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Yale Public Schools Science:

Yale Elementary Students will continue to study about the human body systems.
Principal: Mrs. Suzanne Guttowsky We are currently finishing up the Respiratory System and
moving onto the Skeletal System this week. We will be discussing
the Skeletal project that students work on in class. We will be
working on and finishing this project before Christmas Break.
Also, just a heads up about the Science Fair this year, I will be
Important Reminders:
discussing this with the students before we go on break. Paper
12/4 -½ day end of Marking Period K-5
work and timelines will come home with students soon.

12/7 - 7:00 DARE Graduation

Social Studies:
12/8 - Santa Secret Shop
We are working up our timeline in social studies and we are finishing
12/9 - Santa Secret Shop and Dinner with Santa up learning about the different Native American groups that
inhabited many areas around North America. Students will be
12/10 – 7:00 Board Meeting at Yale Elem. gathering information about the different Native American groups to
12/11 - Manninen’s Christmas Café’ for Julie’s Kids put an informational presentation together to present to their
Report Cards go Home classmates.

Students will continue to work on division so if you continue to
work on multiplication facts it will make the process quicker and
Bulldog Bark Lifeskill: Building easier for students when they complete the division process.
Character Qualities:
Caring – Feeling Concern for

To check for updates on DARE:

happenings at Yale Elementary DARE essays are due this week. Students will be reading them to
please visit: Officer Lester and their classmates. We will review the components of past DARE essays to give students an ideas.
Students will use the 6 + 1 writing traits model to critique past
Word of the Week: essays.
Honest, True, Real, Genuine

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