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Blood Tube Re-education

Blood typing tubes (pink tube) are extremely import in the Emergency Room and require dual-sign when
testing ABO. The reason for this is potentially fatal consequences can result from mislabeled specimens
with hemolytic/anaphylactic reactions. This also can cause delay in care, unnecessary testing, and
increased hospitals stays.
To be sure this is done correctly we must:
Complete everything at patient bedside
Blood tube drawn after checking patient and identifiers
-Ask name, birthday
-Check name band, birthday
-Check MRN
-Assure lab label has same information
-If tube has already been labeled with patient sticker, double-check against sticker as well
Have another qualified person double-check
Each person initial in front of patient
Send tube to blood bank

Research studies on this topic are available upon request. Please review our policies and procedures on
The HUB and attached to this document.

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