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An average adult laughs only 15 to 100 times while a six years

old does so about 300 times per day.
2. Finger nails and hair keep on growing even after death.
3. ne !an loose 1"3 of the blood but loosing #$ is fatal.%ore
earwax is se!reted when a person is afraid.
&. 'e taste the food when it is dissolved by the saliva and nearly
10(000 gallons of saliva are produ!ed by a person in lifetime.
5. )ed blood !ell !ir!ulates through the body in about 20 se!onds.
*. A proper diet is essential for the growth of the brain in babies.
+. A person normally speaks almost 5000 words in a day( about
,0- of whi!h is self talk.
,. At the base of the spine is lo!ated the most sensitive !luster of
nerve !ells.
.. /ands and feet have nearly half of the entire body bones.
10. 0he skin a!!ounts for nearly 12- of body weight.
11. 1rain of man !ompletely develops when one is 20 years of age
while that of female develops somewhat earlier.
12. 1londes have more hair than the bla!kheads.
13. An average person who 2uits smoking re2uires one hour less
sleep at night.
1&. 3artilage is a tissue whi!h keeps on growing throughout life. 0he
nose might in!rease by half an in!h and the ears by 2uarter
15. of an in!h by the time a person rea!hes +0.
1*. 4nee5ing !auses the death of some brain !ells.
1+. 3ornea of the eye takes in oxygen dire!tly from the air so has no
blood supply.
1,. 0aste buds live for only ten days.
1.. A person !an live without food for nearly a month but only a week
without water.
20. 0he tongue print of every person is uni2ue.
21. 4keleton forms about 25- of the body weight.
22. 0he a!tual !olour of the blood is yellow. 6t appears red be!ause
of haemoglobin.
23. About +5- of human fae!es is !omposed of water.
2&. 6t takes double time in losing mus!les than it takes in developing
25. 0he human heart !reates so mu!h pressure that it !an s2uirt
blood 30 feet.
2*. An average person eats food weighing approximately e2ual to six

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