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1. The length of the nose is same as that of the thumb.

2. Human females heart beats faster than males.

3. In about 24 hours food travels about 30 feet in the body.
4. While peeling onions he!ing gum is an easy !ay to "eep a!ay from rying.
#. $fter bone marro!% hair is the fastest gro!ing tissue in the body.
&. 'yelashes fall after about (#0 days.
). $n average human sheds about 30 meters of eyelashes in the life.
*. $bout (*0 million ne!ly formed ells enter the blood stream every hour.
+. ,he number of bateria on eah of human feet ranges to about one trillion.
(0. -imples are only aused by the attahment of the s"in !ith musles.
((. $bout 40 pounds of s"in is shed by a human in the lifetime.
(2. Honey is easy to digest beause it has already been digested by the bee.
(3. ,he time in !hih a man blin"s one% a !oman blin"s t!ie.
(4. .in" olour of the tongue indiates the absene of gems% if it is !hite a thin layer
of bateria is present.
(#. Water ma"es more than *0/ of the human body.
(&. ,he length of all the human -0$ is about &000 times the distane from earth to
(). Hiups happen !hen the diaphragm begins to ontrat unontrollably% pulling the
air into the lungs.
(*. 1ne an never snee2e !ith open eyes.
(+. ,he length of the small intestine is nearly four times larger in tall people.
20. ,he sound produed by ra"ing the "nu"les is atually aused by the nitrogen
gas bubbles bursting.
2(. ,he !eight of the brain is half of the !eight of the s"in.
22. 300 musles of the body are used for balaning !hen standing still.
23. 3lue olour auses the brain to serete alming hormones.
24. Whether you loo" at the person you love or hate% your eyes dilate in the same !ay.
2#. 4ore presene of 2in and opper has been found in the hair of intelligent people.

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