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Basic scripting tricks for DB2(LUW)

Ember Crooks February 6, 2012 10 comments
There are a couple of scripting tricks that I always teach when Imtraining a newdba. There are some areas where we have to iterate over something that db2 doesnt provide us
with the tools to iterate.
Writing statements with SQL
I imagine most dbas have used this one before. Ive mostly used it on Windows where I cant use my ksh. Basically, you can write the SQL to write statements for you. The example
Imgoing to use is dropping staging triggers something thats useful for those using WebSphere Commerce. Basically the idea is that I need to drop every trigger that starts with
STAG%. DB2 obviously wont let me do drop trigger where name like STAG%, so I have to iterate over the list. Heres the general idea:
> db2 -x "select 'drop trigger ' || trigname || ';' from syscat.triggers where trigname like 'STAG%' with ur" >trig_drops.sql
> head trig_drops.sql
drop trigger STAG0001;
drop trigger STAG0002;
drop trigger STAG0003;
drop trigger STAG0007;
drop trigger STAG0008;
drop trigger STAG0009;
drop trigger STAG0013;
drop trigger STAG0014;
drop trigger STAG0015;
drop trigger STAG0016;
Obviously, you can use this for much more detailed statements too, with more complicated SQL. For example, if you need to grant select permissions only on every table and viewin
the database (dataaccess is great for select, update, insert, delete, but theres still no database level permission that Imaware of that does read only style access):
> db2 -x "select 'grant select on table ' || rtrim(tabschema) || '.' || rtrim(tabname) || ' to group db2sel;' from syscat.tables where type in ('T','V') with ur" >tab_and_view_sel_grants.sql
> head tab_and_view_sel_grants.sql
grant select on table SYSIBM.SYSTABLES to group db2sel;
grant select on table SYSIBM.SYSCOLUMNS to group db2sel;
grant select on table SYSIBM.SYSINDEXES to group db2sel;
grant select on table SYSIBM.SYSVIEWS to group db2sel;
grant select on table SYSIBM.SYSVIEWDEP to group db2sel;
grant select on table SYSIBM.SYSPLAN to group db2sel;
grant select on table SYSIBM.SYSPLANDEP to group db2sel;
grant select on table SYSIBM.SYSSECTION to group db2sel;
grant select on table SYSIBM.SYSSTMT to group db2sel;
grant select on table SYSIBM.SYSDBAUTH to group db2sel;
The main gotchas on this are the typical scripting ones make sure youre putting spaces in the correct places within your single quotes, and use functions like rtrimto get rid of extra
Of course the resulting files can then be executed with db2 -tvf
Update on February 7, 2012:
Thanks to a reader who commented, I can share with you a way of directly executing the queries rather than
writing themto a file and then executing the file. His blog entry on it is here: The key is the +p command
line option. I had some inconsistent results it didnt seemto return for larger result sets, but maybe I just didnt
wait long enough. Its definitely something Ill be playing with. Heres a sample syntax that could go with it:
db2 -x "select 'select count(1) from ' || rtrim(tabschema) || '.' || rtrim(tabname) || ';' from syscat.tables where tabschema= 'DB2INST1' and tabname like '%ORD%'"| db2 +p -txv
Looping in KSH (Linux/Unix only)
This is actually my favorite method, and something I use at least once a week for those one-off tasks that I dont already have a script for. I do it all at the command line, but you can
also pop it into a simple script. I say KSHbecause thats my favorite shell though I do this in BASHa fair amount, too.
The idea here is to pop the list you want into a file, then iterate through it one itemat a time. Imgoing to use exactly the same examples as I did above first generating the statements
to drop all triggers that start with STAG:
> db2 -x "select trigname from syscat.triggers where trigname like 'STAG%' with ur" >trig.list
> head trig.list
> cat trig.list |while read t; do db2 connect to dbname; db2 -v "drop trigger schema.$t"; db2 connect reset; done >trig_drops.out
> head -40 trig_drops.out
Database Connection Information
Database server = DB2/LINUXX8664 9.7.5
SQL authorization ID = DB2INST1
Local database alias = DBNAME
drop trigger schema.STAG0001
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
Database Connection Information
Database server = DB2/LINUXX8664 9.7.5
SQL authorization ID = DB2INST1
Local database alias = DBNAME
drop trigger schema.STAG0002
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
Database Connection Information
Database server = DB2/LINUXX8664 9.7.5
SQL authorization ID = DB2INST1
Local database alias = DBNAME
drop trigger schema.STAG0003
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
Database Connection Information
Database server = DB2/LINUXX8664 9.7.5
SQL authorization ID = DB2INST1
Local database alias = DBNAME
drop trigger schema.STAG0007
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
Database Connection Information
Database server = DB2/LINUXX8664 9.7.5
And our second example granting select on all tables to a group:
> db2 -x "select tabschema, tabname from syscat.tables where type in ('T','V') with ur" >tab.list
> head tab.list
> cat tab.list |while read s t; do db2 connect to dbname; db2 -v "grant select on $s.$t to group db2sel"; db2 connect reset; done >db2sel_grants.out
> head -40 db2sel_grants.out
Database Connection Information
Database server = DB2/LINUXX8664 9.7.5
SQL authorization ID = DB2INST1
Local database alias = DBNAME
grant select on SYSIBM.SYSTABLES to group db2sel
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
Database Connection Information
Database server = DB2/LINUXX8664 9.7.5
SQL authorization ID = DB2INST1
Local database alias = DBNAME
grant select on SYSIBM.SYSCOLUMNS to group db2sel
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
Database Connection Information
Database server = DB2/LINUXX8664 9.7.5
SQL authorization ID = DB2INST1
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SQL authorization ID = DB2INST1
Local database alias = DBNAME
grant select on SYSIBM.SYSINDEXES to group db2sel
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
Database Connection Information
Database server = DB2/LINUXX8664 9.7.5
SQL authorization ID = DB2INST1
Local database alias = DBNAME
So the gotchas here are:
1. Your connect statement must be inside the while/do loop. You cannot connect before and then loop through the commands. I dont knowwhy, but this happens frequently with
shell scripting.
2. You want to make sure to use the -v on the db2 command so that if you get a statement failure, you knowwhat statement failed.
3. It took me about a year before I could get that first semi-colon in the right place without copying and pasting, so dont feel bad if youre copying and pasting to get things right
for a while.
Update on February 7, 2012:
Thanks to a reader who commented, I have a better way of doing this avoiding the connect in every loop.
What happens is the pipe creates a newshell process which is not connected to the original shell process that has
the connection. This makes complete sense to me, as Ive been playing with some parallelismin my Perl scripting
lately. Heres some alternate syntax which avoids this issue and should be much faster. I tested it myself, before
sharing it, of course.
for TABNAME in `awk '{print $1"."$2}' tab.list`; do db2 -v "grant select on table $TABNAME to group db2sel" ; done >db2sel_grants.out
Ill have a completely different post or series of posts on my favorite scripting language Perl. Any other nifty tricks anyone wants to share?
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10 commentsadd one
Frederik Engelen February 7, 2012, 06:54
The reason you must repeat the connect statement is because the pipe will create a newshell process which will not be connected to your original db2bp process. Try this, itll
be a lot faster:
for TABNAME in `awk {print $1.$2} tab.list`; do db2 -v grant select on table $TABNAME to group db2sel ; done
in this case, you would do the concatenation in SQL of course, but awk works here as well for the time being Thx for the blog.
Kind regards,
Frederik Engelen
Ember Crooks February 7, 2012, 07:24
Awesome, thanks!
Ember Crooks February 29, 2012, 19:31
Well, thats not working for me. Same issue, it doesnt realize it has a connection:
$db2 connect to WC005Q02
Database Connection Information
Database server = DB2/AIX64 8.2.9
SQL authorization ID= DB2INST2
Local database alias = WC005Q02
$for TRIGNAME in `awk {print $1} trig.list`; do db2 -v drop trigger wscomusr.$TRIGNAME; done |tee trig_drops.out
drop trigger wscomusr.STAG0001
DB21034E The command was processed as an SQL statement because it was not a
valid Command Line Processor command. During SQL processing it returned:
SQL1024N Adatabase connection does not exist. SQLSTATE=08003
Andres Gomez Casanova February 7, 2012, 07:36
It looks very interesting your proposition to execute a set of commands in batch. However, you could eventually eliminate the temporary file, and you just execute the DB2
output in another DB2 environment. Here, I give an example:
db2 -x select select count(1) from || rtrim(tabschema) || . || rtrim(tabname) || ; fromsyscat.tables where tabschema not like SYS% and type = T | db2 +p -tv
(Taken frommy blog: in Spanish)
Ember Crooks February 7, 2012, 08:29
Great option, and one I havent seen before. The only thing I would do if I were running it is to first run the query to make sure it gave the results I expected would
hate to have a damaging syntax error get executed.
Andres Gomez Casanova July 20, 2012, 17:47
There is a limit when executing with -x, and it is the pipe limit. It cannot be changed. When you execute something with -x | +p -tv and it does not showthe results
immediatly, it means that the buffer limit was reached. You have to kill the command (ctrl + c) and try a query with a smaller output.
Charles Brown February 8, 2012, 21:57
Hello All,
Does anyone have a working example of a db2 shell script that reads multiple columns froma table via a cursor. Whatever Imtrying to do here is definitely not working for
me. My host variables are not being populated. Their values are getting lost between shell processes. Somewhere out there I believe there is an example help me.
Thanks and best regards,
Carlos July 21, 2014, 01:46
Ive got a questin for you. Is it possible to run a scipt sql in DB2 in a similar way that Oracle does? I cant fond a solution to my problem:
For example:
SET myVar = perico;
SELECT * FROMpippo WHERE nome = myVar;
db2 -svtf prueba.sql
SET myVar = perico

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DB21034E The command was processed as an SQL statement because it was not a
valid Command Line Processor command. During SQL processing it returned:
SQL0206N MYVAR is not valid in the context where it is used.
Can you help me, please? Thanks a lot
Ember Crooks July 22, 2014, 18:00
I have only encountered SQL PL like that within stored procedures or triggers. DB2 supports PL SQL since at least 9.7 doesnt mean Ive done it. Maybe check this
Thank you! July 25, 2014, 01:46
Thank you very much Ember, so kind of you to help me out!!
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