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Section A (Source-Based Case Study)

Question 1 is compulsory for all candidates.

Study the Background Information and the sources carefully, and then answer all
the questions.
You may use any of the sources to help you answer the questions, in addition to
those sources you were told to use. In answering the questions you should use
your knowledge of the topic to help you interpret and evaluate the sources.
1 a! Study Source ".
#hat is the cartoonist trying to portray in Source "$
%&plain your answer. '(m)
*! Study Sources B and +.
,ow far does Source + support Source B$ %&plain your answer. '-m)
c! Study Source ..
.oes this source prove that Soviet /nion was *eing hostile towards
"merica when they deployed missiles into +u*a$ %&plain your answer. '0m)
d! Study Source %.
,ow far does this source help you understand the reason for Soviet
missiles in +u*a$ %&plain your answer. '0m)
Why were missiles placed in Cuba in 1962
BAC!"#$%&' (&)$#*A+($&
Read this carefully. It may help you to answer some of the questions.
1he +u*an 2issile +risis was an important episode in the +old #ar. 3ifty two years ago
the /nited States and the Soviet /nion stood closer to nuclear warfare than at any other
moment in history. In 4cto*er 15-6 7resident 8ohn 3. 9ennedy was informed of a /:6 spy:
plane;s discovery of Soviet nuclear:tipped missiles in +u*a. 4ver an intense 1< days,
9ennedy and the Soviet /nion leader, =ikita 9hrushchev, confronted each other with *oth
having the power of mutual destruction
"fter a week of secret meetings, 9ennedy announced the discovery to the world and
imposed a naval *lockade on further shipments of armaments to +u*a. " tense second
week followed, during which neither side *acked down. 9ennedy offered three choices to
9hruschev> a pu*lic deal in which the /nited States pledged not to invade +u*a if the
Soviet /nion withdrew its missiles? a private threat threatening to attack +u*a within 6@
hours if the offer was reAected? and a secret pledge that promised to withdraw /.S.
missiles from 1urkey within si& months. 1he crisis was resolved at the last minute when
9hrushchev accepted the /.S. offer.
Source A, " cartoon on the +u*an 2issile +risis in Septem*er 15-6
Source B, " post:+u*an missile crisis view on the role of +u*a
-What do you mean A menace Surely.
it/s alri0ht to 0o 1ishin0. isn/t it2
Hints on
+astroBs role in the crisis differs greatly from the other two leaders. 4nce he
decided to accept the missiles, he lost control over their fate. +astro was merely a
pawn in the international chess match and +u*a was merely a playing field.
=either +astro nor +u*a was of great international importance. 1he missile
confrontation could have taken place anywhere in the world, unfortunately for the
+u*an people, it occurred on their island. In the end, +astro had little effect on the
outcome of the crisis and felt *etrayed *y the /.S.S.C. 1he crisis solved few of
+u*aBs pro*lems and left the country to deal with the /nited States alone.
Source C, %&cerpt of 9hruschev;s speech to the Supreme Soviet, .ecem*er 15-6.
Source ', "dapted from 9ennedy;s speech to the nation on radio and television
a*out the Soviet missiles in +u*a.
Source 3, " recent view on the Soviet decision to place missiles in +u*a
"merican forces have *een doing everything they can, from the first day of the
revolution, to overthrow +u*a;s government and restore their own control. 1hey set
up an economic *lockade of +u*a. 1his is inhuman:an attempt to starve a whole
nation. %ven this was not enough for them. 1hey decided to use force to suppress
the +u*an revolutionD#e carried weapons there at the request of the +u*an
government. +u*a needed weapons as a means of deterring the aggressors, and
not as a means of attack.
Eood evening, my fellow citiFens. 1his Eovernment, as promised, has maintained
the closest surveillance of the Soviet military *uildup on the island of +u*a. #ithin
the past week, unmistaka*le evidence has esta*lished the fact that a series of
offensive missile sites is now in preparation on that imprisoned island. 1he purpose
of these *ases can *e none other than to provide a nuclear strike capa*ility against
the #estern ,emisphere.
Eood evening, my fellow citiFens. 1his Eovernment, as promised, has maintained the
closest surveillance of the Soviet military *uildup on the island of +u*a. #ithin the past
week, unmistaka*le evidence has esta*lished the fact that a series of offensive missile
sites is now in preparation on that imprisoned island. 1he purpose of these *ases can *e
none other than to provide a nuclear strike capa*ility against the #estern ,emisphere.
Eood evening, my fellow citiFens. 1his Eovernment, as promised, has maintained the
closest surveillance of the Soviet military *uildup on the island of +u*a. #ithin the past
week, unmistaka*le evidence has esta*lished the fact that a series of offensive missile
sites is now in preparation on that imprisoned island. 1he purpose of these *ases can *e
none other than to provide a nuclear strike capa*ility against the #estern ,emisphere.
Eood evening, my fellow citiFens. 1his Eovernment, as promised, has maintained the
closest surveillance of the Soviet military *uildup on the island of +u*a. #ithin the past
week, unmistaka*le evidence has esta*lished the fact that a series of offensive missile
sites is now in preparation on that imprisoned island. 1he purpose of these *ases can *e
none other than to provide a nuclear strike capa*ility against the #estern ,emisphere.
Eood evening, my fellow citiFens. 1his Eovernment, as promised, has maintained the
closest surveillance of the Soviet military *uildup on the island of +u*a. #ithin the past
week, unmistaka*le evidence has esta*lished the fact that a series of offensive missile
sites is now in preparation on that imprisoned island. 1he purpose of these *ases can *e
none other than to provide a nuclear strike capa*ility against the #estern ,emisphere.
Eood evening, my fellow citiFens. 1his Eovernment, as promised, has maintained the
closest surveillance of the Soviet military *uildup on the island of +u*a. #ithin the past
week, unmistaka*le evidence has esta*lished the fact that a series of offensive missile
sites is now in preparation on that imprisoned island. 1he purpose of these *ases can *e
none other than to provide a nuclear strike capa*ility against the #estern ,emisphere.
Eood evening, my fellow citiFens. 1his Eovernment, as promised, has maintained the
closest surveillance of the Soviet military *uildup on the island of +u*a. #ithin the past
week, unmistaka*le evidence has esta*lished the fact that a series of offensive missile
sites is now in preparation on that imprisoned island. 1he purpose of these *ases can *e
none other than to provide a nuclear strike capa*ility against the #estern ,emisphere.
Eood evening, my fellow citiFens. 1his Eovernment, as promised, has maintained the
closest surveillance of the Soviet military *uildup on the island of +u*a. #ithin the past
week, unmistaka*le evidence has esta*lished the fact that a series of offensive missile
sites is now in preparation on that imprisoned island. 1he purpose of these *ases can *e
none other than to provide a nuclear strike capa*ility against the #estern ,emisphere.
Eood evening, my fellow citiFens. 1his Eovernment, as promised, has maintained the
closest surveillance of the Soviet military *uildup on the island of +u*a. #ithin the past
week, unmistaka*le evidence has esta*lished the fact that a series of offensive missile
sites is now in preparation on that imprisoned island. 1he purpose of these *ases can *e
none other than to provide a nuclear strike capa*ility against the #estern ,emisphere.
Eood evening, my fellow citiFens. 1his Eovernment, as promised, has maintained the
closest surveillance of the Soviet military *uildup on the island of +u*a. #ithin the past
week, unmistaka*le evidence has esta*lished the fact that a series of offensive missile
sites is now in preparation on that imprisoned island. 1he purpose of these *ases can *e
none other than to provide a nuclear strike capa*ility against the #estern ,emisphere.
Eood evening, my fellow citiFens. 1his Eovernment, as promised, has maintained the
closest surveillance of the Soviet military *uildup on the island of +u*a. #ithin the past
week, unmistaka*le evidence has esta*lished the fact that a series of offensive missile
sites is now in preparation on that imprisoned island. 1he purpose of these *ases can *e
none other than to provide a nuclear strike capa*ility against the #estern ,emisphere.
9hrushchev intended his missile deployment chiefly as an effort to spread
revolution throughout Gatin "merica. ,e and his advisers had *een e&hilarated
when a 2ar&ist insurgency seiFed power in +u*a on its own, without all the pushing
and prodding the Soviets had to do to install communist regimes in %astern %urope.

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