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Wisnu Bayu Aji, R. Sudrajat, Ino Suryana

Program Studi Matematika FMIPA Unpad,
Jalan Raya Bandung Sumedang Km. 21 Jatinangor 45363
Email :,
Futsal is a sport business opportunities that is developing lately. Futsal field rental
usualy done manually where the customer have to meet directly with the owner of the futsal field.
Sometimes in the transaction process, customer unable to directly come to the futsal field.
In this computer era, computer technology really influence society in their routines. Cell
phone is one of the technology sophistication forms that is realy simplify communication. Cell
phones have Short Message Service (SMS) facility that is a combination between communication
technology and computer technology. Whereas SMS Gateway is a connection gate for
information deployment between those two technologies. And information system based on SMS
Gateway is one of factors that is needed for companies especialy in services field.
In this thesis will be made a program that will simplify the futsal field rental transaction
process by using SMS Gateway methode. The customers only need to send a given SMS format to
the futsal field rental system if want to rent a field. Program will process incoming SMS to the
system, then inserts it to a databes, and sends SMS reply to the customer automaticaly.

Keywors: Futsal fields, SMS, SMSGateway.

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