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Guidance Policy
EDU 146
Rubi Hernandez


I. What is guidance?
Guidance is controlling ones behavior and redirecting them. It is managing a childs
behavior, which includes self-control and self-discipline. As an adult we teach or guide them in
life and teach right from wrong.
II. The Goals of Guidance
Child guidance builds the foundation on which everything else in the childs life is built,
including social interaction with others, learning, and emotional development (Positive Child
Guidance, 7
Edition, Darla Ferris Miller, Chapter 1, page 11). Guidance will transform them
into full-fledged, functioning members of our society. Child guidance skills will provide
important support to family life.
III. What influences behavior?
Behavior is influenced by many things in our environment. Home environments,
culture, genes, and everyday things can influence behavior. Behavior can be redirected
and modeled correctly by our teachers.
IV. The role of the teacher
The role of the teacher is to provide a safe comfortable environment for the
students to learn in. The teachers role is to comfort the children, educate them, and help
establish a good educational foundation for the children, so they can like school.
Teachers are the carriers of either positive or negative behavior toward their students. The
teacher must create a warm and protective environment but at the same time professional.
If the students feel secure in the classroom the result will be shown in the academic

progress. A teacher carries a big responsibility in her classroom. One reason is that all
students depend on her/him. Everything the teacher says will have an impact on the
students in some way.
V. Ages and Stages of Development/Mistaken Behavior
Children go through many stages in their life at different ages. Not every child
will go through these stages and some may display certain behaviors at later times in their
life. Because every child is different and needs different attention, such as a baby who is
teething and bites everything he can get his hands on may need to relief this feeling by
biting a cold towel, but a three year old who is biting must be redirected to not biting
because this is not appropriate behavior for a three year old. There are times mistaken
behavior may occur and when this happens we should address them and redirect properly.
Sometimes a child may not realize their behavior is considered bad. For example, a baby
who climbs on a table does not recognize this is dangerous, but a five year old who does
this is more likely aware of the dangers. When this happens we should consider whether
there are causes for the five year olds behavior, maybe there are possible underlying
causes to this behavior.
VI. The environment and routines
The environment should always be comfortable, child sized and welcoming to
young children. Providing this in a classroom will provide the most success in a class.
The classroom should be adapted to the childrens interest and needs. Routines are very
important in the preschool classroom because children need to have consistency in their
lives. Children like to know what comes next, and when they have this they have a clear
understanding or expectation of what comes next. This helps them understand what is

expected of them during each part of the day; it helps them be responsible, independent,
and confident.
VII. Promoting positive behavior
There are a variety of ways to promote positive behavior in young children. We
should always use positive language when talking to children. Always begin with a
positive and end with a positive. As adults, we should choose our words carefully and the
tone of voice we use them when speaking to them. We should reinforce positive behavior
whether it is by praising them or by some other little way, but always let them know we
appreciate their positive behavior so they will want to behave this way.
VIII. When a child demonstrates mistaken behavior
When a child demonstrates mistaken behavior we should address this behavior to
them and find out why they are behaving this way. We should always try to redirect
them, but if this doesnt work we should consider other causes may be responsible for
this behavior.
IX. Effective Guidance Techniques
In trying to redirect or extinguish disruptive behavior, teachers need to use
developmentally appropriate practices as laid out by the National Association for the
Education of Young Children (NAEYC). Discipline should not be punishing. Instead, it
should provide children with learning experiences that nurture an understanding of
social consciousness. Those learning experiences include participating in generating
class rules, receiving positive reinforcement for pro-social behavior, experiencing the
natural and logical consequences of their behavior, and observing adults in pro-social,

person-to-person interactions. Ultimately, any child guidance technique must nurture
each childs social, emotional, and cognitive development.
X. Parent involvement and communication
Parent involvement is always encouraged and welcomed in our school. Parents
should always communicate with teachers whether it be in person or by phone,
communication is very important. The parents are encouraged in their childs education.
The parents are partners in their childs education and are included, in decision making to
assist the education of their child.


Works Cited Page
Positive Child Guidance, by: Darla Ferris Miller
Do genes influence human behavior?
Child Development Institute

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