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Blooms Taxonomy of Cognitive Objectives (Mental Skills)

Thinking Level What the St!ent "oes #e$bs SWB%T&

Recall of specific bits of information
Masters the subject matter.
Recalls bits of information.
Knows dates, events, places.
Knows major ideas.
Indicate Count Tabulate Point
Identify raw efine !uote
"ist Trace #ame Repeat
$tate Record Read Recall
%rite Recite Reco&ni'e "abel
Ma(e a timeline.
"ist specific bits of information.
$tate main idea and related ideas.
Ma(e a )fact* &ame or others to play.
Read a boo(.
+,plainin& or understandin& of a
communicated idea without relatin& it
to the material.
Knows what the material says.
+,plains in own words what s-he has read.
Illustrates ideas.
Chan&es the form of ideas without chan&in& the meanin&.
.ssociate Classify Compare Contrast
escribe iscuss istin&uish +stimate
+,plain +,trapolate Interpret
Predict Translate
Restate a para&raph, sentence, pa&e in own words.
raw a picture to show the main idea.
%rite and perform a play from the main ideas and-or related facts.
Put ideas into cate&ories /similar ideas, contradictory ideas, unrelated0.
1sin& methods, concepts, principles,
and theories in new situations.
.pplies what has been learned to another situation.
$olves new problems.
Illustrates and uses (nowled&e.
.pply Calculate Classify
Complete emonstrate raw
+mploy +,amine 2ive an e,ample
Illustrate $olve 1se
.pply some learned information to a new situation.
%rite )If I were there* about events related to the subject.
2raph information.
Illustrate a boo(.
Ma(e a mobile, puppet, colla&e.

Thinking Level
What the St!ent "oes #e$bs SWB%T&
3rea(in& down an idea into its
constituent parts.
1nderstands various parts.
$ees the different parts of a subject as separate
evelops a list of related facts or ideas about the
.naly'e 4rder etect Relate
ia&nose Infer ia&ram issect
+,amine +,plain 2roup $eparate
$ummari'e Transform
evelop a dictionary with words related to a subject.
Ma(e a ji&saw pu''le.
Ma(e a crossword pu''le.
Ma(e a )family tree* of related facts or ideas.
Ma(e an )anatomy chart* of the subject
Puttin& to&ether constituent parts or
elements to form a whole.
oin& somethin& new and different with learned
Communicate ideas in a creative way.
2ets broad ideas from specific ideas.
.rran&e Combine Construct
Create esi&n evelop
5ormulate 2enerali'e Inte&rate
4r&ani'e Plan Prepare
Prescribe Produce Propose
Revise $pecify
Create a model.
%rite a bio&raphy of a new idea that emer&ed from the study.
$ell or advertise an idea.
%rite a conversation between two ideas or objects.
Create a new son& for a &iven melody.
Ma(e up a code or lan&ua&e for the subject.
6ud&in& the value of materials, ideas,
and methods.
6ud&es the value of purposes, ideas, methods.
6ud&es the accuracy of materials and ideas.
$upports a&ainst ar&uments.
.ppraise Ran( .ssess Rate
Conclude Test Criti7ue ecide
efend etermine +valuate
Recommend 2ive your opinion 2rade
6ud&e Prioriti'e Measure
esi&nates statements as value statements.
ecide which person would best fill a position.
6ustify the actions of a historical fi&ure.
Ran( the principles of &ood sportsmanship in order of importance to you.
Adapted from: Roberts, P. & Kellough, R. (2004). A Guide for Developing an Interdisciplinary Thematic Unit 3
Edition. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice, p. 72-74.

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