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Joshua Hypolite

Ms. Mottley
Lab Report
Hypothesis: I believe that the egg will begin to swell in the hypotonic and shrink in
the hypertonic.
Data Table 1 : Egg in distilled water
Times (minutes) Masses (grams) % Mass change
In ______ Out _____ Initial Mass ___91.6____
In ______ Out _____ After 10 min____92.9___ 1.4%
In ______ Out _____ After 20 min__94.5_____ 2.9%
In ______ Out _____ After 30 min ______95_ 3.7%
In ______ Out _____ After 40 min
In ______ Out _____ After 50 min _______

Data Table 2: Egg in syrup
Times (minutes) Masses (grams) % Mass change
In ______ Out _____ Initial Mass___85.3____
In ______ Out _____ After 10 min
In ______ Out _____ After 20 min
In ______ Out _____ After 30 min
In ______ Out _____ After 40 min
In ______ Out _____ Initial Mass _______

Data Table 3: Appearances of liquids
Initial Final
Water Clear Thick
Syrup Clear/thick Thin

Analysis Questions:
Why happens to a cell in a hypotonic solution? Why?
If a cell is placed in hypotonic solution the cell will swell because there is more
water in the solution than the cell so the water moves into the cell to create
What happens to a cell in a hypertonic solution?
In a hypertonic solution the cell will shrink. It will shrink because the cell has more
water in it and so the water will move out of the cell and into the solution.
How does this information help explain what you observed in lab?
This information helps because the solutions were real life examples of hypertonic
and hypotonic solutions to the egg. Also when the mass of the egg changed it was
related to the concentration of the solution.
Estimate the concentration of water inside the raw potato.
The egg would contain around 80-100% of water.
My hypothesis was correct because the egg did in fact swell in the
hypertonic and it shrunk in the hypotonic. The Hypotonic solution was the syrup
and the hyper was the water. In the graphs it shows that the mass grew in the
hypertonic and got lower in the hypotonic.
I learnt that the egg had water in it which was the cause of the
swelling/shrinkage. I never knew this. However, something I could have dont
differently was correctly dab the egg to get better results for the lab.

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