enegy into my li"e:9
Founeying on the oad o" li"e e,uies a lot o" enegy and since it's always %est to popely pepae "o a long and challenging tip.
8ou esponsi%ility is to "ill up on pemium gas "ist %y eating healthy$ nutitional meals and getting the e,uied amount o" est "o
you %ody.
0oweve when it comes to the enegy you need to "ully "unction thee ae moe than )ust you %asic physical type o" enegy to
Most people %elieve that you physical 9meat and potatoes9 enegy is the only enegy at wok on a daily %asis %ut it is impotant to
ecogni+e you othe souces o" enegy.
*nothe signi"icant "om o" enegy is what is e"eed to as emotional enegy.
Without emotional enegy you li"e would not %e en)oya%le and you wouldn't eve "eel e!citement o enthusiasm.
-his is the type o" enegy that is esponsi%le "o you "eelings$ such as love$ happiness$ and )oy.
5elieve it o not pactically eveything that you say and do is lagely detemined in some way %y an emotion$ eithe positive o
-he impotance o" emotional enegy is o"ten unde(valued and the e""ect that you emotions have on you physical enegy is o"ten
0ave you eve "elt happy o nomal until you wee consumed %y guilt$ ange o anothe negative emotion that ,uickly consumed all
you enegy:
0ow a%out have you eve "elt tied %ut then thought o" an e!citing idea$ po)ect o adventue and then suddenly "elt the ush o"
enegy "ill you %ody:
-his is you emotional enegy and it eithe woks to hold you %ack o help motivate you "owad.
8ou can stat to eclaim you emotional enegy %y healing old wounds$ "inding positive and inspiing "iendships and educing the
clutte in you envionment.
-he thid and last type o" enegy is what is known as mental$ it is the type o" enegy we use to solve po%lems$ lean new things and
make impotant decisions.
8ou mental enegy is pimaily esponsi%le "o the ,uality o" you li"e %ecause you e,uie mental enegy to deal with the po%lems
and challenges o" eveyday li"e.
/n "act$ the eason why most people "ail to live the li"e o" thei deams is %ecause they %un up enomous amounts o" enegy at the
physical and emotional level$ and as a esult they have vey little enegy le"t ove "o the citical mental activities o" planning$ leaning
and po%lem solving.
Fust imagine the type o" li"e you would %e living i" you neve planned o didn't know how to po%lem solve7
8ou num%e one pioity one goal in li"e is to e""ectively utili+e all thee types o" enegy levels to suppot you a%ility to live the li"e o"
you deams.
'eak pe"omance happens when the engine o" you li"e is "iing on all cylindes. 5e a mental mechanic and "ind out the aeas you
need to tune %y asking yousel":
9What's one way to get moe enegy into my li"e:9 and then wok you %ut o"" to implement the changes to see signi"icant
impovements in you esults.
"ee#ly $in%set &'7
-his weeks Motivating Mindset will allow you to see a whole new outlook on li"e.
8ou Mindset challenge this week is getting in the ha%it o" asking yousel":
+Ho, %o I #no, the story that I am telling myself is real-+
*sk yousel" this ,uestion wheneve you ae talking to yousel" this week and the pomise is you will open up you mind and help put
a positive spin on the pespective o" you li"e.
Since you woke up today what 9stoies9 a%out yousel" and you li"e have you %ought into:
Stoies ae epesented %y the sel"(talk$ thoughts$ ideas$ %elie"s$ assumptions$ attitudes and paadigms that you "ilte you wold
'ay attention to how the stoy makes you "eel.
6oes the stoy make you stonge o seem to polong you success longe:
What's impotant is whethe o not the stoy was 9suppotive9 o 9non(suppotive9 towads the "ul"illment o" you highe sel"$ o highe
Stuggling epeatedly$ una%le to %eak(though o have %een making the same mistake ove and ove ae all symptoms o" a non(
suppotive stoy.
Wheneve you ae consciously awae o" you stoy ask yousel" 9how do / know the stoy that / am telling mysel" is eal:9
-his week let's "ocus on the seemingly 9negative9 stoies that we o"ten tell ou sel".
Stoies something along the lines o" 9ugh$ /'m so tied... / don't sleep well the night %e"oe %ig pesentations and now today wok is
going to %e a nightmae9
3 you stoy could sound like 9today's test at school is going to %e had %ecause /'m not good at math9
8ou sel"(talk could say something such as 9/ will neve lose those e!ta pounds9
-hese ae )ust some o" the stoies that people tell themselves on a daily %asis$ howeve the vaiations and possi%ilities ae
9un"otunately9 endless.
/t's un"otunate %ecause thee ae 43 species on Eath %esides humans that tell stoies to them sel".
/n "act humans ae the only species that mentally second guesses its' own natual intuitive a%ilities and tells stoies to itsel".
-he only thing wose than telling stoies to yousel" is %elieving the stoies you ae telling.
-he ne!t time you "ind yousel" in the middle o" a stoy$ ask yousel" the ,uestion 90ow do / know the stoy that / am telling mysel" is
#et's play out the application o" this mindset using the a%ove e!ample 9ugh$ /'m so tied... / don't sleep well the night %e"oe %ig
pesentations and now today wok is going to %e a nightmae9
1pon eali+ing that you have caught yousel" in the middle o" this non(suppotive stoy you can now instead ask yousel" 9how do /
know the stoy that / am telling mysel" is eal:9 and %egin %ainstoming all the possi%ilities that you could %e wong.
1sing the e!ample o" the %eing tied$ you would ty and ecall pevious e!amples whee you wee a%le to pe"om even though you
enegy and "ocus wee not optimal.
3 you could ponde how without %eing psychic you could know 9"o cetain9 that the pesentation would %e a nightmae i" you
haven't yet e!peienced it:
*e you taking into consideation that eveyone is given an oppotunity to lean and gow "om thei e!peiences:
0ave you consideed that even i" you wee an a%solute and complete "ailue pio to today$ you can use all you e!peiences o"
"ailue to ceate new and %ette ways to get what you need done.
.o e!ample you think %ack and emem%e that you always stuggle with the opening o" you pesentation$ %ut using this in"omation
positively %y taking time %e"oe the pesentation to emem%e the "ist "ew lines. 8ou may not emem%e them all o impove you
pesentation <==>$ %ut at least now you have a histoy o" conscious impovement that you can %e poud o".
/t is up to you to use you pevious challenges to %ing awaeness to the aeas in li"e that you need to pepae moe.
So you might %e wondeing how e!actly do you know whethe o not to %elieve a stoy:
-he %est advice is adopted "om 0eny .od ,uotes who said 9whethe you %elieve you can o you can not$ you ae ight9.
-his means that whateve stoy you ae telling yousel" is the only one you ae going to %elieve and no one else will %e a%le to
convince you othewise until you've "ist consideed it yousel".
Since the pocess o" stoy telling is sel"(seving you may as well ty and consciously ensue that the stoy seves the sel".
Make sue that the stoy "ames the situation in the %est way possi%le and puts you in a position to move "owad.
* geat ,uestion to "ollow(up the ,uestion o" 90ow do / know the stoy that / am telling mysel" is eal:9 is asking yousel":
9What i" the whole stoy o pats o" it tuned out to %e "a%icated:9
5elieve it o not the likelihood o" you tuning up new in"omation that out dates you old in"omation is ,uite high.
-his is %ecause the eality we e!peience is only as good as the senses we peceive it with.
Many technologies wee invented %ecause we can not captue the entiety o" eality with )ust ou natual senses.
.o e!ample things like in"aed$ ulta(violet$ micowaves$ in"a(sound ae all things that e!ist %ut ae not detecta%le %y ou senses.
We cannot see in in"aed$ spot ulta(violet light o hea in"a(sound nomally %ut they all can %ecome a pat o" ou eality with the
ight e,uipment.
With technology we can now see in the dak with night vision goggles and apply sun %lock to sceen out invisi%le %ut ham"ul 1K
8et these ae things that in which wee not possi%le only a "ew shot yeas ago.
So imagine i" we always thought it would neve %e possi%le to see in the dak simply %ased on the histoy o" not %eing a%le to see in
the dak %e"oe:
-he discovey o" "loatation and %uoyancy was not deived %y pondeing the science o" sinking.
8ou only limit "utue e!peiences %y %elieving the stoies o" you past %ecause the "eelings o" these stoies keep you "om you
highe sel" which is always "ound in the pesent moment.
-he pesent moment %ings with it choice. 2hoice to choose what you stoy you will voluntaily %elieve.
-he moe lucid and li,uid like you %elie"s aound the stoies that you tell yousel" the moe you attitude will %e a%le to adapt to
accommodate the gowth and changes in you li"e.
6evelop the conscious awaeness within yousel" to %e like wate$ "luid and "le!i%le in you thinking and lean to go with the "low and
change states as needed.
3ne o" you geatest goals in li"e is to consciously decide how to apply pevious e!peiences in any given situation to achieve the
%est esults.
-he %est esults in any given situation ae those that move you towads you goal in the ,uickest and easiest way.
5e patient with yousel" at all times and %e cetain to ewad yousel" wheneve you uncove any unsuppotive %elie" systems and
8ou can develop a "luid a "le!i%le way o" thinking %y asking yousel" 90ow do / know the stoy that / am telling mysel" is eal:9 and
"ollowing that answe up with 9What i" the whole stoy o pats o" it tuned out to %e "a%icated:9
Eveyday you have the gi"t and "eedom o" complete contol o" witing and e(witing you stoy to suit you li"estyle and li"e
/t is not you ole to 9ead9 o live the stoy o" you li"e %ut athe it is you esponsi%ility to wite o ceate the stoy o" you li"e.
8ou ae the stoytelle o" you destiny so make sue that wite you li"e as a stoy%ook "aiytale7
"ee#ly $in%set &'8
-his weeks Motivating Mindset will put a new spin on the way you think long(tem a%out you li"e.
8ou Mindset challenge this week is getting in the ha%it o" asking yousel":
+"hat am I giving up 0y seeing only the short term-+
*sk yousel" this ,uestion duing as many decisions as possi%le this week and you will %egin to see li"e "om moe o" a long(tem
* geat ,uestion to ask the ne!t time you ae "aced with a decision that you must weigh the conse,uences is 9What am / giving up
%y seeing only the shot tem:9
-he point o" this ,uestion is to get you to conside %oth the shot and long(tem implications o" you decision.
Many times we hastily make ash decisions without consideing the e""ects until a"te it's too late$ o sometimes not consideing them
at all.
.o e!ample$ i" you wee o""eed a choice %etween having A<$=== cash in you pocket this vey moment o waiting a "ull yea and
eceiving A<$5==$ the ma)oity o" people would go with the ,uick money.
What would you choose:
C=> o" people would choose the smalle amount even though they would get 5=> moe i" they waited and even when they had to
do nothing in addition to claim the lage amount.
0ow does this play out when it comes to saving and investing you money:
-he peson who picks the A<$=== is moe likely to have less savings and investments than the peson who chooses to wait "o the
While thee is nothing inheently wong with choosing the smalle amount to en)oy soone$ the long(tem implications o" choosing
this$ means that ove time you will "ind it moe and moe di""icult to choose the lage amount late.
We ae constantly %uilding neual netwoks in the %ain$ had(wiing the %ain with choices and decisions into associations and
*n identity is simply a patten o" thought that you have %ought ove a peiod o" time.
5y continually "ocusing on a smalle esult you may eceive the ewad soone %ut in eality you ae stengthening a long(tem
identity that will hold you hostage and keep you playing small.
-his is %ecause when le"t to it's own choice$ the mind has the tendency to want to do the minimal to get %y$ to avoid ocking the %oat
and to stay in you com"ot +one.
What this tanslates into is the automatic saci"ice o" long(tem ewads "o a shot(tem gains.
*n e!ample that illustates this is pictuing a hockey game whee one team is <==> motivated %y de"ense and no one eve attempts
to scoe on the othe team.
While this stategy Gi" you want to call it oneH would lead to shot tem esults$ i.e. "eeling good that the othe team would have a vey
tough time scoing$ the long(tem implications ae that they would neve win a game %ecause they ae ignoing the %igge pictue
and not doing what it takes to win.
0ow o"ten ae you "aced with situations that play out like this hockey game:
0ow o"ten do you continue to allow yousel" to play de"ense only$ to not take isks and ty and scoe a goal:
.o e!ample$ i" you ae cuently single it may seem easie not to talk to that handsome man you un into at the supemaket evey
/t may seem easie not to e!pose yousel" to the possi%ility o" %eing e)ected o having to paticipate in an awkwad convesation.
0oweve$ ask yousel" 9What am / giving up %y seeing only the shot tem:9 to help you %eak("ee o" the tendency to emain in you
com"ot +one.
'ehaps answeing the ,uestion in this e!ample you might come up with answes such as: 9/ am giving up the chance to "ind a
signi"icant othe9 o 9/ am giving up the potential o" meeting my "utue hus%and$ the "athe o" my kids$ o passing %y the companion
/'ve %een seaching "o all my li"e9.
When you come up with answes adopted "om a long(tem pespective it helps e"ame the cuent situation and make new
-aking time to conside new answes and in"omation is impotant i" you ae looking to %eak("ee "om an old ha%it.
/n li"e you have a choice$ eithe attempt to ac,uie something smalle soone o wait to develop something that is lage late.
*pply this weeks motivating mindset to aeas such as elationships$ "inances and weight loss and you will %e supised at what type
o" long(tem esults you can achieve.
/" you aen't gowing in an aea o" you li"e then %y the contay you must %e dying.
Who would you like to gow yousel" into: What aeas o" you li"e ae impotant to you: Whee ae you values placed:
/" you aen't sue who$ what o whee a good stating place is to e!amine you cuent histoy$ esults and actions.
0ow do you spend you time ight now: Whee have you %een placing you enegy$ attention and "ocus:
*nswe this ,uestion openly and honestly and you will shed some light on what is most impotant to you ight now.
*"te you'e awae o" you li"e values you ne!t goal is to ensue you devote the pope time and attention to suppots these aeas.
6eveloping patience with yousel" and with the people that you cae a%out is )ust as impotant as e!peiencing the actual gowth
2ontinually asking yousel" the ,uestion 9What am / giving up %y seeing only the shot tem:9 helps you eali+e the validity %ehind
the saying 9patience is a vitue9
5ewae that time is an ongoing illusion that is capa%le o" hiding the small steps we take and the incemental gowth we make.
/t is easy to make the mistake o" %elieving that you haven't accomplished anything.
/t is easy "o the esults o" you e""ots to %e o%scued %y the pesent eality.
1ndestand that you pesent eality is meely a e"lection o" the choices you made peviously in you past yeas$ months and days.
/n ode "o you new decisions to take a""ect and to see e!tenal esults$ you must patiently wait "o days$ months and even possi%ly
;eep in mind that )ust %ecause you cannot see the change happening doesn't mean it isn't.
.o instance$ have you eve seen "ist(hand the di"t %etween the continental plates:
What a%out eve witnessing you "ingenails gowing:
8ou po%a%ly didn't notice eithe %ecause they %oth happen at an aveage gowth ate o" =.< mm each day G< centimete in <==
8et these "oces continue to happen undetected as we speak and one day$ soone o late$ you may %e "oced to espond to this
8ou will po%a%ly choose to cut you "ingenails when they get too long o thee may %e an eath ,uake o tsunami "om the plate
tectonics colliding.
Seen o unseen eveyday li"e is un"olding %e"oe you vey eyes.
-he diection that you li"e un"olds takes place in the small and seemingly unimpotant choices that you make evey day.
-ake a moment to wite down the skills$ talents and highe visions that ae un"olding inside o" you ight now.
8ou may have head the say that 9Rome wasn't %uilt in a day9 well neithe should the gi"ts that you o""e the wold.
5uying into ewads that ae smalle soone is only an illusion and is not a shotcut that leads to long(tem success.
*sk yousel" 9What am / giving up %y seeing only the shot tem:9 to help you eali+e you long(tem vision.
"ee#ly $in%set &';
-his weeks Motivating Mindset will help you "eel moe gate"ul "o you li"e and act with moe appeciation o" you li"e.
8ou Mindset challenge this week is getting in the ha%it o" asking yousel":
+"hat pro0lems am I 0lesse% ,ith-+
*sk yousel" this ,uestion as many times as you have po%lems this week and the pomise is you will laugh moe and e!peience
moe gatitude in you li"e.
Wheneve you "ind yousel" upset$ unmotivated$ ungate"ul$ pessimistic$ dou%t"ul$ o )ust having an old "ashioned 9%ad day9$ stop "o
a minute and ask yousel" 9What po%lems am / %lessed with:9 to help you shi"t geas and move away "om that state.
'eople o"ten mistakenly %elieve that the 9gass is geene9 on the othe(side o" the "ence.
We ae tempted to "eel like people have moe than us$ live %ette lives than us and that no one has to go though the tials and
ti%ulations we do.
We can also "eel like "ailues in ou own lives$ like ou po%lems ae %igge than ou a%ility to ovecome them.
*pplying today's mindset o" 9what po%lems am / %lessed with9 can help you put things into a moe positive pespective.
.ist$ instead o" "ocusing all you enegy on esisting a negative situation o something that you don't have %e pepaed to do the
-hat is to say$ pactice you a%ility to suende to the cuent state o" you a""ais$ lean to yield to situations and empowe yousel".
8ou may have di""iculties at "ist tying to suende and uncove the 9good9 out o" a 9%ad9 situation %ut tust that this a%ility will only
gow with pactice.
With time and pactice you will %egin to see the 9tuth9 %ehind eality$ that situations$ cicumstances and even po%lems ae not
inheently good o %ad.
-he concept o" good o %ad ae )ust mental images that we a""i! to a people$ places and things.
-hat is to say$ nothing is eithe good o %ad %y itsel"$ thee is no such thing as a 9%ad gun9 o a 9good lottey9$ these ae su%)ective
tems we've applied.
-ake "o instance a spoting event such as a .oot%all game whee the two teams ae competing against each othe.
6uing the play the o""ense wants to do something that moves thei team "owad and close to thei goal$ such as un o pass and
catch the %all.
0oweve$ simultaneously and paallel to that eality is the eality and o%)ectives o" the opposing team$ who does not want to allow
the othe team to advance$ un o pass and catch the %all.
'etend that the o""ense snaps the %all and the ,uate%ack dops %ack and eleases a long(%om%.
/" the eceive catches the %all the team on o""ense will )ump up and down thinking that was a 9good9 play and the team on de"ense
will )ump up and down thinking that was a 9%ad9 play.
/" the de"ende de"lects the pass and stops the team on o""ense the team on de"ense will )ump up and down and think it was a
9good9 play and the team on o""ense will think the opposite.
-hee ae two ealities %oth containing 9good9 and 9%ad9 e!isting in one outcome.
3nly one eality will un"old and yet %oth outcomes will mani"est.
2icumstances in and o" themselves ae not good o %ad %ut athe ou assessment and action towads them.
#eaning to view you situation in moe neutal pespectives will incease you a%ility to espond vesus eact to po%lems and
When we eact to a peceived po%lem it doesn't seve us$ howeve i" we choose to espond to a peceive po%lem then we can
move "owad.
When po%lems stat to happen ask yousel" the ,uestion 9What po%lems am / %lessed with9 and list at least 5 po%lems that you
ae happy to have.
-he moe %asic you can %eakdown you happiness the moe things you will "ind to %e gate"ul "o.
Stat with you %eathing and notice you %eath. 5eathe is the essence o" live %ecause we need it to suvive$ ae you happy you ae
%eathing to %egin with:
4e!t conside you senses$ do you have all o" them in good woking ode: Many people with disa%ilities would give anything to %e
a%le to e!peience li"e with you level o" sense.
What a%out you physical %ody$ is it too in good woking ode:
Move down to you %elongings$ do you have a shelte ove you head: 0ow a%out a vehicle to dive to wok:
4ow think a%out you po%lem in tems o" someone else's shoes. 0ow many people on Eath at this vey moment would love to %e
/ %et thee ae moe people that you can imagine7
/" you woke up elatively healthy unde a oo" in a %ed and ate %eak"ast %e"oe you dove to wok then congatulations$ you've )ust
lived the deam li"e o" thousands o" immigants who would love to have the oppotunities you have.
#i"e is a %lessing in disguise$ the soone you pactice seeing though the illusions the longe you can appeciate it's tue %eauty and
*sking yousel" 9What po%lems am / %lessed with9 will help you eali+e that thee is nothing in li"e that you must 9do9 %ut en)oy %eing
Even though the num%es ae only appo!imate the "ollowing witten %y an anonymous autho puts today's motivating mindset into
/" we could shink the eath's population to a village o" pecisely <== people$ with all the e!isting human atios emaining the same$ it
would look something like the "ollowing.
-hee would %e:
5L *sians
2< Euopeans
<B "om the Westen 0emisphee$ %oth noth and south
M would %e *"icans
52 would %e "emale
BM would %e male
L= would %e non(white
E= would %e white
L= would %e non(2histian
E= would %e 2histian
D people would possess 5C> o" the entie wold's wealth and all D would
%e "om the 1nited States.
M= would live in su%standad housing
L= would %e una%le to ead
5= would su""e "om malnutition
34E would %e nea deathN 34E would %e nea %ith
34E would have a college education
34E would own a compute.
When one consides ou wold "om such a compessed pespective$ you ecogni+e that you ae indeed among the "otunate......
*nd$ thee"oe . . .
/" you woke up this moning
with moe health than illness$
you ae moe %lessed than the
million who won't suvive the week.
/" you have neve e!peienced
the dange o" %attle$
the loneliness o" impisonment$
the agony o" totue o
the pangs o" stavation$
you ae ahead o" 2= million people
aound the wold.
/" you attend a chuch meeting
without "ea o" haassment$
aest$ totue$ o death$
you ae moe %lessed than almost
thee %illion people in the wold.
/" you have "ood in you e"igeato$
clothes on you %ack$ a oo" ove
you head and a place to sleep$
you ae iche than L5> o" this wold.
/" you have money in the %ank$
in you wallet$ and spae change
in a dish someplace$ you ae among
the top M> o" the wold's wealthy.
/" you paents ae still maied and alive$
you ae vey ae$
especially in the 1nited States.
/" you hold up you head with a smile
on you "ace and ae tuly thank"ul$
you ae %lessed %ecause the ma)oity can$
%ut most do not.
/" you can hold someone's hand$ hug them
o even touch them on the shoulde$
you ae %lessed %ecause you can
o""e &od's healing touch.
/" you can ead this message$
you ae moe %lessed than ove
two %illion people in the wold
that cannot ead anything at all.
8ou ae so %lessed in ways you may neve even know.
*sk yousel" 9What po%lems am / %lessed with:9 and emind yousel" to %e thank"ul "o all you %lessings in disguise.
"ee#ly $in%set &/:
-his weeks Motivating Mindset will inspie you to suound yousel" with the kind o" company you can %e con"ident a%out keeping
8ou Mindset challenge this week is getting in the ha%it o" asking yousel":
+"ho shoul% I 0e hanging aroun% ,ith-+
*sk yousel" this ,uestion when allocating you time to "iends and ac,uaintances and you will soon %ecome moe awae o" the
company you keep.
-he people who you choose to suound yousel" with play moe o" a ole on you "utue than you may "ist eali+e.
*sk yousel" the ,uestion 9Who should / %e hanging aound with:9 to take an inventoy check on you intimate "iends.
-his ,uestion should gea you thoughts towads 9why9 you hang out with the people you do vesus 9who9 the people actually ae.
.o e!ample$ do you have "iends that ae thee "o you though thick and thin$ %oth good times and ough times:
6o you have "iends that inspie you to chase you deams and go a"te you goose%umps:
6o you "iends help you eali+e a %igge vision o" yousel":
0ow have you "iends made you "eel competent and capa%le lately:
Even though we all have the a%ility to think and "eel independently on ou own accod$ the people that you suound yousel" with still
play a ma)o detemining pat in you li"e.
.om the moment that you wake up and continue on thoughout the day you ae suounded %y the enegy o" "amily$ "iends and
even co(wokes.
-he enegy that you "eel "om othe people stems "om the individual 9ageements9 that have made in each elationship.
Most o" you ageements ae "omed and acted upon su%consciously$ which is to say that you ae not even awae that you "omed
them o o" you %ehaviou.
3ne e!ample is the many paents that unconsciously play an 9ovely(nutuing9 ole to thei child.
-hey have "omed an ageement that su%consciously states that they ae the nutue povides and the child is the nutue eceive.
4utue can %e a good thing$ howeve$ when the paents "om an 9identity9 a%out the ole they play ove the yeas this will lead to
two things:
<. /t will make the paent always "eel the need to potect o povide "o thei child and they might lose some o" thei sanity when the
child leaves home o no longe needs thei help . i.e. Empty nest syndome.
2. /t will make the child su%consciously "eel the need to %e potected and/o povided "o %y thei paents and vey possi%ly mani"est
into issues o" esponsi%ility in thei own intimate elationships.
So even though the intention was pue and "omed with love the elationship ageement has since %ecome dys"unctional.
Roles and ageements themselves ae not inheently good o %ad$ the po%lem is continuing to %elieve and su%sci%e to them
without ,uestioning thei e""ectiveness.
* dys"unctional ageement$ ole o elationship is one that no longe seves o suppots its main pupose.
/n a "unctional elationship %oth the conscious and su%conscious ageements should %e in alignment with helping "ul"ill you geatest
deams and desies.
6o the oles and esponsi%ilities o" the people that you hang aound most suppot you highest aspiations: 6o you suppot theis:
What do you love most a%out the company that you keep:
5y asking yousel" 9Who should / %e hanging aound with9 %ased on you highest aspiations will make you moe awae o" allies you
can align yousel" with to assist in you achievements.
6o you plan o aspie to %e wealthy: /" you answeed yes then you %ette have wealthy "iends7
6id you know that eseaches estimate that you will ean an income the e,uals the aveage amount o" you 5 closest associates:
Said di""eently$ people tend to make the same aveage income o" the people that they spend the most time with.
*e the people that you suound yousel" with people that ae wothy o" you time:
-he tick is to do anything at all possi%le to avoid people that %elong to the 9same(old'9 cowd.
-hese ae the people who you meet up with evey so o"ten and each and evey time you ask them what's new and e!citing they
answe the same(old9.
8ou must avoid these people like the plague$ not %ecause you ae %ette than them$ %ut %ecause they don't eally want to see you
/t is not that they don't want to see you succeed %ecause they might$ %ut su%consciously to them i" you ae anything else then what
you ae now then it means a change to the elationship ageement that they have with you.
/" you change the peson that they knew and wee used to then you elationship ageement would %e di""eent$ and "o most people
change is scay %ecause o" "ea o" the unknown.
6on't let othe peoples sel"(limiting %elie"s$ dou%ts and appehensions detemine you "utue$ make it a point to suound yousel"
with the %est team possi%le.
Eithe you "iends ae pulling you up to thei level o they ae dagging you down to theis.
6o you 5 closest "iends inspie you$ make you laugh$ o o""e an insistent hand to help achieve you deams:
Said di""eently$ do the people you choose to suound yousel" with help you move towads the 9%iggest9 you possi%le:
/s that so had to ask "o and too uneasona%le to e!pect:
*e you %lessed with "iends that ae thee "o you evey time$ evey day without ,uestion and without "ail:
/" you aleady have "iends like this make it a point to go out now and cele%ate the value o" thei "iendship %ecause it is piceless.
/" you don't yet have "iends like that no woies$ make it a point to "ind at least one peson to %uild a %and new ama+ing and
suppotive elationship with %e"oe the yeas done.
-he good news is that the value o" one positive and suppotive elationship geatly outweighs the e""ect o" seveal negative and non(
suppotive elationships.
-hee ae many ways that you can meet like(minded people and "am "o those "a%ulous new "iendships.
3ne way is %y )oining a local o""line goup such as "ound on whee you can "ind people nea you with the same
inteests and ho%%ies.
*nothe way to connect with people is %y )oining an online goup$ such as "ound using an /ntenet seach on 9yahoo9 o 9google9
*ltenatively$ you could "ind someone that you admie o that is doing something that you'd like to lean moe a%out and each out to
connect with them.
*sk i" you can help them$ assist them$ voluntee you sevices in etun "o them to mento you.
3ne last idea "o "inding that suppotive elationship to nutue you deam is to "ind and wok with a #i"e 2oach.
* coach can help you get in touch with you values and what is eally impotant to you %e"oe you spend the time and enegy to
attact new "iends.
#ike enegy attacts like enegy$ so i" you ae a misea%le peson chances ae you "iends ae too %ecause who else would want to
put up with you:
With a simple shi"t in attitude you can %egin to attact ama+ing new a%undant "iends and ac,uaintances into you li"e.
/t is you esponsi%ility to 9%e9 the type o" "iend that you yousel" would love to %e "iends with and %e aound.
/n some elationships you might %e the )este o )oke$ always playing panks and keeping people laughing and having "un.
/n othe elationships you might take on the ole o" %eing the %ain$ the analytical thinke that always has thought povoking
8et in anothe elationship you might play the ole o" cheeleade$ encouaging and motivating othes to do thei %est.
-hese ae only some o" the vaious e!amples o" oles that you play in you elationships$ thee ae many othes so ty and discove
the ones that wok %est in you elationships.
*sk yousel" the ,uestion 9Who should / %e hanging aound with:9 to uncove gaps in you cicle o" "iends and to "ind missing
pieces o" the pu++le.
"ee#ly $in%set &/'
-his weeks Motivating Mindset will help you live a "ull and ewading li"e.
8ou Mindset challenge this week is getting in the ha%it o" asking yousel":
+Ho, am I spen%ing the prime>time of my life-+
*sk yousel" this ,uestion evey day this week and you will %ecome moe awae o" whee you time is spent and how to manage it
moe e""ectively.
4o matte who you ae o whee you ae$ no matte what you do o how you do it$ no matte you %ackgound o you %elie"s we all
shae one common unit o" measuement... -ime.
-ime is the single most pecious esouce on the planet. 8ou can dill "o moe oil$ you can pan "o moe gold and mine "o moe
diamonds$ %ut you can neve do anything to get moe time.
Eveything you do in li"e e,uies time to do it yet time can neve %e eplaced o eplenished.
-ime happens to evey one at a ate o" one second pe second egadless o" how you choose to spend it.
/t is a "act that you will always "ind$ make and spend time on the activities that you place the highest value on.
0oweve$ %ecause humans ae usually conscious only a%out <=> o" the time$ we o"ten su%consciously spend ou time in lowe(
payo"" activities.
*sk yousel" 90ow am / spending the pime(time o" my li"e:9 to get a %ette pictue o" how you ae painting the mastepiece known
as you li"e.
*s you ask and answe the ,uestion moe o"ten you will %ecome moe conscious and awae how you ae spending you pecious
Make sue that you ae ogani+ing and allocating an appopiate amount o" time on you highest value activities.
0igh value activities ae those aeas in you li"e that povide a etun on investment "o you time and enegy.
Such aeas o""eing a etun on enegy could %e a ewading caee$ a "ul"illing "iendship o a ewading elationship.
*nothe high payo"" activity would %e "ollowing you deams$ chasing you goose%umps and pusuing you passion.
-ime is the only unit o" cuency that you can use to pay "o you high(value activities. 4o othe su%stitute will wok.
-ime can only %e edisti%uted "om the manne and means in which you ae cuently using it.
Fust like you only have two hands to cay things$ and when %oth hands ae "ull in ode to pick something else up$ you have to "ist
put something down.
/n ode "o you to open the ne!t doo when oppotunity knocks you must "ist close the cuent doo.
5e"oe you can do anything new o get into something$ you will have to get out o" something else and stop doing the old thing.
*ccodingly$ you must lean to %e poductive and poactive a%out the manne that you allocate you time.
/" you "ail to plan e""ectively you mattes o" time$ it is only a matte o" time %e"oe you ae e""ectively planning to "ail.
-he goal o" time mastey is to continually tweak you li"estyle so that you cut out the aeas that no longe suppot you )oy and e(
ogani+e you time so it is spent achieving peace$ hamony and %alance.
Evey new moment that un"olds %ings with it the gi"t o" choice to move close towads o "uthe away "om this goal.
Ensue that you ae only taking on the oppotunities move you "uthe towads immediate )oy and "uthe away "om "utue eget.
3n a egula %asis you )o% is to stand %ack and take inventoy o" how you ae spending you time.
Sometimes you will have to take a pause "o the cause$ stop the clock and do some seious soul seaching a%out whee you ae
#i"e will only stat to make sense and "eel good when you %egin to ogani+e it aound the speci"ic goals$ deams and aspiations that
you desie.
Evaluating you activities in the light o" what is eally impotant to you$ is the essence o" time(management and the %asis o" li"e(
*sking yousel" 90ow am / spending the pime(time o" my li"e:9 will help you allocate the ight attitude towads you highest value
actions and activities.
-he vey act o" taking a moment to think a%out you time %e"oe you spend it will %egin to immediately impove you time
*sking yousel" 90ow am / spending the pime(time o" my li"e:9 duing thee speci"ic times o" the day will make you daily motions
even moe maste"ul.
-he "ist time o" day to ask yousel" the ,uestion is duing the "ist hou that you ae awake.
Some e!pets e"e to the "ist hou that you wake up to as the 9&olden 0ou9 %ecause it has such a po"ound impact on the est o"
you day.
Wake up and within the "ist hou ask yousel" 90ow am / spending the pime(time o" my li"e:9 to "ind ways you can %ecome moe
/" you have head o" the #aw o" *ttaction you know that like(enegy attact the same.
-hee"oe you e""ots o" gatitude duing the golden hou will set the tone o" enegy that will etun to you thoughout the est o" the
-he ne!t time o" day to ask yousel" 90ow am / spending the pime(time o" my li"e:9 is duing you most poductive time o" the day.
-he most poductive time o" the day di""es "om peson to peson and sometime vaies thoughout thei li"etime.
0oweve$ most people know thee most poductive time o" the day %ecause o" the way that they tend to "eel in this state.
6uing you most poductive time o" the day you will %e mentally alet$ physically poised$ enegetic$ enthusiastic$ and eady to tackle
anything that comes you way.
.o some people this is "ist thing in the moning$ coinciding with thei golden hou$ "o othes it will %e late in the day a"te co""ee$ "o
othes still may%e ealy evening.
-ake notice at what times o" the day you seem to %e most on you game and mak it down thoughout this week.
3nce you have a weeks woth o" histoy take a look to see i" you can spot the time o" day that you natually each this state o" mind.
3nce you have identi"ied the time o" day$ ty and ogani+e you highest payo"" activities and actions aound this time to ensue that
you ae woking on you %est when you ae at you %est.
-he last time o" day to ask yousel" the ,uestion o" 90ow am / spending the pime(time o" my li"e:9 is aound Lpm(Cpm evey day.
-he time "om L:==pm to C:==pm is also egaded as 9pime(time9 and this can %e con"imed %y you television guide.
-he -.K. netwoks schedule thei most popula shows "o this time %ecause that is when the ma)oity o" people watch television.
*lthough )ust %ecause the ma)oity o" people do it$ doesn't make it ight$ in "act$ spending you pime(time watching -.K. is po%a%ly
not the %est thing to do.
-he pime(time o" you li"e %etween L:==pm and C:==pm can %e spent a num%e o" ways that yield a highe payo"".
.o e!ample$ e(allocating watching the -.K. and putting it towads to you "amily$ loved(ones o even yousel" is time %ette spent in
the long(tem.
8ou could even use this pime(time o" you li"e to lean a new skill$ )oin a netwoking o ho%%y goup$ o )ust "ind some ,uiet time "o
0oweve in ode to get you time management unde contol you must "ist decide vey clealy upon you pioities.
8ou must decide on the most impotant things that you could possi%le %e doing to give yousel" the most amount o" )oy$ happiness$
and "ul"illment in li"e.
*sk yousel" 90ow am / spending the pime(time o" my li"e:9 as o"ten as possi%le this week and you will %e soon en)oying the time o"
you li"e.
"ee#ly $in%set &//
-his weeks Motivating Mindset will help you to not take people$ situations and cicumstances so pesonally.
8ou Mindset challenge this week is getting in the ha%it o" asking yousel":
+Ho, %oes my personality factor into this situation-+
*sk yousel" this ,uestion and you will get up close and pesonal with the less desia%le e""ects o" you pesonality.
/" you'e human and alive Gwhich you automatically ,uali"y "o i" you ae eading this ight nowH then it is vey likely that you've taken
something too pesonal.
0ave you eve %een guilty o" getting too emotional o ove(e!cited in situations:
0ave you allowed yousel" to %ecome upset o disappointed when things didn't wok out:
0ave you eve let othe peoples opinions a%out you a""ect you "o longe than you would like:
/" you answeed yes to any o" the a%ove ,uestions then you ae guilty o" taking something way too pesonally.
0ee is one stategy "o e""ectively woking though you thought pocess when things aen't "eeling all that "un.
-he ne!t time you'e "eeling negative o upset a%out something$ ask yousel" 9how does my pesonality "acto into this:9
With pactice this ,uestion will help you think a%out putting yousel" in othe peoples shoes which is an invalua%le leadeship and
communication tool.
-eaching yousel" to lean to appeciate othe peoples pespectives will impove evey elationship you have and attact moe ,uality
people into you li"e.
-ype 9D men elephant9 into a seach engine like &oogle and ead the paa%le that you "ind.
/t is a geat stoy that clealy demonstates how eveyone peceives things di""eently and yet thee ae still elements o" tuth in each
o" the vaious views.
-he elements o" tuth that we live ou li"e %y is moe commonly e"eed to as you pesonality.
/" you ae a peson then you have a pesonality.
'esonality is the patten o" thoughts$ "eelings$ and %ehavios that make a peson uni,ue.
8ou pesonality is the collection o" systems that govens you attitudes$ assumptions and actions.
Simply stated$ you pesonality is a "ilte in which you see the wold.
5oth consciously and unconsciously you pesonality guides and navigates you though li"e.
4o matte who you ae o what you pesonality is thee is always oom "o gowth.
'esonalities themselves ae not ight and they ae not wong.
-hey can howeve eithe %e help"ul$ as in moving you towads the diection o" you goals and deams$ o they can %e unsuppotive
and not help"ul.
#eaning moe a%out you thoughts$ taits and tendencies will help you ,uickly stengthen pesonality aeas that wok and avoid
aeas altogethe that don't.
While most o" psychology deals with geneal pinciples o" thought and %ehavio that all people have in common$ pesonality
psychology e!amines what makes people di""eent "om each othe.
Many theoies have %een poposed ove the yeas to e!plain how pesonality develops and is e!pessed. Some o" the ma)o
appoaches include:
'sycho(dynamic theoies$ 5ehavioist theoies$ 5iological theoies$ -ait theoies and -ype theoies.
Evey theoy has its own pesonality tests and each one can potentially povide impotant insights into you opeating system.
/" you wish to have you own pesonality assessed$ thee ae seveal ways to do so.
*lthough thee ae companies that will chage money to have a valid test pe"omed and scoed$ most 1nivesities ae always in
need o" voluntees "o psychology eseach.
'esonality psychology is o%viously a stong aea to stat with$ howeve keep in mind aeas like social psychology$ clinical
psychology$ and cognitive psychology also "e,uently employ pesonality tests.
Some eseaches will o""e to divulge pesonality test esults in e!change "o volunteeing. Even i" this is not o""eed$ it can neve
hut to ask "o you esults.
*nothe way "o you to get stated in seach o" you pesonality is %y seaching online "o a pesonality test.
* "ew o" the moe ecogni+ed pesonality tests ae the Myes(5iggs -ype /ndicato$ ;eisey -empeament Sote$ 6/S2
*ssessment$ -he Enneagam$ and the Revised 4E3 'esonality /nventoy.
8ou challenge is to take one o" the a%ove tests as soon as possi%le and "ind out moe a%out yousel" and how you tend to
eact/espond in situations.
'lay with these tests and you pesonality$ e!ploe and e!peiment with as many tests as you can.
When li"e seems to get the %est o" you day ask yousel" 9how does my pesonality "acto into this:9 to uncove clues as to whee
and how you can gow ne!t.
/n ode "o you avoid taken something pesonally means that you must %e a%le emove yousel" "om the elements o" the situation
that a""ect you peson.
-hee"oe in ode to detach yousel" "om you pesonality you must "ist come to one impotant eali+ation... 8ou ae not you
/s it that supising to hea that you ae not you pesonality: /t shouldn't %e.
-hink %ack to the di""eence in you pesonality at least evey decade o" you li"e.
E!pets suggest that human %eings change pesonality as o"ten as evey B to 5 yeas.
8ou pesonality is a sum o" the pe"eences that you have developed as a esult o" the social$ cultual$ economic and envionmental
in"luences in you li"e.
3ve time this sum changes as some in"luences seem to lose thei powe and new othe "actos stat to impact you li"e.
-hink %ack i" you can emem%e to what you liked and disliked when you wee 5 yeas old.
4ow conside the same "o when you wee <=$ <5$ 2=$ 25$ E=$ etc.:
Wee you likes and dislikes the same when you wee <= yeas old as they ae now: 'o%a%ly not.
May%e you "avoite colo is still the same %ut things like you "avoite haistyle and "ashion sense have hope"ully changed ove the
/n "act$ most o" the opinions that you used to de"ine yousel" decades ago ae long le"t %ehind o have at least evolved as you've
gotten olde haven't they:
*e you still not convinced that you ae not you pesonality:
2lose you eyes "o a moment Gwait... a"te you ead this paagaph7H.
4ow that you eyes ae open diect you attention to the last thought you had.
When you took notice o" that thought that )ust came into you head. Who noticed it:
6oes the %eing that noticed you thought show up on a !(ay o %ain scan:
3 was it a %eing that cannot %e de"ined %y machines o wods %ut is with you and inside you all the time:
2an this %eing %e de"ined %y the "ield o" wok its employed o %y the type o" clothes it weas:
0ee's a hint... you ae not what you do and you ae not what you have. 8ou ae also not you thoughts.
*ll o" those things ae all tempoay$ "leeting$ impemanent.
/" you pe"eences and opinions a%out something can cease$ change and evolve ove time without e""ecting you then you
pesonality cannot %e eveything you ae.
/nstead what you ae is a pat o" this magical li"e in constant change. 8ou ae the change.
8ou ae a wok o" %eauty in(pogess$ a magni"icent mastepiece in the making$ a spak o" &od's light disguised as a sepaate entity.
8ou may have had the pivilege o" e!peiencing you tue %eing with moe puity and claity i" you have done any psychological and/
o spiitual wok on yousel".
;eep in mind that while pesonality is the place whee inne gowth and leaning must %egin$ a"te you %ecome an o%seve o" you
pesonality then it's time to move on.
/t is even wonde"ul to love you pesonality %ut in the end you pesonality is )ust a tool$ a means to an end.
*s the enginee o" you li"e it is up to you to detemine the %est way to use the tools that you've %een given.
*sk yousel" 99how does my pesonality "acto into this:9 to pactice %ecoming moe like the peson you tuly want to %e.
"ee#ly $in%set &/1
-his weeks Motivating Mindset will help you stengthen the cuency o" you ceations$ that o" couse %eing you thoughts.
8ou Mindset challenge this week is getting in the ha%it o" asking yousel":
+"hat can I control-+
*sk yousel" this ,uestion wheneve you "eel like you ae losing contol and the pomise is you will %e upli"ted to new possi%ilities.
5elieve this o not$ that ma)oity o" us have days that we wished we neve would have woke up.
/t doesn't matte i" you ae young$ old$ ich o poo$ spiitual$ not eligious o in(%etween$ li"es' %umps happen to the %est o" us.
-he ne!t time you think you ae having one o" those days$ ask yousel" 9What can / contol:9 to %ump yousel" %ack in the game.
.ist and "oemost you must take a look at whee the appaent contol o" the situation is placed.
*e you putting contol o" the situation in you cout$ with the empoweed desie to move "owad though the situation positively and
3... ae you putting contol o" the situation outside yousel"$ with the dis(empoweed desie to do anything poductive o positive:
Real poductivity and tue gowth happen as a esult o" eali+ing the degee o" contol you have.
-he moe you ecogni+e you own elationship with contol$ the moe you can poduce the pesonal powe needed to eali+e you
goals and deams.
-he moe goals and deams that ae eali+ed the moe that you in tun gow as a peson.
-hee"oe$ i" you have a geat elationship with contol then natually you will gow "aste.
0oweve$ i" you have a poo elationship with contolling yousel" in situations then natually you will stuggle moe.
*sk yousel" 9What can / contol:9 to ensue you ae not playing the %lame game o )usti"ying you eaction.
.o e!ample you ae playing the %lame game i" something upsetting occus and you immediately eact to the situation and accuse
othes involvement.
5lame holds you %ack "om moving "owad$ hindes you a%ility to "ind a tue solution and puts the powe in some%ody else's hands.
8ou simply cannot contol the actions o" othes and i" you thought you could$ it is you "ault "o %eing misguided$ mislead$ o
When you ae "aced with advesity$ which is a natues %est teache$ it is %ette to e"ame than to )usti"y o %lame.
-he soone you ad)ust incoect assumptions a%out contol the ,uicke you can eclaim you powe.
-he ne!t time you "eel like you a%out to lose it$ ask yousel" 9What can / contol:9 to "igue out whee you enegy and attention is
%est spent.
2ontol is something that you can neve lose no matte how much you give it away.
-ake time to pactice asking yousel" the ,uestion 9What can / contol:9 and you will eventually come up with only one answe.
-he only thing "o cetain in any given situation is that you always have contol ove you attitude.
8ou attitude is in"luenced %y you %elie"s.
5elie"s ae the stoies we tell ouselves and assumptions we make a%out ouselves a%out othes in the wold and a%out how we
e!pect things to %e.
We get ou %elie"s as a %y(poduct o" living$ they almost happen without much conscious e""ot in making them.
-hey wee usually something that was witnessed$ modelled$ o e!peienced %y you when you wee younge.
2hances ae geat that you leaned many o" them "om you pimay caegive$ which "o most o" us is you mothe.
5elie"s ae like so"twae pogams on you compute$ witten in speci"ic languages designed "o di""eent puposes and pocesses.
-he %elie" pogams themselves$ )ust like cicumstances and situations ae in eal li"e ae neithe good o %ad.
0oweve$ these %elie"s pogams eithe move you "owad o hold you %ack$ help you o hinde you.
0ow can you tell i" you have any %elie" systems that "all into the categoy a%ove:
Easy$ ae you "eeling %liss$ )oy$ happiness$ love$ "ul"illment o any positive emotions:
/" not$ and you ae e!peiencing negative emotions like$ guilt$ ange$ pain$ shame o su""eing then thee is de"initely a %ad pogam
in you %elie"s.
Most o" these negative emotions come "om having attachments to cetain outcomes and situations.
When we "eel that the outcome o situation is not in ou contol then we tend to woy.
/" you can contol something in a situation then you don't need to woy a%out it %ecause you can do something a%out it.
/" you can't contol something in a situation then you don't need to woy a%out it %ecause you can't do anything a%out it.
Woying a%out what you can and cannot contol is a genuine waste o" you pecious time.
Each moment and evey second the only goal you should %e "ocused on is "inding the %est way to move "owad in you li"e.
3nce you "ind the aea o" contol that will make the %iggest impact towads you desied outcome then "ocus all o" you time and
ceative enegy on it.
-he ne!t time you don't like a paticula set o" cicumstances emem%e that you a%ility to choose the ne!t %est couse o" action is
solely yous.
/" you ae eacting emotionally to a situation then you ae de"initely not %uilding you a%ility to espond.
* geat tool to help you develop esponse(a%ility and gain new possi%ilities is to ask yousel" 9What can / contol:9
"ee#ly $in%set &/3
-his weeks Motivating Mindset will help "ame the ongoing in"omation in you li"e into a conte!t "om which you can %e success"ul.
8ou Mindset challenge this week is getting in the ha%it o" asking yousel":
+Ho, %oes this information relate to my life-+
*sk yousel" this ,uestion and it will help you get clea on what mattes$ what a""ects you and what you should do a%out it.
/n"omation happens.
0umans ae constantly %om%aded %y in"omation whethe we like it o not.
We get ou in"omation "om the souces that ae closest to us$ such as "iends and "amily mem%es$ ac,uaintances and loved ones.
3n top o" the in"omation that we choose to listen to$ we ae also e!posed to messages "om vaious media such as news$ adio$
television and the /ntenet.
5ut )ust %ecause in"omation happens$ doesn't make all in"omation %ene"icial o essential.
8ou duty in li"e is to lean how to disegad all non(essential num%es such as age$ weight and height while keeping the impotant
in"omation in "ont o" you.
-he ne!t time you ae in "ont o" a statistic o a stoy ask yousel" 90ow does this in"omation elate to my li"e:9
-he ne!t time you hea a "a("etched stoy don't discount it as simply nonsense$ investigate it "ist.
* good way to detemine whethe it's "act o "iction is to "ist tust the souce and then vei"y the "acts %y asking:
90ow does this in"omation elate to my li"e:9
-his is a geat ha%it to get into %ecause it helps "ilte the eve(inceasing amount o" new in"omation that continually comes into ou
When it comes to in"omation thee is neithe good o %ad in"omation$ only in"omation that is %ene"icial and not %ene"icial$ essential
and non(essential.
-he help"ul in"omation comes in the "om o" the new scienti"ic discoveies$ %illiant ideas$ technological innovations and medical
-he unhelp"ul in"omation comes in many "oms such as negative gossip$ pessimistic pe)udice$ %iased umous and unealistic
-he po%lem that the ma)oity o" us have is si"ting out the gold nuggets o" tuth without e!peiencing in"omation oveload.
.o e!ample$ you meet an old "iend who happens to %e a selle "o the 9latest and geatest9 enegy health dink.
/" you ae like the ma)oity o" people you would have aleady tuned$ said good(%ye to you "iend and an the opposite way.
0oweve$ although you may un like .oest &ump to avoid %eing caught in these situations does you avoidance answe this one
What i" that peson eally did have the peviously undiscoveed cue "o you ailments: 6on't you owe it too yousel" to "ind out:
5ut how do you avoid %eing 9sold9$ and ending up with useless stu"" that you'll neve need:
*sking yousel" 90ow does this elate to my li"e:9 will help you sot though the clutte o" meaningless and "ind the meaning"ul.
Make it a point to only accept complete in"omation that will make you decisively iche$ wise o smate.
.ind and "ilte in"omation that will allow you to wok less and get moe done so you can spend moe time with loved ones.
8ou pupose$ as the conscious %eing esponsi%le "o you li"e$ is to seek out and pass along only the %est in"omation that will
inspie$ educate and entetain.
*sking yousel" 90ow does this in"omation elate to my li"e:9 is a geat way to detemine i" the in"omation is help"ul o not.
Stat asking yousel" 90ow does this elate to my li"e:9 and you will %egin to %ette ecogni+e whethe o not the in"omation could %e
*sking the "ollowing thee ,uestions wheneve something new comes to you attention will immediately help you esta%lish
<. What is it:
2. 0ow does it a""ect me:
E. What should / do a%out it:
/" "o instance you hea a%out a geat new cell phone$ you ne!t ,uestion should elate to how it a""ects you.
i.e. cleae eception$ longe %attey li"e$ ,wety key%oad... 0ow i" at all does each one a""ect you:
#astly$ the ,uestion you need to ask is 9What should / do a%out it:9 in ode to "ind you ne!t action step.
'ehaps thee is a sale coming up that you want to make note o"$ o may%e you need to wait a "ew months til you e!isting plan
-he goal is to dive you in"omation "om "u++y and vague to de"inite and decisive knowledge that you can take action on.
#et's take a look at the whole pocess using the enegy dink e!ample mentioned ealie.
-he "ist ,uestion to ask yousel" is 90ow does this elate to my li"e:9
Suppose you ae looking to lose that 9last <= pounds9 and since you ae open to new ideas you have decided to listen and o%tain
moe in"omation.
/n ode to keep the in"omation elevant to you needs and avoid %uying something that you don't need$ ask yousel" the E "ollow(up
-hese ,uestions will help to "uthe esta%lish whethe it is elevant and allow you to %e %ette in"omed to make a decision.
<. What is it: ( 8ou "iend might answe that it is the top o" the line$ %est o" the %est$ 'oductI8O patented with Su%stance<2E.
Since this eally doesn't give you the type o" in"omation you need to make an educated decision$ continue on with ,uestion P2.
2. 0ow does it a""ect me: ( 8ou "iend says that 'oductI8O is speci"ically "o people like you$ and o""es a testimonial o" someone
4ow you have moe evidence that this might wok "o you$ %ut still$ you aen't sue what kind o" commitment you might have to
make$ so continue on to ,uestion PE.
E. What should / do a%out it: ( 8ou "iend e!plains that you can %uy a tial %ottle and they'll call you in a week$ i" you happen to like it
you can %uy moe then.
4ow you ae moe in"omed than i" you would have walked away in the %eginning$ and moe educated than had you %ought without
asking these ,uestions.
3the potentially help"ul ,uestions that you could ask in a situation like this ae:
9What ae the altenatives to 'oductI8O:9
9So this Su%stance<2E that makes 'oductI8O so geat$ what makes Su%stance<2E so di""eent "om the competitos:
9What happens i" / don't do anything a%out it:9
*lways emem%e$ the details %ehind a pesons answes ae less impotant than the inheently "eeling you will get.
6oes this new in"omation that the peson is o""eing make you %ette in"omed:
6oes it "eel like it is tuth"ul$ does it "eel like this is ight "o you:
2all it you gut instinct o intuition$ %ut i" you tust yousel" to 9"eel9 the tuth$ then the tuth will speak "o itsel".
*gain$ one o" the pimay ,uestions to ask yousel" when seeking the tuth is 90ow does this in"omation elate to my li"e:9
-he %ette that the ,uestions ae that you lean to ask tanslates into the %ette answes that you will eceive in etun.
-he %ette answes that you o%tain means the moe in"omed you decision will %e.
-he moe in"omation %ehind you decision also e,uates to the moe com"ota%le you will %e making them.
-he moe com"ota%le you ae with dealing with new in"omation the %ette you will %e a%le to make use o" it.
-he %ette in"omed decisions that you make the moe you will also lean tips$ tools and techni,ues that can help othes.
-he moe you help othes each thei goals and deams the "aste that you will each yous.
When you "ind good in"omation that can make a di""eence$ acknowledge you %lessings and cheish it "o all it's woth.
"ee#ly $in%set &/4
-his weeks Motivating Mindset will unveil the tuth %ehind you %ehaviou and set you "ee "om the invisi%le pison you might %e
living in.
8ou Mindset challenge this week is getting in the ha%it o" asking yousel":
+(m I ,illing to accept this set>point-+
*sk yousel" this ,uestion %e"oe as many thoughts$ "eelings o activities as you can and you'll gain invalua%le insight into you
8ou may o may not have head the tem 9set(point9 %e"oe$ pehaps in the conte!t concening weight loss.
*ccoding to Meiams(We%ste online dictionay a set(point is de"ined as: the level o point at which a vaia%le physiological state
Gas %ody tempeatue o weightH tends to sta%ili+e.
When you ae young and still gowing you weight inceases accodingly$ until you each the point in which you weight sta%ili+es
and tops out.
.om this set(point you ae likely to "luctuate up and down in small amounts say a%out 5(<=l%s pounds.
2hances ae high that you have %een aound the same weight "o as long as you can emem%e ight:
4o matte how had you consciously e!ecise and diet to achieve you 9ideal9 weight$ you set(point egulates and govens you
9actual9 weight.
8ou set(point should %e the pime suspect "o the yo(yo'ing %ecause ove time it will do whateve it takes to get %ack to its com"ot
Fust like a themostat in a house you set(point uns independent o" the tempeatue outside$ it only can egulate it inside.
So i" you ae in the middle o" winte and tun you themostat o""$ it has no idea that you house will %e "ee+ing$ it's )ust listening to
you command.
Similaly set(points don't always act in ou %est inteest.
-he natue o" you set point is egulatoy and isn't necessaily in(line with the natual gowth instinct and ideals o" you highe(sel".
-hee"oe it is you set(point and not you highe(sel" that will attempt to "oil even you most eanest e""ots.
/" you want to %e wam in winte %ut you themostat is shut o""$ then you'll po%a%ly "ee+e despite you %est e""ots to heat you
house with matches$ stove$ gas$ candles$ hot wate etc...
/" le"t unchecked a set(point could keep you playing small$ satis"ied with the status ,uo and have you settle "o a li"e o" mediocity.
So how do you end this vicious cycle o" set(point sel"(sa%otage:
.o states$ %y asking yousel"$ 9*m / willing to accept this set(point:9
4othing happens without eason$ eveything has an input and an output.
/" you ae not willing to accept you cuent set(point then you must %e willing to change you cause.
8ou must %e eady$ willing and a%le to change you cause o input i" you e!pect a di""eent output o esult.
*nothe ,uestion you might want to "ollow up with initially is 9how has this set(point9 conti%uted to %etteing my %eing:
* set(point will eithe have a positive o a negative e""ect on you enegy$ vi%ations and "eelings.
6oes the set(point e"lect %alance$ hamony$ tuth$ )oy o modeation:
6oes it "eel happy$ natual and in the "low:
Wite down all the positive and negative outputs that have esulted "om that set(point.
3nce you have witten them down take a look at you inputs and outputs and ask yousel" 9*m / willing to accept this set(point:9
3ne o" the most empoweing eali+ations that you can have is e!peiencing the "act that you actually can change you set(point.
When it comes a set(point thee ae many moe than )ust the one that in"luences you weight.
/" you aen't sue i" o how set(points a""ect you )ust take look in you physical wold "o clues.
8ou set(point will tend to su"ace and show up in the physical wold wheneve enegy and attention ae added to the e,uation.
8ou physical wold e"lects most o" you set(points$ although not evey set(point will necessay su"ace o %e easy to identi"y.
.o e!ample it is nealy impossi%le <==> accuately distinguish %etween an intovet and an e!tovet %ased solely on e!teio clues.
0oweve$ one thing that's "o cetain is %ehind each one o" you %ehavious is a set(point.
8ou set(point contols and in"luences you choices %ased on you sel"(image and %elie"s.
6o you continually measue you sel"$ o sel"(image$ against othes:
6o you %elieve yousel" to %e in"eio o supeio to othe people:
4eithe e""ots ae %ene"icial %ecause they ae %oth meely illusions.
8ou cannot compae yousel" to othes %ecause you cannot %e them$ it's like compaing the gowth o" an apple to an oange.
-he most ,uali"ied peson capa%le o" %eing the vey %est peson you can %e is natually only you.
-hee"oe the othe measuing stick to tuth"ully hold yousel" up to is against you highe sel".
*sk yousel" 9*m / willing to accept this set(point:9 in egads to living you highest vision.
*e you doing$ ceating$ loving o %ehaving to the level in which you ae tuly capa%le:
*e you continually "inding new ways to gow and %ecome moe like you highe(sel":
6o you "eel that when it comes to you li"e that you have a lot o" choices and options:
8ou choices and options ae e"lected %y the amount o" money and degee o" "eedom you e!peience.
/" you don't "eel you have a lot o" money$ "eedom$ options o choices then you po%a%ly aen't stetching you set(points egulaly.
-hat's %ecause the moe that you aise and challenge you set(points the moe options and choices you will ean as a esult.
8ou ae eithe conscious o su%conscious in egads to each one o" you set(points.
3nly when you %ecome consciously awae o" an incompetency can you then stive to %ecome moe competent.
*s you %ecome moe competent and con"ident in you set(points you pe"omance will get %ette.
*s you pe"om %ette ove time you will %ecome unconsciously competent o" that speci"ic task$ techni,ue$ o tait.
-hen you can "ee up you time and mental enegy to "ocus on the ne!t set(point o" inteest.
*s you wok though these set(points ecod them on pape o a )ounal$ it will pove help"ul late as a e"eence and eminde.
-o stat a new )ouney o" inne gowth and change ask yousel"$ 9*m / willing to accept this set(point:9.
"ee#ly $in%set &/5
-his weeks Motivating Mindset will eveal the tue path to you inne )oy and happiness.
8ou Mindset challenge this week is getting in the ha%it o" asking yousel":
+2oes this feel effortless-+
*sk yousel" this ,uestion evey conscious moment that you ae awake and the path to tue )oy will %e evealed.
-he moment that you open you eyes in the moning tomoow ask yousel" the ,uestion:
96oes this "eel e""otless:9
/" you aen't ,uite sue what 9e""ot9 might %e e,uied "o you )ust to 9wake up9$ let us conside a "ew things:
-he adult %ody is made up o" <== tillion cells that each play an impotant pat in coodinating the "unctions o" you 2=D %ones$ D==
muscles and 22 intenal ogans.
-o do the simple act o" waking up in the moning the a%ove %ody pats ae egulated %y ove ten independent %ut elated systems7
2iculatoy System Gheat$ %lood$ vesselsH
Respiatoy System Gnose$ tachea$ lungsH
/mmune System Gmany types o" potein$ cells$ ogans$ tissuesH
Skeletal System G%onesH
E!cetoy System Glungs$ lage intestine$ kidneysH
1inay System G%ladde$ kidneysH
Muscula System GmusclesH
Endocine System GglandsH
6igestive System Gmouth$ esophagus$ stomach$ intestinesH
4evous System G%ain$ spinal cod$ nevesH
Repoductive System Gmale and "emale epoductive ogansH
Evey day that you wake up all o" you many systems and tillions o" cells ae "unctioning to povide you with an oppotunity to
continue to e!peience li"e.
Right now you heat is pumping %lood in and aound to you most vital ogans$ like supplying o!ygen to you %ain so you can
pocess these wods.
8ou ae %linking and %eathing without hesitation o chances ae even %eing awae o" it.
/sn't it ama+ing to think that this is all happening simultaneously without you even noticing:
/" you happen to %e e!peiencing pain$ conside it as natue way to point out clues o" any un%alanced systems.
6isease is natues %uilt(in system that wans us i" you ae not living li"e e""otlessly.
5o% 'octo$ the 2anadian vesion o" -ony Ro%%in's ecently pointed that disease is simply a lack o" ease.
0e went on to say that when you %ody is not com"ota%le$ not in it's natual state o" ease$ then dis(ease would %ecome pesent.
4ow elate that %ack to today's mindset ,uestion: 96oes this "eel e""otless:9
/t is you sole and soul esponsi%ility in li"e to do you %est to ensue that you moments$ minutes and hous "eel e""otless.
/" you do that then it will e,uate to you days$ weeks$ months and yeas also %eing "illed with happiness and )oy.
/t is also impotant to note that i" the yeas o" you li"e "eel e""otless then thee will %e no oppotunity "o the %ody to %e in dis(ease.
*sk yousel" 96oes this "eel e""otless:9 as many times as possi%le to ensue you ae on the ight path.
3k$ you might %e thinking that the easy pat is knowing the ,uestion 96oes this "eel e""otless:9.
-he had pat you may ague will come the ne!t time that you ae in the middle o" an agument o disageement.
So what do you do when you ae )ust not "eeling all that e""otless:
5e"oe the answe is evealed$ conside the logic %ehind the answe "ist...
-he answe to this po%lem most also %e easy i" eveything is meant to %e e""otless ight:
Well thank"ully the solution is eally that simple.
*ll you have to do when you ae "eeling "ull o" e""ot is "ind a way to let go o" the e""ot.
E""ot is the esult o" a %elie" system$ an attachment that you have a%out the way something should %e.
So i" you ae upset %ecause something isn't the way it should %e$ then the soone you eali+e the tuth and let go the %ette.
0ee's a clue$ i" something isn't the way that it should %e$ it is only %ecause it has to %e the way that it is.
4ow$ you can postulate easons and povide )usti"ication as to why you case is special %ut the %ottom line is that it's )ust an e!cuse.
When you adopt this pespective then you %egin to see that e""ot is essentially )ust the 9mental esistance9 you "eel towads the
wok that you do in li"e.
When you ae living you pupose and e!pessing you passion it "eels e""otless and thee is no mental esistance a%out the wok
that is %eing done.
/" you "eel like the wok that you do is e""ot("ull$ then the solution is to simply "ind a way to change what you do$ whee you do it$ o
how you do it.
Make sue that you "ollow you heat$ do what you love and love what you do %ecause the est o" li"e will natually "all into place.
When you "eel like you ae "ighting upsteam in li"e and it is "ull o" e""ot$ ask yousel" 96oes this "eel e""otless:9 to emind you whee
you attention should %e "ocused.
-he %iggest gain that you can make is %y letting go o" the %elie" systems that cause you the most e""ot.
5elie" systems ae )ust like any o" the << systems you %ody uses$ e!cept that you %elie" system is the conduit o" in"omation.
/n"omation systems ae passed down and leaned "om what you see$ what is modelled$ and what you e!peience that ein"oces
those %elie"s.
5elie"s ae stuctues o" the mind that tell us what we should o shouldn't e!peience$ which is a po%lem "o a society with so many
limiting %elie"s.
8ou %elie"s dictate you thoughts which in"luence you "eelings which motivate you actions which ultimately poduce you esults.
2an you ecogni+e any %elie"s o %elie" systems that e""ect you e!peiences and make them seemingly "ull o" wok and e""ot:
-he "eeling o" e!ta wok and e""ot may %e a clue that points towads a %elie" system that doesn't seve you %est inteests.
* %elie" system that seves you %est inteest is one that most e""ectively and e""iciently poduces the desied esult.
When it comes to %elie"s$ they should %e constantly evolving like natue does.
-hat means thee's only one ule when it comes to %elie"s: 9Fust %ecause it was so$ doesn't make it so9.
*pply that sentence to the pat o" you li"e that is not allowing you to "eel e""otless and you will "eel lighte.
-his is %ecause you will eventually eali+e that )ust %ecause someone was nice doesn't mean that they will neve %e ude$ )ust
%ecause someones ude doesn't mean the can't %e nice.
Eveything and eveyone is in a constant state o" change$ thee"oe i" you %elie"s ae igid and you attach yousel" to them then you
will go against the natual "low o" the univese.
Whateve you %elieve$ it should %e taken in the consideation that thee ae at %est assumptions that could change any moment.
*"te all$ why wouldn't you want to stop woking long and had in "avo o" doing it smate and "aste:
When you ae doing things smate and "aste then you ae likely e!peiencing moe happiness and )oy.
8ou can stat to incease happiness and )oy %y asking yousel" 96oes this "eel e""otless:9
/" the answe is no$ listen cae"ully and a simple answe to act upon will eveal itsel".
1se this tool to enovate you ha%its and li"e the li"e you always imagined7
"ee#ly $in%set &/7
-his weeks Motivating Mindset will help you cut though the con"usion$ push past pocastination and popel you to peak
8ou Mindset challenge this week is getting in the ha%it o" asking yousel":
+"hat is stopping me from getting starte% no,-+
*sk yousel" this ,uestion at evey o%stacle$ oad%lock and dead(end that you come acoss and you will e!peience %ig
2lose you eyes ight now and pictue something that you eally$ eally$ eally want.
2lose you eyes again and don't open them until you can clealy pictue what you desie.
3nce you have a de"inite pictue in you mind ask yousel" the ,uestion: 9What is stopping me "om getting stated now:9
-hee will %e many di""eent easons why you aen't getting stated$ %ut chances ae high they "all into two categoies o" answes.
3ne$ you will eithe come up with the answe that you don't know what you want$ o two$ that you know what you want %ut don't
know how to get it.
/" you came to the conclusion that you don't know what you want that is impossi%le %ecause evey human on this planet has hopes$
deams and desies.
Fust %ecause up to this point in you li"e you aen't 9consciously9 awae o" any o" you goals doesn't mean that you don't have any.
We all have a pupose on this eath$ you wouldn't %e hee i" this wasn't tue %ecause the 1nivese opeates on the #aw o" 2ause
and E""ect.
-hee is a cause that is deep seeded inside yousel"$ a uni,ue solution that only you wee %ought to this planet to e!pess.
-houghout you live you goal whethe accepted it o not is to %ecome moe like the peson outside that you envision inside you
-hat means$ %eing the ,uality o" peson that you and only you know that you ae capa%le o" un"olding into.
Sadly somehow along the way though the ma)oity o" us %ecome ovewhelmed o "ustated with the pocess and give up gowing.
#ittle do we eali+e that all the challenges wee put in the way on pupose$ to ceate the value o" achievement and accomplishment.
/n "act$ i" you wee a%le to instantly mani"est you %iggest goals$ wildest deams and ultimate desies then those tagets wouldn't %e
vey valua%le.
When thee is no isk then thee is no challenge$ and when thee is no challenge it e,uals a vey poo payo"".
-his is %ecause when you achieve a wothy goal you ae ewaded %y the chemicals poduced in you %ain that make you "eel
happy$ content$ "ul"illed.
-hee"oe$ evey hope$ deam$ desie and goal must have an inheent degee o" isk associated with accomplishing it.
-he %igge the peceived ewad the moe isk and challenges those couageous and %ave ae willing to go though to make it
-he ne!t time you ae "aced with a challenging goal o po)ect ask yousel":
9What is stopping me "om getting stated now:9
0ave you given up on you hopes and deams %ecause o" a stoy that you have %een telling yousel":
We tell ouselves stoies that usually stat with / would love to@@@@@@@@@@@@ and then end with 9i" only9$ 9%ut %ecause9 o 9%ut / can't9.
We tend to e(en"oce and )usti"y these "ictitious stoies with eal li"e emotional e!amples and e!peiences that tell us we ae ight
a%out giving up.
2onse,uently these stoies sepaate you "om you tue desies and continue to keep you playing small.
/" you have conclusive evidence$ e!peience and e!amples o" why you stoy is 9tue9 why not take a %ie" moment to only petend
"o a moment that it wasn't.
/" the stoy you've %een telling yousel" has not %een tue then ask yousel": 9What is stopping me "om getting stated now:9
-he %ottom(line %asic tuth whethe you like it o not is that nothing is stopping you "om getting stated ight this moment e!cept
Even i" you cannot complete the "ull task you can cetainly move con"idently in the diection o" you deams and desies inch(%y(inch.
#ist eveything that needs to %e done$ %eak the tasks down into moe managea%le chunks and then tackle the most impotant ones
When it comes to accomplishing anything$ achievement e!pet 5ian -acy says 9%y the yad it is had %ut inch(%y(inch it's a cinch9
-hee"oe the most impotant skill in mani"esting you deam li"e is leaning how to get out o" you own way and )ust get stated.
6eep down evey%ody wants to "eel wothy$ deseving$ loved and lova%le.
Each mem%e wants to conti%ute to causes that ae close to thei heat and %e espected in the lives o" loved ones.
0ave you eve stopped to think how is it that we can end up so "a away "om these goals: What tuly stops us "om doing what we
want to do:
*sking 9What is stopping me "om getting stated now:9 will uncove any aeas that you might need to wok on.
3nce you "ind out what is stopping you "om getting stated you must "ocus all you time and enegy into solving it.
/" you ae pocastinating$ con"used$ o "eeling alone$ then eali+e that you ae completely nomal and that we all do it out o" "ea.
.ea is something that we all e!peience and is the num%e one %lock that stops us "om getting what we want.
Some common e!amples ae "ea o" "ailue$ "ea o" success$ "ea o" e)ection$ "ea o" the unknown and even "ea o" looking "oolish.
0oweve i" "ea is what we all have in common then what sepaates the top(pe"omes "om the unde(achieves must %e thei a%ility
to deal with and ovecome "ea.
.om now on wheneve you stat to "eel the "ea holding you %ack$ then you should immediately egad it as a sign you must "oge
Wheneve you each a %aie to you success you must not give up and instead lean how to clim% ove the wall.
We tend to think that no%ody has eve e!peienced anything ,uite like the challenges we pesonally have %een though.
0oweve conside that despite you physical stuctue and e!peiences %eing uni,ue$ you have the e!act same physical and mental
capacities that any%ody else had in histoy.
8ou wee %on with the same po%lem solving powess that people like &alileo and &andhi$ 4apoleon 5onapate and 4apoleon 0ill
-hink a%out that "o a moment$ no one eve knew "o sue how to achieve any o" the geat accomplishment in the histoy o" the
Si Edmund 0illay didn't have a 92lim%ing Mount Eveest .o 6ummies9 to guide him step(%y(step up to the summit.
4o one 9knew9 how to get to the moon$ it was something so monumental that it had tuly neve %een done %e"oe.
-he tuth is that you po%lem$ even i" you po%lem is "iguing out e!actly what you po%lem is$ has most likely aleady %een solved
%y some%ody else.
-hat is why <2(step pogams like *l(*non ae so popula$ simply %ecause they show people that they ae not alone with thei
* geat idea is to "ind a "iend who has e!peienced something simila$ a mento you look up to$ o a coach that can act as an
un%iased mio.
With a success team in place and amed with all the a%ility you'll eve need$ tust yousel" to come up with the answes when you
ask yousel":
9What is stopping me "om getting stated now:9
"ee#ly $in%set &/8
-his weeks Motivating Mindset will help you li"t %udens$ clea clutte and "eel lighte.
8ou Mindset challenge this week is getting in the ha%it o" asking yousel":
+(m I tolerating this situation 0y %efault-+
*sk yousel" this ,uestion evey chance you can and you will pave the way "o massive changes in you li"estyle.
-ake a ,uick moment and ask yousel" ight now$ 9What am / toleating:9
-his is the same ,uestion that was posed as a Monday Motivating Mindset many months ago.
Fust in case you have "ogotten o aen't sue what a toleation is$ the de"inition we ae using is:
* toleation is any peson$ situation$ o action that you put up with that you eally don't need to.
* toleation is an undesied conse,uence$ an un"inished ageement o simply a situation that needs e("aming.
-his weeks mindset is a deivative o" that ,uestion$ 9*m / toleating this situation %y de"ault:9
'eople get caught up in the illusion %elieving that they have little o no choice to way they've %een doing it.
-he po%lem "o most people is that they convince themselves that they need thei toleations to %egin with.
-he ne!t time you "ind yousel" "acing a continual oad%lock o swimming against the cuent ask yousel":
9*m / toleating this situation %y de"ault:9
-he "eeling that you ae swimming against the cuent is a sue sign o" a toleation.
#i"e is meant to %e sailed downsteam and tapped into the "low o" a%undance.
/" you don't "eel tapped in then it is %ecause you ae %locking the "low o" it.
So how do you get out o" you own way when you ae %locking yousel" "om )oy$ love and happiness:
8ou do it %y "ist eali+ing that the %lockage is due to a toleation that is %ased on an assumption.
What %elie" system$ attitude o appoach can you let go o" in ode to go moe with the "low:
-oleations +ap ou enegy whethe we consciously eali+e it o not.
-oleations ae unesolved demands on you attention$ enegy and "ocus.
-hey can %e as simple as toleating a s,ueak in the doo o neglecting to epai a leaky "aucet tap.
-oleations can also include ou elationships with othe people$ the standads we uphold and the wok we do "o a living.
3ve time people tend to settle in thei com"ot +ones$ challenge thei %elie"s less and gain moe toleations.
-he ne!t time you "ind yousel" stuck in a situation you don't en)oy ask yousel" 9*m / toleating this situation %y de"ault:9
3"ten the only eason a situation is allowed to endue is the assumption that answe is di""icult o even impossi%le.
.o e!ample$ a "iend ecently con"ided that she "inally "inished toleating he old showe head and "inally put on a new one.
5e"oe "i!ing it the showe head would o"ten unscew and wate would launch into the ai eveywhee.
Even though he and he oommate had aleady puchased the eplacement showe head$ in othe wods aleady possessed the
solution to the po%lem$ it was )ust not implemented.
When ,ueied why she didn't change it soone she admitted he assumption that changing ove the showe heads would %e a long
and had )o%.
*ppaently the showe "i!ings looked like they wee stipped o at least appeaed vey di""icult to take o"".
.eaing that thee would %e po%lems when emoving the old showe head she settled eveyday "o an annoying showe e!peience.
0oweve$ one paticula day the inevita%le happened again while taking a showe and the head came o"" and the hose spayed
-oleations can only last so long and in this case it was the pove%ial staw that %oke the toleation.
.inally$ a"te having enough o" the daily moning mayhem she ga%%ed the old "i!ing with he %ae hands and stated to unscew it.
-o he complete supise the "i!ing came undone easily and without any hassle.
-hen she was a%le to eplace the %and new showe head and was showeing new and impoved again in mee moments7
Most impotantly this whole pocess occued without all the anticipated "uss and wok that she peviously woied a%out.
*"te en)oying the ne!t couple days in the showe she eali+ed that not only did she avoid the negative "eelings associated with a
leaky showe head$ %ut she actually "elt an incease in he happiness.
Was it %ecause she no longe had to silently account "o all the emotional enegy that came with the old showe:
3 may%e it was %ecause she could en)oy he moning showes with ela!ation and the added %ene"its o" the newe style no++le.
3ne thing is "o sue is that the ne!t ,uestion that she wondeed out loud was 9why did / put up with this "o this long in the "ist
'eople o"ten put up with un"inished and unesolved actions that could %e addessed with )ust a little time$ e""ot and attention.
We o"ten walk with a limp %ecause we ae taught o convinced to$ %ut when we lean to stand tall and take eveything in stide we
"ind out we ae even moe capa%le then we "ist thought.
*sk yousel" 9*m / toleating this situation %y de"ault:9 to "ind out whee you can gain some pecious enegy %ack.
*t the vey least what will happen when you %ainstom an answe is that you'll stat to attact new in"omation and e!peiences that
will lead you to a highe pespective.
-his is impotant %ecause the highe you pespective in li"e the less that you will toleate in you li"e.
-he tuth is the only limits that e!ist ae the ones that we hold ouselves down with.
*sk yousel" 9*m / toleating this situation %y de"ault:9 in ode to stetch you pespective to the sky and neve settle "o less.
"ee#ly $in%set &/;
-his weeks Motivating Mindset will help you ovecome limiting %elie"s and %uild unstoppa%le con"idence.
8ou Mindset challenge this week is getting in the ha%it o" asking yousel":
+Ho, %i% I gro, to%ay-+
*sk yousel" this ,uestion evey day and you will gain con"idence$ momentum and %elie" in you own a%ilities.
Fust %e"oe you go to %ed today sit down in a ,uiet place and ask yousel" the ,uestion: 90ow did / gow today:9
'aying attention and acknowledging you own gowth is a vey impotant skill that you must develop.
*"te all$ only you have a vested inteest in you own gowth$ a"te all$ no matte whee you go you'll %e %inging yousel".
1n"otunately "o whateve easons$ talking a%out and cele%ating gowth is a massively ove(looked li"e skill that is not o"ten
/nstead we ae o"ten taught to con"om to the noms and told not to %ag o show(o"".
0ave you eve head this phase said ight a"te a compliment was given to you:... 96on't let it get to you head now79
/t's like we aen't allowed to en)oy ou cele%ations "o too long o else it makes us a %ad peson.
We avoid attacting attention to ouselves to avoid looking conceited$ cocky o ove(con"ident.
*s a esult many o" us gow up not knowing how to popely wok with positive paise o how to lean "om citicism.
-his then leads us to e!peience gowth as di""icult$ a stuggle that emains "o only positive people to pusue pesonal gowth.
When it comes to living you li"e you ae doing it such a way that is eithe helping you gow o die$ and the %est pat is the choice is
entiely up to you to decide.
2hoosing to gow move you towads you hopes$ deams and the li"e that you know is possi%le "o yousel".
*sk yousel" 90ow did / gow today:9 to map and tack you ise to the top.
#ook "o stengths and successes that wee evealed thoughout the day$ i" needed keep a pad o" post(it notes nea you thoughout
the day.
Wite down any challenge that you ovecame$ any po%lem that you solved$ advice given$ advice taken$ o anything that you see as
.ind a )ounal to ecod all you o%seved stengths$ achieved goals and documented gowth.
8ou 9gowth9 )ounal is an invalua%le asset in gaining sel"(con"idence and %uilding momentum.
5e"oe you go to %ed "o the night take a "ew minutes and )ounal the answe to 9/n what ways did / gow today:9
#ist the ways that you gew today$ "ind at least one way each day and as you get %ette ty and come up with at least thee ways pe
5e"oe you stat you day in the moning take a minute to e"lect in you )ounal and take notice o" yousel" as an ama+ing %eing
that's always gowing.
2ele%ate you pevious gowth$ stength and li"e lesson's %y eading and emem%eing them.
'ictue you pevious successes in detail and emem%e how it "elt to succeed$ "eel it as i" it wee happening again.
.om that elevated state o" emotion you can %egin to tackle you day and any challenges that come along with it.
Whateve the esult at the end o" the day take a moment to ecod you new o%sevations and successes.
/" you commit to doing the steps laid out in this success cycle you will gain massive con"idence within only a couple weeks.
8ou sel"(esteem will impove as you epeatedly wite and eview the ecent victoies had ove you challenges.
-he moe you stick to the simple pocess a%ove the moe capa%le and con"ident you will see yousel".
*sk yousel" 90ow did / gow:9 as many times as possi%le and watch yousel" gow e!ponentially.
When asking yousel" 90ow did / gow today:9 it is impotant to emem%e that gowth doesn't always come "om winning "ist place.
8ou gowth can also %e deived "om e!peiences taught "om natue o lessons leaned "om stanges.
&owth o"ten comes "om une!pected places$ a pe"ect e!ample o" this is you mistakes.
Many people think that gowth only comes "om acing tests and achieving goals$ %ut "ailues can help us gow e,ually$ i" not moe.
-he a%solute tuth is that tue gowth can come at any place %y anyone at anytime$ it is only ou )udgement a%out the situation that
negates the oppotunity.
Read that last sentence ove again %ecause it is huge7
Evey single one o" us we'e meant to en)oy the e!peience o" ou lives$ %ut the single %iggest po%lem "o all is that we get in ou
own way7
-he good news is that i" you ae esponsi%le "o %eing you %iggest po%lem$ then you must %e e,ually e,uipped to povide you %est
-o %ecome a solution you must "ist take an honest look at how you ae choosing to 9gow9 ight now.
0ow ae you spending the moments o" you day$ ae they spent in ways that allow you to gow:
*e you choosing to move "owad in you li"e on a moment(%y(moment %asis:
*e you awae that evey single moment can and will eveal the path to you )oy:
-he tick to allowing the path to un"old is to "ist peceive yousel" and you wold with "ull unconditional love.
/n ode to lean "om you mistakes you must %e willing to let go o" any attachments$ e!pectations$ o %elie"s that don't seve you
highest sel".
-his is undou%tedly the hadest step "o most people to do$ pimaily %ecause humans have a tendency to )udge o la%el evey single
/nstead you need to "ind a way to love yousel" no matte who you ae$ who you wee$ what happened$ what might happen$ what
should have happened$ etc.
*lways emem%e that when it comes to gowth$ it doesn't matte when$ whee$ o how you stat$ the only thing that mattes is you
When people eali+e the tuth$ %eauty and simplicity o" gowing they even "all in love with thei impe"ections.
-his sym%oli+es the "ist step on a neve ending )ouney %ack(to(%liss as an un"inished mastepiece in the making.
*"te you've "allen completely in love with yousel" you stat to count %oth you wins and "ailues as gowth oppotunities.
8ou eali+e that you ae always on pupose and that evey moment o""es the a%ility to incease knowledge and impove yousel".
What's even %ette a%out the whole pocess o" gowth is that you don't have to lean all the mistakes yousel".
-he a%ility to lean "om the mistakes o" othes is the magic %ullet tain to shotcut you "ast tack to success.
6o you have a suppot team such o" mentos$ heoes$ coaches$ mastemind goups$ %usiness patnes:
.ind people that hold the vision o" you highe sel" "o you at all times$ eliminate naysayes and negative people at all costs.
-his is you li"e to gow and you can choose who you want to en)oy that pocess with.
*sking yousel" 90ow did / gow:9 alone o in good company is the ,uickest path to a success"ul li"e.
"ee#ly $in%set &1:
-his weeks Motivating Mindset will help you "ind stillness and inne peace.
8ou Mindset challenge this week is getting in the ha%it o" asking yousel":
+"hat is the true source of my suffering-+
*sk yousel" this ,uestion as many times as you su""e each day and you will %ecome awae o" the souce o" you salvation.
*s you go a%out you day today ask yousel" 9What is the tue souce o" this su""eing:9 wheneve you "eel down and out.
-y to limit asking this ,uestion to situations whee you "eel negative$ vesus times that you ae )ust thinking negative.
4egative thinking can lead to the "eeling o" su""eing %ut it is impotant not to dwell too much on the souce o" negative thinking.
-hee is eally no sense in tying to detemine the souce o" each negative thought that you have %ecause thee will always %e
anothe negative thought to eplace it.
4egative thoughts ae epeated in the mind thoughout the day as i" on autopilot$ hence the tem *.4.-.'s$ "o *utomatic 4egative
4egative thoughts ae something that we cannot avoid and will neve go away "ully$ no matte how enlightened$ success"ul o
positive you ae.
0oweve the most enlightened$ success"ul and positive people have came to one cucial and citical eali+ation.
What they've eali+e is that negative thoughts pose no inheent dange to any%ody$ in "act a negative thought itsel" has neve caused
a single negative event.
4egative thoughts must "ist %e acted upon in ode to ceate negative events$ situations and su""eing.
-hee"oe$ thee is no po%lem with negative thoughts i" one leans to ignoe them$ howeve the po%lem with most people is that
they %elieve they ae thei thoughts.
0ow "e,uently you %elieve you negative thoughts will detemine how o"ten thee is pain and su""eing in you li"e.
/" most o" the time you %elieve that you ae you negative thoughts then you ae e!temely likely end up on a psychiatist's couch o
in a psych wad.
-his is %ecause the moe "im and passionate we ae a%out ou %elie"s the moe emotional enegy we encode into ou e!peiences.
When we %elieve a negative thought passionately we give powe to ou negative thoughts which geneates negative emotions.
3u negative emotions ae intepeted %y the %ody as negative "eelings that inevita%ly motivate us to take negative action.
4egative actions ae action$ o"ten su%(conscious$ that ae taken in the heat o" the moment and that move us away "om ou highest
hopes and deams.
/" this happened to you$ you might %e thinking well at least / took action$ and %esides... at the time it "elt like it was the ight action to
5ewae o" the %east called Fusti"ication... Fusti"ication sneaks into evey situation and sedates the su""eing with apathy.
Fusti"ication clouds the tuth$ like in this case hides the "act that you ae taking action "om a negative state o" %eing and e!pecting to
get a positive esult7
0ow can you eve get a positive outcome to esult "om a negative intention: /t's like s,uee+ing an oange into a glass and e!pecting
apple )uice to come out7
3nce you eali+e that the end o" su""eing comes as a esult o" many small paadigm shi"ts you will then %e moe encouaged to
seek out and "eed only you positive thoughts.
8ou will de"initely invite moe happiness in you li"e %y putting you enegy$ attention and "ocus on aeas o" you li"e that ae moe
*sk yousel" 9What is the tue souce o" my su""eing:9 to uncove aeas in you li"e that may need some attention shi"ting.
-he secet to ending you su""eing is to "ist eali+e the tue souce o" you su""eing.
Su""eing is not some invisi%le phenomenon that is "loating aound in the ai waiting to attack its victims.
Su""eing does not happen andomly to cetain people while a%itaily avoiding othes.
Su""eing happens as a diect e""ect o" a cause$ the cause %eing %ecause you allowed it.
-he easons why people allow su""eing into thei lives is as vaied and divese as thee ae people.
-his is %ecause su""eing is su%)ective$ meaning that what makes one su""e does not necessaily make anothe su""e.
Su""eing happens as a esult o" you %elie"s$ a %elie" that a peson$ thing o situation should %e a paticula way.
When the peson$ thing o situation does not con"om o meet the standad you've imagined su""eing is ceated.
.o e!ample$ let's petend that you dive you signi"icant othe to wok eveyday and it takes "ive minutes.
'etty soon$ a"te a "ew months o" diving like this you would stat to %elieve that 5 minutes was how long it takes.
#et's )ust say that all o" a sudden ta""ic )ams stat happening due to constuction and the dive now takes B5(minutes.
Many people )ust like you would %e vey upset with the new commute$ and ightly so$ %ecause o" how it would a""ect the est o" thei
/n this case when asked 9what is the tue souce o" you su""eing:9 you might eply something like 9the incompetent city o slow
What you aen't eali+ing is that the souce o" you unhappiness and su""eing stems only "om you %eing attached to something.
/n this e!ample you have %ecome attached to a paticula way o" thinking$ the %elie" that the dive should only take 5(minutes.
0oweve$ what you would have "ailed to ecogni+e is that the eal souce o" su""eing is the "ailue to update you cuent eality with
new in"omation.
Since the "act has %ecome that the dive now takes B5(minutes$ %elieving that it should take only 5(minutes is an attachment to an
old and "alse %elie".
/t doesn't matte i" CCC times in a ow that the dive took only 5 minutes$ the new eality is that the dive now takes B5 minutes.
When you "ail to update you eality and ty to opeate with you old eality in a wold whee only a new eality e!ists$ this
undou%tedly ceates su""eing.
/magine a %utte"ly tying to eat the same "ood in the same manne as it once did as a catepilla$ it wouldn't suvive long a"te
tans"oming would it:
5elieving in you negative thoughts geneates negative emotions and that su""eing in tun poduces a vicious cycle o" moe low
enegy and negative "eelings.
-o avoid the slippey slope o" stinking thinking ask yousel" 9What is the tue souce o" my su""eing:9 and look inside "o answes.
/nside o" yousel" holds the key to eveything you eve need in li"e$ including the answe to the salvation o" you su""eing.
-he 5uddha summai+ed this %est when he said 9*ll unhappiness stems "om attachment9.
3nce you eali+e that the tue cause o" you su""eing is the esult o" attachment to a %elie" you mind you will "eel moe empoweed
to wok with and elease that %elie" i" necessay.
/n "act$ evey time that you come acoss su""eing$ %y evidence o" you e!peience$ you should lean that it means its time to let
something go.
#etting go o" you attachments is the tue secet to success.
-hee"oe$ "inding what you ae attached to in the "ist place is the "ist place to stat.
*sking yousel" 9What is the tue souce o" my su""eing9 will help you uncove clues to you attachments.
3nce you have "ound the souce o" you unhappiness ask yousel" 9What am / pepaed to do a%out this:9
Stay stong to see the tuth$ %e couageous enough to let go and always "ind a way to move "owad "om what is holding you %ack.
"ee#ly $in%set &1'
-his weeks Motivating Mindset will make you "eel love and gatitude.
8ou Mindset challenge this week is getting in the ha%it o" asking yousel":
+"hat %o I have to 0e grateful for-+
*sk yousel" this ,uestion as many times as possi%le this week and you will %e moe gate"ul a%out you li"e's situation.
-he "ist step in counting you %lessings is to wite down all the things you have to %e gate"ul "o.
5e"oe you stat this e!ecise you may think that you don't have a lot in paticula to %e gate"ul "o$ i" so you will de"initely %e
Stat %y "inding a ,uiet oom away "om any distactions.
/" you live in a %usy place and cannot get complete silence then eithe wait to do this until you can$ o )ust do the %est you can.
8ou will also need a pen/pencil and note pad o" pape$ o a )ounal would %e even %ette i" you have one.
4e!t ask yousel" out loud 9What do / have to %e gate"ul "o:9
-hink cae"ully$ take you time and don't let yousel" o"" the hook when it comes to answes.
3ne way o" doing it is to %ainstom as many ideas that come up "o you in a "ive o ten minute peiod.
-hen you would take the ideas you geneated and "ilte them into the type o" gatitude e!pessed.
.o e!ample: 'eople Q -hings Q 3the
'eople: Wite down all the people that have made a di""eence in you li"e.
-hings: 4ame at least 5(<= things that you en)oy doing on a daily %asis.
3the: -his could %e an aea whee you keep tack o" miscellaneous things like 9"eeling gate"ul "o %eing a%le to %e a geat dad9
-ake "ive o ten minutes evey day to )ot down any new items on this list.
5e selective and choosy o" what you put on you list$ i" you don't "eel gatitude don't "eel pessued to put up a convincing answe.
/t is impotant to "eel the "eelings o" what you en)oy$ as i" you wee tuly en)oying them in the pesent moment.
-he a%ove step is citically unde(ated to the success o" you a%ility to mani"est using the #aw o" *ttaction.
/" you don't "eel gatitude when you "ist do it$ thee is an e!temely slim chance o" mani"esting moe gatitude.
-he eason "o this is %ecause like attacts like$ thoughts %ecome things$ and what you "ocus on e!pands.
-hee"oe$ i" you "eel gate"ul$ think a%out %eing moe gate"ul$ you will inevita%ly attact moe easons to %e gate"ul.
-his is such a staight(up and simple(to(implement stategy "o changing lives you po%a%ly ae wondeing why so many people don't
5ecause we seem to want to make things di""icult "o ouselves %y de"ault.
-o make things go smoothe in you wold$ stat %y concentating on the things you "eel gate"ul "o.
*sk yousel" the ,uestion 9What do / have to %e gate"ul "o:9 to %ainstom ideas.
;eep this list nea %y you and continue to add to it as you emem%e moe things to %e gate"ul "o.
/" you ae "eeling down and out and e!peiencing a %out o" low enegy$ a geat esouce you to help 9pick you up9 is this list o
-he secet to "eeling tuly gate"ul "o a peson$ situation o thing is in the way that you e!pess appeciation.
* geat ,uestion to "ollow up with the "ist ,uestion is: 90ow do / e!pess appeciation:9
/n ode to e!pess appeciation you must "ist know what e!actly you ae thank"ul "o$ which means taking inventoy o" you
-he good news is i" you have done the wok in the "ist e!ecise$ you will have aleady witten down a lot o" %lessings.
4ow that you have a list o" things that you "eel gate"ul "o$ the ne!t step is to ensue that whateve that is on that list "eels
4othing "eels %ette than "eeling valued and appeciated$ so conside it as the outcome when giving othes "eed%ack.
/" you ae eally gate"ul "o a loved(one o "iend then conside when the last time you did something special "o them to let them
We o"ten don't show appeciation o e!pess ou tue "eelings until it's too late$ make it a point to not let this happen this week7
8ou can also show you appeciation "o mateial items$ even though a lot o" people might think di""eent.
2ontay to popula %elie"s it is ok to appeciate mateial wealth and mateial goods$ in "act the moe you appeciate them$ the moe
you get %ack7
-hee is nothing wong with appeciating mateial items$ as long as you make sue that you show gatitude "o them %y taking cae o"
them popely.
.o e!ample$ you can not say that you appeciate %eing a%le to dive i" you neve change the oil o pe"om maintenance on you
-he cuency "o showing you tue appeciation is you undivided attention.
*ttention is enegy and when "ocused is the most valua%le and piceless gi"t that we can o""e.
0ow would any one o" you elationships "eel i" they could have an e!ta dose o" a "ully conscious and pesent you:
-y donating you complete and undivided attention to a loved one as a no(stings attached gi"t.
See i" you can "ocus you attention "o )ust twenty minutes. 0ow a%out an hou: 2an you make it a "ull day:
/" you aen't sue what to "ocus on$ you could stat %y showing appeciation o" the common things we take "o ganted:
When it comes to spending you attention thee ae two tains o" thought:
*. 8ou can spend you attention on the tied and tue avenues o" appeciation$ the sue winnes$ pehaps i" they like chocolates o
5. *nothe e""ective method to spend attention and show appeciation is simply %y asking the ecipient: 9/'m hee to help$ please tell
me how9
4otice in the last e!ample it isn't 9asking9 whethe o not you can help$ that is too o"ten e)ected$ %ut athe you ae going to help7
#ast %ut not least is it impotant to show appeciation to the peson that we all have in common.
-hat is$ o" couse$ always no matte what a%ove and %eyond all instances$ emem%e to espect and appeciate yousel".
When you put yousel" into a state o" gatitude you "e,uency changes$ which changes you thoughts.
2hange you thoughts$ change you "eelings$ change you actions$ change you li"e.
"ee#ly $in%set &1/
-his weeks Motivating Mindset will pump up you po%lem(solving muscles.
8ou Mindset challenge this week is getting in the ha%it o" asking yousel":
+"hat %on=t I alrea%y #no, a0out this-+
*sk yousel" this ,uestion wheneve you come acoss a oad %lock and you will solve you po%lems "aste and moe easily.
Wheneve the path %e"oe you appeas %locked$ o you come acoss a mental %lock$ ty asking yousel" 9What don't / aleady know
a%out this:9.
-his will help you shi"t "om seeing the po%lem in the same old ways and tap into the powe o" you ceativity.
-he ne!t time you each an appaent dead(end you must "ist eali+e that you have eached this %lock even though you know what
you know.
-hee"oe$ even though you know what you know$ what you need to know is what you don't know aleady.
-he %est in"omation in a solving a po%lem that has %een plaguing you is %y appoaching it "om a completely di""eent angle.
*sking yousel" the ,uestion 9What don't / aleady know a%out this:9 will help you uncove some stategic solutions.
3"ten we make the mistake o" %elieving that we have all the in"omation necessay to deal with a situation$ o "om an opinion$ when
we haven't taken the time to dig deepe.
When this happens we tend to make assumptions that eventually hinde ou gowth and keep us "eeling "ustated.
*n e!ample is i" you have stuggled with something like weight management thoughout you li"e.
What you aleady know a%out the situation is the gamut o" diets$ pogams$ e!ecises and taining systems that you've gone though
that don't wok.
What you also likely aleady know is how many months and yeas you have %een tying to lose those last pounds.
-he po%lem with knowing what you aleady know is that %y studying the things a%ove$ it won't move you close to a solution.
/nstead$ chances ae likely that studying what you know has po%a%ly lead you to ask yousel" something along the lines o" 9What's
wong with me$ how come / )ust can't get past this:9
8ou might %e tempted to compae you esult to othes and wonde why 9-ae 5o9 o the 9*tkin's 6iet9 woked "o you %est "iend %ut
not "o you.
/nstead o" asking yousel" a ,uestion %ased on a po%lem$ you challenge is to shi"t geas %y asking yousel" a ,uestion %ased on a
5y asking yousel" 9What don't / aleady know a%out this:9 you will "ind out new aeas and angles to appoach you weight
Repeatedly asking yousel" this ,uestion will automatically enlist the help o" you ceativity in ode to ty and solve the po%lem.
8ou might discove that what you don't know aleady a%out you weight management is why you want to manage the weight to %egin
8ou might uncove that what you don't know aleady is how you pesonality plays a ole in you weight management.
8ou might "ind out that what you don't know aleady is why you have chosen to appoach the po%lem in the way that you have.
-he moe that you ask yousel" 9What don't / aleady know a%out this:9 the moe easily that you will %e a%le to come up with new
empoweing answes.
-o eally tu%o chage you esults$ when you sit down to ask yousel" 9What don't / aleady know a%out this:9$ wite down you ideas
on pape.
8ou might want to stat with listing all the things that you aleady know a%out the po%lem you ae tying to solve.
-he moe you can undestand you po%lem and the %ette you ae a%le to "omulate the ,uestion$ the %ette answes you will come
up with.
/t has %een said that a po%lem well(stated is a po%lem hal"(solved.
-he %est way to solve a po%lem that has %een challenging to you "o a while is to make a 9ceative map9$ 9concept map9 o 9mind
* concept/ceative/mind map is a diagam used "o linking wods and ideas to a cental key wod o idea.
/t is used to visuali+e$ classi"y$ stuctue$ and geneate ideas$ as well as an aid in study$ po%lem solving$ and decision making.
* concept map is a geat way to come up with ideas that you may not have othewise thought o".
1se you ceative map in con)unction with the ,uestion 9What don't / aleady know a%out this:9 "o a vey powe"ul po%lem(solving
0oweve$ you can apply this ,uestion and ceative(map techni,ue to many othe aeas o" you li"e$ not )ust po%lem(solving.
Some aeas that ae geat to apply this ,uestion to ae you Fudgements$ Fusti"ications and -oleations.
When it comes to )udging people$ places o things$ asking yousel" that ,uestion that might pove help"ul %e"oe making any "alse
.o e!ample$ you might %e tempted to "om an opinion a%out someone %ecause o" something that ecently happened.
5e"oe you cast )udgement on anothe$ put yousel" in thei shoe's and ask yousel" 9What don't / aleady know a%out them:9 to
%ette undestand whee they may %e coming "om.
When it comes to )usti"ying thoughts$ "eelings and %ehavious$ asking 9What don't / aleady know a%out why / do them:9 might
povide some citical insight.
When it comes to aeas in you li"e that have %een continually toleated$ such as a %ad elationship$ poo ogani+ation$ wok stess$
etc$ asking yousel" 9What don't / aleady know:9 might help change you mind a%out why you ae doing it and what you can do
a%out it.
-he key is to use the in"omation that you discove to help you e("ame the situation in a moe %ene"icial and positive light.
*"te you have discoveed what you don't know$ ask yousel" 9how can / use this new knowledge to get %ette esults:9.
/" you ae still dawing a %lank o "eel %locked then keep in mind that you can always ask a "iend to %e an o%)ective mio "o you.
*s long as you ae open and willing you can stand on the shouldes o" giants$ mentos$ coaches$ heoes and sheoes to ovecome
you po%lems.
-he moe you pactice asking yousel" the had ,uestions in li"e$ the moe easy you li"e will %ecome.
"ee#ly $in%set &11
-his weeks Motivating Mindset will tun you into a lean mean achievement machine.
8ou Mindset challenge this week is getting in the ha%it o" asking yousel":
+(m I happy ,ith ,hat I have procrastinate%-+
*sking this ,uestion at the %eginning and end o" you day and you will %egin to ogani+e you li"e aound you highest pioities.
6o you pocastinate: 6o you "eel that pocastination is a %ad thing to do:
/s pocastination a dity little secet that you keep "om you high pe"oming pees and patnes:
0ow do you "eel a%out pocastination: /s this something that you have %een stuggling with "o a while:
What i" you wee told that pocastination was not only needed$ %ut should %e welcomed and encouaged:
-he eality is that pocastination happens in li"e )ust like change happens.
*voiding change is not natual$ and doing so will keep you playing small$ stuggling to adapt and coping pooly with li"e.
Fust like we must lean to deal with change$ i" we want to %e success"ul unde any standad we must "ist lean how to popely deal
with pocastination.
'ocastination is something that people use as a tool to succeed$ and it is also something that people who stuggle with use to %eat
them sel" up.
0ow do you view and use pocastination:
6o you "eel that pocastination is a %ad thing to do: /" so$ conside this...
-hee ae simply not enough hous in each day to accomplish all the tasks that we need done.
-his is not a %ad thing$ think a%out this "o a minute and eali+e i" you only had one task to complete all yea it would %e petty %oing
and unevent"ul.
&eneally speaking each o" us has moe packed onto ou plate than we could eve hope to handle in one sitting.
*s a esult we choose to pocastinate something when we decide to do anothe thing.
-he oot o" the wod 9decide9 is "om the #atin wod 9decidee9$ which tanslates 9to cut o"".9
When we accept to act upon a paticula couse o" action$ we have decided to cut o"" the altenative$ even i" )ust tempoaily.
0uman %eings can only "ocus thei enegy and attention on one thing at a time$ especially i" they e!pect that something to gow.
'ocastination is not only needed %ut it is a valua%le tool that allows us to diect and disciminate ou decisions.
-he tue po%lem with pocastination is when we pocastinate the citical and impotant stu"".
.o e!ample i" we want ou caee in li"e to take o""$ we tend to "ocus on it a%ove anything else$ including ou "amilies.
Sometimes we have to tempoaily saci"ice in ode to poduce the desied long(tem %ene"its$ like %eing a%le to etie ealy and
spend time with you loved ones.
*sking yousel" 9*m / happy with what / have pocastinated:9 will help ensue that you ae committing you time and attention in the
ight aeas.
*sk yousel" 9*m / happy with what / have pocastinated:9 at the end o" you day to get a snapshot o" you daily success.
*sk yousel" 9What is the %ene"it o" my pocastination9 is a geat "ollow up ,uestion to gauge you intentions.
6o you "eel like you wee a%le to move "owad diectly due to the actions that you have decided to take today:
/" you "ell shot o" you goal and spent time on the usual attention eates$ ela! and ty not to %e too had on yousel".
/" you do not "eel good a%out what you have pocastinated wite it down and ecod you thoughts.
;eep tack o" you pioities as well as how you spent you time.
-ime management is eally how well you can manage the pioities o" you li"e.
-he "act is that eveyone would %e living the li"e o" thei deams i" "ea wasn't such a cunning advesay.
.ea woks in mysteious ways that cause people to "ocus on peceived po%lems and potential %aies.
-his %ecome a %ig po%lem %ecause we constantly attact into ou lives that upon which we "ocus on.
So %y "ocusing on potential po%lems they soon tun into actual po%lems that hold us %ack "om ou goals.
-he %est way to com%at pocastination is %y taking the time necessay to "igue out two impotant things:
<. .ist you need to eally "igue out what you eally$ eally$ eally$ want.
What do you want to mani"est in you li"e$ what type o" people do you tuly want to connect with$ what type o" e!peiences would you
most en)oy:
-he %ig tip hee is to avoid "oming desies and deams that "all into the 9must(%e(nice9 o 9wish"ul thinking9.
2. Second$ once you have "igued out what you eally$ eally$ eally want$ you ne!t task is to "igue out why.
Why do you want what you eally$ eally$ eally want: What would having o accomplishing you deam o desie give you:
-he %ig tip hee is to keep asking yousel" the ,uestion 9why9 and dilling deepe until you have uncoveed a value.
* value is something that is coe to you %eing$ an e!pession o" the enegy and li"e that is within you.
/magine how allowing the e!pession o" you coe %eing would "eel like "o you.
When you align yousel" up with you values$ you can moe easily e!pess yousel".
*sking yousel" 9why9 you want something connects you with you thoughts aund "eelings$ the automatic guidance system that will
eveal the answes.
When you know what you want to e!pess in yousel" and why you want to e!pess it$ the answe o" 9how9 to e!pess it will also
show up.
-his is impotant %ecause many people ty and "igue out 9how9 they will accomplish thei deams "ist$ athe than a"te "iguing out
what those deams will tuly povide them.
3%stacles aive when people ty and "igue out how to get something athe than detemine why they want it.
When we don't have the why %uilt %ehind ou %ehaviou$ the logic o" how and "ea o" change tend to tump ou a%ility to move
-he %igge the why that you uncove$ the smalle the how that you'll discove.
When you take the time to "igue out what you want and why you tuly want it$ you will ,uickly witness yousel" doing eveything and
anything to make it possi%le.
*sk yousel" 9*m / happy with what / have pocastinated:9 to see how on tack you time management skills ae.
5alancing you pocastination away "om the ugent and towads the citically impotant is the key to li"e management.
"ee#ly $in%set &13
-his weeks Motivating Mindset will help you live guilt and eget "ee.
8ou Mindset challenge this week is getting in the ha%it o" asking yousel":
+"ill 0eing offen%e% solve my pro0lem-+
*sk this ,uestion at evey mino and ma)o case you "ind yousel" o""ended and you will %e a%le to %ette espond to those situations
in the "utue.
-he ne!t time something o someone u%s you the wong way$ and %e"oe you give it too much o" you enegy and attention$ stop
and ask yousel":
9Will %eing o""ended solve my po%lem:9
-he univesal answe to that ,uestion is... 4eve7
*sk yousel" 90ow many times has %eing o""ended solved anything in my li"e:9
*nd the univesal answe to that ,uestion is still... 4eve7
8et %eing o""ended$ passing )udgement and citici+ing situations is something that we all do$ many o" us on a daily %asis.
5eing o""ended does nothing to satis"y the situation$ and it cetainly doesn't %ene"it the peson o thing that o""ended you.
/t is good to detach yousel" "om these situations %ecause many times the o""ende doesn't even know they committed the cime.
*sking 9Will %eing o""ended solve my po%lem:9 is the "ist step in e""ective po%lem solving.
/nstead o" "ocusing on the easons to %e o""ended$ o )usti"ying you evenge$ take a look at what is eally %otheing you hee.
5ecoming and staying o""ended cannot help you$ %ut challenging yousel" to look at the eason why you wee o""ended in the "ist
place can help you temendously.
*nytime you ae 9ovely opinionated9 a%out anything it is eason "o you to e!ploe deepe.
-hee is no shame$ guilt o eget involved with getting to know what o""ends you.
/n "act thee is nothing wong with %eing o""ended$ the po%lem %ecomes when we don't know o don't cae why.
-o know why you ae o""ended is a chance "o you to get "amilia with you values.
Evey%ody must stive to put ou values and motives unde the micoscope o" tuth.
Why not: *"te all we e!pect to keep ou &ovenment and Elected 3""icials in(check.
Why shouldn't we take the same appoach o" scutiny and standads to the main motivato %ehind ou own %ehaviou:
/gnoing the easons why you ae o""ended will not shed any insight whatsoeve into what to do a%out it$ o how to get ove it.
Wheneve you "eel emotion a%out something o someone it is moe a e"lection o" yousel" than o" what you think caused the
8ou ae esponsi%le "o sel"(govening you "eelings and asking yousel" 9Will %eing o""ended solve my po%lem:9 will help you put
you thoughts$ "eelings and %ehaviou into cleae pespective.
*sking yousel" 9Will %eing o""ended solve my po%lem:9 helps emind you that %eing o""ended is not at all poductive.
/" you want to %e poductive one o" the "ist ,uestions to ask yousel" wheneve you "eel o""ended is 9what does this situation say
a%out me:9
What do the thoughts and "eelings that you have towads this situation say a%out you:
5eing o""ended in a situation only shows people the way in which you )udge othes.
2ontinuing to emind othes o" how and why you ae o""ended can only %ing you moe o" %eing o""ended.
-his can %e summed up %y the saying 9you get out what you put in9. 'utting in complaints doesn't gow oses.
/" you had a %anana and you continued to cut it up into pieces$ no matte what at the end o" the day you would still have a %anana.
8ou would neve cut up a %anana and e!pect to have oange slices ight:
5eing a%le to see why you wee o""ended and what that insight eveals a%out what you ae made up o" on this inside is piceless.
With humility and pactice you will develop the a%ility to espond %ette and o""e a moe %alanced pespective.
* well(%alanced pespective comes "om %eing a%le to ponde yousel" in the e,uation$ %oth as the po%lem and as the solution.
-his detached state o" %eing is called intospection$ o e"lection and is geneally accomplished though meditation.
With gentle intospection you will see e"lections o" %oth the conscious and su%conscious pogams that opeate you wold.
8et "o some stange eason many people "ea stillness and shy away "om taking a seious look inwad.
May%e %ecause unless you gew up with a 8ogi ne!t doo we wee not taught how to meditate o e!posed to the value o" it.
Whateve the eason$ it is an illusion that we can some go though li"e and avoid getting to know ou sel".
/t is in ou %est inteest to get to know the peson we ae stuck with no matte what.
4o matte whee you go$ thee you ae$ so the "aste you get to know all aspects o" you sel" the %ette.
;eeping the a%ove metapho o" a sel"(govenment in mind$ wouldn't you like to know i" you elected 9%ody9 was doing a good )o%:
/" you wanted to keep things accounta%le you would de"initely e,uie studies and analysis.
6on't %e a"aid to study you sel"$ you motives$ you %ehavious$ you thoughts and you ha%its.
5e you own %est "iend$ %ecome tag team patnes with you sel" and togethe you will westle the challenges o" li"e.
-he %ette you elationship with you sel"$ the %ette esults that you will get.
When you ae not getting the esults that you ae looking "o$ o "ind yousel" emotionally attached to something$ ask yousel" 9Will
%eing o""ended solve my po%lem:9 to move "owad "aste.
"ee#ly $in%set &14
-his weeks Motivating Mindset will help you weld the powe o" you mind.
8ou Mindset challenge this week is getting in the ha%it o" asking yousel":
+"hat is the value of my attitu%e right no,-+
*sking yousel" this ,uestion as many times as possi%le will inevita%ly incease the value o" you attitude.
*sk yousel" this ,uestion 9What is the value o" my attitude ight now:9 immediately when you wake up tomoow moning.
-ake time to e"lect what the value o" you thinking will poduce at the end o" the day.
-he value o" the seeds you plant now is the potential ,uality o" the havest you'll eap late.
-he thoughts that you allow now will lead to the "eelings that you have late.
-he "eelings that you have late will goven you "utue actions.
8ou actions ae the %idge %etween you esults$ meaning i" you want anything you ae going to have to do something to get it.
-hee"oe i" you want to %e o" value$ poduce value and have a valua%le day it all stats with you attitude.
*sk yousel" 9What is the value o" my attitude ight now:9 to ponde the compensation you might get "o you thoughts at this
6o you thoughts make you "eel like a winne o moe like a lose:
6oes you attitude make you moe con"ident in the long un o ultimately moe insecue ove time:
* good healthy attitude is one that you can ,uestion time a"te time %ecause you tue motivations will %e mapped within you spiit.
3nly you highe(sel" knows the path to happiness and )oy and you can only "ollow that path %y listening to you highe(sel".
-he %iggest challenge is that you highe sel" speaks vey so"tly and o"ten not at all.
8ou lowe(sel"$ you ego$ knows how to say the ight things at the ight time to manipulate you.
*sk yousel" 9What is the value o" my attitude ight now:9 to see i" you thoughts ae coming "om you highe o lowe sel".
-he answe that you get %ack will %e in the "om o" you "eelings.
-houghts "om you lowe(sel" will leave you "eeling less wothy and deseving.
3n the othe(hand$ thoughts "om you highe(sel" will make you "eel like taking inspied action7
*lways %e awae that %oth possi%ilities and potentials e!ist inside o" you at all times.
-hough the powe o" choice we decide whethe to adopt an attitude with inceasing o deceasing value.
*sk yousel" 9What is the value o" my attitude ight now:9 to ensue you ae e!ploing the situation in a way that will tuly %ene"it you.
-he %est way to detemine whethe o not something is %ene"icial is with a ,uestion$ and that is:
9What is the value o" this attitude in the "utue:9
What will continuing to think this way do ove time:
/" you have an attitude that makes you "eel small and insigni"icant how will that e""ect you in a month "om now:
/" you have an attitude o" lack that keeps you "inancially challenged how will that e""ect you in a yea "om now:
/" you have an attitude that poduces a continual "eeling o" guilt$ shame$ o" ange what would that attact %ack to you:
-he human %ody is like one giant magnet$ and we also know that when it comes to magnets$ like attacts like.
-he mechanics %ehind this phenomenon is what's widely known now as the #aw o" *ttaction.
Many people ae stating to eali+e that the tuth is that you do attact the incessant thoughts and dominant "eelings held within
-he #aw o" *ttaction will attact %ack to you the value o" the attitude that you ae choosing ight now.
/n the "utue you will %e living the cicumstances in which you attacted peviously$ so think wisely.
*sk yousel" 9What is the value o" this attitude in the "utue:9 as a stating place "o positive esults.
/" you could look %ack a month ahead "om this point today$ what would you say a%out the value o" you attitude a%out things wee:
With you conscious choice you have the a%ility to incease the value o" something )ust %y paying attention to it.
'aying attention to something with the intention o" adding o inceasing value is e"eed to as 9appeciation9.
-he "ocus o" you attention should %e on appeciation$ coincidentally the most valua%le use o" you time in the moment.
-hese moments o" appeciation will natually %egin to compound togethe and ove(time this will %ecome 9momentum9.
When you "ocus you attention on appeciating the moment you set the ne!t moment "o moe to %e appeciative a%out.
Momentum is simply the "eeling that you past e""ots wee made with the intention "inding appeciation "o evey moment.
*sk yousel" 9What is the value o" this attitude in the "utue:9 to see i" you ae setting yousel" o" "utue "ailue o success.
With continual pactice you will %egin to hea the so"t whispes o" you highe(sel" moe clealy and moe o"ten.
1se the new voice in you head$ the tue navigation system to lead you to the pomise land o" you highest intentions.
"ee#ly $in%set &15
-his weeks Motivating Mindset will empowe you eveyday living.
8ou Mindset challenge this week is getting in the ha%it o" asking yousel":
+"hat truly improves my life-+
*sk yousel" this ,uestion and you will "ast(tack you path to success and happiness.
-he 4ew 8ea always %ings with it many hopes "o new diections to take$ old deams to pusue and oveall impovements to make.
/" you ae looking to make impovements to you li"e the "ist ,uestion to ask yousel" is 9What tuly impoves my li"e:9
/" you "eel down on you luck$ with no enegy to motivate yousel" and impove you li"e than you ae nomal.
/n "act$ when it comes to people thee is something that ove L=> o" the population has in common$ that %eing$ the popensity to
settle "o less than they deseve.
/n 2anada and *meica "o e!ample$ nealy L out o" <= people wok C(5 )o%s )ust to pay the %ills7
5ut i" you wok )ust "o the money$ you may %e ewaded %y the a%ility "o physical "ul"illment$ that meaning the access to physical
goods and tangi%le sevices.
0oweve without passion %ehind you payoll$ you chosen wok occupation will not povide any spiitual$ emotional$ o mental
Said di""eently$ people ae spending </E o" thei lives doing something that povides them with </B the "ul"illment in thei lives.
-o make mattes wose$ the </B that money can povide doesn't always wok out to %e the case$ many people go to wok "ull(time$ o
have two )o%s and cannot still meet thei e!penses and commitments.
/" this is the case$ then you could look at it in the way that people ae spending EE> o" thei time in an aea that poduces less than
25> o" thei happiness.
-his is a ma)o po%lem since we seek to e!peience "ul"illment on all "ou o" these levels in ode to "eel %alanced$ in hamony and
When it comes to impoving you li"e you must conside all "ou levels to lived a %alanced li"e no matte what categoy you ae tying
to impove.
0ow can you %e moe emotionally$ spiitually and mentally involved with you wok to help %alance out the e,uation:
When you ae "inished "inding and testing ways to impove you esults in an aea then it is time to move on to anothe 9categoy9 o"
Some common categoies that people choose "o impovement include: 0ealth$ Wealth$ Relationships$ 'esonal$ 2aee$ etc..
*sking yousel" 9What tuly impoves my li"e:9 will help you %ainstom a moe %alanced appoach in e!isting aeas and also impove
the oveall categoies that conti%ute to you success and happiness.
/mpoving you li"e is eally a%out %eing a%le to get %ette esults in the e!isting aeas o" you li"e.
-hee ae many ways to impove you li"e$ %ut they all stat with a choice to do %ette in ode to get %ette esults.
8ou must empowe yousel" to make %ette choices %y undestanding the powe o" you attitude towads any impovements you wish
to make.
/" you %elieve the changeGsH will %e had$ long and di""icult then guess what$ you ae ight7
*ltenatively$ i" you choose to %elieve that the changeGsH will %e easy$ "ast and e""otless then guess what type o" e!peience you will
*s 0eny .od once said 9Whethe you think you can o think you cannot$ eithe way you ae ight.9
-he ,uestion 9What tuly impoves my li"e:9 will help you %ainstom aeas that will tuly make a di""eence.
/" you come up with lots o" di""eent aeas "o impovement than you will want to stick to )ust one o two at a time.
-he %est way to "ocus you time and attention is to ask yousel": 9What aea o" my li"e$ i" changed "o the %ette$ would make the
%iggest impact to impove the ,uality o" my li"e:9
3nce you have detemined a good aea to "ocus you e""ots and %e"oe you go to wok to change it$ conside the "ollowing
90ow does this impove my li"e:9
9What will this impovement add to my li"e that is missing now:9
9/" the poposed idea doesn't wok$ how can / tweak it to still make impovements:9
*sking yousel" these ,uestions will give you a little %it o" insight as to whethe o not this impovement will wok out as good as you
imagine it would.
-hee ae two things that have consistently impoved the ,uality o" li"e "o people thoughout the ages.
3ne o" those things is 9technology9$ and it's a%ility to allow us to do things moe e""ectively and moe e""iciently.
-echnology is a ca that ena%les you to get "om point * to point 5 "aste. -echnology is an e(mail that you can use to communicate
with othes in the com"ot o" you own home.
-echnology will continue to impove li"e i" implemented with cae and consideation. What is the pupose o" the technology: What is
the technology eplacing "o you:
With the ight eseach technology is something that has the potential to impove lives.
-he second thing that has impove the ,uality o" li"e "o people thoughout the ages was once desci%ed in a 5eatles song.
-he title was 9*ll 8ou 4eed /s #ove9 and it is a "itting title "o the univesal secet "o impoving lives "o eveyone involved.
0ow can you do what you ae doing %ut add moe )oy and love into the e,uation: 0ow can you leave people with the "eeling o" moe
love in thei li"e:
When you do some thing out o" love then the est o" you li"e will tend to "all into place as well.
*n e!ample o" this is the "amous atists$ musicians$ actos and athletes that make massive amounts o" money doing what they love.
'assion o a love "o what you do is only e,ualled %y the pupose "o which you do it.
6oing something you en)oy "o yousel" is good. 6oing something you en)oy "o yousel" that %ene"its othes is even %ette.
8ou pupose in li"e is to "ind some place$ some thing o some one that you ae passionate a%out.
/n ode to +eo in on you passion$ ask yousel" the ,uestion 9What tuly impoves my li"e:9.
"ee#ly $in%set &17
-his weeks Motivating Mindset will help you live with moe pupose and integity.
8ou Mindset challenge this week is getting in the ha%it o" asking yousel":
+2o my highest values still serve me-+
*sk yousel" this ,uestion as many oppotunities as possi%le and you will %ecome moe valua%le$ to %oth yousel" and othes.
-omoow moning "ist thing %e"oe you get out o" %ed ask yousel" the ,uestion: 96o my highest values still seve me:9
-ake a "ew minutes to ponde %oth the ,uestion and the answe %e"oe you "eet touch the gound.
What you ae tying to detemine is whethe o not the values that you hold most dealy continue to suppot the li"estyle that you
desie to live.
-o detemine whethe o not you highest values still seve you$ you must "ist "igue out what you highest values ae.
/n ode to "igue out what you highest values ae$ you must "ist detemine how you pesonally de"ine value.
.o the pupose o" this mindset a value is a system o set o" consistent %elie"s and measues that a peson cnducts thei day(to(day
opeations %y.
Kalues ae consideed su%)ective$ vay acoss societies and cultues and ae in many ways aligned with %elie" and %elie" systems.
-ypes o" values include ethical/moal values$ doctinal/ideological Gpolitical$ eligiousH values$ social values$ and aesthetic values.
We deive many o" ou pesonal values "om situations with the e!tenal wold and these ae known to evolve ove time.
What you do with you time$ how you spend it and who you spend it ae e"lections o" you values. 3u values tend to change as we
get olde.
*sk yousel" the ,uestion: 96o my highest values still seve me:9 to stat the pocess o" taking a pesonal inventoy on the values
you have accumulated.
.o e!ample$ i" one o" you highest values is to %e ogani+ed$ is this e"lected in how you live you li"e: 6oes %eing ogani+ed seve
you li"e.
/" the value suppots o seves you li"e$ evidence o" this %ene"icial elationship will %e clealy visi%le.
/n the a%ove e!ample$ you should %e easily a%le to ecogni+e how the value o" %eing ogani+ed has esulted in moe peace o" mind
and less stess in you li"e.
Since you like "eeling less stessed and having moe con"idence and peace o" mind in you li"e$ %eing ogani+ed is a value that
seves that need.
-hee"oe$ you would %e a%le to state with con"idence and conviction that ogani+ation is a value that e""ectively seves you li"e.
-he point o" the e!ecise is to uncove any unsuppotive values that you have adopted ove the yeas that no longe suppots the
li"estyle you want to live.
Ensue that any values that have %een deived "om paticula goups o systems$ such as cultue$ eligion$ and political paty ae still
in line with you highest aspiations.
*sking yousel" 96o my highest values still seve me:9 is the "ist step to success"ully evaluating you values.
Most o" ou values and %elie" systems ae detemined %etween the ages o" L to << yeas old.
*s a esult$ pesonal values developed ealy in li"e may %e moe esistant to change.
'esonal values ae in"luenced %y one's "amily$ nation$ geneation and histoical envionment.
'esonal values ae su%)ective and not univesalN always neutal$ and ae neve inheently good o %ad.
-his is to say that to value peace is not moe no%le$ e""ective o "avoa%le than the value o" making money.
/t is ou associations with making money and with peace that detemine the good o %ad "eeling o" ou actions.
-his is not to say that the value concepts themselves ae not univesal$ meely that each individual possess a uni,ue conception o"
them i.e. a pesonal knowledge o" the appopiate values "o thei own genes$ "eelings and e!peience.
*nothe way to look at whethe you values ae conti%uting to the li"estyle that you tuly want to live is to switch aound the ,uestion.
/nstead o" asking whethe o not you highest values still seve you li"estyle$ ask yousel" whethe o not you still seve you highest
-he ,uestion to sit down and honestly ask yousel" is: 96o / still seve my highest values:9
96o you still happily seve the values that %est suppot you li"e:9
-he %est way to tell the tuth and get an o%)ective opinion is though you actions.
6o you actions indicated that you live in pinciple with you highest values:
* 9pinciple9 is o"ten e"eed to as a pimay souce$ a ule o code o" conduct.
* pinciple value is a "oundation upon which othe values and measues o" integity ae %ased.
-hee"oe to %ecome a peson o" pinciple$ is to %ecome a peson o" thei wod$ a peson o" integity.
6o you past actions indicate that you live in integity %y the values that you have identi"ied ealie:
*e you willing to act on a daily %asis %y the values that you hold highest:
/n the ogani+ation e!ample$ ae you living %y the value o" %eing ogani+ed: /s this value e"lected in you daily actions:
/n the e!ample o" %eing ogani+ed... 6o you have a place "o eveything: 2an you "ind eveything in its place:
/" evidence o" these actions ae not pesent$ then pehaps you ae not seving you values$ in this case ogani+ation.
6o not %ecome alamed when you uncove values that no longe seve you o actions that no longe seve you values.
2ele%ate the new "ound in"omation "o the gi"t that it is. -he gi"t is awaeness.
*waeness is the "ist step o" change. /n ode to change one must "ist %ecome awae o" the need to.
When you discove that you ae no longe living %y you values then awaeness %ecome the "ist step in coecting it.
When you discove that you values ae no longe seving you li"e you can then "ind new ones that do.
/" you ae not aleady acting on you values then the ,uestion 96o / still seve my highest values9 will help you uncove the gaps and
contadictions in you thinking.
"ee#ly $in%set &18
-his weeks Motivating Mindset will help you live with moe peace and love in you li"e.
8ou Mindset challenge this week is getting in the ha%it o" asking yousel":
+(m I a lover or a fighter-+
*sk yousel" this ,uestion and you will %ecome moe conscious o" how you adiate emotion and enegy in you envionment.
/" you ae looking to "ind moe love in you li"e$ a geat ,uestion to ask yousel" is... 9*m / a love o a "ighte:9
Re(stated a %it di""eently$ the ,uestion could %e asked as$ 90ow do / conti%ute to this wold$ though coopeation$ o coecion with
6o you add )oy in the wold$ o do you conti%ute to the anguish:
6oes you heat pump stonge than you "ist:
6o you make the people aound you "eel idoli+ed o intimidated:
/" the "ome is the case vesus the latte$ then indeed you may %e a love.
Why is %eing a love impotant:
.ist o" all$ %eing 9a love not a "ighte9 is not )ust a good idea e"eenced in the lyics o" a Micheal Fackson song.
0ee's why... Each and evey moment o" ou lives$ evey single one o" us ae "aced with a ,uestion.
*lthough this is a single ,uestion$ the outcome that esults "om how this ,uestion is answeed is as vaied as the individuals
answeing it.
Eveything that you see in the wold$ the love$ the wa$ and the indi""eence$ was ceated out o" people answeing this single
-he one ,uestion that we continually ae challenged with is whethe to ceate out o" "ea$ o to ceate out o" love.
When people ceate$ do and act out o" love$ the powe o" thei passion e"lects the %liss and %eauty o" li"e.
/" you eve watched -ige Woods play gol" o listened to 'avaotti sing opea you would see a demonstation o" this.
3the e!amples o" the tanscendental ,uality o" %eauty o" natue when ceated out o" love ae e!pessed though classical at$ music
and poety.
8ou ae instantly connected when you come in contact with enegy that has %een molded "om the "a%ic o" love.
-o "eel love$ o as some e"e to it as$ to "eel &od$ satis"ies ou innate desie to e!peience eveything in this wold that is wonde"ul
and geat.
-hee"oe to "eel 9good9$ which %asically )ust adds an e!ta 9o9 to the wod &od$ also e"es to seeking this connection to supeme
.eeling good$ "eeling &od and "eeling love should %e the answe that you choose to e!pess at all times.
-he way to emem%e whee the "ocus you ceations esides is %y asking yousel" the ,uestion 9*m / a love o a "ighte:9.
0uman %eings ae enegetic entities. 8ou can see poo" o" that we ae all made o" enegy %ecause we e,uie enegy to suvive.
0oweve$ what you po%a%ly don't eali+e is that not all enegy was ceated e,ual to %egin with.
Some enegy appeciates and suppots ou lives$ while othe "oms o" enegy deplete and depeciate ou lives.
Many people inadvetently "eed on enegy that depeciates thei lives %ecause they don't know any %ette.
.o e!ample$ i" you constantly watch the news$ paticipate in umous o gossip$ o spead negative stoies.
-he enegy that it takes to maintain those acts a%ove should give you an indication o" whethe the enegy is good "o you.
/t is impotant to pick good souces o" enegy %ecause thee is no getting aound the "act that we need it.
0uman %eings ae comple! enegy systems that e,uie di""eent types in ode to "unction and "eel good.
.o e!ample$ we e,uie "ood in the "om o" ca%ohydates to "uel ou physical sel". /" you don't eat in E weeks you'll die.
We e,uie enegy in the "om o" sleep and o!ygen to egulate and maintain the mental aspects o" ou sel"$ "o things such as
analysis and calculation.
-he enegy that ou emotional sel" "eeds on comes in the "om o" "eelings$ and the "eeling that tumps them all is love.
#ove is an emotion that makes the give$ the eceive$ and even the o%seve$ "eel moe powe"ul as a esult o" its e!pession.
5eing a%le to e!pess love and "eel powe"ul is impotant to eveyone %ecause o" one vey special eason.
'eople inevita%ly tend to go whee thee emotions G"eelingsH take them$ and not necessaily in the diection o" thei deams.
-hee"oe$ to get %ette esults in li"e what we need to continually pactice leaning is how to e!peience moe love.
5y developing a loving elationship with you emotions you will develop you intuition and "eel like you ae a%le to "ollow you
-he decision to act "om love is so powe"ul that it can mani"est instant change and %ing a%out e!pessions like peace$ hamony$
and )oy.
Fust imagine how the wold would %e i" evey%ody loved what they did "o a living and "elt %lessed to %e a%le to do it:
0ow much %ette would the wold %e i" people did things %ecause they loved to$ and not )ust %ecause they had to:
* wold like this is not too "a "om the eality that we live in now$ in "act it is only as "a away as you imagination puts it.
-o stat living with moe love$ %egin %y imagining yousel" putting moe love into you day$ you actions$ and you daily inteactions.
2heck(in with you intentions %y asking yousel" the ,uestion 9*m / a love o a "ighte:9
"ee#ly $in%set &1;
-his weeks Motivating Mindset will help you live with moe "un and "eedom.
8ou Mindset challenge this week is getting in the ha%it o" asking yousel":
+Is this conversation I=m having ,ith myself encouraging-+
*sk this ,uestion to cente yousel" wheneve you %ecome awae o" you sel"(talk.
6id you have a convesation with yousel" today:
-he answe is yes %ecause evey %ody in the wold talks to them sel".
6ay(in and day(out we humans e!ecise ou uni,ue a%ility to talk to ou sel".
-his a%ility is unpaalleled in the animal kingdom$ meaning no othe species on the planet uses sel"(talk.
0oweve$ the eal ,uestion to ask is not whethe you have talked to yousel"$ %ut when was the last time you encouaged yousel"
while talking:
0ow o"ten did you encouage yousel" last month: 0ow o"ten last week: 0ow a%out today:
/" you ae like most people$ you can po%a%ly use one hand to count how many times.
-his is %ecause most people don't encouage themselves on a egula %asis.
Why this occus is a mystey to science and psychology.
3ne thing is "o cetain$ poo sel"(talk is cetainly not the way that natue intended "o us to use this gi"t.
.o e!ample$ how would it appea i" you walked up undeneath a tee and caught it talking to itsel" the way humans do:
/magine it saying 93h no they'e "alling o"" again7 / must %e a %ad tee$ my own leaves don't even want to stay on me79
-his would %e simply idiculous wouldn't it:
-he same thing would happen i" any animal acted in this manne wouldn't it:
8et day in and day(out we continue to have negative and pessimistic convesations with ou selves.
/t is a%solutely incedi%le that we allow these ca+y convesations with ou sel" to continue.
-he %est way to change this tei%le tend o" sel"(talk is to %ecome moe awae o" how you talk to yousel".
*sk yousel" 9/s this convesation /'m having with mysel" encouaging:9 wheneve you "ind yousel" de%ating$ o talking to yousel".
-he moe you ask this ,uestion$ the moe that you will %ecome awae in "utue convesations.
-he moe you %ecome awae o" you convesation$ the %ette you can consciously ensue that you sel"(talk is encouaging.
/n any moment any %odies li"e on this planet can end.
4o%ody eally knows when this moment could occu "o them$ only that it will occu.
-he only peson that will %e aound at that time "o sue is you.
When this moment happens you will again have a convesation with yousel".
When you speak to yousel" duing these "inal moments will you %e encouaging to yousel":
Will you %e a%le to look %ack and e"lect in peace with the "eelings o" )oy$ adventue and gatitude that you "elt "o you li"e:
3 will the dialogue %e "illed with guilt$ ange and eget "om having an unnecessaily misea%le elationship with yousel":
-he %ad news is that soone o late one o the othe will inevita%ly happen.
-he good news is that stating ight now you have the choice to decide which one.
Evey moment o" sel"(talk is an oppotunity to %uild a %ette elationship with yousel".
*sk yousel" 9/s this convesation /'m having with mysel" encouaging:9 to check(in with yousel" duing the day.
8ou goal is to %ecome you own %est "iend and you own %iggest "an.
.igue out ways that you can use sel"(talk to speak to yousel" as i" you wee head(ove(heels in love.
8ou challenge is to do the "ollowing simple %ut powe"ul e!ecise.
/magine that you ae so in(love with yousel" that you can only compliment and encouage yousel".
*"te you wake up tomoow say to yousel" 9congatulations$ / must %e awesome enough to have anothe day to %e me$ what a )oy79
-hen you walk to the %athoom$ "lick on the light and give yousel" a mental high("ive "o hitting the switch you "ist ty.
When you pick up the ight tooth%ush and tun on the tap say to yousel" 9anothe )o% well(done79
*"te you pick out an out"it$ how a%out saying 9wow.. a%solutely stunning$ wold watch out "o me79
2ontinue on thoughout you day in this way$ complimenting o encouaging yousel" at evey conceiva%le oppotunity.
-he moe genuine and honest you ae with yousel" the moe sel"(con"idence and pesonal powe you will gain.
-y it "o one day and watch in ama+ement at the enegy you have and the emotions you "eel7
"ee#ly $in%set &3:
-his weeks Motivating Mindset will inspie you to eclaim the con"idence to move "owad in you li"e.
8ou Mindset challenge this week is getting in the ha%it o" asking yousel":
+"hat is really #eeping me from accomplishing ,hat I ,ant right no,-+
*sk yousel" this ,uestion and it will help you %eakthough tough mental oad%locks and limiting(%elie"s.
*sk yousel" the ,uestion 9What is eally keeping me "om accomplishing what / want ight now:9 to help you move "owad
wheneve you "eel stuck.
-his natually does not "eel good %ecause %eing stuck is the opposite o" the eason we wee %on on this planet to %egin with.
0uman %eings ae %on to e!pess themselves and they pimaily do this two ways.
.ist$ all human %eings aspie to accomplish something that they value.
We want to conti%ute to something meaning"ul that we can %e poud o".
Second$ humans also desie to "eel valued %y the people that they value.
We want to "eel like impotant mem%es within ou cicle o" in"luence.
4o matte what ti%e$ community$ ace o cultue you %elong to$ these two yeanings ae univesal.
-hee is a vey speci"ic eason that we ae hadwied this way.
When we ae conti%uting G%eing valua%leH to something we value$ the human %ody ewads us %y geneating "eelings.
-he "eelings that people most commonly e!peience when doing the a%ove ae peace$ passion$ enthusiasm and )oy.
When we accomplish something o" value the human %ody ewads us with "avoa%le emotional states.
Some o" the common tems that people use to desci%e these emotional states ae: %liss$ "ul"illment$ happiness and success.
So i" eveyone wants to conti%ute to some thing o" value and also to "eel valua%le$ then what is the po%lem:
-hee ae two easons why the ma)oity o" people you know ae not e!pessing the "eelings o e!peiencing the conditions:
<. We cannot uncove o discove what we wish to conti%ute.
2. We know what we wish to conti%ute %ut cannot uncove o discove a way to conti%ute it.
*sk yousel" the ,uestion 9What is eally keeping me "om accomplishing what / want ight now:9 and see what categoy you "all
-he moe you give yousel" pemission to ask yousel" e!ploation ,uestions$ the moe o" yousel" you will uncove.
-he moe o" yousel" that is uncoveed$ the moe in"omed you ae a%out yousel" and what you ae meant to do.
-he moe in"omed you ae a%out what you want to do$ the moe in"omed you can %ecome on how %est to do it.
Stat you path to success %y simply asking yousel": 9What is eally keeping me "om accomplishing what / want ight now:9
Fust %ecause you ask the ,uestion: 9What is eally keeping me "om accomplishing what / want ight now:9 doesn't mean that you
will give yousel" an honest answe.
-he mind is known to %e ticky. -his tickiness can sometimes %e desci%ed as i" thee wee a little angel and little devil on you
Sometimes the angel answes and sometimes the devil$ the univesal ,uestion that plagues us all is how to tell them apat.
.o e!ample$ you have an impotant goal to manage you weight %ut somehow you )ust aen't going to the gym.
-his would %e a geat oppotunity to ask yousel" the ,uestion: 9What is eally keeping me "om accomplishing what / want ight
0oweve$ the little devil on you shoulde may answe the ,uestion %e"oe the little angel and it might say something like:
98ou shouldn't e!ecise Geven though you know you shouldH %ecause... Rinset cleave e!cuse heeS9
-he e!cuse might come in the "om o" a easona%le sounding thought like$ 9what i" the people at the gym make "un o" you:9
Entetaining a thought like this may hinde you con"idence to move "owad and sa%otage you desie to go to the gym.
-he ne!t time this happens and you aen't sue whethe it is the little devil answeing ask yousel" this "ollow(up ,uestion:
90ow do / know this to %e tue:9 and give yousel" time to de%ate %oth sides o" the stoy.
/n the e!ample o" the gym e!cuse$ asking yousel" 90ow do / know this to %e tue:9 is a geat "ollow(up ,uestion.
/" you insist on %elieving that whateve is holding you %ack is tue$ the ne!t %est ,uestion to ask yousel" is 9 What would happen i" it
wasn't tue:9
/n the going to the gym situation you might discove though simple %ainstoming that othe possi%ilities e!ist.
.o e!ample$ you might see the possi%ility that you could %e"iend a wok out %uddy o even %ette$ a "utue mate that undestands
you uni,ue challenges.
-he e!citement o" this possi%ility might even help you %eakthough the limiting(%elie" a%out people at the gym that held you %ack in
the "ist place.
&ive yousel" pemission to e!ploe you oad%locks and %elie" %aies$ and with pactice the mind will %ecome you geatest
po%lem solving ally.
/" you need help getting stated$ asking a honest "iend o hiing a coach that you tust is you %est %et to get a ealistic view o" you
cuent esults.
When you have detemined a ealistic view o" you situation ask yousel" the ,uestion: 9What is eally keeping me "om
accomplishing what / want ight now:9 to take yousel" to the ne!t level.
5e open with pocess and honest with you pogess and you will eliminate any %aies that stand in you way.
"ee#ly $in%set &3'
-his weeks Motivating Mindset will help you ensue you ae using you imagination the way it is supposed to %e used.
8ou Mindset challenge this week is getting in the ha%it o" asking yousel":
+Ho, ,ill I use my imagination to%ay-+
*sk yousel" this ,uestion "o awaeness into the way that you use you imagination.
When you wake up tomoow ask yousel" the ,uestion 90ow will / use my imagination today:9
-he moment you %egin to ponde an answe to that ,uestion you will %egin using you imagination.
Each answe that you 9think9 o" is visuali+ed as a pictue o sym%ol inside o" you mind's eye.
-hese pictues and sym%ols tigge othe pictues and sym%ols %ecause they ae linked togethe %y 9emotional association9.
-his means that when you think o" the pictue o sym%ol you also simultaneously e!peience emotion.
-he com%ined union o" thought and emotion poduce what is known as ou "eelings.
-he "eelings that we have eithe ena%le o dis(ena%le Gdisa%leH ou success.
-his is %ecause the way that we "eel detemines the way in which we e!peience the moment.
When we "eel a low(enegy$ non(con"ident$ con"used emotional state we hold ouselves %ack$ eseve ou enegy and tend to
withdaw "om li"e.
When we "eel a high(enegy$ con"ident and enthusiastic emotional state we will always give moe o" ouselves$ succeed easie and
%e moe connected to li"e.
-his is why it is so impotant to choose to only empowe emotions that ena%le you to e!peience the moment as 9authentic9 as
We e!peience li"e authentically when we ae "ully in the moment without )udgment o esevation.
.eeling authentic means "eeling pupose"ul$ passionate and play"ul.
We all live to e!peience moe o" these moments in li"e$ so why does it appea to %e so di""icult:
5ecause we ae con"used a%out what we can contol and what we cannot.
We spend to much enegy tying to contol the things we can't$ "o e!ample othe people o "oeign counties.
While we "ail to ty to contol the things that we can$ "o e!ample ou attitude$ %elie" system$ and most impotantly ou imagination.
/magination is the stating point o" success$ i" you don't undestand how this occus you need to e(ead this "om the %eginning.
When you actually undestand how impotant you imagination is$ you will ask yousel" 90ow will / use my imagination today:9
-ake time and ask yousel" the ,uestion 90ow will / use my imagination today:9
Each one o" us was %on with an imagination despite the popula %elie" that people think they ae not ceative.
Even though the way that each on o" us uses ou imagination is di""eent$ we all have %een using ou imagination evey single day.
0oweve$ despite the divesity in ways that we use ou imagination$ the standad measuement %oils down to two things:
We eithe use ou imagination to ena%le GempoweH ou lives$ o we use ou imagination to disa%le Gdis(empoweH ou lives.
We imagine %y associating cetain pictues and sym%ols togethe and gouping them togethe %ased on the way they make us "eel.
.o e!ample$ when you think o" the wod 9#ove9 you po%a%ly pictue the wod "ist in you minds(eye.
*"te pictuing the wod you then associate that wod with a memoy$ in this case o" something that you love.
-his pictue o" what we love then has an emotion associated with that pictue.
-his emotion em%odies the "eeling that is associated with the wod love.
'oviding that we do not have any negative associations such as the e!peience o" heat%eak$ %e"oe we know it we ae "ondly
eminiscing ove memoies o" a loved one.
Each time we think o" the wod love this emotional association tigges the memoy o" the e!peience almost as i" we wee
e!peiencing it "o the "ist time.
8ou only have to pictue a loved one in you mind and have the "eelings o" 9%utte"lies9 in you stomach to con"im this happens.
What is ama+ing is that this pocess happens in the %link o" an eye and we can epeat it ove and ove again.
/magine how geat you would "eel i" you took time evey day to only think a%out )oy"ul$ passionate$ loving e!peiences you've had:
Recalling cheished memoies and e(living positive e!peiences ae )ust a couple ways that we can %ene"it "om ou imagination.
1n"otunately$ the same pocess o" e(living the e!peience occus "o all othe emotions including negative ones.
.o e!ample$ have you eve "ound yousel" in a %ad mood )ust %ecause you pictued someone who makes you mad:
8ou don't even have to %e in the same oom as that peson %e"oe you %lood stats to %oil ight:
&ood$ %ad o indi""eent you imagination acts like a switch %oad$ whose )o% is to summon e!peiences that suppot the pictue we
hold in ou mind.
-hee"oe$ you only )o% in each moment is to consciously ceate the type o" e!peiences and emotions that will %e wothy o" e(living
in the "utue.
/" you only pictue geat things coming into you wold and lean to see them as geat when they appea$ then you will ceate "utue
memoies that will %e "ondly emem%eed.
8ou will eithe use you imagination to empowe the ceation o" positive new e!peiences o not$ the choice is entiely yous.
When you wake up tomoow ask yousel" the ,uestion 90ow will / use my imagination today:9
"ee#ly $in%set &3/
-his weeks Motivating Mindset will help lead you %ack to a %alanced li"estyle.
8ou Mindset challenge this week is getting in the ha%it o" asking yousel":
+Ho, am I spen%ing my attention-+
*sk yousel" this ,uestion as o"ten as possi%le to %ecome moe awae o" you thoughts$ emotions and actions.
-ime is ou most pecious esouce.
-ime cannot %e eplaced$ enewed. o evesed.
-he wealthiest peson on this planet is one who has 9"ee9 time. -ime to spend on what he o she desies.
-he only thing that we can use to ceate$ %uild and change anything in this wold is time.
-he only cuency that we spend ou time with is attention.
-he ne!t time you ae a%out to devote any time o enegy into a situation$ a geat ,uestion to ask is:
90ow am / spending my attention:9
-he only way to solve a po%lem is to give it some attention.
-he only way to show love to someone else is to devote you undivided attention to them.
-he only way we eve do anything in this wold is though spending attention.
8et wee you awae that how evey%ody spends thei attention is di""eent:
*ttention isn't a single unit o" measue$ athe it is %oken up into thee di""eent %ut elated 9modes9.
-he modes in which people spend thei attention is %y eithe thinking$ "eeling o doing.
We spend ou attention %y choosing to "eel some way$ think some way$ o do some thing.
-houghout the day we elate to the in"omation aound us %y using one o" these modes$ usually a com%ination o" two.
'ictue thee sepaate 9dials9 sticking out o" you %ack with the values = to <= on each o" them.
* pesons' thinking(dial might %e tuned up to <=$ thei "eeling dial to L$ and thei doing dial at E.
When given something that e,uies ou attention$ let's say a po%lem to solve$ we always appoach it using ou pe"eed mode.
* peson with thei thinking and "eeling dial tuned up like in the e!ample a%ove would %e inclined to sit and think a%out the po%lem.
Whee as the peson with thei 9doing(dial9 tuned up would %e inclined to do something a%out the po%lem and think o "eel late.
-hee is no ight o wong way to give you attention in a situation$ although the most %ene"icial way will always stem "om %eing
-he ne!t time you ae giving attention$ consideing options o po%lem(solving ask yousel": 90ow am / spending my attention:9
When you answe$ ty to %e moe awae o" the e""ects o" what you ae thinking$ "eeling o doing a%out the situation.
What is you de"ault dial:
6o you have a tendency to think$ "eel o do too much:
'eople tend to %ecome vey dominant using one paticula dial$ and suppot that stength with a seconday dial.
When we spend ou attention pimaily in one o two modes$ natually the thid one %ecomes neglected.
-hee is no getting aound the "act that we make ou decisions with two o" the thee dials tuned up.
'eople will thee"oe always have a 9stong9 dial$ a 9suppot9 dial$ and a 9weak9 dial.
*s time goes on this leads to an ove(compensation o" two dials and an unde(utili+ation o" the thid.
/t is impotant to "ocus you attention on all thee and avoid ovelooking the impotance o" the dial you tend to ignoe.
-his is impotant to %e awae o" %ecause we ae only as stong as ou weakest link.
.o e!ample$ a peson who acts pimaily without thinking will not see the %igge pictue %ehind thei actions.
* peson on the othe hand who thinks and "eels without action$ will inevita%ly un into po%lems with pocastination.
8ou can tell which is you stong dial and which on is weakest %y o%seving how you tend to eact to new situations and potential
6o you dive(in head "ist and "igue things out along the way: /" so$ you ae a do'e.
/" you tend to %e moe eseved and analytical a%out the situation then you ae a thinke.
6o you wait and see what you gut "eels like %e"oe esponding: /" this is you then you ae a "eele.
-he goal is not to change you mode o" spending attention$ as that will only esult in "ustation.
*waeness is the main goal$ "o only once you have %ecome awae o" something can you decide to change it.
5ecome awae o" what dials you use$ how they a""ect you li"e$ and how you can %ene"it "om using you weakest dial moe o"ten.
* geat ,uestion to gain awaeness o" you %ehaviou is to ask yousel": 90ow am / spending my attention:9
"ee#ly $in%set &31
-his weeks Motivating Mindset will alte the wold you see and how you see it.
8ou Mindset challenge this week is getting in the ha%it o" asking yousel":
+"hat ne, thing %i% I notice to%ay-+
*sk yousel" this ,uestion and it will help you "ind new possi%ilities and potentials.
5e"oe you close you eyes tonight ask yousel" the ,uestion: 9What new thing did / notice today:9 and see what kind o" answe you
come up with.
4oticing something new is the "ist step in leaning something new$ which is a pee,uisite "o gowing.
Eveyday you ae given the choice to eithe lean and gow o else ecede and die. What do you want to do:
/" you want to gow then it is impotant to stetch yousel" and step outside you com"ot +one as o"ten as possi%le.
* good way to measue the gowth on a daily %asis is %y asking yousel" 9What new thing did / notice today:9 and ecoding you
Eveyday thee is something new to lean$ and sometimes even someone new to lean it "om.
-he wold is constantly poviding you new teaches to lean "om and gow i" you ae open "o it.
-he po%lem is that "a too many people ae plagued with closed minds that don't allow them to gow.
8ou can ecogni+e a peson who is a"aid to gow %y the way they talk a%out new things.
-hey will use phases like 9/ know that/this/them9 and 9/ aleady head a%out that/this/them9 no matte what the su%)ect.
'eople like this act as though they have discoveed eveything thee is on Eath and know eveything a%out it.
-he tuth is that these people ae attached to a %elie"(system that e,uates thei knowledge with thei wothiness.
-hey ae a"aid o" looking dum% i" they don't know what you ae talking a%out$ so they ovecompensate %y petending to know(it(all.
Since no one can eve know(it(all thei e""ots ae usually always in vain and they end up looking "oolish.
*ma+ingly$ the iony is that looking "oolish is the e!act thing that these people wanted to avoid in the "ist place.
8ou can avoid "eeling stupid "o %eing ignoant %y e!cusing yousel" as an adventue who is leaning as they go.
Eveyday you ae )ouneying "uthe on you adventue$ leaning things you didn't know %e"oe and gowing in ways you neve
thought you could.
When you come acoss something that you don't know$ make it a point to lean it and don't %e a"aid to ask ,uestions to stengthen
you undestanding.
-hee ae no stupid ,uestions e!cept "o the ones inside you had that you don't ask.
2ommit to %ecoming an adventue today$ and stat discoveing the wold all ove again.
*%andon ideas that aen't woking "o you and "ind out new ways o" doing the same thing.
Make it a point to uncove as many new things you can discove a%out an old "iend.
.all in love with you spouse$ o you loved one all ove again and notice what ,ualities made you "all in love with them in the "ist
4oticing something new in you li"e can change you wold liteally.
* geat ,uestion to keep tack o" you o%sevations is %y asking 9What new thing did / notice today:9
*sking yousel" 9What new thing did / notice today:9 is a geat way to notice change.
4oticing something change is impotant$ %ecause it is the visual epesentation o" gowth.
/" you noticed something new e!isting without$ it can only %e due to the gowth that took place within.
&owth on the e!teio$ o oute wold is always a e"lection o" the gowth that has taken place inside.
-hese shi"ts o" gowth inside ae epesented %y changes in ou attitudes$ pe"eences and peceptions.
0ee is an e!ample that you can po%a%ly elated to:
8ou pick up a new ca$ get a new dess$ o %uy a new cell phone and the moment you got it you stated noticing eveyone else who
had one like yous.
*ll o" a sudden$ you see you puchase eveywhee you go %ut can't ecall seeing it aound even a day %e"oe you %ought it.
-he gowth that took place was in a pat o" the %ain called the Reticula *ctivating 2ote!$ sometimes e"eed to as the Reticula
*ctivating System GR*S "o shotH.
Wheneve you notice something new$ it is %ecause o" this pat o" you %ain that acts like an opeato switch %oad "o you
8ou R*S acts like you pesonal secetay$ a gatekeepe that decides what goes 9in9 to you awaeness and what stays 9out9.
5e"oe you had you new ca you R*S didn't know it was impotant to you$ %ut now since you have one$ you R*S is tained to point
out moe o" what you ae looking "o.
/t seaches "o moe o" the people$ situations and cicumstances that you desie and "iltes out what it "eels is unnecessay.
8ou R*S woks su%consciously in the %ackgound %y tielessly "ilteing you e!peience %ased only on what you pogamed$ it will
neve let in anything you didn't ask "o.
-his is impotant enough to state again$ you R*S neve lets in anything that you don't ask "o.
/" you want moe happiness$ )oy$ pospeity$ "iendships$ peace$ love in you li"e then you "ist ask "o what you want.
*ttacting something new in you li"e is as easy as imagining it was aleady thee.
8ou )o% is to tell you R*S that these things ae impotant to you and that you want to see moe o" them in you li"e.
-he way to pogam you R*S to show you moe o" what you want in the "utue is %y consciously intending "o moe o" it now.
8ou consciousness is the pogam wite "o you R*S$ it does this though a num%e o" things including the way you "eel and act$
and the sel"(talk that you have with yousel".
.o e!ample you can pogam you R*S %y "eeling as though you had it$ acting as though it was aleady yous$ and talking to
yousel" as i" you desie is now a pat o" you li"e.
*s the wold %egins to espond to you desies you ne!t immediate goal is to %ecome awae o" the signs and evidence o"
possi%ilities and potentials mani"esting.
* geat ,uestion to tain you R*S to seach "o new things is to ask yousel" 9What new thing did / notice today:9.
"ee#ly $in%set &33
-his weeks Motivating Mindset will help you stop woying and stat living.
8ou Mindset challenge this week is getting in the ha%it o" asking yousel":
9What should / stop doing:9
*sk yousel" this ,uestion at least once a day and you will educe stess and get moe done.
*t the end o" you evening tonight$ o "ist thing tomoow moning$ ask yousel" the ,uestion:
9What should / stop doing:9
/" you want to get moe done it may seem a %it countepoductive to ask yousel" this ,uestion$ %ut stopping is actually an impotant
pat o" the pocess o" change.
Eveything in ou lives is like a doo that can open new possi%ilities "o us.
/n ode to "ully move into any new pat o" li"e$ o ceate a new eality "o ou sel" we must "ist close the doo %ehind us that holds
ou old identity.
-his is %ecause in ode to stat one thing one must "ist stop doing something else$ even i" that something else was nothing.
.o e!ample$ in ode to %e eading these wods ight now you ae giving up the oppotunity to do nothing.
8ou ae also simultaneously giving up an oppotunity to do something else like ead a catwheel i" you wee so inclined.
Some people e"e to this as an 'oppotunity cost'$ o what you have to give up when you commit to do something else.
Eveything has an oppotunity cost$ the elationships we ae in cost us othe potential mates$ ou )o%s cost us othe oppotunities to
wok somewhee else.
Su%consciously and consciously we ae constantly tying to choose the %est oppotunities to take advantage o".
We decide what is most impotant in ou lives %y ewading it with ou time and attention.
0ee is whee the ma)oity o" us make a ma)o eo in )udgment.
We mistakenly give up the oppotunity to do what we 9want/desie to do9 in place o" what we "eel we 9have to do9.
*e you guilty o" settling "o less than you deseve in an aspect o" you li"e: 2hances ae you have.
*nswe 'yes' o 'no' to the "ollowing ,uestions to see i" you ae spending you time wisely.
( 6o you cuently %elieve that 9you have to do something9$ %ut eali+e that the something is daining you enegy:
( 6o you "eel tapped %y doing things the old way$ pessued to pe"om a cetain way$ o have o%ligations that stess you out:
( *e you in a ole you ae no longe committed to$ stuck in an unewading elationship$ o woking a )o%s that is not "ul"illing:
( 6o you seem to "ind yousel" 9going though the motions9 day in and day out:
/" you have answeed yes to any o" the a%ove ,uestions then it might %e time that you take something o"" you plate.
* geat way to stat the pocess o" %ecoming moe awae is in the consideation o" the ,uestion:
9What should / stop doing:9
*sking yousel" 9What should / stop doing:9 is a geat way to empowe and enich you cuent e""ots.
0uman natue is that we all want to get moe done with as little time$ money and enegy as possi%le.
/n li"e this is called 'Retun on Enegy' and in %usiness it's called 'Retun on 2apital E!pended'.
Whateve you call it at the end o" the day the %ottom line is that we all want to etun moe than we have to put out.
-hee is nothing wong with wanting to %e moe e""ective and e""icient in whateve you do.
*"te all$ who willingly wants to waste thei time$ take longe than needed$ o spend moe money than necessay:
*%solutely no one. /t's sa"e to say that <==> o" the population would neve consciously choose to do any o" the a%ove.
8et how is it that most o" us end up ovewhelmed$ "ustated o %oke: What happened:
Wee we that o"" %ase and delusional that we missed all signs o" disaste:
0ave you eve head the old saying 9/t was the staw that %oke the camels %ack:9
/ts an old adage sym%oli+ing a stoy upon which a camels %ack gets %oken$ seemingly all %ecause o" a single piece o" staw.
3" couse$ we know it was the accumulation o" staw ove time that ceated those die cicumstances.
-he same thing happens to us when we pile too many po)ects on the plate$ the system is %ound to %eakdown.
3u when we take on po)ects$ elationships$ goals and )o%s that ae meaningless.
* pat o" the po%lem is that we say 'yes' to way too many things that we could %e politely saying 'no thanks' too.
/t doesn't help when we "ail to see the patten %ehind the mistakes that we epeatedly make.
/" you ae continually "ailing at something and not "eeling motivated to move "owad this is a sign to check you commitment.
'ehaps you ae no longe inteested in investing you time and enegy into this$ only you can tell. 5e honest with yousel".
Evey goal to %e %ette$ to each highe$ to o%tain a new income level will e,uie a new level o" you.
8ou decide what e!peiences and memoies you will "use into the you that e!ists ight this moment$ and which aspects o" you li"e to
leave %ehind.
-hee is not enough time in ou li"etime to spend it doing things that act in diect detiment to the loved ones in ou lives.
-hee"oe it is a good pactice to put only the things we tuly value and the things we ae eally passionate a%out 'on ou plate'.
.ind aeas whee you "eel ove(stessed and discove oles whee you ae not <==> com"ota%le o committed.
-ake time to ecod you oles and esponsi%ilities evey day. 5e thoough and don't leave anything out.
Resolve to %ecome moe con"ident and committed to the oles you decide to keep.
Eliminate whateve oles that you can$ and delegate whateve oles that you cannot eliminate.
6elegate and eliminate all the aeas in you li"e that do not %ing a good etun on you capital$ time o enegy.
/n a case whee you have %een attached to doing things a paticula way "o a long time$ you may not %e a%le to escape this
sepaation pain "ee.
1n"otunately$ sometimes when you "inally decide to take you medicine you may have to amputate you "oot in ode to save you
-he %est way to avoid a tei%le situation like this is to ask yousel" ight now 9What should / stop doing:9 and then immediately %egin
to cut it out o" you li"e.
"ee#ly $in%set &34
-his weeks Motivating Mindset will help you navigate towads a moe "ul"illing li"e.
8ou Mindset challenge this week is getting in the ha%it o" asking yousel":
+Ho, %i% I get to ,here I am at right no,-+
*sk yousel" this ,uestion as soon as possi%le and you will %ecome moe appeciative o" you li"e's e!peiences.
4o matte who you ae on this planet the ,uality o" you li"e e!peience will depend on thee things.
<. *n a%ility to ask yousel" ,uestions. ?uality ,uestions a%out you$ the envionment you opeate in and the wold you live in.
2. *n a%ility to answe you own ,uestions honestly$ without )udgment o attachment. #et the in"omation speak "o itsel" and lead
you to the tuth.
E. *n a%ility to ecall and apply the answes you discove at the appopiate time.
/" you ae missing any one o moe o" these things at any given time then you chances o" success ae slim to none.
-he %ette the ,uestions the %ette one's li"e potentially. * geat ,uestion to ask yousel" to gain moe pespective on you li"e is:
90ow did / get to whee / am at ight now:9
Whee ae you on the oad o" you li"e. /" it was epesented %y an oval ace tack$ how "a along the ace ae you aleady:
*e you winning: *e you even awae that you ae huling though space o" time in the ace o" you li"e against time:
-he ca company Kolkswagen wee wise %eyond thei time when they stated in thei commecials that 93n the oad o" li"e thee ae
passenges and thee ae dives.9
When it comes to "eeling alive and in contol o" li"e ae you a passenge o a dive:
'assenges like to watch othe people while wishing they could %e$ do$ o have moe and ae o"ten )ealous o envious o" othes.
6ives on the othe hand pe"e to ga% the %ull %y the hons$ take contol and stee thei own destiny.
So why do people avoid popping the hood "om time(to(time and taking a look at ou engines:
.o some passenges it's %ecause they don't know how.
8et when you think a%out it... 4o one is moe ,uali"ied to "igue out how to dive the custom make and model called 'you'.
3the passenges ae eluctant to stop "o "o diections %ecause they "eel they can't a""od to waste the time.
0oweve$ the logic in that statement is like saying you ae too %usy to stop "o gas$ %ecause you ae too %usy diving.
Soone o late this delusional thinking is going to catch up to you.
When is the last time you took a look to see whee you li"e was heading:
6ives ask them sel" the ,uestion 90ow did / get to whee / am at ight now:9 %ecause it can lead to inceased sel"(awaeness.
-he %ette you know the vehicle you ae diving the %ette you can tweak it to pe"om ight:
-hee"oe the mak o" a good dive is thei a%ility to investigate the meits o" the %eaten path and the oad less taveled.
*istotle said that 9the mak o" an educated o matue mind is its a%ility to entetain a thought without accepting it9.
5ecome an o%seve o" you sel" and %egin to wite down the skills$ ha%its and attitudes that have %ought you to this point in you
&ood$ '%ad'$ o indi""eent the moe in"omation you uncove the moe you will empowe yousel".
-he moe empoweed you %ecome the moe you will %e a%le to enovate skills and eplace unwanted ha%its.
/" you ae aleady success"ul o have a list o" talents$ skills and a%ilities then pehaps it is time to shae them:
/s it possi%le to "ind a mastemind goup to shae you wisdom with$ o %ecome a mento to lend you e!peiences to some%ody who
needs you:
/" you don't have a %ig list o" assets$ o even i" you "elt you didn't have any at all$ isn't it possi%le to gow some:
-he %est pat a%out li"e is that no matte how long you have %een on cuise contol you can always stat diving immediately.
-he tue measue o" a peson's li"e$ egadless o" ace o eligion$ is whethe they lived in alignment with thei pupose.
6id they do the wok they wee designed to do on this Eath: 0ow well did they "aith"ully e!pess thei enegy$ passion$ love:
-hee ae thee ways to measue a peson's alignment with thei pupose$ acceptance$ allowance and appeciation.
*cceptance can %e egaded as the a%ility to look into you past and accept the things you cannot change.
* peson must get com"ota%le with past "ailues and elease thei egets %e"oe they can eally gow.
*llowance is the a%ility to look into you "utue and %e "ully in the moment without esistance.
3ne o" the most cucial ways to let go o" esistance is to "ind a way to "ogive. .ogive yousel"$ whoeve$ o whateve hut you at all
*ppeciation is the a%ility to %e alive and "eel at peace in any moment.
.eel gatitude "o all o" you e!peiences and place you intention on peceiving you past in a powe"ul way.
/t is not looking into you past that is impotant pat %ut the a%ility to %e a%le to do so "eely without identi"ying with it.
2an you e!peience you past in a detached manne$ away "om the "eelings o at least associating yousel" with them.
Success"ul people ae not a"aid to take stock o" thei inventoy o" ha%its$ skills and e!peiences.
-hey educe o eliminate )udgement egading thei past and put a hold on all assumptions a%out the "utue.
8ou will lean to %ecome gate"ul a%out li"e's ups and downs a"te eali+ing that %oth the 'good' and the '%ad' ae needed.
/" thee was no 'tall' thee would %e no measue "o 'small'. /" thee was no '%lack' thee would %e no e"eence "o 'white'.
/" thee was no 'up' the diection 'down' would lose its cuent spatial signi"icance.
-he tue natue o" eality is that we e,uie all opposites and polaities to %alance this univese. /t takes all sots.
8ou couage is e,uied to look in the past and clea any unpocessed emotion that is %locking you success.
8ou commitment to claity will help clea con"usion and ceate a path to take you to the ne!t level.
* geat ,uestion that encouages sel"(discovey is to ask yousel":
90ow did / get to whee / am at ight now:9
"ee#ly $in%set &35
-his weeks Motivating Mindset will help you use you imagination the way it was intended to %e used.
8ou Mindset challenge this week is getting in the ha%it o" asking yousel":
+Is this the 0est use of my imagination-+
*sk yousel" this ,uestion as soon as possi%le and you will %ecome %ette a%le to haness the tue powe o" you imagination.
6id you know that you /magination is the most powe"ul thing you possess:
0ee ae )ust a "ew o" the easons why it's so impotant...
.o one thing you imagination contols you peception.
/t's called you 'minds(eye'$ and i" you don't see something in it "ist$ you will not %e a%le to see it in 9eal li"e9.
-his is why "o humans seeing is %elieving$ and we only see what we %elieve.
8ou imagination is liteally ceating the wold you live in %ased on a set o" pogamming instuctions that you call eality.
*nothe eason you imagination is key is %ecause it in"luences you emotions.
8ou imagination stoes the pictues$ sym%ols and images o" the memoies that tigge all o" you emotions.
Without these %eing peceived in you minds(eye$ nothing would cause a emotional eaction o geneate "eelings.
/n case you haven't head the news o stopped to think a%out it yousel"$ we ae all motivated %y emotions.
-his is powe"ul %ecause CC.CC> o" the time we do what we "eel ight:
*sk yousel" now.. 9what detemines you emotions:9
5ecause i" you ae seious a%out changing you actions then you must "ist lean how to change the emotions that ae diving you
/" you look at whateve makes you sad$ misea%le o upset$ you will uncove that you imagination GpespectiveH is what pulls you
2ontaily$ wheneve you have accomplished something that makes you happy$ you will discove that you imagination also lead you
-hee"oe in ode to take contol o" you emotions you need to take contol o" you imagination.
What we do ove time is what ceates ou esults$ and why we do what we do is %ased on ou eality.
5oth you esults and eality ae govened %y you imagination$ which means you have the powe to change eithe o" them at any
When you come to undestand the powe o" that statement$ you will also "ully eali+e the elo,uence o" *l%et Einstein when he said:
9/magination is eveything$ it is moe impotant than knowledge9.
0ave you eve stopped to conside that ight now you ae eithe using you imagination "o %ette o wose:
4ow that you know the impotance o" you imagination the %est ,uestion to ask yousel" is: 9/s this the %est use o" my imagination:9
*e you ae stessed$ ovewhelmed$ "ustated$ hopeless$ complacent$ o %oed with li"e:
2ould the only eason you ae not getting eveything you deseve possi%ly %e you:
T*nyone who lives within thei means su""es "om a lack o" imagination.U (( 3sca Wilde
8ou "ist deam and envision you happiest "utue with you imagination.
8ou then use you imagination to motivate you though the tough times until you succeed.
8ou set you taget on you ne!t goal and seek out the ne!t oppotunity with you imagination.
-his is the neve(ending cycle o" ceation. -his is the e!pession o" you tue sel"$ the )ouney o" you soul.
/" somehow$ somewhee you mi!ed up along the path then a powe"ul ,uestion to ask yousel" is: 9/s this the %est use o" my
What is one good way to use you imagination you might ask:
0ow a%out %eginning %y using it to imagine all the things that you want in li"e.
4ot the supe"icial things that don't %ing you any )oy$ only the type o" things that tug on you heat stings.
Stat imagining these things in you minds(eye moe o"ten$ pictuing what it would %e like to have them ight now.
/" you ae seious and actually want to stat mani"esting this eality then you %ette stat "eeling it with you heat while you do it as
;eep pictuing you geatest )oy$ %eing thank"ul and patient a%out the pocess.
-he vey wost that will happen is that you spend a lot o" time "eeling the )oy and appeciation.
4othing sends that something "aste into you hands than the "eeling o" gatitude.
-he "avoite thing "o &od o the 1nivese to do is to "ul"ill ou "antasies and wishes.
We get what we %elieve we deseve$ which is why it should go without saying$ it is impotant to %e cae"ul what you ask "o.
/ngid 5egman knew this in <E simple wods$ 9Success is getting what you want and 0appiness is wanting what you get.9
"ee#ly $in%set &37
-his weeks Motivating Mindset will help you live with moe pupose.
8ou Mindset challenge this week is getting in the ha%it o" asking yousel":
+"hat %o I ,ant to change in the ,orl%-+
*sk yousel" this ,uestion eveyday until you "ind an answe$ and then ask it eveyday a"te that to make sue you stay the couse.
Eveywhee in this wold thee is change.
We e!ist in a wold whee change is the only thing that is constant.
So i" change is the only constant$ then ask yousel"$ is it a good idea "o you to have a constant appoach to li"e:
Said di""eently$ does it make any sense to ty and stay the same in a wold that is "oeve changing:
3" couse not$ yet isn't that e!actly what we do when we spend all ou time and attention thinking$ "eeling$ and doing things the same
We call the pe"eence to view li"e "om the pespective o" the mind ou 9identity9.
3u identity is a collection o" attitudes$ %iases and %elie"s systems that we constuct ou view o" the wold with.
Some peoples identity is compati%le with thei eality$ while the ma)oity o" othe people's paadigms hold them hostage.
-he desie to maintain ou identity can keep us "om "ully em%acing change.
0oweve when it comes to accepting$ handling$ and dealing with change$ including ou a%ility to change ou identity$ 0eny .od had
the %est answe when he said...
9Whethe you think that you can$ o think that you cannot$ eithe way you ae ight9.
/s you cuent view o" eality getting the )o% done:
*e you happy with the wold that you live in:
/" you ae not happy$ a geat ,uestion to ask yousel" is 9What do / want to change in the wold:9
0umans have all %een given uni,ue po%lem(solving powes %eyond any othe %iological %eing on Eath and yet still we complain.
3ut o" all the unnecessay things in this wold$ nothing is moe annoying than a peson who continually gieves and gum%les a%out
thei po%lems.
Why: 5ecause we have %een given a mouth to vocali+e oppotunity$ eyes to seek out solutions$ and a %ody to %ing us "owad into
3u a%ility to eason$ analy+e$ intepet$ intuit and imagine ae unpecedented and unpaalleled in the animal kingdom.
-hese gi"ts have %een %estowed upon evey one o" us living on this planet and "a too o"ten these go unnoticed and unused.
Eveyday we have a choice$ to eithe %ecome pat o" the po%lem$ o choose Geven %y de"aultH to %ecome pat o" the solution.
4ot many people ae pepaed to do what they need to do today$ in ode to make a %ette tomoow possi%le "o them sel".
/n ode to %e the change you ae meant to %e in the wold you need to "ollow you passion$ "ind you powe and live you pupose.
98ou must %e the change you seek in the wold.9 ((( Mahatma &andhi
4ow is the time to speak you tuth$ ceate you community and %e good to each othe.
6o not look outside yousel" "o you leade$ %ecome a mento to you sel" and to othes$ lead %y e!ample.
*s 1.S. 'esident 5aack 3%ama suggested duing one o" his inspiational pesidential candidate speeches$ 9we must %ecome the
di""eence that this wold needs.9
-he *ncient 0opi 'ophecy tells us that 9We ae the ones we've %een waiting "o.9
-hee ae many oppotunities to get involved in you aea$ community$ county o even continent.
3ne possi%le way to get stated is %y visiting http://www.change.og/ whee thee they ask the ,uestion 9What do you want to
change in the wold:9
2hange does not happen %y itsel". 8ou cannot change the wold without "ist changing yousel".
We ae all connected and no peson can e!ist independently as an island unto themselves.
8et "o some eason we tend to think we ae alone$ isolated$ and independent "om the need o" othes.
5ut i" you %ecome sick$ get hut$ o have an accident$ don't you need some one else to take cae o" you:
* lot o" people have gand intentions to save the wold who cannot even save them sel".
/" you want to change the wold you must change the view o" you sel".
-he ancients taught us that 9/n ode to heal othes you must "ist %e healed yousel"$ that 90ealing 8ousel" /S 0ealing othes9.
/ncidentally like all good things in li"e$ this must %e pacticed to completion in ode to undestand it.
When you have completed healing yousel" thee will no longe %e a wold in need o" healing athe a wold o" a%solute pe"ection.
.ee to live you li"e without "ea$ guilt$ eget$ o shame. 4ow you can econnect with the pupose o" why you ae hee in the "ist
Each one o" us was %on "o a eason$ whethe that is to %e an answe to a ,uestion$ o a solution to a po%lem.
-he ne!t time you ae alone ask you heat the ,uestion: 9What do / want to change in the wold:9 and see what comes up "o you.
0ave you ecently stopped to econside Whee you ae living$ 0ow you ae living$ Why you ae living and What you ae doing with
you li"e:
What could you %egin to change today that would esult in the lagest impovement to the ,uality o" you li"e and/o those
suounding you:
2hanges can happen on many di""eent levels such as in social institutions$ in the social %ehaviou o the social elations o" a
society$ community o" people$ and so on.
When %ehaviou patten changes$ in lage num%es and is visi%le and sustained it esults in what is e"eed to as social change.
*mong many "oms o" ceating social change ae theate "o social change$ diect action$ potesting$ advocacy$ community
ogani+ing$ community pactice$ evolution$ and political activism.
What would you change i" you knew you could make a di""eence:
Would you change the way people eat$ wok$ play$ think$ "eel$ act$ laugh$ live$ love:
8ou might wonde i" you$ you "iends o a small goup o" people can possi%ly make a di""eence in such a lage and complicated
94eve undeestimate the powe o" a small goup o" committed citi+ens to change the wold. /ndeed$ it has neve %een done
othewise.9 ( Magaet Mead
8ou have the powe within you to %e the di""eence that makes the di""eence.
Even though you may not %e awae o" it$ at any given point in time you may liteally %e the pove%ial 9staw that %eaks the camels
%ack9$ o the deciding "acto.
*n e!ample o" such simple things that can make a di""eence ae: a smile$ a wam hug$ a candy$ a toy$ a note$ a poem$ a tune$ an
encouagement$ a meal$ gi"t$ o gestue.
/t is these small and seemingly unimpotant things that add up to make signi"icant changes in the oveall outlook o" the people
suounding us.
-his is impotant %ecause a signi"icant deviance "om cultually inheited values may esult in a e%ellion against the esta%lished
/sn't it ama+ing to think that you e""ots could ultimately lead to the change in society that we have %een looking "o:
/" you choose to$ you can$ and do$ make a di""eence.
3nce you decide to make that choice the ne!t ,uestion to ask yousel" is: 9What do / want to change in the wold:9
"ee#ly $in%set &38
-his weeks Motivating Mindset will help you see things moe clealy and live with moe claity.
8ou Mindset challenge this week is getting in the ha%it o" asking yousel":
+"hat else coul% this mean-+
*sk yousel" this ,uestion in evey instance you ae seaching "o meaning and you will gain new pespectives.
0ave you eve got con"used$ angy$ sad$ hut$ "ustated$ nevous$ stessed$ an!ious$ o upset:
/" you ae human then you have de"initely have e!peienced at least one o two o" these negative emotions.
2hances ae$ you may even %e e!peiencing them on a daily %asis.
/" you want to educe the amount o" those "eelings in you li"e a geat ,uestion to ask yousel" is: 9What else could this mean:9
0uman %eings see the wold "ist though ou %ains and then use ou eyes to geneate a matching pespective.
We see whateve we %elieve$ i.e. seeing is %elieving... We also ignoe what we don't want to %elieve... i.e. ignoance is %liss.
/n geneal people undeestimate thei natual a%ilities and oveestimate thei weaknesses.
-his means that you situation is po%a%ly not as %leak as you imagine$ and you'e moe stong and talented than you give yousel"
8et we tend to think that evey%ody thinks$ "eels and acts the same way$ o at least they should in most cases.
8ou think this way i" you have eve got upset at someone with a di""eent appoach to doing things than you.
/" you taveled with <2 o" you closest "iends on a tip "o a month you would ,uickly spot e!actly )ust how di""eent you ae.
5ut i" duing that tip you wee "aced with a po%lem that took all o" you to solve$ you may walk away moe appeciative o" ou
3u pespectives ae %y design as uni,ue as ou "ingepints$ with no two %eing the e!act same.
-hee is a %eauti"ul and divine pupose as to why we all think$ "eel and act di""eently.
-he tuth is that it takes all sots to make the wold go ound.
-he soone that we appeciate and %elieve this then the soone the con"licts and was aound the wold will end.
8ou can make a %ig di""eence in you li"e and the lives o" othes simply %y asking one ,uestion:
9What else could this mean:9
*nsweing this ,uestion will help you gain pespectives$ "eel empathy and incease awaeness.
When was the last time you stopped to conside that thee might %e anothe way at looking at the situation:
0ee is you challenge "o the ne!t week...
-he ne!t time you ae "ustated$ con"used$ angy o upset ask yousel" this powe ,uestion.
-y asking it the ne!t time that you ae stuck on a po%lem o aive at a dead(end.
*sk it to yousel" the ne!t time you ae in the middle o" a so(called cisis.
*sk a "iend this ,uestion the ne!t time they ae emotional and distaught ove something.
-he moe that you ask yousel" this ,uestion the moe easily you will %e a%le to come up with altenative ideas.
Remem%e$ the answes that you come up with ae not the most impotant pat o" the pocess$ athe it is simply the awaeness o" all
you altenatives.
-o change anything in you li"e e,uies that you choose a new path$ %ecause you cannot change what you don't know.
* geat ,uestion to ask yousel" to gain awaeness and pespective is: 9What else could this mean:9
We live in a wold that is in"initely "illed with all sots$ shapes and si+es o" in"omation.
3u a%ility to ecogni+e$ access and change in"omation ceates endless potential and possi%ilities "o ou species.
.om cloning mammals to 2u%an missiles we have the powe to use in"omation to %oth ceate and destoy li"e.
0oweve we must always emem%e that in"omation itsel" is neithe inheently good o %ad.
.o instance the 8ing and 8ang sym%ol tells us thee is a little %it o" good in evil$ and a little %it o" evil in good.
/n"omation will always make the wold go ound and it will "oeve )ust %e in"omation.
1ltimately it is the peson who uses the in"omation that applies the pupose and meaning to it.
We can use in"omation to empowe and impove ou lives$ o we can use the same in"omation to hinde and hampe ou pogess.
-his choice is entiely up to us and is detemined on the %asis %y the type and ,uality o" ,uestions we ask ou sel".
.o a speci"ic e!ample o" how this might play into you li"e conside the "ollowing scenaio o one like it:
8ou have aanged to meet you patne o good "iend "o dinne and you aive on time at a estauant.
*"te a%out <= minutes and the peson still hasn't shown up you %egin to dialogue with yousel" and say Ttypical$ she is always late$
she simply has no espect "o othe peopleU.
Stop7 Wait(a(minute$ immediately taking up a position like this is not going to pove vey use"ul "o you emotions is it:
*lso$ think a%out the type o" evening you ae setting yousel" up "o i" and when the peson does show up. /t's not likely going to %e a
"un and "iendly night will it:
5e"oe you ae temped to take you ne!t showe in negative emotions$ how a%out i" you asked yousel" 9What else could this mean:9
Fust %y asking the ,uestion you have now given yousel" some choices.
Stat %ainstoming "om the othe peson's pespective and put yousel" in thei shoes.
6o you think they ae doing this to intentionally hut o upset you: /" so$ then pehaps it is time to "ind some new "iends o even
"amily to hang aound.
/" you eali+e that they po%a%ly didn't do it on pupose$ then pehaps you could change the intenal dialogue in you head to e"lect
something moe undestanding and empathetic.
.o e!ample you might think 9she must eally cae a%out me %ecause she is o%viously taking the time to look he %estU$ o T0ow
thought"ul o" me was it to pick a estauant that is notoious "o no paking.9
2oming "om a pespective like this you can see how you can eliminate the %uild up o" negative emotions and "ee yousel" "om
9eacting9 when they "inally aive.
With that pespective how much easie it would %e avoid any aguments$ make sue you put in a eal e""ot$ and ty you %est to
salvage the est o" the night.
-hink and e"lect "o a moment on the last time that you had an agument with a loved one.
-y and %ie"ly egain those "eelings %y seeing what you saw$ heaing what you head and "eeling what you "elt.
4ow take a moment and eceate the dialogue that was going on inside you head at the time. What ae you saying to yousel":
*e you asking ,uestions that ae helping o ae you asking ,uestions that ae likely to e!ace%ate the situation and lead to an
*t times like this we o"ten disappea inside ou heads and look "o ways to )usti"y ou "eelings and suppot ou %ehaviou.
Would you like to put a hugely positive spin on the situation instead %y changing you state and outlook:
-he altenative is to ask yousel" the ,uestion 9What else could this mean:9 to contemplate new and moe powe"ul pespectives.
"ee#ly $in%set &3;
-his weeks Motivating Mindset will help you see the hidden tuth %ehind you e!istence.
8ou Mindset challenge this week is getting in the ha%it o" asking yousel":
+"hat are the miracles in my life-+
*sk yousel" this ,uestion and you will stat to appeciate all o" the inticate and inheent %eauty o" li"e.
When you wake up tomoow moning ask yousel" the ,uestion: 9What ae the miacles in my li"e:9
-ake a moment to think a%out what in you li"e is so incedi%le that it makes you want to shout at the top o" you lungs:
3k$ ok$ i" you ae like most people then you po%a%ly came up with the answe 9nothing9.
8et i" you knew thee was a miacle in the making o" you li"e wouldn't you shout "o )oy o sceam with e!citement:
2etainly you would appeciate it ight: 5ecause a"te all$ i" you didn't appeciate the miacles in you li"e then why would any one Go
thingH give you moe o" them:
/n "act$ could it %e the case that pehaps you li"e is aleady chalked "ull o" miacles and you don't even eali+e$ o appeciate$ them
When was the last time that you stopped to account "o$ and appeciate$ all o" the miacles in you li"e:
/" you still cannot see miacles in you li"e$ then pehaps it is )ust that you can't see the "oest "o the tees.
-hee ae miacles ight in "ont o" you "ace$ all aound you$ and suounding you.
2onside the miacle o" you e!istence and how many sets o" gandpaents had to physically e!ist to ceate you.
0ow many millions o" you ancestos had to pass though the same 9event hoi+on9 that you came though:
/" anyone o" those people wee 9not in the mood9$ o choose to do anything else than e!actly what they did to poceate$ you would
not %e eading this.
8ou genealogy is a miacle unto itsel"$ %ut put that aside "o a moment$ and now conside the comple!ity %ehind you %ith.
When you wee "ist conceived you wee a dou%le stand o" 64* in a "etili+ed ovum.
/t divided 5= times$ and a"te only 5= eplications you had ove <==$===$===$===$=== GtillionH cells.
-o give you an idea o" how much that is$ it is %igge than the num%e o" all the stas in ou Milky Way gala!y.
Evey second thee ae a%out 25 million new cells that ae %eing poduced in you %ody.
Each and evey one o" those cells does ove D tillion things pe second and has enough powe to illuminate the wold.
What is even moe ama+ing is that evey new cell$ )ust like evey e!isting cell in you %ody$ is instantly awae o" what the othe cells
ae doing.
-he essence o" a human %eing composed o" D=(L= kilos o" "lesh and a mass o" %ones was oiginally contained in a dop o" "luid.
/t cetainly is a wonde that an intelligent$ emotion e!peiencing human %eing$ with a emaka%ly comple! physical stuctue$ could
come into e!istence "om a dop o" "luid.
-his development was cetainly not the esult o" a andom pocess o the opeation o" chance$ thee is an inne intelligence in you
/t is this inne intelligence that allows the human %ody to simultaneously think thoughts$ listen to music$ emove to!ins$ "ight gems$
and make love in hythm all at once.
-he hythm o" you heat will %eat E$=== million times duing you li"e$ evey and evey time without you eve having to ask it too.
0ave you thanked you heat lately:
6ay in and day out you %lood tavels almost <==$=== kilometes ound tip "om vaious places aound you %ody %ack to you heat$
without you having to give any diections.
Evey yea you eyes close$ clean$ lu%icate$ and e(open ove <E million times without you eve having to consciously 9%at an eye9.
Each day you lungs take appo!imately 2E$=== %eaths$ they do this automatically without you instuctions.
Evey one o" the cells within you nevous$ skeletal$ espiatoy$ digestive$ and immune system opeate with a miaculous
/" you cells and %ody is a%le to do all o" these things easily without you instuction$ can you imagine what type o" miacles could %e
ceated i" you consciously intended them:
Miacles ae in moe shapes and si+es than you eali+e. -he moe you stay awae and look "o them$ the moe you will "ind them.
8ou can %egin to incease you awaeness a%out the miacles in you li"e %y continually asking yousel" the ,uestion:
9What ae the miacles in my li"e:9
-he tuth a%out miacles is that the most signi"icant miacle is you.
Each and evey one o" us is a uni,ue living and %eathing miacle in the "lesh.
8ou ae also in"initely smate than you give yousel" cedit "o.
8et "o some eason the ma)oity o" us don't usually ecogni+e this "act in ou daily lives.
/t is almost "unny when people think that thee ae no miacles$ %ecause as long as you live you ae a miacle.
0oweve it's not "unny to eali+e that people who don't %elieve in miacles$ o don't see miacles$ po%a%ly ae not living miaculous
/t doesn't make any sense why anyone would choose to live anything less than a miaculous li"e.
8es %elieve it o not$ no matte who you ae o what you situation is$ you ae entitled to limitless miacles.
We don't have to do anything to ean them$ we don't have to %e anyone to deseve them$ %ecause )ust ou 5E(ing ,uali"ies us.
8ou ae pe"ect as you ae$ uni,ue as a snow"lake$ and so impotant that wold would not %e complete without you.
*s long as you e!ist thee ae miacles occuing$ miacles to %e made$ "antasies to %e "ul"illed$ and destinies to %e discoveed.
5est o" all thee is only one thing that you have to do di""eently in ode to immediately attact$ and e!peience$ moe miacles in
you li"e.
*ll you have to do is choose. 8ou intention must %e set on seeing the miacles in you li"e vesus the misey.
-his is impotant %ecause what you "ocus on in the mind e!pands in the physical ealm$ and will eventually attact moe o" the same.
/" you spend you time and attention "ocusing on "ea$ it only makes sense that you will %ecome "ea"ul$ o "ull o" "ea.
/" you spend you time and attention complaining$ whining$ playing a victim$ you will %e povided with moe easons to continue.
/n ode to attact moe miacles you must %egin to see and appeciate the miacles that ae aleady in you li"e.
-hee ae many miacles un"olding ight now "o eveyone$ it's )ust a matte o" choosing to see them.
/t is a miacle that you awoke this day and with eyes and that can see and a %ain that can compehend.
2an you commit to stating you day tomoow %y not taking this miacle "o ganted:
Fust the "act that you can and ae eading e,uies "uthe miacles to happen.
5esides %eing %lessed with eyes$ you ae eading these wods %ecause you have a compute$ an /ntenet Sevice 'ovide$ and a
oo" ove you head.
*lthough it may not seem like much o" a miacle to you$ %ut the ma)oity o" the wold today does not even have that.
/n "act$ i" you ae eading this then you ae *#RE*68 living a miaculous li"e that millions o" people in less "otunate counties ae
paying to have.
'eople would liteally do anything to have the oppotunity to make the mistakes you do$ and to e!peience you "ailues.
/" you ae guilty o" getting yousel" caught up in the mania o" the mind's )udgment$ citici+ing$ o %laming$ then ask yousel" this
0ow can / get out o" my own way and allow mysel" to e!peience the miacle that / am each and evey day:
0ow a%out committing to telling you loved ones that they ae miacles today: 0ow a%out gently eminding yousel":
When you ae "eeling low$ the ultimate pick(me up is "o you to seiously contemplate the ,uestion:
9What ae the miacles in my li"e:9
Wite down you miacles$ shae you miacles with a "iend$ and teach othes how to "ind miacles in thei li"e.
5e the miacle you want$ "eel the miacle you ae$ and cele%ate you miaculous "utue.
"ee#ly $in%set &4:
-his weeks Motivating Mindset will help you get out o" you own way in ode to open up the "loodgates and let you wildest deams
ush in.
8ou Mindset challenge this week is getting in the ha%it o" asking yousel":
+Ho, can I 0e more allo,ing-+
*sk yousel" this ,uestion wheneve you meet esistance in you li"e and it will help educe you discom"ot and attact moe
Most people ae "amilia with the #aw o" *ttaction made "amous %y 9-he Secet9$ %ut did you know thee is also a #aw o"
6on't woy$ you ae not alone$ i" you haven't head o" this impotant univesal law.
8et$ those who have head o" it$ and applied it into thei lives$ ae happie$ moe "ul"illed and seem to instantly attact whateve they
desie into thei lives.
Would you like to know how to tap in to the law o" allowing in ode to %ing %ette esults moe ,uickly and easily into you li"e:
/" happiness$ )oy and a%undance is what you eally want$ then you need to take a moment and conside the ,uestion 9how allowing
am / ight now:9
6o you allow othes to %e who they ae: 6o you "ight against thei %elie"s: 6o you think that i" one peson gets thei way$ that you
can't get yous:
0ow o"ten ae you in opposition to the situation: /n what ways to you 9esist9 the people$ places and things in you day:
#ook at any aeas o" esistance in you li"e as pime indicatos o" aeas that ae in need o" moe allowing.
Wheneve thee is esistance in you li"e$ thee will also %e accompanying negative emotions.
Resistance is like putting on the emegency o paking %ake while tying to dive. Sue you can still dive with it on$ %ut the
pe"omance o" the vehicle is geatly diminished.
-he po%lem is that many o" us "ea what we tuly want$ which is why we put on the %akes to %egin with.
We ask$ pay$ and intend "o ou desies to %e mani"ested and ight %e"oe they ae$ we say 9whoa wait(a(minute9$ 9hold(on9$ 9stop9.
We think$ who am / too have this: Why do / deseve this: *m / even wothy enough:
Meanwhile$ the univese is tying to give you whateve you want$ %ut you ae stating to it though you actions that you ae unsue i"
you want it.
-hen$ when you "inally decide that you want something$ you decide that you want it yesteday7
0oweve$ no matte how skilled o esouce"ul you ae thee is always a time lag %etween the oiginal conception and the
mani"estation o achievement o" the goal.
-hen when it doesn't show up today$ you %egin to dou%t and ,uestion whethe o not you can even attact it.
* vi%ational state like this places counte(thought$ and counte(intention$ into whateve you tying to attact and acts like a paking
%ake to you pleasue.
4o matte how much you wok$ and wok$ you will still not succeed$ %ecause the e""ectiveness o" you action is dependent upon you
state o" %eing.
-his is impotant to undestand$ %ecause the moe time you put into %eing against anything$ the less time you have to spend %inging
positive things into you li"e7
-he ceative pocess takes time7 *llowing what is wanted$ essentially keeps you attention on the wanted thing$ and o"" o" the "act
that you don't have it yet.
/magine i" you could "ind a way to take you "oot o"" the %ake and live li"e "ull thottle:
1ndestanding the law o" allowing is easie than you think$ %ut it is the pactice o" what you know whee the challenge lies.
-he most impotant thing to emem%e is that whateve you "ocus on will e!pand into moe o" it.
/" you spend you time$ enegy and attention "ocusing on the 9esistance9 the 9disageement9 with whateve is$ you ae ceating a
vi%ational state to %ing you moe o" the same.
-hee"oe it is o" the utmost impotance duing the pocess o" mani"estation that no matte what happens you emain committed to
"ocusing you enegies on that which you intend.
-his keeps you vi%ational signal oiented in the ight diection$ and allows you to ende+vous with the people and esouces that
match up with you.
5y not esisting the wanted thing you allow the law o" 'like attacts like' to wok in you "avou.
-he law o" attaction is a%le to wok moe e""ectively when you don't esist the wanted thing and allow the pocess to take place$
whateve it is.
6o you tuly want whateve you want... o ae you moe concened a%out the pocess in which in mani"ests:
/" you don't cae how it comes$ only that it eventually comes$ then allow you thoughts and "eelings a%out the pocess to ela!.
5y ela!ing into you ceative pocess you stengthen you intention and %ecome a moe powe"ul attacting magnet "o the things
you want$ and a moe e""ective co(ceato.
.o e!ample i" you want to %e moe wealthy and you thought it was going to happen via the lottey$ and you ended up getting a
pomotion would you %e upset:
-hink a%out this stoy and how it paallels in you li"e. What in you li"e do you say that you want moe o"$ %ut ae too 'attached' to the
details o" how it happens:
/" you tuly desie whateve that is then you will want to spend you time and e""ot on allowing moe.
Even a"te you %avely ecogni+e the need to %ecome moe allowing$ you still may get lost in the contemplation o" e!actly how to do
3ne o" the easiest ways to lean is to simply ask yousel" the ,uestion: 90ow can / %e moe allowing:9
-he at o" allowing means you %elieve it is possi%le to have challenges$ yet at the vey same time %e a%solutely in love with li"e and
e!cited a%out the wold.
/n what aeas o" you li"e can you %ecome moe allowing:
2an you %ecome moe allowing in the elationships you have with you "iends$ "amily$ co(wokes$ o even you e!'s:
Moe impotantly$ it what ways can you %e moe allowing with the most impotant elationship o" all$ the one with you SE#.:
*e you you own %est "iend: 0ow o"ten do you pactice allowing yousel" to "ail$ lean and gow without )udgment:
5ased on the way you have teated yousel" "o the past week$ would you %e you own %est "iend:
/" you and you %est "iend wee woking togethe on a po)ect togethe$ would you want them thee to suppot you$ o hinde you
-he choice is an easy one$ o" couse you would want them in you cone to suppot you.
-he ,uestion is then$ 9*e you o""eing the %est suppot to yousel" as you own %est "iend:9
Evey day that you wake up you ae esponsi%le "o %eing a patne in the %iggest and most impotant po)ect o" all$ you li"e.
*e you o""eing the %est suppot to yousel" when you citici+e o complain a%out something:
*e you o""eing the %est suppot to yousel" when you dou%t the ceative pocess:
*e you o""eing the %est suppot to yousel" when you constantly notice what is missing in you li"e:
*e you o""eing the %est suppot to yousel" when you ,uestion why you don't have it yet:
*e you o""eing the %est suppot to yousel" when you spend time %laming o )udging people$ including yousel":
*e you o""eing the %est suppot to yousel" when you cay aound all you "ailues and mistakes "om the past:
*e you o""eing the %est suppot to yousel" when you "eel low enegy and negative a%out something:
*e you o""eing the %est suppot to yousel" when you o""e esistance to whateve shows up in the moment:
-hese ae only M o" the many ways that you can check(in with you sel".
1se them to detemine how aligned you thoughts and actions ae with you intention.
/s it possi%le that you need to lean how to %e moe allowing$ accepting and/o "ogiving:
*e you thoughts$ "eelings$ and actions in vi%ational hamony with what you seek to attact:
/" you seek to suppot you sel" then it is vital to maintain a pue ceative vi%ation aligned pecisely to you desie.
-he law o" allowing woks hand(in(hand with the law o" attaction$ meaning whateve you place you attention on you get moe o".
*s mentioned ealie$ i" you "ocus on something positive$ something that you ae passionate a%out$ elated oppotunities come to
When you thoughts$ you "ocus and you intent ae e!clusively on what is wanted$ you "eel ela!ed$ )oy"ul and lightheated a%out the
'aado!ically$ the moe )oy"ul you ae$ the less had you have to wok$ and the moe powe"ul and e""ective ae you actions.
/n shot$ allowing is the aligning o" you vi%ation with that o" you desie.
* geat ,uestion to ask yousel" to %e moe in the moment and go moe with the "low is:
90ow can / %e moe allowing:9
"ee#ly $in%set &4'
-his weeks Motivating Mindset will help you get to the %ottom o" any unwanted %ehavio.
8ou Mindset challenge this week is getting in the ha%it o" asking yousel":
+"hy %o I %o ,hat I %o-+
*sk yousel" this ,uestion wheneve you wonde what is at the oot o" you %ehavio.
4o matte who you ae$ o whee you live$ thee is only one measue o" successN to %e a%le to live you li"e in you own uni,ue way.
We all have di""eent ideas o" what li"e as ou 9ideal9 sel" looks like$ %ut$ how many people live up to thei own pesonal standads:
2etainly %y the evidence one can see that it's not the ma)oity o" people in this wold.
8et$ we can all sa"ely contend that no one 9intentionally9 wants to end up unhappy and not thei ideal sel"$ so what happens along
the way:
We all have a %uilt(in 9ideal(sel"9 mete$ which means we know deep down inside i" ou actions align with ou highest vision$ o at
least we know when ou cuent li"estyle choices do not "ul"ill ou deepest desies.
Reseach tells us that as many as L out o" <= people ae woking in thei )o%s 9)ust to pay the %ills9 o 9out o" necessity9.
/" we could "ast "owad ou lives to whee we ae unhappy$ misea%le$ mid(li"e cisis$ we would lean that saci"icing ou sel" "o
money is a complete sell(out.
8et how many o" us ae doing these ight as we speak$ saving the e!cuse thei divesion "om pupose is a leaning e!peience.
Why not challenge yousel" to stat this leaning e!peience ealie: 0ow a%out stiving to e!peience leaning who you tuly ae:
5esides$ is it not moe a necessity to %e who you ae and to "ind a way to pospe "om )ust %eing:
0ow would you like to pay the %ills %y %eing yousel":
0ow would you like to do what you loved and get paid "o it:
Well yes you can$ in "act it's not only you %ith ight$ you can stat moving towads it ight at this moment.
/t's called %eing in unison$ and it means you ae living you li"e authentically$ answeing you calling$ discoveing you tue pupose.
/t's e!actly why people like -ige Woods$ 3pah Win"ey$ Rachel Ray$ and Fimmie Fohnson don't wok to get paid.
-hese people wouldn't conside doing what they love as wok$ they would do it egadless o" whethe they get paid. /mpotant: 8up7
*ll these people do is e!pess themselves$ live thei passion$ and they ae emuneated and ewaded accodingly. 0andsomely$ we
may as well adds well.
So what is the secet$ why is the case o" people living in thei unison the moe e!ception athe than the ule:
*sk yousel" 9What eally pevents me "om living my li"e authentically:9
/denti"y and commit to what you will have to do di""eently to make any changes happen.
Remem%e$ nothing in you li"e will change until you %ehavio does.
-hee"oe$ in ode to change %ehavio you need to know why you %ehave that paticula way to %egin with.
We ae all like computes and ou %ehavio ae like so"twae pogams.
*t any time you can install and update old so"twae vesions with new moe elevant eplacement %elie"s.
* good ,uestion to stat po%ing into you %ehavio is to ask yousel": 9Why do / do what / do:9
&ive yousel" pemission to e!ploe$ and don't %e a"aid to discove the undelying causes o" undesia%le %ehavio.
5e patient with yousel" and dig deep until you've "ound the oot.
When it comes to living authentically$ and "ul"illing you deepest desies$ it is neve to late to stat and always too soon to ,uit.
-he only thing wose than a ,uitte is a peson who is too a"aid to %egin.
Stat today and %egin %y asking yousel" the ,uestion: 9why do / do what / do:9
-he %illion dolla ,uestion is why do you %ehave in the way that you do:
/" you don't know e!actly why$ then how do you eve e!pect to change$ o coect you %ehavio:
/sn't that like playing a game that you have no idea a%out the ules:
-y playing chess$ tennis$ hockey$ %ase%all o any game "o that matte completely ignoant o" the "actos that you can contol.
2hances ae you would spend all you enegy$ attention and "ocus in aeas that would %ing you little ewad o gain.
8ou would %e making eos and mistakes le"t ight and cente$ and the wost pat is you wouldn't even know why.
4ow you can see why so many o" us ae walking aound "ustated a%out e""ecting positive changes to ou %ehavio. We don't know
the ules o" the game7
/n ode to e""ect positive change to anything in you li"e you "ist need to know how to contol human %ehavio.
So what do you eally think detemines human %ehavio:
/s it ou cicumstances: 4o$ we ae all dealt with a di""eent hand$ it's not the cads %ut how we play them that counts.
/s it ou skill: 4o$ %ecause e!peience shows that success is due less to a%ility than it is to attitude.
/s it ou paents: 4o$ %ecause ou %ehavio can go eithe way$ we can %e alot like them$ o a lot not like them.
/s it ou pesonality: 4o$ ou pesonalities e"lect ou %ehavio as opposed to changing it.
/s it ou ha%its: 4o$ even the wost ha%it can %e eplaced with a moe empoweing one.
What detemines human %ehavio then:
3k... i" you'e stumped let's appoach the situation "om anothe angle %y asking some othe ,uestions:
9/" you knew a ,uicke$ sa"e$ hassle("ee way to impove you li"e would you go that oute:9
8es$ o" couse. So you diving %ehavio is only limited to the navigation system o" the dive.
0ow a%out 9i" you knew how to lose weight e""ectively would you take it and apply it9
2hances ae yes$ and you would use this knowledge to alte you eating %ehavio.
What i" 9you could "ind out the money %locks that ae holding you %ack "om a%undant pospeity$ would you want to know:9
*gain$ the answe is a%solutely yes7 8ou would immediately apply these lessons to make moe money "low into you li"e.
Would you then also agee that the only eason that you ae eaning you cuent level o" income is %ecause you don't know how to
make moe:
3%viously$ %ecause why would anyone still choose to make anything less:
4o one would. Fust like i" you knew how to make a %illion you wouldn't settle "o eaning a million. *t least 6onald -ump and Waen
5u""et wouldn't.
So what is the main ingedient that is in all o" these a%ove scenaios:
-he answe is knowledge. ;nowledge is powe. ;nowledge is the application o" in"omation.
Wisdom is the e!peience o" that knowledge.
-hee"oe$ it all %egins with an idea$ o new in"omation %eing inputed into the %ain.
9Man's mind$ once stetched %y a new idea$ neve egains its oiginal dimensions9 ( 3live Wendell 0olmes F.
With %ette in"omation we make %ette choices ight:
5ette choices lead to %ette %elie"s$ %ette decisions$ and stonge action.
3u actions epeated ove a peiod o" time is what we call %ehavio.
/n"omation is what allows us to change ou %ehavio and eplace ou ha%its.
*waeness is the "ist and most impotant step o" changing any %ehavio. 8ou cannot change what you ae not awae o" coect:
3nce we %ecome awae o" something that we want to change$ we can use that in"omation to make ad)ustments.
What do we use to make ad)ustments: Moe in"omation o" couse.
Eveyday you ae eithe moving towads o away a moe authentic li"e "o yousel".
0ow you ecogni+e$ accept and change the in"omation will detemine you degee o" success in li"e.
*n ama+ing way to ask "o moe in"omation to come into you li"e is though ,uality ,uestions.
-he ,uestion to ask yousel" to %egin with is 9Why do / do what / do:9
Wite you answes down$ discove you tigges$ you inteests$ you conscious contadictions.
"ee#ly $in%set &4/
-his weeks Motivating Mindset will help you haness the powe o" you mind.
8ou Mindset challenge this week is getting in the ha%it o" asking yousel":
+"hat is the value of the ?uestions that I as# myself-+
*sk yousel" this ,uestion to %oost you %ainpowe and to %ecome %ette at solving you own po%lems.
Whethe you like it o not$ you ae destined to encounte po%lems duing you li"etime$ it is simply pat o" the e!peience o" %eing
5ut "o human %eings$ it is not the po%lem that is impotant$ %ut how we go a%out solving the po%lem that mattes most.
Whethe you eali+ed it o not$ you ae constantly thinking to yousel" and solving po%lems in the "om o" sel"(talk.
-hink a%out when you an into that old "iend "om high school and you wee stuggling to emem%e thei name.
When you ask you su%conscious to get it "o you$ it will usually come %ack with the ight answe$ although may%e not at the time you
ae "ace(to("ace.
When you ask you su%conscious a ,uestion$ it has no choice %ut to etun an answe to you. 8ou can use this "act to you
advantage. 0ee's how.
.ist$ make sue that you intenal(dialogue is positioned to help solve po%lems. Monito the discussion$ will this convesation move
you close to what you want:
/" not$ then the ,uality o" the ,uestions you ae asking yousel" may %e the "ist place you want to change.
What i" you could change you li"e )ust %y changing the ,uestions that you ask yousel": 8es you can$ you wee meant to$ and you
can stat taining yousel" to ask %ette ,uestions.
-he moment you wake up tomoow moning$ and %e"oe you %egin thinking a%out you day$ ask yousel":
9What is the value o" the ,uestions that / ask mysel":9
-his ,uestion will give you an idea o" whethe ma)o changes ae needed$ o pehaps )ust a tweak hee o thee will do the
tick.9?uality ,uestions ceate a ,uality li"e. Success"ul people ask %ette ,uestions$ and as a esult$ they get %ette answes.9 (((
*nthony Ro%%ins
0al" o" you po%lem(solving powe should always %e devoted to clealy and accuately de"ining the po%lem. *n accuate diagnosis
is hal" the cue.
When you know e!actly what the po%lem is$ you ae aleady that much close to implementing a "easi%le solution.
Without knowing the e!act natue o" the po%lem$ you will not vey well(e,uipped to solve it$ no matte what the situation.
.o instance$ i" you wee unsue why a "iend was upset with you$ and neve took the time to undestand why$ then how easily could
you solve the po%lem: 'o%a%ly not vey well. #uckily the ego will usually ecti"y this po%lem$ so you don't have to woy a%out it$
though its usual avenues such as )usti"ication$ %lame$ denial$ ange$ etc...
Some people would wite(o"" the "iends %ehavio as too weid o ude to %e %otheed with$ some people even pehaps would ignoe
thei "iend until they 9disclosed9 the po%lem.-he po%lem with going this oute is that %y the time you two actually sit down and talk$
thee will %e an emotional dam %etween you %oth that "eels like it is a%out to %ust.
-hen$ the %est ,uestion "om this loweed mind("ame and highly emotional vi%ational state$ would likely %e: 9What is you po%lem
0oweve$ this ,uestion o"ten doesn't solve the po%lem$ in "act$ it usually makes the situation much wost.
-he eal issue o" why you "iend is upset needs to %e answeed "om a di""eent level o" thinking then what ceated the po%lem. -he
eal ,uestion is not what thei po%lem is %ut$ athe 90ow can you solve it:9.
Which appoach do you pesonally think would %e moe e""ective "o you$ o i" it was used on you: 3" couse$ knowing the po%lem is
hal" the %attle.
-hee"oe$ you can immediately incease you pesonal e""ectiveness though the use o" citical thinking ,uestions.
* good ,uestion will clealy de"ine the po%lem$ uncove any "alse assumptions$ and help you mind "ocus on a solution.
When it comes to po%lem(solving$ it is not the po%lem itsel"$ %ut you peception o" the po%lem that will make the most impact
towads a solution.
.o e!ample$ asking ,uality ,uestions such as 9What do / aleady know a%out this peson/topic:9$ o 90ow have / solved po%lems
like this %e"oe:9 will help you tap into you e!isting e!peiences in ode to %ette %ainstom solutions. 8ou must always "ocus on
how you can %e moe pesonally e""ective$ the moment you let up you lowe(pioity activities will stat to consume all o" you time$
keeping you %usy and %uned out. -he key to pesonal e""ectiveness is the ,uality o" ,uestions that you ask yousel". 8ou can take
stock on the ,uality o" you cuent level o" ,uestions %y asking yousel":
9What is the value o" the ,uestions that / ask mysel":9
-he powe and a""ect that ,uality ,uestions can have on you li"e is un,uestiona%le.
.ist$ %y thinking a%out ,uality ,uestions you %ecome moe awae o" the Gnomally unnoticedH convesations that you have with
-his awaeness will help you o%seve whethe you sel"(talk is e""ective towads you goals o not. *e you teating yousel" as an
unconditional nutuing coach$ o a conditional constant citic:
-his will help you stat to develop a less(%iased opinion a%out whethe you actions and sel"(talk ae ein"ocing you success$ o in
"act negating it.
?uality ,uestions will also help you impove the ,uality o" you inne sel"(talk$ the convesations and commentay you have inside
you head. When you maste the anatomy o" a ,uality ,uestion you %ecome "ee to e!ploe the "utue "eely$ and also whee you
past choices have taken you.
When you ae "ee to e!ploe you sel" and e!peiences$ you will now stat to develop you natual navigation system$ use this to
hone in on you deams. -he moe valua%le ,uestions you ask$ the moe each ,uality answe will %ing out the capa%le and
con"ident peson inside o" you.
-he goal o" any ,uality ,uestion is to %uild a "amewok "o success inside you %ain$ a pocess to use yesteday's and today's
e!peiences in a positive way tomoow.
With ,uality ,uestions you can "ind a way to win$ o at least walk away with one lesson to apply in the "utue$ egadless o" whethe
the e!peience was good$ %ad$ o ugly.
*sking yousel" ,uality ,uestions is a%out "inding %ette ,uestions to %ing a%out a %ette e!peience "o all those involved.
0ee is an o""(the(cu"" e!ample. /magine "o a moment that you have this annoying ha%it that you want to %eak$ i.e. you tend to talk
too much when you ae nevous.
8ou've detemined that this isn't woking "o you and you want to change it$ the "ist ,uestion you might ask yousel" is: 9Why do /
ove(talk when / am nevous:9
*gain$ all you need to do is ask you su%conscious a good ,uality ,uestion$ and then patiently sit %ack and allow "o an answe.
'ehaps you will discove that you tend to talk moe when you ae nevous$ %ecause you "eel uncom"ota%le with silence.
What happens when you ae not sue what to do with an answe you eceive: /n this case$ all you have to do is ask you
su%conscious anothe ,uestion.
2ontinuing with the e!ample$ you know that it's "eeling uncom"ota%le with silence that is the po%lem$ now you can ask you
su%conscious why.
-he ,uestion you might want to ask now is$ 9Why am / uncom"ota%le with silence:9 and then allow you su%(conscious to answe.
May%e the 'eason' that etuns to you is that you ae uncom"ota%le with silence %ecause you have low sel"(esteem.
What could you do at this point: Well you could continue to ask anothe ,uestion$ i.e. 9why you have sel"(esteem9$ and continue to
go down the path o" you po%lems.
0oweve$ conside now how much moe empoweing it would %e to tanspot yousel" into the ealm o" solutions:
0ow a%out instead o" asking 9why do / have this po%lem9$ you shi"t you ,uestioning to 9what can / do a%out it9:
/n ou ove(talking e!ample$ how a%out switching "om why you ae uncom"ota%le with silence$ to 9what can / do to not %e so
uncom"ota%le with silence:9
3$ instead you could ask yousel"$ 9/n what ways can / communicate moe con"idently and concisely:9
4ow you have shi"ted the emphasis o"" o" diagnosing the po%lem$ and switched on to "inding a solution "o the cue.
-his woks %ette %ecause now you don't even need to solve you low(sel" esteem$ %ecause i" when you "ind a way to %e a moe
powe"ul and con"ident speake$ you sel"(esteem will have to match ight:
2an you see how this little shi"t in thinking can make a huge di""eence. /" not$ go %ack and ead it again until you get it7
5y asking you su%conscious ,uestions you can %egin to tap into you tue powe.
Stuck in a situation ight now and still not sue whee to stat:
0ow a%out asking yousel" a ,uality ,uestion such as: 9What does success look like "o me:9$ o 90ow can / tun my cuent situation
aound to %est suit me:9$ o 9What ,uestion have / not asked mysel"$ %ut i" / did$ would lead to the geatest incease in the ,uality o"
my li"e:9
-he %ette ,uestions you ask yousel"$ the %ette answes you get$ the %ette esults occu$ and %ette ,uality o" li"e you will live.
1ltimately$ ,uality ,uestions add %alance to you way o" thinking$ nutue you way o" doing$ and help to discove the consciousness
%ehind %eing.
8ou can get a stat to discove the powe o" you ,uestions %y asking yousel": 9What is the value o" the ,uestions that / ask
$I)2ST Q@STI.) Q@ICA RBR)C ' of /
90ow can / seve:9$ 90ow may / seve:9
90ow many days le"t:9$ 92ould today %e my last:9
9Who *m / 4ow:9$ 90ow 6oes -his 5uild Me:U
9Who am /:9$ 9What do / want:9
9/s /t -ue:9
96o / love this:9 o asked di""eently$ 96oes this @@@@@ suppot me ight now in "eeling geat:9
9What did / lean:9 o said di""eently$ 90ow did / gow:9
9What would you tade "o A5=$===:9$ 9What am / tading "o li"e ight now:9
9/n this moment$ what is most impotant "o my success:9
9What thee people have conti%uted most to my success:9
9Would you date yousel":9
9*m / "eeling )oy:9
9What would the new me do:9
9What am / toleating:9
9Who am / %ecoming:9
9What's one way to get moe enegy into my li"e:9
90ow do / know the stoy that / am telling mysel" is eal:9
9What am / giving up %y seeing only the shot tem:9
9What po%lems am / %lessed with:9
9Who should / %e hanging aound with:9
90ow am / spending the pime(time o" my li"e:9
90ow does my pesonality "acto into this situation:9
9What can / contol:9
90ow does this in"omation elate to my li"e:9
What is it:$ 0ow does it a""ect me:$ What should / do a%out it:
9*m / willing to accept this set(point:9
96oes this "eel e""otless:9
9What is stopping me "om getting stated now:9
9*m / toleating this situation %y de"ault:9
90ow did / gow today:9
9What is the tue souce o" my su""eing:9
9What do / have to %e gate"ul "o:9
9What don't / aleady know a%out this:9
$I)2ST Q@STI.) Q@ICA RBR)C / of /
9*m / happy with what / have pocastinated:9
9Will %eing o""ended solve my po%lem:9
9What is the value o" my attitude ight now:9
9What tuly impoves my li"e:9
96o my highest values still seve me:9
9*m / a love o a "ighte:9
9/s this convesation /'m having with mysel" encouaging:9
9What is eally keeping me "om accomplishing what / want ight now:9
90ow will / use my imagination today:9
90ow am / spending my attention:9
9What new thing did / notice today:9
9What should / stop doing:9
90ow did / get to whee / am at ight now:9
9/s this the %est use o" my imagination:9
9What do / want to change in the wold:9
9What else could this mean:9
9What ae the miacles in my li"e:9
90ow can / %e moe allowing:9
9Why do / do what / do:9

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