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Case Summary
Carter Cleaning Company does not have any formal orientation and training programs. However,
Carter wants its employees to follow certain practices and procedures while dealing with
customers but employees are not trained accordingly. Thus, Jennifers employees are not
maintaining standards as she expected. For example, Jennifer wants her counterperson to greet
customers with a pleasant hello, collect the garments from the customers, place all the garments
in nylon sac, write up a ticet and provide a copy to customer, provide information to customer
about upcoming offers and additional services, use courteous comment lie !have a nice day" or
!drive safely" when the customer leaves. #ther $obs in the store lie pressing, cleaning and
spotting contain certain steps and procedures along with standard preferred by Carter. %ue to
lac of ade&uate training and orientation, employees face certain issues' the new employees are
ignorant about their weely payment day, company policy about paid holiday, health and medical
benefits and general matters (clean wor area, personal appearance and cleanliness) and so on.
Jennifer believes, if formal orientation and training programs can begin, then employees will
now what Jennifer and her father wants from them and they will do their $ob in the right way
that is the Carters way.
Question01: What specifically should the company cover in their new employee orientation
program, and how should they convey this information?
Answer to Question Number 01
#rientation program refers to the process of providing with basic information to the new
employee about the company or employer. This procedure ensures that new employees get the
nowledge re&uired to do the $ob effectively. %essler (*++,) said !#rientation is a procedure of
providing with basic bacground information about the firm".
#rientation program helps employees to get a brief idea about the organi-ation along with the
tas they need to perform. .o it increases the productivity of the employees as they are well
aware about the $ob. /ormally H0 department of a company is responsible to welcome new
employees with orientation program. 1ut supervisors complete the orientation process by
introducing new employee with the co2worers and others concerned with the tas.
3t the time of a new employee orientation 4rogram Company should cover some of the basic
contents lie2
5nformation on employee benefits
4ersonnel policies
The daily routine
Company organi-ation and operations
.afety measures and regulations
Information on employee benefits
3ccording to the law it is the right of the employees to receive certain benefits. 6mployee
benefits refer to the non2wage compensation allowed by the employer to the employee other than
their normal wages or salary. 6mployee benefits may include sic leave, paid holidays, health
and hospitali-ation, housing, pension, vacation, profit sharing etc. .o, at the orientation program
employer should clearly mention the benefits employees will en$oy during their career with the
Personnel policies
4ersonnel policy some time called as !employee handboos". This policy includes some of the
statement which explains the expectation of the employer from the employee and what should an
employee expect from employer. 4ersonnel policies should cover at orientation program.
aily routine
6mployees should get clear idea about the tas he or she needs to perform at daily basis. 5t helps
the employee to get prepared for the tas and this procedure increase the efficiency of the wor.
.o, there is no alternative other than mentioning the daily routine of the employee at orientation
!ompany organi"ation and operations
3ll the companies do not perform same tas. The nature of the wor varies from company to
company. 7hat ind of operations a company performs is totally depends on the type of business
they do. .o, top management of the company carefully review the mission and vision statement
of the company and then set the activities or operations they need to perform to achieve company
goal. .o, in the orientation program it is very important to mention the activities and operations
perform by the company and how they perform it.
#afety measures and regulations
7hat are the policies and regulations available to help the employees when they face any
unwanted situation lie accident should also mention in the orientation program by the employer.
5t helps the employee to feel safe at worplace and motivate them to wor efficiently. To convey
information in proper way, a successful orientation should accomplish some procedure for new
3t orientation ensuring that employees feel welcome to the company.
9iving a clear idea about the company to the employee so that they can recogni-e the
organi-ation in a broad sense.
Clearly explain the expectation of the employer from the employee.
Question0$: In the %& management course 'ennifer too(, the boo( suggested using a )ob
description sheet to identify tas(s performed by an employee* #hould !arter use a form
li(e this for the counterperson+s )ob, and if so, what would the filled,in form loo( li(e?
Answer to Question Number 02
3ccording to the case, Carter Cleaning Company wants it counterpersons to behave in a cordial
way with their customers, chec the clothes for an defects, promote their upcoming offers and
end with a pleasant gesture when they leave. This is how' Jennifer and her father want their
customers to be served in Carter Cleaning Company. 1ased on this criterion, the following filled2
in2form is created8
#teps: -ey Points
1. /reet customers with a pleasant
$. !ollect the garments from the
Chec for existing damages or stain, if found
let customer now immediately
0. Place all the garments in nylon sac(
Clothes of different customers are not mixed
with each other
1. Write up a tic(et and provide a
copy to customer
6nsure that the customers name, telephone
number, date are precisely and clearly written
2. Provide information to customer
about upcoming offers and
additional services
4rovide up to date information with proper
3. 4se courteous comment li(e 5 have
a nice day6 when the customer

The employees must be trained to handle any unpleasant and unexpected issues. 5n case of
complaints, each customer may have to be handled differently. This is something, which needs to
be encouraged to be learnt while on the $ob.
Question00: which specific training techni7ues should 'ennifer use to train her pressers,
her cleaner,spotters, her managers, and her counter people, and why?
Answer to Question Number 03
3s these $obs are technical in nature, on the $ob training through coaching method could be
advised. 6xisting employees can teach the new employees their relevant tass and follow up with
them to chec if there are any concerns or problems.
3lso once the employee is sufficiently well versed with his:her wor, $ob rotation can also be
done to ensure that the employees develop other sills. This can be useful in times when there is
shortage of employees due to reasons lie illness, vacation. Job 5nstruction Training sheets can
also be used as these $obs have a standard procedure and this would hence avoid mistaes.
#n the $ob training can also be used for managers. Their main wor would include handling
employees and customers along with the business. This can be learnt directly from Jennifer or
other managers. 3lso when any manager is about to leave, then the apprenticeship approach can
be used where the new manager will be trained under the manager who is about to leave.
;ost of the tass included in this $ob are standardi-ed, and hence $ob instruction sheets can be
used. #n the other hand, sometimes counterpersons have to behave differently with different
customers, it is better to train using on the $ob method. This can be done as the employee can
learn it from Jennifer directly how they should be behaving or can also go and clear any doubts
with other senior employees when re&uired.

3s referred to the case, Carter Cleaning Company does not have any formal training and
orientation program. 5n this case analysis, we are providing an outline of a new employee
orientation program, assisting to create $ob description and roles of a counterperson in Carter
Cleaning Company and finally identifying the re&uired training programs for pressers, cleaner2
spotters, managers and counter2people.
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