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Kevin Bathke, M.A.

EFL Professor and Specialist, Translator

San Martn 982, 6 D, Retiro, Capital Federal, Buenos Aires, Argentina 100 !" 11 #12 9"1
$ea%&ing port'olio( )e*in+at&)eport'olio,-ee+l.,%o/ Me/+er( 0in)ed1n )e*in+at&)e2g/ail,%o/
University of Puerto Rico, Master of Arts in English Education Applied Linguistics 2012 7 201
8 $-o .ears tea%&ing undergraduate 3F0 %ourses
8 $&esis( Re/ediation in 9aradise( :Mis;la+eling 0o- 3nglis& 9ro<%ien%. Students at 49RM
Indiana University, Bachelor of Arts in Spanish Teaching English as a !e" Language #TE!L$ 2011
8 1n%ludes 1 &ours o' student tea%&ing and o+ser*ation in ele/entar. and /iddle s%&ool %lassroo/s
Teaching Assistantship, University of Puerto Rico Mayagez 2012 7 201
1nstru%tor o' /ultiple undergraduate 3nglis& %ourses ea%& se/ester, Basi% to inter/ediate le*el gra//ar,
reading, and -riting, Course design, s.lla+us %onstru%tion, /aterials de*elop/ent, grading o' assign/ents and
essa.s, and &andling o' %lassroo/ pro%edures, De*elop pro'essional relations&ips -it& %olleagues and %o/plete
re>uire/ents 'or a graduate %ourse as part o' t&e tea%&ing assistants&ip,
Translator, editor, e%a& instructor. University of Puerto Rico Mayagez 201# 8 201
Mat&e/ati%s, ?u/anities, and Ad/inistration depart/ents, $ranslation o' -e+ pages and /at& data+ases at
t&e 4ni*ersit. o' 9uerto Ri%o 8 'or use at $&e 5&io State 4ni*ersit., 9roo'reading, editing and
translation o' s%&olarl. resear%& arti%les to +e pu+lis&ed, 1nstru%tor 'or international graduate s%&ool ad/issions
eBa/ 3nglis& re*ie- %ourse,
Private tutor. Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA 12C2010 8 08C2011
3nglis& tutoring to Spanis& spea)ing engineering pro'essional, 9ersonaliAed %urri%ulu/, Fo%us on spee%& and
pro'essional register,
Field Supervisor and seasonal e&plo'ee. Syngenta Seeds, Inc. 2000 8 2012
0eaders&ip duties in <eld and resear%& 'a%ilities a%ross se*eral agri%ulture resear%& di*isions in t&e 4nited
States, 1n%ludes <rst >uarter o' 2012 at Salinas and Duana DiaA, 9uerto Ri%o, Super*ision and training a %re- o'
2"! lo%al -or)ers, Spanis&C3nglis& %o//uni%ations,
5FF1C3S ?30D
President, Phi Theta Kappa, 1nternational ?onor So%iet. at 1ndiana89urdue 4ni*ersit. 2009810 and 2010811
VicePresident of Sc!o"ars!i# , VicePresident of $eaders!i# 2008809, 2011812
C&apter representati*e at 92
E 9#
Annual 1nternational Con*entions 2010, 2011
Distinguis&ed C&apter 5F%er A-ard, regional le*el 2009
Responsi+ilities as president in%luded de*elop/ent and organiAation o' annual %o//unit. ?onors Se/inar
SeriesG o*erseeing ele%tions and initiation o' ne- /e/+ersG parti%ipation in nu/erous %o//unit. *olunteer
a%ti*ities in%luding annual MS -al)G Sa*e Mau/ee Hrassroots 5rganiAationG 6eig&+or0in)G Adopt a ?ig&-a.,
9resenter, $3S50 1nternational Con*ention 201
A%%epted into 9ea%e Corps 2011
I&oKs I&o A/ong Students in A/eri%an 4ni*ersities and Colleges 2011
4ndergraduate &onors( DeanKs 0istG 1ntra/ural $ennis C&a/pionG 1nternational 9&otograp&. a-ard 200982011
0A6H4AH3 AB101$13S
3nglis& 7 6ati*e o' 3nglis& language, ?ig& pro<%ien%. o' a%ade/i% registers,
Spanis& 7 Spea)ing, listening, -riting, E reading at a &ig& pro<%ien%., 1n%ludes %on*ersational and a%ade/i%
Cross8%ulture )no-ledge as a result o' residen%. in 9uerto Ri%o and Argentina in addition to eBtensi*e tra*els,

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