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Question 1
Adding a constraint to a linear programming (maximization) problem may result in, but not be
limited to,

a. a decrease in the value of the objective function.

b. an increase in the value of the objective function.

c. either an increase or decrease in the value of the objective function.

d. no change in the value of the objective function.

e. either a decrease or no change in the value of the objective function.
1 points
Question 2
In a minimization problem, when one or more of the solution variables and the cost can be made
infinitely large without violating any constraints, then the linear program has

a. an infeasible solution

b. an unbounded solution

c. a redundant constraint

d. alternate optimal solutions.

e. none of the above
1 points
Question 3
Infeasibility in a linear programming problem occurs when

a. there is an infinite solution.

b. a constraint is redundant.

c. more than one solution is optimal

d. the feasible region is unbounded

e. there is no solution that satisfies all the constraints given.
1 points
Question 4
Which of the following is not a property of all linear programming problems?

a. the presence of restrictions

b. optimization of some objective

c. a computer program

d. alternate courses of action to choose from

e. usage of only linear equations and inequalities
1 points
Question 5
Management resources that need control include machinery usage, labor volume,
money spent, time used, warehouse space used, and material usage.
1 points
Question 6
Consider the following linear programming problem:

Maximize 20X + 30Y
Subject to X + Y 80
8X + 9Y 600
3X + 2Y 400
X, Y 0

This is a special case of a linear programming problem in which

a. there is no feasible solution.

b. there is a redundant constraint

c. there are multiple optimal solutions.

d. this cannot be solved graphically.

e. none of the above
1 points
Question 7
There are no limitations on the number of constraints or variables that can be
graphed to solve an LP problem.
1 points
Question 8
Which of the following is a basic assumption of linear programming?

a. The condition of uncertainty exists.

b. Proportionality exists in the objective function and constraints.

c. Independence exists for the activities

d. Divisibility exists, allowing only integer solutions.

e. Solutions or variables may take values from to + .
1 points
Question 9
Which of the following is not acceptable as a constraint in a linear programming problem

Constraint 1 X + XY + Y 12
Constraint 2 X 2Y 20
Constraint 3 X + 3Y = 48
Constraint 4 X + Y + Z 150

a. Constraint 1

b. Constraint 2

c. Constraint 3

d. Constraint 4

e. none of the above
1 points
Question 10
In some instances, an infeasible solution may be the optimum found by the corner
point method.
1 points
Question 11
Consider the following linear programming problem:
Maximize 5X + 6Y
Subject to: 4X + 2Y 420
1X + 2Y 120
all variables 0

Which of the following points (X,Y) is not in the feasible region?

a. (30,30)

b. (60,40)

c. (100,5)

d. (20,40)

e. none of the above
1 points
Question 12
An objective function is necessary in a maximization problem but is not required in a
minimization problem.
1 points
Question 13
The graphical solution to a linear programming problem

a. includes the corner point method and the isoprofit line solution method.

b. is useful for four or fewer decision variables.

c. is inappropriate for more than two constraints.

d. is the most difficult approach, but is useful as a learning tool.

e. can only be used if no inequalities exist.
1 points
Question 14
In order for a linear programming problem to have a unique solution, the solution must exist

a. at the intersection of the non-negativity constraints

b. at the intersection of a non-negativity constraint and a resource constraint.

c. at the intersection of the objective function and a constraint.

d. at the intersection of two or more constraints.

e. none of the above
1 points
Question 15
Linear programming has few applications in the real world due to the assumption of
certainty in the data and relationships of a problem.
1 points
Question 16
Consider the following linear programming problem:

Maximize 12X + 10Y
Subject to: 4X + 3Y 480
2X + 3Y 360
all variables 0

Which of the following points (X,Y) is feasible?

a. (10,120)

b. (120,10)

c. (30,100)

d. (60,90)

e. none of the above
1 points
Question 17
The corner point solution method

a. will yield different results from the isoprofit line solution method.

b. requires that the profit from all corners of the feasible region be compared.

c. will provide one, and only one, optimum.

d. requires that all corners created by all constraints be compared.

e. will not provide a solution at an intersection or corner where a non-negativity
constraint is involved
1 points
Question 18
The condition when there is no solution that satisfies all the constraints is called

a. boundedness

b. redundancy

c. optimality.

d. dependency.

e. none of the above
1 points
Question 19
Consider the following linear programming problem:

Maximize 12X + 10Y
Subject to: 4X + 3Y 480
2X + 3Y 360
all variables 0

Which of the following points (X,Y) is feasible?

a. (10,120)

b. (120,10)

c. (30,100)

d. (60,90)

e. none of the above
1 points
Question 20
Consider the following linear programming problem:

Maximize 5X + 6Y
Subject to: 4X + 2Y 420
1X + 2Y 120
all variables 0

Which of the following points (X,Y) is feasible?

a. (50,40)

b. (30,50)

c. (60,30)

d. (90,20)

e. none of the above
1 points
Question 21
A feasible solution to a linear programming problem

a. must satisfy all of the problem's constraints simultaneously.

b. need not satisfy all of the constraints, only the non-negativity constraints.

c. must be a corner point of the feasible region.

d. must give the maximum possible profit.
1 points
Question 22
Sensitivity analysis enables us to look only at the effects of changing the
coefficients in the objective function.
1 points
Question 23
Which of the following is not a part of every linear programming problem

a. an objective function

b. a set of constraints

c. non-negativity constraints

d. a redundant constraint

e. maximization or minimization of a linear function
1 points
Question 24
Industrial applications of linear programming might involve several thousand
variables and constraints.
1 points
Question 25
Consider the following linear programming problem:

Maximize 5X + 6Y
Subject to: 4X + 2Y 420
1X + 2Y 120
all variables 0

Which of the following points (X,Y) is not feasible?

a. (50,40)

b. (20,50)

c. (60,30)

d. (90,10)

e. none of the above
1 points
Question 26
Consider the following linear programming problem:
Maximize 20X + 30Y
Subject to: X + Y 80
12X + 12Y 600
3X + 2Y 400
X, Y 0

This is a special case of a linear programming problem in which

a. there is no feasible solution.

b. there is a redundant constraint.

c. there are multiple optimal solutions.

d. this cannot be solved graphically.

e. none of the above
1 points
Question 27
Consider the following linear programming problem:

Maximize 5X + 6Y
Subject to: 4X + 2Y 420
1X + 2Y 120
all variables 0

Which of the following points (X,Y) is not a feasible corner point?

a. (0,60)

b. (105,0)

c. (120,0)

d. (100,10)

e. none of the above
1 points
Question 28
An LP formulation typically requires finding the maximum value of an objective while
simultaneously maximizing usage of the resource constraints.
1 points
Question 29
Adding a constraint to a linear programming (maximization) problem may result in,
but is not necessarily limited to,

a. a decrease in the value of the objective function.

b. an increase in the value of the objective function.

c. no change to the objective function

d. either (c) or (a) depending on the constraint.

e. either (c) or (b) depending on the constraint.
1 points
Question 30
Two models of a product Regular (X) and Deluxe (Y) are produced by a company. A linear
programming model is used to determine the production schedule. The formulation is as follows:

Maximize profit = 50X + 60Y
Subject to: 8X + 10Y 800 (labor hours)
X + Y 120 (total units demanded)
4X +10Y 500 (raw materials)
X, Y 0

The optimal solution is X=100, Y=0.

Which of these constraints is redundant?

a. the first constraint

b. the second constraint

c. the third constraint

d. all of the above

e. none of the above
1 points
Question 31
Consider the following linear programming problem:

Maximize 12X + 10Y
Subject to: 4X + 3Y 480
2X + 3Y 360
all variables 0

The maximum possible value for the objective function is

a. 360

b. 480

c. 1520.

d. 1560

e. none of the above
1 points
Question 32
When two or more constraints conflict with one another, we have a condition called
1 points
Question 33
Typical management resources include

a. machinery usage

b. labor volume

c. warehouse space utilization

d. raw material usage

e. all of the above
1 points
Question 34
When a constraint line bounding a feasible region has the same slope as an
isoprofit line,

a. there may be more than one optimum solution

b. the problem involves redundancy.

c. an error has been made in the problem formulation

d. a condition of infeasibility exists.

e. none of the above
1 points
Question 35
If two corner points tie for the best value of the objective function, then

a. the solution is infeasible

b. there are an infinite number of optimal solutions.

c. the problem is unbounded.

d. the problem is degenerate.

e. none of the above
1 points
Question 36
The set of solution points that satisfies all of a linear programming problem's
constraints simultaneously is defined as the feasible region in graphical linear
1 points
Question 37
Consider the following linear programming problem:

Minimize 20X + 30Y
Subject to 2X + 4Y 800
6X + 3Y 300
X, Y 0

The optimum solution to this problem occurs at the point (X,Y).

a. (0,0).

b. (50,0).

c. (0,100).

d. (400,0).

e. none of the above
1 points
Question 38
The addition of a redundant constraint lowers the isoprofit line.
1 points
Question 39
Anytime we have an isoprofit line that is parallel to a constraint, we have the
possibility of multiple solutions
1 points
Question 40
If the isoprofit line is not parallel to a constraint, then the solution must be unique.
1 points
Question 41
Consider the following linear programming problem:

Maximize 12X + 10Y
Subject to: 2X + 3Y 480
4X + 3Y 360
all variables 0

The maximum possible value for the objective function is

a. 360.

b. 480

c. 1520.

d. 1560

e. none of the above
1 points
Question 42
Consider the following linear programming problem:
Maximize 5X + 6Y
Subject to: 4X + 2Y 420
1X + 2Y 120
all variables 0

Which of the following points (X,Y) is in the feasible region?

a. (30,60)

b. (105,5)

c. (0,210)

d. (100,10)

e. none of the above
1 points
Question 43
One converts a minimization problem to a maximization problem by reversing the
direction of all constraints.
1 points
Question 44
The analytic postoptimality method attempts to determine a range of changes in
problem parameters that will not affect the optimal solution or change the
variables in the basis.
1 points
Question 45
In a maximization problem, when one or more of the solution variables and the profit
can be made infinitely large without violating any constraints, then the linear
program has

a. an infeasible solution

b. an unbounded solution.

c. a redundant constraint.

d. alternate optimal solutions.

e. none of the above
1 points
Question 46
The graphical solution to a linear programming problem

a. is a useful tool for solving practical problems.

b. is useful for four or less decision variables.

c. is useful primarily in helping one understand the linear programming solution

d. is the most difficult approach.

e. can only be used in a maximization problem
1 points
Question 47
One can employ the same algorithm to solve both maximization and minimization
1 points
Question 48
Two models of a product Regular (X) and Deluxe (Y) are produced by a company. A linear
programming model is used to determine the production schedule. The formulation is as follows:

Maximize profit = 50X + 60 Y
Subject to: 8X + 10Y 800 (labor hours)
X + Y 120 (total units demanded)
4X + 5Y 500 (raw materials)
all variables 0

The optimal solution is X = 100 Y = 0.

How many units of the regular model would be produced based on this solution?

a. 0

b. 100

c. 50

d. 120

e. none of the above
1 points
Question 49
Consider the following linear programming problem:

Maximize 18X + 36Y
Subject to: X + Y 80
6X + 12Y 600
X, Y 0

This is a special case of a linear programming problem in which

a. there is no feasible solution.

b. there is a redundant constraint.

c. there are multiple optimal solutions

d. this cannot be solved graphically

e. none of the above
1 points
Question 50
Sensitivity analysis may also be called

a. postoptimality analysis.

b. parametric programming

c. optimality analysis.

d. all of the above

e. none of the above
1 points
Question 51
Any linear programming problem can be solved using the graphical solution procedure.
1 points
Question 52
Changes in the contribution rates in the objective function of an LP may represent

a. changes in the technology used to produce the good.

b. changes in the price for which the product can be sold.

c. changes in government rules and regulations.

d. changes in the raw materials used.

e. none of the above
1 points
Question 53
In a linear program, the constraints must be linear, but the objective function may be
1 points
Question 54
Resource restrictions are called constraints.
1 points
Question 55
Consider the following linear programming problem:

Maximize 4X + 10Y
Subject to: 3X + 4Y 480
4X + 2Y 360
all variables 0

The feasible corner points are (48,84), (0,120), (0,0), (90,0). What is the maximum possible
value for the objective function?

a. 1032

b. 1200

c. 360

d. 1600

e. none of the above
1 points
Question 56
When appropriate, the optimal solution to a maximization linear programming
problem can be found by graphing the feasible region and

a. finding the profit at every corner point of the feasible region to see which one
gives the highest value

b. moving the isoprofit lines towards the origin in a parallel fashion until the last
point in the feasible region is encountered

c. locating the point that is highest on the graph

d. none of the above

e. all of the above
1 points
Question 57
In order for a linear programming problem to have multiple solutions, the solution
must exist

a. at the intersection of the non-negativity constraints.

b. on a non-redundant constraint parallel to the objective function

c. at the intersection of the objective function and a constraint

d. at the intersection of three or more constraints.

e. none of the above
1 points
Question 58
If one changes the contribution rates in the objective function of an LP,

a. the feasible region will change.

b. the slope of the isoprofit or iso-cost line will change.

c. the optimal solution to the LP is sure to no longer be optimal.

d. all of the above

e. none of the above
1 points
Question 59
If the addition of a constraint to a linear programming problem does not change the
solution, the constraint is said to be

a. unbounded.

b. non-negative

c. infeasible

d. redundant.

e. bounded.
1 points
Question 60
The simultaneous equation method is

a. an alternative to the corner point method.

b. useful only in minimization methods.

c. an algebraic means for solving the intersection of two or more constraint equations.

d. useful only when more than two product variables exist in a product mix

e. none of the above
1 points
Question 61
In the term linear programming, the word programming comes from the phrase
computer programming.
1 points
Question 62
Which of the following is not acceptable as a constraint in a linear programming problem

Constraint 1 X + Y 12
Constraint 2 X - 2Y 20
Constraint 3 X + 3Y = 48
Constraint 4 X + Y + Z 150
Constraint 5 2X - 3Y + Z > 75

a. Constraint 1

b. Constraint 2

c. Constraint 3

d. Constraint 4

e. Constraint 5
1 points
Question 63
Deleting a constraint from a linear programming (maximization) problem may result
in, but is not limited to,

a. a decrease in the value of the objective function.

b. an increase in the value of the objective function.

c. no change to the objective function

d. either (c) or (a) depending on the constraint.

e. either (c) or (b) depending on the constraint.
1 points
Question 64
The graphical method of solution illustrates that the only restriction on a solution is
that the solution must lie along a constraint.
1 points
Question 65
The solution to a linear programming problem must always lie on a constraint.
1 points
Question 66
Consider the following linear programming problem:

Maximize 20X + 30Y
Subject to: X + Y 80
6X + 12Y 600
X, Y 0

This is a special case of a linear programming problem in which

a. there is no feasible solution

b. there is a redundant constraint

c. there are multiple optimal solutions.

d. this cannot be solved graphically.

e. none of the above
1 points
Question 67
Removing a constraint from a linear programming (maximization) problem may result in, but not be
limited to,

a. a decrease in the value of the objective function

b. an increase in the value of the objective function

c. either an increase or decrease in the value of the objective function.

d. no change in the value of the objective function.

e. either (b) or (d)
1 points
Question 68
Consider the following linear programming problem:

Maximize 10X + 30Y
Subject to X + 2Y 80
8X + 16Y 640
4X + 2Y 100
X, Y 0

This is a special case of a linear programming problem in which

a. there is no feasible solution.

b. there is a redundant constraint.

c. there are multiple optimal solutions.

d. this cannot be solved graphically.

e. none of the above
1 points
Question 69
Sensitivity analyses are used to examine the effects of changes in

a. contribution rates for each variable

b. technological coefficients

c. available resources

d. all of the above

e. none of the above
1 points
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